I woke up with an extra jump in my step this morning. I wonder why that is, oh yeah! I lost my virginity last night and let me tell you, it was worth the wait. I have never felt more loved in my life. After...Well, you know. We ordered food and we watched a few movies, cuddled then he went home. I was so excited to see him this morning.

I feel different, I feel more confident, this calls for something new! Who is the best person to help with that? Of course, the one and only, Kevin Keller.

I quickly grabbed my phone and called Kevin. "Hello?" A groggy Kevin answered the phone, I grinned "Do you still have those clothes that we bought last time we went to the mall?" He sighed, and I heard his bed move as he got up.

"Yes, why?" I bit my lip "I'll be over in twenty minutes, I'll tell you everything then." I could practically see the Cheshire cat smile that he had plastered onto his face as he said, "Yes you will Betty Cooper!" With that, he hung up. I quickly put a bra on but left my PJ's on, grabbed my curling iron, lipstick and headed out the door, sneaking by my parent's bedroom. I hitch a ride with one of my neighbors and walk the rest of the way to Kevin's house.

I knock on the door and wait. Soon I hear the fast pounding of steps down the stairs and the door is flung open, exposing Kevin. He looks me over, his eyes widening, and he drags me upstairs, slamming his door shut.

"Spill. Now!" He sits on his bed, next to the bag that contains my clothes. I quickly grab them, after telling him to turn around I strip, and redress in my new clothes, all while telling Kevin everything that happened last night. Why did I have to hide these from my mom? She would have a fit if she found out I had a shirt that didn't cover my stomach completely. I checked myself over, my baby blue shirt, blue jeans, and black leather jacket matched well with the maroon lipstick that I snatched from my room.

I quickly curled my hair and put some sneakers onto my feet and looked at Kevin. His mouth was completely open as he stared at me. "WHAT?! Are you making a statement my little Betty?" He teased. "I'm so proud of you Betty Cooper, look at you, you're all grown up!" Kevin said as he whipped a fake tear from his eye. I laughed and pushed him lightly "come on, get ready, we need to get to school." He quickly got dressed and we walked to school together.

When we arrive at school I feel butterflies starting to float in my stomach as I look at all the kids.

Maybe this outfit wasn't the best idea.

No. You show everyone the new Betty Cooper! I take a deep breath and nod to Kevin. He grins and whispers "a dramatic entrance, love it." We slowly start to walk into the school, grinning from ear to ear. My leather jacket may be plain, but it symbolizes the relationship I have with Sweet Pea. Last night he and I became one, I gave him everything and he returned it with just as much love. Kevin and I push the double doors open and continue our walk through the hall. We held our heads high and our struts as perfect as others stared at us. We pretended not to notice, but we did, and we loved it. When we were approaching the spot where most of the serpents hang out, I spotted Sweet Pea.

We stopped walking as he stood, along with the others. We stared at each other and smiled, the others nodded in approval, I sent him a kiss and we started to head to class again. I suddenly stopped walking and looked at Kevin with an evil grin. "If I'm going to wear this jacket, then I might as well do this too..." I said to him, turning around and walking to Sweet Pea's table. He hadn't sat down yet, luckily.

I gently grabbed his arm, made him turn around and placed a passionate kiss on his lips. The kiss was over too soon, but, we were in school, so we had to contain ourselves. I laughed softly, turned and walked back to Kevin who whispered, "love it." We pressed on to our class and sat in our normal seats. When the bell rang I sighed, looking at the board as kids poured into the classroom.

"Hey, where's Jughead?" A serpent asked Sweet Pea before he was able to say anything to me. I turned my head innocently, barely containing my smirk. "I don't know man. FP said that he isn't allowed to leave his house for a while. He wouldn't tell me what happened." I slid back into my seat, facing the board, I glance at Ronnie and give her a half smirk, she sent me a smile. Class went on normally, my phone didn't ring once, I found myself wondering what my next challenge would be. I found myself craving the thrill. You need to stop. When the bell rang, I stood and walked out of the classroom, waiting for Sweet Pea. "Hey baby," Sweet Pea greeted me, kissing my lips softly. "Hey" I smile wide, looking up at him. "Do you want to hang out later today?" He asked me, I nodded quickly "after cheerleading, yes! My mom and dad shouldn't be home until later again." We started to walk to my next class.

I leaned against the wall and he leaned over me, "perfect. I'm looking forward to just us, in our underwear again." He gave me a cheeky grin, I laughed and shook my head "maybe, we'll see how much cheerleading tires me out. Carrying those pom poms are tiring, then there is the whole being cheery part! People don't even understand the life of a cheerleader!" Sweet Pea laughs, nodding. "I'll talk to you later. I'll pick you up after school. By the way... I'm loving the jacket." My face heats up as my eyes find his. We get lost in each other's eyes, soon we are pulled away from each other when a voice sounds next to us. "Okay love birds, enough of that. We get it." Cheryl spoke with an eye roll. "Hi Cheryl," I said through gritted teeth. "Hello my dear cousin, serpent." She greeted us, I rolled my eyes "his name is Sweet Pea, Cheryl." She sighed, looking at me "oh dear cousin, I don't bother to learn Southside names." She turned around and walked away.

"I'm sorry about her, she's... Well, that's how she acts. You would think, after us finding Jason's killer she would be nicer." I kissed his cheek as the bell rang. "I'll see you after school," I say, turning and walking into my classroom. The rest of the day was uneventful, and cheerleading practice was boring. When I walked outside to see Sweet Pea leaning against his bike. I quickly took out my phone and took multiple photos, with different filters before he noticed I was there. He smiled and walked towards me, engulfing me into his arms. "I missed you," he kissed my hair softly then looked at me. "Are you ready?" he asked me, I nodded and waited for him to get on his bike before I swung my leg around and held onto him for dear life. He put a helmet on me before taking off towards my house.

I squealed when we went over a speed hump, closing my eyes tightly. I felt free on the bike, maybe I should get one of my own. When we arrive at my house I slowly get off the bike, my legs feel like jelly. "How was your first ride?" He turned around, grinning at me.

I chuckled and shrugged "it was good, I felt free, it felt like nothing could touch us, I don't know how to explain it." I fixed my curled hair and looked down at my feet for a moment. I saw his feet come into view, I looked up and smiled. I opened my mouth to say something, but my phone went off. I grabbed it and answered it "Hey V, what's up?"

I heard her panicked breathing on the other side of the phone "It's Archie's dad. He was shot in Pop's. I'm at the hospital with them now, hurry over here." She hung up after that.

I could barely process what was happening, Sweet Pea grabbed my arms with a worried look on his face. I look up at him and whispered "we have to go to the hospital. Archie's dad was shot." I grabbed my helmet and put it back on my head.

Sweet Pea nodded and hopped onto the bike and we sped off to the hospital.

Joce's note: Okay, I know this chapter was trash. But I am almost 100% out of ideas. If you guys have any ideas or you want to see something happen in the book leave a comment and I'll read them 3 So, ya know. I should be back soon. I have to write a chapter for my Jugheadxoc work and my Bellamy Blake x Oc one x) Then I should be back~ Thank you for reading! Also, I know Archie's dad gets shot in the morning but for the timeline to match up, I had to do it in the afternoon.