Before we start I want to say this is something I started a while ago, but I never really picked up on it until a few days ago, so if you guys follow, love or review wanting more of this by Feb 17 I will try to write more. Also, this is pretty short because it's my first fanfiction I uploaded onto here, so just let me know if you want me to do anything else, I will be happy to chat with you if you pm me.

Disclaimer: I do not own Magnus Chase And The Gods Of Asgard!

"Maggie, Get up! It's almost breakfast time!" I heard Alex yell from outside my door. I loved waking up, its one of the many things I am good at. But not today, I was tired and grumpy.

My limbs moving before I could process what was happening, I got up and yelled back "I'll be right there!"

I grabbed Jack and put on my Hotel Valhalla t-shirt as well as some beige cargo shorts. Then headed out my door where I saw Alex leaning on her door waiting for me.

"Whats up Chase? See your done getting yourself dressed."

I looked at Alex in awe she was wearing a suit with a green and pink bowtie.

Alex pulled me in and brushed her hands through my hair. I felt my face glowing red with embarrassment. She leaned in closer and kissed me. The kiss was nice, but Alex would never do something like that, not ever. We just stood there for a while cradling each other in our arms. Nothing else mattered, just me and Alex. Then she started to pull away. Relunctly I let go.

We made our way down the elevator. Her body wrapped around mine. When we got to the bottom I saw roses leading out to the courtyard I followed, confused yet intrigued.

"What is this for?" I asked.

"Oh, you'll see" She whispered.

Outside was the rest of the gang, all dressed in their fancy outfits. I looked at them, everybody was smiling looking like they just came back from a happiness fair.

"OKAY what is happening?!" I exclaimed.

But before I knew what was happening I saw Alex kneeling in front of me with a small box in her hands. She opened it and inside was a ring. A gold ring with small diamonds around the sides.


"Magnus Chase, will you marry me?" Alex asked.

"I-I YES! Alex yes I will!"

I squealed then straight away covered my mouth. Alex laughed.

She then put the ring on my finger and kissed me. Then Sam, Blitz, and Hearth all come up to me and we hugged. It felt so intense. Like what happened wasn't real, it felt fake, like a dream.

Then I woke up. The hard ground pushed into my back as I lay there unable to move. I saw fighting all around me and a nurse tending to a deep cut on my leg. I grunted, startled the nurse responded: "Oh yes, you are currently numb all over, hold on I have to get the needle and thread Ill be back soon.", then she left leaving me on the hard, rocky, ground.

Thank you for reading this fanfiction, it's not the best and I know that but I just wanted to see how you guys would like it.