Finally! I started high school recently and the summer was full of stuff to do. I hope this update pleases all of you that still follow the story. Thank you for the… support?
Karasuma started. He was unable to process what he sees. That blue hair and those blue eyes. What was full of bloodlust just yesterday, stared at him with pure child innocence. BAKANA! It can't be! I have the Blue Viper as my student?
With the same innocence in his face, Nagisa asked Karasuma, "Are you alright, sir? You look like you've seen a ghost."
Next to Karasuma, Korosensei laughed a very knowing laugh. "Welcome Karasuma-san (He did call him that right? Bit rusty.) Come on in!"
Karasuma still stayed where he was. His JSDF and Air Elite soldier kicked in as Karasuma was suddenly next to a surprised Nagisa. "Wha-" Nagisa managed to get out, before getting grabbed by the throat and slammed face first into the ground, one hand pinned, the other twisted, with Karasuma knee at his neck.
Nagisa suppressed a smile. He couldn't reveal who is was now. It was too soon. Sounding scared and surprised, he yelped.
Korosensei was next to him in a flash, and the weight on his back was suddenly lifted. "Ah ah ah! Karasuma-san, I cannot have you harming my students. Calm yourself and explain your actions."
Karasuma dusted himself off and took a breath. Inside his mind, he argued with himself. He is a dangerous criminal. However, I have no proof. My actions here would get me investigated. But, that could get him investigated too. For now, I need to make something up.
"You were caught by surprise. This shows your… inexperience. I move so much slower than that of this octopus. If you cannot even catch this, you have no hope of saving this world. I did that to assess the skills of this class."
"Oh? Then what of your initial reaction when entering this class?"
Karasuma gritted his teeth. He stared at Nagisa as he shied away, a scared look on his face. He frowned. "That is not something that you need to care about."
"I think it is. He is, after all, my student."
As Karasuma opened his mouth to answer, he felt his skin crawl. As if a snake of coiling around him. He felt what it meant to die. Whirling around, he saw that Nagisa flashed him a quick smile. IT IS HIM!
Karasuma lunged towards Nagisa, but Korosensei grabbed him and pulled him back, putting his messed up hair back to its original glory. "I can't have you attacking my students Karasuma-san. It doesn't matter if you are from the Ministry of Defence. Your boss will hear about this. Out!"
Karasuma was then frog marched towards the door, glaring at Nagisa the entire time. He still was when the sliding door slammed. "What do you think he wanted, Nagisa?" Kaede asked him in a small voice.
"I.. I don't know. Thank you Koro Sensei." Nagisa replied.
Suddenly, Tomohito rushed up to Korosensei with a rubber knife and slashed at thin air. "You have to be faster than that Sugino-kun," he laughed.
For the rest of the day, Karasuma watched Nagisa from a tree nearby. Every now and then, Nagisa would give him a wave that would always make Karasuma's heart clench.
And that is it! Sorry for the short chapter. This was made in about 10 minutes or so. What do you want to happen? Tell me with reviews, gimme your thoughts, hell, even make OCs to be added. But of course, the OCs have to play a part. No more powerful that Korosensei or Nagisa. For now. Thanks and goodnight. Maybe another part to this story later tonight, but most likely not. Check my other AssClass story for an update later.