The Normandy exploded as Zaira sailed out into space, her path inexorably driven towards the looming ice planet. She watched, her breath calm despite her thundering heart, as her faithful ship was pierced by scintillating yellow lasers, a death-blow that resulted in her ship detonating completely. She bit her lip in agonized frustration, helpless but to watch as her home was taken from her…and then she heard the sound. The sound all EVA operators fear: the hissing of oxygen as it escaped her tanks.

Before she could struggle, however, a figure burst through the wreckage, taking her up in its arms, the jetpack on its back shining as it flew them away from the planet below. A hand closed over her flailing oxygen tubes, clamping them in place with an application of omni-gel. "I knew you'd come for me," she murmured, her hand cupping the figures' cheek.

"Of course," Saul replied just as softly, pulling her to him as they drifted peacefully. "I'd never let you die, not if I can help it."

"Shame you did, then," Zaira said gently, her helmet floating away to reveal pallid grey skin, her silken blue hair ragged and frost-bitten, her vivid yellow eyes opaque. "This is your fault, you know?"

"I know," he answered casually, gently brushing a frayed lock of hair out of her eyes, cupping her cheek lovingly. "And believe me, I'll suffer for this. I know I will."

"Yeah. If you suffer enough, I might even forgive you one day," she smiled mockingly, her wrinkled lips parting to show her broken teeth. "But until then…"

Her hand, burnt and melted armor fused to her skin, reached into his chest, piercing metal, flesh and bone like water, her icy fingers closing around his heart. Saul peered into her dull eyes even as his globes of his blood, stark and red, floated across his vision. "I'll take this," she whispered, pulling it from his body with ease.

"Take it," he murmured, stroking her cheek. "It belongs to you, anyways."

"Indeed," Zaira agreed, peering at the beating organ clutched in her skeletal fingers, before giving him a sardonic smile. "This is a dream, you know that right?"

"Of course it is," he answered, leaning his forehead against hers. "It doesn't matter, though. Even though you're dead…being close to you is all I want. I don't care how."

"Mmm," she hummed, her empty hand finding the release to his helmet, the faceplate sliding open. "I agree."

Her lips met his, cold and withered as ice spread through his veins, the sheer cold burning in his veins, scarring his skin, covering him in a layer of fire that would not go out.

And even then, he kissed her.

I'd like to say that I woke up screaming, sobbing my heart out as the dream faded and reality returned. I didn't, though. As I opened my eyes, the right side of my vision blurry, I didn't cry or scream. I felt nothing. I felt empty.

And as I sat up, I looked down at the armor encasing my hands, clenching them into fists as the remnants of the painkillers faded and burning pain filled my body; felt the life-support system pumping air into my lungs, heard it exhale with a soft purr, felt the healing tear in my throat twitch as oxygen passed through it.

My body, broken and ravaged by gravity and friction, is locked in a cage just to keep it all together.

Tevos says it's a miracle. She thanks the Goddess every time she sees me, holding my hand tightly as she cries. And I can't even touch her skin.

I don't know how I survived. I don't think I did. And the constant burning agony flowing through my veins, spiking with every twitch makes me wish I hadn't come back. Makes me wish that whatever brought me back, didn't.

But I deserve this. I failed her. I failed Zaira. The pain of my body is nothing compared to absolutely crushing weight of my guilt and her absence.

This is my Hell. And I deserve this.

But this is not what I'll do for the next two years. I couldn't face her if I did. Moping and brooding is all well and good, but I've got things to do, plans to set in motion. People to find, people to convince, and people to kill.

"We're approaching Omega now, Saul," Jade whispers into my ear, her implant sending soothing waves of static over my brain. "I'm tracking Liara now. She's met up with a Drell."

"That'll be her contact," I mutter, my voice dry, cracked and rough, the mechanical breathing punctuating my statement. "It'll take her awhile to find out what she needs to know. We'll watch her from a safe distance, make sure she's safe."

"And when she finds what's she looking for?" She asks cautiously.

"I'll take the first step towards fixing my failure," I reply gently, my hands tightening on the arms of my seat. "Nothing will get in my way."

Liara T'Soni wiped the thick blood from the blue skin of her cheek, scowling minutely as she stepped over the corpse of the Blue Sun krogan with half a skull left, her drell contact stoically following. "Who's there?" she called, palming her pistol as she gazed at the origination of the bullets that killed the Blue Suns.

A sky-car pulled to a stop next to them, the door opening with a hiss as a figure stepped out, heels clicking against the floor. The figure unfolded from the car, the light playing across the white hexagonal patterns of her clothes. Cold blue eyes peered from a beautiful if stern face, her shoulder-length raven hair artfully messy, the white and black catsuit clinging to her generous curves.

Liara took in her form for a second, before her eyes found the black diamond flanked by orange chevrons on her lapel. "Cerberus," she muttered distastefully. "What do you want?"

"To help, obviously," the woman replied, her Australian accent lined with condescension. "Come with me. There's someone who wants to speak with you…and even offer some help in acquiring the item you're searching for."

The asari grimaced but acquiesced. "I will take whatever help I can get," she said quietly, glaring at the woman. "But if this is some kind of trap…" Liara flicked her fingers sharply, the shadows to her left undulating as female figure clad entirely in black armor stepped out, her blank helmet focused on the Cerberus Agent.

Miranda barely blinked, motioning towards the sky-car. "I assure you, you won't be harmed, even if you don't believe me," she stated, gracefully taking the drivers seat. "Enough grandstanding. Get in. Please."

Liara huffed quietly and circled the car, getting in the other front seat while her contact and her shadow got in the back. As it rose into the air, the sniper stood from his hidden perch, the single red optic on his mask watching them as they drove.

"You are aware of Cerberus'…prejudices, Liara?" The drell asked in the dry, scratchy tone characteristic to his species.

"I am, Feron," she replied stoically, watching Miranda out of the corner of her eyes.

"We both want the same thing, Dr. T'Soni," the human replied evenly, guiding the car down into an empty space next to a nondescript building. "But you don't have to take my word for it." She opened her door and stepped out, leading the way inside the building.

It was empty except for a pad on the ground, which lit up as they approached. Light shimmered and danced before it coalesced into the form of man wearing an immaculately tailored suit, a burning cigarette held casually in his hand. His eyes glowed blue with cybernetics, flicking over Liara, Feron and their shadow. "Doctor T'Soni, I presume?" He asked cordially.

"I am," she replied coolly, folding her arms. "You're the Illusive Man."

He nodded agreeably, taking a drag of his smoke. "I am," he said simply, exhaling a small cloud. "Let's not waste time, Doctor: We both want Shepard's body, although for different reasons. I assume you wish to have it buried; a fine thought for a departed friend. But think on this: what if, instead, she could be brought back?"

"That's impossible," Liara denied with a shake of her head. "When one dies, they die. It's permanent."

"Is it?" The Illusive Man asked softly, arching an eyebrow. "Does it have to be? With the right materials, the right knowledge and ability, along with plenty of credits, anything's possible with modern technology. All of which I already have, with the exception of the most important piece: the body."

"And you want me to retrieve it for you?" The asari deduced, narrowing her eyes.

"Exactly. Given your history with Shepard and your not insubstantial combat skills, not to mention your backup," he waved a hand at the silent Feron and the shadow next to him, "You are in the best position to retrieve Shepard's body. All I ask is that, after you succeed, you hand the remains to Cerberus, and we will bring her back."

Liara closed her eyes in thought, the smirking visage of Zaira playing across her mind, followed by the grinning face of Saul, his organic eye glinting with humor. "What I wouldn't give to have them back," she murmured, allowing the deep well of sorrow to show on her face before her eyes snapped open. "And what if you can't?"

The Illusive Man shrugged dismissively. "Then we'll hand the body to the Alliance to buried with full honors," he answered calmly. "Do we have a deal, Dr. T'soni?"

She sighed deeply, her eyes hard as she glared at the head of Cerberus. "As far as retrieving the body goes, yes. But only in this, and nothing else. Everything you stand for is beyond deplorable and I want nothing to do with you…but if you can bring Zaira back, then yes, we have a deal."

"Good," the Illusive Man nodded. "Now, before we part ways, I have some information for you; the Blue Suns are attempting to sell Commander Shepard's body-"

"Captain," Liara cut in flatly.

He blinked once. "Ah, you're correct. They are attempting to sell Captain Shepard's body to Agents of the Shadow Broker," his eyes flickered to Feron for a brief second, "and the Shadow Broker will try to trade it with the Collectors for their advanced technology. The Collectors are an unknown, more so than the Geth, but they've always sought select groups, never just one specimen. If at all possible, you should try and discover why they're so interested. I have no doubt it will be important."

"I make no promises but I will try, if only to sate my own curiosity," the asari scientist replied bluntly. "Is there anything else?"

"That's all the information I have. The rest is up to you," the Illusive Man replied, taking another drag on his cigarette. "Good luck."

And with that, his projected form blinked out, leaving them in a darkened room. "Liara," Feron spoke up, "our meeting with Aria T'Loak isn't for another few hours, and our day won't get any easier from here. I suggest we catch up on some rest, if you need it."

"A good idea," Miranda agreed sternly. "There's furniture up the stairs that you can use. If you need me, I'll be in the office." She tapped a nearby door and stepped inside, Feron swiftly disappearing up the stairs to leave Liara and her Shadow alone.

The Asari Scientist allowed herself to slump, bringing a hand to her face as she sighed deeply. Her shadow reached up and removed her helmet, revealing sympathetic features and darker blue skin. "They're right," Aelida said softly, putting a comforting hand on her daughters back. "You've been running yourself ragged this past month, Liara. You need rest."

The younger woman rubbed her face, sniffling quietly. "I know," she murmured, "I know…but I can't sleep. Everytime I close my eyes, I see their faces, the accusation…I should've been there. I could've-"

"You could've done nothing, Little Wing," her mother interrupted firmly. "What's done is done. I know it hurts…I share your pain," she whispered miserably, biting her lip as moisture gathered in her eyes. "But wallowing in guilt and suffering helps no one, Liara. We must continue living. To do otherwise…is to dishonor their memory."

"I know, mother," Liara muttered, wiping her eyes harshly. "I just…will this pain…will it ever go away?"

Aelida shook her head. "No. But, in time, it'll fade. Eventually." She wrapped an arm around her daughter's shoulders, guiding her up the steps to an empty couch, pushing her down before taking a seat. The older asari gently pulled Liara's head down to rest on her lap, softly brushing her fingers across her scalp crests. "Sleep, Little Wing. I'll watch over your dreams."

Her daughter huffed quietly but made no other move, her eyes slowly fluttering closed as the soothing touch drew her consciousness away.

Hours later, a sky-car parked near the Afterlife, the largest club on Omega and Aria's castle in her little kingdom. Liara and Aelida stepped out, followed by Feron. Miranda gave them a short nod before closing the doors and lifting away, leaving them on the street.

"So, Feron," Liara began casually, her fingers twitching minutely. "When were you going to tell me you work for the Shadow Broker?"

The orange-and-green drell paused, his eyes widening slightly as he felt the cold edge of a blade pressing against his neck. "I knew you would catch on, Liara, but not this quickly," he muttered, "I honestly don't know. There never seemed to be a right time."

"If you work for the Shadow Broker, why are you helping us retrieve Shepard's body?" She asked suspiciously, biotics flickering dangerously around her fingers.

"For personal reasons," he answered, grunting softly as the edge of the sword pressed deeper, a thin drip of blood sliding down his throat. "I don't agree with what the Broker's doing. Selling information is one thing, but stealing the body of a hero? It doesn't sit right with me. And you need help."

Liara glanced at her mother, her helmet now securely in place, and nodded slightly. Aelida withdrew her sword, sheathing it on her back as she melted into the shadows. "Fine. We'll stay together, for now. But…" She leaned in closely, a band of blue coalescing around his throat. "If you even think of betraying us, I'll flay you alive. Slowly. With my mind."

Feron nodded tightly, gritting his teeth at the pressure. "I understand," he said lowly, sighing as the band faded and he could breathe freely. "We don't want to be late meeting Aria."

Liara nodded silently and followed him, passing the line into the club and walking up to the elcor bouncer, who checked them off a list and allowed them through. Inside, holographic flames burned in time to the low, driving beat as scantily clad women of all races writhed and danced out of reach above the floor or on tables. She pushed through the crowd, avoiding flailing limbs and spilling drinks, warning off any potential harassment with a glacial stare and subtle flaring of her aura.

Aria overlooked her kingdom from a raised platform in the back, lounging languidly on a couch with something alcoholic and expensive on hand as she read a message on her omni-tool. Two guards stood by her stoically, with another two guarding the stairs leading to her couch of power.

One of the guards, a pale batarian with a placid scowl, stopped them with a raised hand. "The boss isn't seeing anyone right now," he said flatly.

"My name is Feron," the drell introduced, nodding to Liara, "And this is Liara T'Soni. We were told to meet Aria at this time."

The batarian's eyes flickered as he mentioned the asari's name. He opened his mouth to speak but was cut off as Aria spoke. "Let them up, Anto," the Queen of Omega said, her smoky contralto easily carrying despite the pounding music, "I'm expecting them."

Anto closed his mouth and stepped aside, jerking his head in a nod and let them pass. They ascended the steps and stood before Aria, shifting uncomfortably as her guards glared stoically, fingering their weapons while the Queen of Omega lounged on her couch. Her eyes, a lighter blue than Liara's, scanned the display for a few seconds longer before looking up at the pair, a knowing smirk curving her lips.

"I'd ask what a Prothean Researcher and some drell want with Shepard's body, but I already know. The Blue Suns are selling it to the Shadow Broker, and the Broker wants to trade it to the Collectors. Hmph. Never trusted any of those parties, and I like their cooperation even less," she scooped up her glass and took a long, slow drink, her throat bobbing gently. "I'll tell you what you want to know, but I have a price."

"What price?" Feron asked stiffly, narrowing his dark eyes on the older Asari.

Aria glanced at the drell for a scant second before scoffing. "Not from you, drell." Her gaze landed on Liara, her smirk growing. "From you. I know you have access to the new cloaking technology, and the various companies are being surprisingly tight-lipped with the schematics. You have them, I want them."

"It isn't like I carry them around everywhere," said Liara, frowning, her hands crossed behind her back.

"Of course not," the Queen of Omega nodded, turning her head to look at empty space behind her couch. "But you do, don't you?"

A tense silence fell, Aria's guards shifting noisily before bringing their weapons up as a blurred outline vaulted over the couch, standing in front of Aria. "How'd you know?" Aelida asked suspiciously, her camouflage dying with a ripple.

Aria smirked smugly, tapping an earpiece that began to glow, a holographic visor forming over her eyes. "You're not the only Matriarch he likes," she answered, chuckling quietly as Aelida stiffened. Then, her visage became cold. "Do we have a deal or not? I don't like wasting my time."

Liara nodded to her mother, who grudgingly sent the schematics to Aria, her scowl hidden by her helmet. "There," she bit out, "You have what you want."

The Queen of Omega opened her omni-tool, slowly and deliberately scanning the information given to her. "Hm. So I do." she crossed her legs, a victorious smile curving her lips. "Level Eighty-Three, an old processing plant for when they still mined this place. If you hurry, it should take you five minutes to get there."

As they made to leave, Aria raised a hand finger and her guard closed around them, their weapons clicking menacingly. "What?" Liara growled, clenching her fists as her biotic aura flickered. "What else do you want?"

"Nothing from you," Aria dismissed, her eyes fixed on Feron. "You. Feron. I know your name. I know your face. And I know who you work for. If you ever set foot here again…well, I'll just leave it to your imagination. Understood?"

Feron nodded tightly, his lips thin. "Understood."

"Good," the Queen nodded, waving dismissively, her guards standing down. "Now go. Have fun storming the castle." She chuckled throatily at their confused looks, tipping her drink back with a content sigh.

The trio quickly pushed through the crowded dance floor and made their way outside, stopping at a nearby terminal to call down a sky-car before piling in. Their car blazed through the air, dodging through the chaotic traffic as they raced to the lower levels, the crowded airspace clearing slightly as they grew closer.

As Aria had predicted, they arrived within five minutes, hovering down over an abandoned building as they saw the Blue Suns patrolling the perimeter. Leaving the car, Liara and Aelida jumped between the buildings with Feron following swiftly, infiltrating the complex through a gap in the roof. Besides the patrol outside and the occasional mercenary inside, the area was mostly bereft of people, and the trio met no obstacle heading deeper.

Eventually, they emerged into a wide-open space, where the workers had once loaded crates of refined metal onto ships for transit off-station. Broken down boxes and a few rusted turrets dotted the otherwise empty dock, the smooth silver ship and the white and blue of the mercenaries easily catching the eye.

They crept up as close as they dared, peering through the gaps of a wall of old crates, the voices of the two leaders carrying over the distance. "Ugh, Tazzik," Feron muttered distastefully.

"-pretty big for a Salarian," the leader of the Blue Suns, a massive krogan with series of short scars on his plate grunted, peering at a tall, muscular Salarian with a grenade launcher on his back.

Said Salarian grunted right back, shrugging his heavily armored shoulders. "I get that a lot," he said bluntly. "Do you have it?"

"Right down to business," the krogan muttered, waving a hand. "I've got it right here. You got the payment?"

"I do," the salarian replied gruffly. "And you'll have it as soon as the DNA check passes."

The krogan chuckled as two more Blue Suns approached the group pushing a hover trolley, a frosted-over containment tube laying on it. "The body of one Captain Zaira Shepard," he announced, stepping aside to let it pass.

Liara clenched her fists and made to stand, the action being arrested by Feron grabbing her shoulder. "What?" she grunted, her fingers twitching towards her pistol.

"We have the element of surprise," he whispered, "We shouldn't give it away without setting up an ambush."

"He's not wrong," Aelida muttered, eyeing the area. "Liara, wait here while I sneak around to the far side. Feron, those turrets are rusty but still usable; take control of one and disable that ship. That'll be the signal to spring our trap."

"Understood," the drell nodded, padding off silently as Aelida faded into the shadows. Liara huffed impatiently, rolling her neck as she watched Tazzik scan the container.

Feron had just powered up and hacked the turret when the group began to stir. "Perimeter, check in!" A helmeted human barked, a hand to his ear. "Boss, the guards aren't checking in."

"That lazy ass Tayel's on perimeter, he's probably turned off his radio again," the krogan grunted, his arms folded as he leaned against a mostly-intact crate. "Keep trying."

"Yes sir," the man said, pressing his hand to his helmet. "Tayel, come in! Turn on your goddamn radio and answer the check!"

"Problems?" Tazzik asked, his eyes fixed on his omni-tool.

"Nope," the krogan replied, looking bored. "Just a dumbass not using his equipment."


"And you haven't killed him yet?" The Salarian asked, disbelief coloring his stoic tone.


"He's dumb, so he doesn't complain when I make him clean the bathrooms as punishment," the krogan smirked. "Our toilets have never been so clean."


"Tayel, come the fuck on! This isn't funny anymore!" The communicating human growled in frustration. "Boss, Tayel's stupid but not this stupid, something's wrong."


The Boss grunted in annoyance. "Send a couple of guys outside to see what's happening. I swear, if that dumb-ass kid left his radio behind again-what that's sound?" He stood sharply, his hand reaching behind him to rest on his shotgun.

Echoing metallic footsteps rang out as the shadows writhed, a figure stepping out into the dim light. His armor was colored mostly dark blue trimmed with gold, his boots and gauntlets being bone-white, with tubular attachments just above the wrists. His left pauldron was size larger than the right, emblazoned with a golden sun, his T-shaped visor glaring murderously.


The sounds were painfully mechanical breaths, the noise of a person so damaged they couldn't even breathe without assistance. "Your perimeter isn't responding," when he spoke, his voice was deep, distorted and growling, interrupted by the low artificial breath, the combination sending a dreadful chill up their spines. "Because they're dead."

"Saul," Liara whispered, her heart clenching painfully as she gaped in disbelief. "How…?"

Tazzik stilled, his fingers frozen over his omni-tool as he took in the figure. "That's not possible…"

"What's not?" The Boss growled, looking between the salarian and the armored figure. "Who is this, salarian? Your friend?"

"My name is Saul Dewitt," the figure announced, drawing the hilt of a blade from his hip, the material creaking under his grip. "You have something of mine. I'm taking it back."

The krogan grunted. "Sorry, I already made a deal and I intend on following through. Maybe don't wait so long, next time."

"I'm not trying to make a deal," Saul denied, his voice dropping to a venomous hiss. "You took her body to sell off like simple cargo. For that…your death is assured." He flicked his wrist, a glowing blue blade blazing to life as he let loose a distorted roar and leaped forward, wreathed in a biotic aura.

Feron's hand slipped and he fired, the turret shooting a heavy round that missed the critical systems of Tazzik's ship, glancing off the dense armor plating. "Ambush!" The hulking salarian shouted, drawing his grenade launcher and firing off a trio that blew the turret into hot scrap.

Liara stood from her hiding place with her pistol drawn, firing into the panicking mercenaries as Saul rampaged among them, his lightsaber divesting them of life and limb with rough, slow swings. Every blow was punctuated with enraged roars, his primal stance more akin to a monster than a man.

A pair of Blue Suns broke away from the melee, drawing back and readying their rifles when a sword emerged from one's chest, echoing with a crunch of pierced armor and bone. His partner gasped in shock and dismay as the sword was withdrawn, Aelida's cloak fading as she biotically batted his weapon away and beheaded him. She turned to the chaos as another group of mercenaries burst out of a nearby, drawing a growl from the body-displaced Matriarch as she brought her attention down to them instead, unleashing a Biotic Shockwave that bowled them over.

The Boss backed away, his shotgun raised but silent as he gritted his teeth and waited for a clear shot that never came. His back bumped against the crate he'd been relaxing against, dislodging the lid to reveal the old, rusted contents within. A grin crossed his face as he holstered his weapon and reached inside, grasping the end of a rusted pipe and pulling it free.

Saul bisected the last Blue Sun, cutting off her scream of pain as his lightsaber cut through her torso, turning with his momentum to find Tazzik struggling to pull the hover trolley holding Zaira's body into his ship. "You!" He barked, sprinting forward, drawing his lightsaber back when the end of a rusty pipe hit him in the face.

It was a glancing strike, most of the momentum diverting around his helm but it still hit hard, lights bursting behind his eyelids. "I didn't like most of them," the krogan grunted, smacking the blade out of Saul's hand before hitting him on the other side of the face. "But they were my crew!" He drove the end into the human's stomach, folding him over as the air rushed out of his damaged lungs. The krogan drew back and hit Saul again, with a golf-swing to the head.

Saul spun through the air, hitting the ground with wheeze of pain as the front of his helmet skittered across the dirty floor. He curled into a weak half-fetal position, clutching his battered stomach as he tried, in vain, to breathe with wheezing, ragged inhalations.

The krogan stood over him, sneering with the pipe across his shoulders. "You are weak, and ruled by rage," he scoffed. "There would be nothing to gain by killing you." He hefted the pipe above his head and paused, adding an after-thought. "Except to make me feel better, of course."

He roared as he tensed his muscles and began to bring his makeshift weapon down, only to pause when the human suddenly rolled over, armed with a platinum hand-cannon. His eyes were blazing with rage and agony, blood dripping down his chin from his gritted teeth. The krogan could only read the inscription carved into the barrel of the gun.


Saul pulled the trigger and blew a melon-sized hole in the krogan's crotch.

The krogan released a hoarse, super-sonic wail that was mercifully cut short as Saul aimed the barrel up and destroyed most of his head and the hump behind it.

Rolling to his feet, the injured man stopped in shock as Tazzik's ship rose from the ground. "No!" he growled weakly, firing off a trio of shots that dented the armor, but failed to do any significant damage. Dropping the gun, Saul threw his hands out, his fingers clawed as his biotics flared around him, the purple aura nearly blinding.

The ascending ship rocked violently as a biotic bubble wrapped around it, trying to pull it back down. The engines glowed and whined as Tazzik pushed against the barrier, Saul's feet dragging along the ground as brought his power to bear, the engines guttering as they strained.

Grunting in frustration, the hulking Salarian pushed out of his chair, slamming his hand into the console as he drew his grenade launcher. The door opened and he leaned out, sighting down at the glowing human. His first shot went too far, blowing the corpses of the Blue Suns into even more pieces while his second shot was too short. Tazzik had to give the human credit for not even flinching from the heat and noise, but he had the range now.

He fired twice.

Saul's eyes widened as the grenade arched towards him, unwilling to let go and defend himself. "Saul!" A feminine voice shouted, a blue Barrier coalescing in front of him just in time to catch the first explosive. Then the second one hit. The detonation combined with the different biotics fields, the feedback overwhelming the barrier and exploding, hurling him through the air.

Tazzik cursed loudly as his ship jumped forward, clawing his way up to the cockpit to pull himself into the pilot's seat, seizing control just in time to avoid splattering himself across the rugged rock of the meteor. He closed the door and flew out into open space, leaving the ambushers behind with his prize securely aboard.

"Dammit," Saul wheezed, his blood flecking the old metal floor. He tried to breathe, shudders wracking his body as the sensation of inhaling powdered glass burned down his throat, slowly crawling across the floor, shakily reaching for his mask; only to find it being held by someone else. His eyes tracked passed the visor, following the arm holding it up to a familiar robin's-egg blue face, usually soft and smiling but now stretched with pain and sorrow.

"Saul?" Liara breathed, horror gripping her heart as she gazed at his face. "You…" she gulped audibly, her eyes hugrily taking in his ruined features even as tears tracked down her cheeks. "You're alive…"

Saul turned his face down, hiding it in the shadows. "Mask," he said weakly, his breath escaping a dry wheeze. "Mask, Liara."

The Asari Scientist jumped slightly before hastily handing the mask over, her empty hands coming up to cover her mouth. "Sorry," she whispered contritely. "I'm…so sorry…"

He brought the mask to his face and paused, gazing up at her with his organic eye, the sharp ice blue surrounded by the pink and red of bloodshot veins and burst vessels. He sighed inaudibly, pushing the mask home. The connections clicked, the front depressing as it sealed with a sharp hiss, his wheezing replaced with coldly rhythmic mechanical breaths. "Don't be," he murmured, his voice now a dark synthetic growl. Pushing himself up, he grunted quietly as Liara grabbed his arm and helped him up. "It's not your fault."

"I should've been there," she denied, her arms wrapping tightly around him, crushing herself against his chest.

"And that would've done what?" Saul asked, leaning his head against hers. "All that would've happened is put you in danger."

Liara bit her lip and nodded tightly, burying her face in his cold metal shoulder. "I'm so happy you're alive," she murmured hoarsely, ignoring the pinching against her cheek. "I thought you were dead…how did you survive?"

He pulled away from her, his head hanging. "I didn't," he answered lowly. "I died, Liara. But I came back…somehow. I don't know how or why. And something tells me I'll never find the answer."

The asari wiped her eyes, smiling softly. "I think that's a question I wouldn't mind letting go unanswered," she replied, taking his hand in both of hers. "Is Jade…?"

He nodded, tapping the side of his helmet. "She's in here."

"And she's pissed!" Jade hissed, her glowing green form coalescing above Liara's omni-tool. "I told you not to strain yourself, Saul! You did the exact opposite! You set your recovery back by months, if not years!"

"I was angry," he grunted dispassionately. "Still am." His head whipped around as Feron strode up, his gaze pinning the drell in place. "You. You missed."

Feron held his hands up. "I was surprised," he claimed, "It's not everyday you see a dead man come back, and that turret was so old I'm surprised it didn't explode as soon as I reconnected it." The drell scratched the back of his neck and sighed. "I am sorry, though. I shouldn't have missed."

Saul sighed, tethering his lightsaber back to him, looking around as a hand landed on his shoulder, coming face-to-mask with Aelida, her helmet hanging from her hip. "Goddess," she breathed. "You're alive…"

"Ahem," Feron cleared his throat. "We need to move. The nearest base is on Alingon, that's where Tazzik will be heading. We need to leave now to have any hope of catching up."

"Of course," Aelida sighed, stepping back. "We can talk during the journey."

"I called my ship, it's coming around now," the drell agent added as a small battered ship with deceptively powerful engines flew into view, settling down in front of them. "I'm used to traveling alone, so there isn't much room."

True to his word, the hold of his ship was cramped, most of the room taken up by an uncomfortable bunk and a workbench covered in pieces of random technology. Feron took control while Saul, Liara and Aelida crammed themselves in the hold, and had them off and through a Mass Relay in minutes.

"We'll be arriving in-system in a few hours," the drell announced, leaning back in his chair with a sigh. "If you have catching up to do, now would be the time."

"Sorry, ladies," Jade spoke up, "Saul needs to recover from his exertions while we have the time. As it is, we're not even at thirty percent combat capability."

Saul huffed in displeasure. "Fine," he grunted, his head nodding forward as a drip of painkillers entered his system. He patted Aelida's thigh comfortingly even as he began to slow. "After we've retrieved Shepard…we'll make time and…catch…"

His head fell to his chest, the only sound emerging from him being the mechanical breathing. Aelida tugged on his shoulder, shifting his legs so his head rested on her thighs, her hand draped over his chest to feel slight movement as he slept, to reassure herself that he was still there despite everything.

"Jade," Liara murmured, bringing up her omni-tool. "Tell me…how bad is his condition?"

Saul's AI companion sighed heavily, running a hand through her hair. "It's bad, Liara," she admitted quietly, pulling up a holographic representation of her host that flickered to show his internal organs. "Most of his organs are working, if barely, but they're recovering quickly. Eighty percent of his skeletal structure is covered in hairline fractures, and his most of his muscles are lacerated."

"Goddess," the scientist breathed, gazing at the slumbering armored form with misty eyes. "He shouldn't even be conscious, let alone walking and fighting! So why is he?"

"Because he wouldn't let you do this by yourself," Jade replied, dismissing the figure. "And because between being laid out in a hospital or fighting even in his condition, you know which one he'd choose. He's stubborn like that. As for why he's up and around…do you remember being told about his first adventure? He was thrown into a crate of spoiled medi-gel."

Liara bobbed her head. "Vaguely, why?"

"As a result, Saul gained a regenerative factor and deadend pain responses, but there was another side-effect that we only realized after he was retrieved. The Medi-gel Toxicity Threshold is the level where medi-gel stops healing and starts hindering, and Saul's threshold is very, very low. He's been in a coma for more than a month, Liara," she stated seriously. "Any other person would be almost completely healed. His road to recovery will be long, slow, and painful."

"…But he will be better eventually, right?" Liara asked quietly.

"Physically, eventually," Jade nodded. "Mentally speaking…who knows?"

Silence descended for long time, Liara being lost in her thoughts, Jade monitoring Saul's condition while Aelida held his sleeping form. Eventually, though, it was broken. "Jade?" The younger asari asked, getting a hum in acknowledgement. "Where was he while he was in a coma?"

The green AI opened her mouth and paused, thinking. "I can't say exactly, I don't have the clearance, but you should know…there exists a group, outside of any military, one with vast resources and capabilities…and they have a vested interest in keeping Saul alive." She sighed, shaking her head. "That's all I can tell you at this point. You'll have to ask Saul to know the rest, but I doubt you'll get more than that."

Liara wasn't satisfied, but she nodded in understanding. "One more question, Jade."

"What is it?"

"Why is his voice so deep now?"

For the first time since they'd been reunited, Liara saw Jade smile and heard her giggle, though she frowned slightly. "His throat is one of the most damaged areas on his body, so much so that he can't breathe without the suit on. Ironic, really, given that the original design was a medical exoskeleton and a mobile life support unit." The younger asari didn't see how that was funny. "It's also acting as an electrolarynx as well, but whenever I try to pitch it so that it sounds like he used to, he always makes it go deeper; something about trying to 'out-badass Darth Vader.'"

Liara joined her in giggling, allowing a fond smile to cross her face. That expression faded, to be replaced with a frown as she felt determined steel clasp her heart. I don't care what it takes, she thought fiercely, watching her mother hold the man she loved. I will see this fixed.

"What can you tell us about Alingon, Feron?" Saul asked as they approached the planet, his movements a little more crisp and easy.

"It's a deadzone as far as communication goes," the drell answered. "It has extremely high concentrations of magnetic materials running throughout the planet, which creates a natural electromagnetic shroud. Because of that, all reports have to be made in-person."

Liara grimaced. "Sounds inefficient, making your agents leave their posts to report in-person," she grumbled, folding her arms.

"It adds an extra layer of security," Feron replied, but conceded her point with a nod, "It is annoying, though."

"What's the plan? You know the area better than we do, Feron, so we'll follow your lead," the only human spoke up, leaning against the doorway.

"Do you have a camouflage unit?" he asked, receiving a nod in return. "Liara and I will go in as just another Agent coming to make a report with an escort, while you and Aelida follow along behind us invisibly. We'll ambush the transaction again, load the body onto my ship and leave, simple as that."

Inwardly, Saul scoffed. It's never that simple. "Alright, we'll-"

The ship was suddenly rocked by gunfire, the console blaring an alarm as Feron seized the controls and sent them into a tight spiral through an asteroid field. "Does the Shadow Broker also open fire on all of his agents?" Liara asked acidly, "That would be very inefficient."

"No, he's just not a fan of unscheduled visits," Feron replied tightly, steering them through a narrow gap between two asteroids, the sentries trailing behind them exploding as they impacted the floating rocks at high speeds. The alarm continued as another pair of automated sentries joined the chase, spraying bullets as they nimbly swerved through the field. "Damn, these are hard to-oh, nevermind."

The sentries gave up and peeled off, leaving them to approach the Shadow Broker's base peacefully. "Thank you, Jade," Saul said smugly.

"No problem," she replied with a chuckle, "It was pretty easy, actually."

There were no more surprises as they landed in an open spot, Saul and Aelida rippling out of sight as their cloaks activated, leaving Feron and Liara to approach a pair of turians standing guard. The drell introduced Liara as an escort and the human had to resist the urge to break cover and strangle them as they leered at her, but kept it down. He was more surprised that Aelida managed to hold her temper, given the grip she had on his arm.

They were let through and continued down the hallway, side-stepping the occasional agent or guard, most of them muttering about 'the merchandise' arriving and it didn't take an AI to figure out what they were talking about. Feron explained to a glowering Liara just what went down in the base, trying to distract her from her growing anger at hearing the disrespect they were giving Zaira's body.

As the party crossed the corridor Feron suddenly threw a hand out, pulling Liara back into an alcove. A few seconds later, an odd pair walked by; made up of a short, rotund volus and a taller humanoid covered in a brown chitinous exoskeleton with a mouthless face and four dull yellow eyes, its head tapering back to a point. A strange rifle was attached to its back, made of the same material as its exoskeleton.

"A Collector," Saul muttered, his gauntlets protesting as he balled his hands into fists. Without another word, he slipped away to tail the two, knowing that the only reason such a creature would be onboard would be to collect Zaira's body. He followed the pair, silently seething as he watched the volus trying in vain to hold a conversation with the strange, aloof alien.

They came to a stop at a dock next to a ship covered in a similar-colored chitin, the volus still trying to build a rapport with the insectoid other. The invisible human dropped to his stomach and crawled under the ship, planting a tracker to the underside while Jade took subtle surface scans.

"Saul, where'd you go?" Aelida hissed through clenched teeth. "We're just about to face the Shadow Broker, we need your help!"

Saul narrowed his eyes in thought, making no move to leave. "The Broker's not here," he replied, wrapping a hand around his lightsaber. "He knows Cerberus is on to him. With him, plus the Collectors and Zaira in one place? Too rich a target."

He fell silent as a trio of agents entered the area, pushing the trolley containing Shepard's remains between them. Slowly, he crawled out from under the ship, putting his sword back and drawing his knife. As the Collector stepped forward, Saul lunged, slashing the chitinous alien across the side of its neck before driving his blade into its stomach, folding it over his arm. His free hand grasped the rifle on its back, aiming it at the volus before pulling the trigger.

A thin, dim yellow laser pierced the rotund alien, igniting the dense gas inside the suit and causing it to explode, showering the area in viscera as Saul spun and swept the laser across the Shadow Broker's agents, drawing a burning line into two of them. The third dived for the floor, coming up with a pistol as Saul ripped his knife free and hurled it, the blade lodging in the agent's throat.

He flinched as the Collector began to glow, light seeping through the cracks in its exoskeleton. For a split second, Saul imagined letting Harbinger assume control just so he could speak to it, to spit in its face and declare that Zaira would be back and together, they would destroy the Collectors and avenge the Normandy.

He didn't, though. Instead, he pulled the Collector's laser around and jammed the barrel under its chin and pulled the trigger, searing a hole through the top of its head.

The alien went limp and fell to the ground, smoking.

Panting, Saul turned to the trolley, setting the laser next to the frosted container holding the body of the love of his life, grasping it with both hands and pushing. "Jade, bring Feron's ship around! And tell the others to book it, we're leaving!" He growled, gritting his teeth as pain burned in his arms, stopping to yank his knife out of the corpse.

"On it!" She replied swiftly, shouting over the radio. "Guys, we have Shepard's body and I'm bringing the ship around! We're at Dock Six, get here now!"

"On our way!" Aelida responded, the sound of gunfire and biotic attacks echoing over her end. "Just get them out of the way, we need to move!"

Feron's battered ship flew into view, sweeping over the dock to land in front of him, the door sliding open as he pushed the trolley towards it. "Saul, behind you!" Jade called just as a grenade impacted his shields.

Spinning around, Saul found a group of agents closing in, led by a grimacing Tazzik wielding his grenade launcher. "You are not stopping me!" he shouted, throwing a barrier up in front of him even as he pushed his back against the trolley, inching it towards the ship. Tyrant dug into his lower back as an onslaught of bullets and grenades pummeled his shield, his strength waning with every second of fire.

The trolley bumped into the ship, driving the kinetic energy weapon into his spine. Saul grunted at the spike of pain before an idea struck. Pouring the last of his power into the barrier, he threw his hands forward and released it, the shockwave stumbling the group of minions just long enough for him to draw Tyrant and overcharge it.

The gun nearly kicked out of his hands as it released a wave of pure kinetic energy, bowling over the group of agents and scattering them across the dock like leaves in an autumn gale. Saul paused for moment, stroking the gun like it was a cat. "I've got to use you more often!" He declared before turning back to the hover trolley, pushing it up into the ship with a strained grunt, the Collector Laser sliding off to clatter against the ground.

He had just gotten it fully inside when the first agent recovered and opened fire, the bullets draining his shield as he dove to the floor, coming up with the laser in his grasp. Saul swept the beam across the room at chest-height, sending the agents scattering for cover; two moved too late and fell with burning lines seared into their armor.

A jetpack powered jump took him to the top of the ship, giving him a better view of the area in front of him. He held the Collector Laser loosely in one hand, wildly sweeping the beam across the room as he fired rocket after rocket from his wrist launcher, ensuring that the Shadow Broker's agents wouldn't dare to even peek out from behind their cover.

Liara, Aelida and Feron burst out a doorway at a dead sprint, another group of guards nipping at their heels. Saul swept the beam across the room one last time before diving into the ship, carelessly tossing the laser inside. "Jade, take us up!" He barked, bracing himself against the door as the ship rose, Aelida jumping for him.

He grasped her arm and pulled her inside, the older asari hurrying into the pilot's chair as her daughter dashed for the ship.

Without the threat of being cut down by laser or exploded by rocket, Tazzik jumped out of cover and aimed at the departing ship, cursing as he realized that taking the shot would destroy Shepard's body. His eyes fell on the traitor, Feron, trying to escape. He took aim and fired.

The drell heard the whistling of the munitions and nimbly jumped aside, stumbling as the concussive force nearly swept his legs out from under him.

Liara poured biotics into her legs and jumped, barely clearing the increasing distance, her foot catching on the lip to send her tumbling into the hold.

Feron pumped his legs as he ran, his eyes fixed on the ever-rising ship as pulled farther and farther away. He lunged forward, using a sealed crate as stepping stone and leaped into the air, his arm outstretched. His hand met Saul's arm, his fingers desperately tightening around the human's wrist.

"I gotcha!" Saul grunted, bracing his other arm against the interior of the ship to lever the drell up.

A roar echoed out from beneath them as Tazzik followed Feron's example, using a stack of boxes to increase the height of his adrenaline-fueled jump, springing up to latch onto the drell's back.

Saul's knees buckled under the sudden weight, the lip of the ship's door impacting his armpit, dislocating his shoulder with a sickening crack. His hand went limp, dropping the drell and his salarian passenger to the floor far below. Liara seized him by the shoulders and hauled him inside, slapping the console to close the door.

Feron hit the ground hard, rolling nearly twenty feet before he stopped. His eyes followed the glowing engines of his ship as it burned a line in the atmosphere, fading into a miniscule dot, signalling their successful escape.

Then, an armored fist crashed into his face, and he knew no more.

The ship rocked as it hit the Relay, jostling Saul's aching shoulder as he laid on the cot. Liara had set it minutes before, and then went to speak with Aelida. She returned a few seconds later, her soft blue eyes showing concern. "How do you feel?" She asked softly, trailing a hand up his arm.

"It hurts but it's healing," he replied tiredly, his head lolling on the pillow. "I dropped Feron. We left him behind."

"I know," Liara murmured, sighing sadly. "Does it make me a bad person that I'm glad it wasn't you?"

"No, just kinda bitchy," Saul chuckled quietly. "I wouldn't have left you behind. Despite being a traitor, he still willingly helped us recover Zaira's body. And for that, he has my gratitude."

The scientist huffed. "Seems like every word out of his mouth besides his name was lie," she muttered, frowning. Then, she sighed. "He wasn't just working for the Shadow Broker. He was also a mole for Cerberus."

The human blinked. "A double-agent?" He said incredulously. "A Cerberus double-agent who infiltrated the Shadow Broker? Shit."

She pulled a slim stick from her pocket, holding it up to the light. "He gave me this. It contains a large amount of data from the Shadow Broker's deals. It should give us an edge on tracking him down." Liara shook her head. "To think, we were already hunting him down. Now we have another reason."

"He wasn't in the base, huh?" Saul asked knowingly. "Knew it."

"You did," she agreed, storing the data stick. "Scoot over. I'm tired."

Saul did so, voicing his concern. "Liara…" he began awkwardly, "I'm not a particularly…comfortable bed partner right now."

Liara arched an eyebrow at him. "You think I care?" she replied bluntly, "The man I love came back to life, helped me and my body-displaced mother retrieve the body of the woman I love so that, hopefully, a cabal of amoral racist scientists can try and bring her back to life as well. If I don't end my day soon, I'm going to go insane."

"…Good point." He murmured, shifting as she lay down beside him, pushing her back against his chest. "Rest easy, Liara. We did it."

The asari scientist rest her head on his arm, sighing contently even as the cool metal chilled her skin. "Yes…we did."

"The body's in worse condition than I previously thought," Miranda said aloud, pacing around the capsule with a datapad in her hands. "A number of organs are completely ruined, will need replacements…maybe even cloned tissue. And then…" She paused, looking at a silent Saul, who was sitting nearby, his eyes locked on the corpse visible inside the capsule.

She slowly circled the pod to stand in front of him, blocking his view with her stomach. He jumped slightly, glancing up at her. "Yeah?" he asked hoarsely.

"It might be the most challenging test I've ever undertaken, but I believe I can bring her back," the Cerberus Agent said with quiet confidence. "I don't know how long it will take, months, maybe years."

"I know," he whispered, sighing and standing. "I just…please…"

She laid a comforting hand on his shoulder, lightly pushing to guide him out of the room. "I'll do everything I can," Miranda asserted, "But for now, I need to get started."

Saul nodded and made to leave, stopping and turning to face her. "I'll be checking in," he stated, the lights glinting off the black of his visor.

"I know," she replied, motioning for him to leave. The door closed behind him, leaving Miranda alone with the body. Sighing, she took up her datapad again. "You're lucky, you know," she said to the corpse. "He's absolutely devoted to you. I'm sure if I said we couldn't bring you back without a chunk a of the Galactic Core, he'd travel there himself."

The body had no reply to that.

"Captain Shepard has been retrieved. The Lazarus Project will proceed as planned."

"Several of his deals took place on around Illium," Liara told her mother as they gazed into space, leaning against the railing as Saul joined them. "It'll be a good starting point, but I don't know how long it will take to track him down."

"I'm certain that you, Tela and myself will be able to come up with something quickly," Aelida replied calmly, turning her gaze to the human. "Will you be joining us, Saul?"

The armored human was silent except for his breathing. "No," he said finally, "I have too much stuff that I need to do; firstly, taking this laser apart and seeing how it works so I can make my own. Second…"

"What?" Liara asked.

Saul sighed. "…I should've saved her," he whispered, running hand down his faceplate. "I should've been able to save her…but I didn't. I failed. I'm not strong enough, and I need to get better. So, that's what I'm going to do."

"You're still injured, beloved," Aelida rebuked gently. "You need to heal before you do anything strenuous…in more ways than one."

He shrugged carelessly. "Eh."

Seeing his stubbornness come into play, the older asari shook her head and acquiesced, but resolved to keep plying him. "How are you going to get stronger?" Her daughter asked curiously.

To their surprise, he chuckled lowly. "Back before I became an Investigator, I had this idea for some kind of dual-identity bullshit. PI by morning, Bounty Hunter by night. It was stupid, even before I realized how most people view bounty hunters, as mercenaries that turn on other mercenaries for money." He shrugged. "I need to hone my skills and make money, and what better way than hunting the worst criminals the Galaxy has to offer?"

"You'll need people, good people, to watch your back," Aelida pointed out. "And as smart as Jade is, she can't keep you safe at all times."

"At least, not until the device is ready," Jade chimed in, her voice smug before Saul irritably smacked the back of his head. "Whoops, I wasn't supposed to say that."

"What device?" Liara asked suspiciously.

Saul glanced at them, minutely shaking his head. "…Don't worry 'bout it," he replied, standing from the railing. "I'm putting some feelers out, searching for some people. I'll always be just a call away."

Feeling the impending departure, Liara stepped forward and hugged him tightly. "Remember that you're not alone," she whispered, squeezing him. "Whenever you need me, I'll be here." She brushed a few loose tears away. "And I expect a visit at least once a month."

"Of course," he nodded, rubbing her back before they separated and Aelida took her spot.

"There's nothing I could say that wouldn't be a reiteration of Liara's words, so I'll simply say that you also need to write once a week," she stated firmly, pulling her head back slightly. "Jade? Could you open his mask just a little bit?"

In response, the front of his mask opened just wide enough to expose his lips, the skin wrinkled with scar tissue and tinged with unhealthy mix of pink and grey. Aelida showed no compunctions about his appearance and leaned in, her lips meshing with his.

"M-Aelida!" The younger asari protested, her voice tinged with slight jealousy.

Her body-displaced mother stepped back, licking her lips as her eyes glittered. "I'll go get the ship ready," she murmured, cupping Saul's cheek one more time before she left.

Liara huffed and stepped forward, gently kissing Saul as well. "No matter what you look like," she whispered softly, "I'll always love you, Saul. Stay safe…please."

He nodded slowly as she turned to walk away, stopping once to peer at him over her shoulder before she disappeared.

Saul leaned against the railing unsteadily. "…Alright then," he muttered hoarsely.

Citadel Council Secure Meeting Room, Citadel

Sparatus stared at his terminal, frustration and disbelief warring over his features. "…Are they serious?" He finally asked, looking up at the other Councilors.

"They seem to be, yes," Valern replied dryly.

"But…it doesn't make any sense!" The turian argued heatedly. "It would tie up more resources and logistics, not to mention it would create a supply deficiency where there isn't any now! This is the literal definition of a technological backslide!"

Tevos arched an eyebrow, a smirk playing across her lips. "Then that's what we'll tell them," she reasoned calmly. "We've all served in some military capacity, so I'll ask what's better, for the record: Effectively infinite ammo with less powerful shots; or functionally finite ammo with more powerful shots?"

"The former, obviously," Anderson answered, looking to the other Councilors.

"Obviously," Sparatus grunted, closing that window on his terminal.

"So I shouldn't bother to ask 'for or against?'" The Asari Councilor asked.

Valern folded his hands, resting chin on them. "I think not, Tevos."

"Good. Now, there's-" She paused a message flashed across her screen. INCOMING MESSAGE. Glancing up, she found the other Councilors had noticed as well, curiosity plain on their faces.

"How are we receiving this?" Sparatus spluttered, his fingers dancing over the keys. "This is a secure channel!"

Before they could speak further, their screens went dark. The darkness shifted, a dim light illuminating a figure from behind. Anderson felt his eyes go wide as he recognized the profile.

"Hello, Councilors," the voice was deep, with an underlying cybernetic growl. "Saul Dewitt speaking. Yes, I know I'm supposed to be dead. It didn't take."

"How is this possible?" Anderson breathed, leaning in so close his nose nearly touched the screen.

"I'm guessing you'd like some proof as to my identity," Saul continued, holding Invictus up to the camera before firing it off-screen. There was loud snap followed by a burning hiss as the blade of his lightsaber cut across the view, his T-shaped visor glaring in the light. "I'll remind you that these weapons are DNA locked, I'm the only one that can use them. But, if that's still not enough…"

His hand rose, grasping the front of his helmet and pulling it away with a sharp whistle of escaping air. Sitting to the left of an empty void was an eye, glowing an acidic jade green.

"Hello," he greeted, his voice dry, cracked and low. "As you can see, I didn't survive unscathed. I'm diminished, yes, but not dead. And now, I'm going to tell you how…how I survived certain death, how I escaped my final fate…Gentlemen, Lady…I'm about to reveal to you…"

The Councilors leaned in closely, trying not to miss the revelation to come.

"…The secret of true…immortality…"

They held their breath, tension tightening in their stomachs, waiting with clenched fingers…

…Before image changed, to that of a poor quality camera focused on a red-headed human with a microphone, loud music blaring from the speakers.


Out of the corner of his eye, Anderson noticed that Tevos was smiling fondly.


It's me. I love you. You know who else I love? Petty Officer Second Class Beam and the unit at Wright Patterson Air Force Base! This chapter is dedicated to you!

Never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye, never gonna tell a lie, and hurt you!

Alright now, time for explanations. Most of this chapter covered the events of Mass Effect: Redemption, which I never read and still haven't, so I altered them to fit in with the story. Feron still got left behind but them's the breaks.

Funnily enough, I was worried about this chapter being too dark and angsty, but it ended up not that heavy on either, really. Not as much as it could've been, anyway. It just wouldn't have fit the characters. Speaking of…

Saul. As he said just above, he's diminished, not dead, but his condition means his typical style of fighting i.e. blow it up and also cut shit with a lightsaber, aren't as effective. He and Jade will have to develop new skills and technology to keep him from getting overwhelmed in his new profession. And as a consequence of his condition, he's definitely darker, angrier and sad, but he's still Saul. There also won't be much in the way of sexy stuff for a long time.

You'll just have to get your fix elsewhere. Maybe in The Life With Monster Girls? It's available on my author page right now with a new chapter in the works! (masterfully executed plug)

Also as a note, Saul's voice either sounds like Samuel Hayden from DOOM or Darth Vader, whichever one you prefer.

This story, taking place between Mass Effect 1 and 2 is uncharted territory, so most of the arcs, characters and such, will be original. Most, not all. I'll be referencing all sorts of shit, but that means the chapters might take a little while longer to write and publish. I'm flying blind here, and I don't even have a pilot's license.

But it'll be a fun journey all the same.

Big thanks to Dairegh and NorthSouthGorem for all the help! Check them out, show them some love! It's Valentine's Day you little bastards, spread the love!

Stay Awesome.


P.S.: Got any ideas for the story could go? Leave a review and they might show up! Be warned, I don't take OC's unless you can convince me that they're not A: overpowered. B: stupid and C: stupidly overpowered.

NS: Well darn. :V

I am the Author, though, and I retain the right to ignore everything I don't like or change it at will.

Stay Awesome Some More.

~still Soleneus