Kraglin was practicing using the Yaka Arrow along with the controller but ended up stabbing Drax in the chest, making him scream in pain. Kraglin wisely retreats.
At his spaceship. Stakar is reunited with his team, including his wife Aleta.
"You know, it's a shame that it took the tragedy of losing Yondu to bring us all together again. But I think he'd be proud knowing that we are back as a team." Stakar said.
"I'm in." Charlies-27 said.
"Dope." Martinex said.
"I miss you guys so much!" an robotic AI name Mainframe said.
"Hell, yes." Aleta said.
A Neutral being name Krugarr conjured a Mandala as a sign of approval.
"What say we steal some shit?" Stakar asked.
At Sovereign, Ayesha was watching a birthing pod as a Sovereign Chambermaid approached her.
"High Priestess, the Council is waiting." the Chambermaid said.
"They are perturbed I've wasted our resources." Ayesha said before she looks at the chambermaid and then back to the pod. "When they see what I have created here, their wrath will dissipate."
"It's a new type of birthing pod, ma'am?" the Chambermaid asked.
"That, my child, is the next step in our evolution. More powerful, more beautiful, more capable of destroying the Guardians of the Galaxy. I think I shall call him... Adam." Ayesha declared.
It's now been four years since the Battle on Ego's Planet and Yondu's death. Groot became the size of an adolescent, with the attitude of a human approaching their teenage years. Peter entered his room, only to see it a mess.
"Dude. Seriously? You gotta clean up your room. It's a complete mess." Peter said.
"I am Groot." Groot said.
"I am not boring. You're boring. You know what's boring? Sitting there, playing that mind-numbing game. What's boring is me tripping over your vines everyday! I'm not boring!" Peter said.
"I am Groot." Groot said sarcastically.
"And now I know how Yondu felt." Peter said.
At the new M-ship called the Benatar, Daranak and Salzer were watching one of the movies that Kraglin gave them.
"Wow, this movie entertains me." Salzer said.
"Yeah, this makes me have the desire to visit Earth now." Daranak said.
"Yeah. I can't wait. I wonder what other awesome stuff the humans have." Salzer said.
"Only time can tell. We'll visit Earth someday, Salzer." Daranak said.
Back in space, the Watchers got tired of the old man with the mustache and wearing shades and the spacesuit, known as the Watcher Informant, and are leaving him.
"Hey, fellas. Wait, where are you going? You were supposed to be my lift home. How do I get out of here? Hey! Aw, gee... I've got so many more stories to tell. Aw, guys. Oh, gee..."
At the Earth Dimensional Plane of the Ghost Zone, at a lair that looks like a Grandfather's Clock, one of the Supernatural Entity ghosts name Clockwork, better known as the Master of Time, look at one of his time screens, showing the half Xandarian-half ghost hybirds and twin siblings name Daranak and Salzer Xander, who are known as Daranak and Salzer Nova. Clockwork is aware of the Nova Twins existence as well as events that takes place in other worlds and other Ghost Zone dimensional planes since he is a Supernatural Entity. Clockwork then looks at another time screen. It shows two special individuals from Earth who are not just twin siblings, despite age difference, but are half human-half ghost hybirds and two that the ghosts and himself in the Earth dimensional plane of the Ghost Zone know very well. They are Danny and Danielle Fenton, better known as the ghost fighting superheroes Danny and Dani Phantom at Earth and the Ghost Zone. Clockwork looks at both monitors. Clockwork knows that very soon, these four half ghost hybirds will have to save the entire universe with their respective superhero groups and will team up together to stop this upcoming threat posed by the Mad Titan Thanos, who is trying to collect the powerful Infinity Stones.
"They are destined to save the entire universe once and for all. Everything is the way it's suppose to be." Clockwork said.
Daranak and Salzer Nova will return in GHOSTLY AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR