8:00am and he's too cold to even move. The tenements were too old to keep any heat inside, and with how things were going at home before he was kicked out, he couldn't go back to his mother and her warm home. That's the whole reason why he was in Bullworth, not that anyone knew. Why would they? Honestly, Johnny was the only person who had a good idea about why he ended up homeless, and even then it wasn't a full story with every truth. But, he never pushed him to tell him the full story with all the details. That's what made Johnny so great. How he helped him that night with minimal questions asked, such as his name, age and where he lived. And he gave him minimal answers to his questions, and received the greatest help he could ever ask for.
Five minutes later and he can hear the other greasers walking around, getting ready to go to school and such. He hasn't moved, though, still laying in bed in only some sweats. He didn't understand. It was warm last night, and now it's freezing this morning!
"Ay, Peanut! You awake?" That voice gets his heart racing, and he can hear the door to his room creak open. He turns to look over his shoulder, the boss walking towards him.
"Mornin', boss," he greets, grinning at him. He doesn't seem amused by his cheerful greeting, crossing his arms and narrowing his eyes.
"And why ain't you up?" he questions, walking over to the bed. Under the covers, Peanut shrugs, slowly flipping his body over so he's laying on his other side. Johnny bends down, his face closer to his now. "We got school, Peanut. You're gonna have to get up and get dressed, fast."
"Ah, c'mon," he whines softly, "One day off? It's so cold!"
"So that's it?" he laughs, throwing the covers off him. "You're just cold?"
"Johnny!" Peanut's fighting with his leader, trying desperately to get his blanket back. The air hits his bare chest and he's shivering. With one swift tug, the blanket is out of Peanut's grip and on the floor, the younger teen still whining.
"You're going today," Johnny informs him, throwing his shirt and vest at him before looking for his jacket. "You already missed a day last week."
There's no fighting with him. So, with a very audible sigh, Peanut gets up and puts his clothes on, turning his back so it's to Johnny as he removes his sweats to put on his jeans. And when he turns back, Johnny's handing him his leather jacket, not even facing him as he makes his way towards the door.
"Be out in five minutes. We gotta hurry," he mumbles. Peanut just nods, pulling his jacket on and putting on some gloves. After gathering some things and putting on some cologne, he's out his room and going down to the front of the tenement, surprised to see that only Johnny is waiting for him.
"Where's the others?" he asks. Johnny gestures his head in the direction of the school.
"I had them leave already," he replies, walking to where his bike is. "I would've went with 'em, but I didn't want you to skip. Now, hurry up and get on."
Peanut stares at him, a bit uneasy. His bike had been ruined after getting knocked off by a cop car. That was quite the memory. Johnny was the one to bail him out, and he looked exactly like a disappointed mother when Peanut greeted him. How familiar that disappointed face looked. But looking at Johnny now, the irritated look made him uneasy, especially since he was expecting the junior to just hop on the back.
"Well?" Johnny's voice was snappy and it made Peanut jump when he broke the silence so suddenly. "I ain't got all day, kid! Either hop on, or walk to school!"
"Alright, Johnny. Just calm down," Hesitantly, Peanut moves to get on the back of the back, arms wrapping around Johnny's waist so he can hold on. He was scared he would be yelled at for touching his boss, especially because Johnny had taken off at a such a high speed and his grip had tightened. But there wasn't ever a protest. A grunt here and there when he made a couple turns and Peanut wasn't paying attention, his face buried in his boss' back to block the wind. He had to admit, the scent Johnny had was intoxicating. He didn't know what cologne he had, or even if he used any, but it made him feel just a bit calmer. It was so welcoming and nice. Maybe he would ask later.
They got to Bullworth with 15 minutes until classes started. Johnny rode towards the auto shop, Peanut finally removing himself from the senior. He's instantly hit with the cold air and he shivers, bringing his arms around his body in a miserable attempt to keep himself warm. But looking at his boss, he sees he has no problem with the cold. How? It was snowing and they just rode here at a high speed!
"Ain't you cold?" Peanut questions. Johnny just stares at him, shaking his head. "Why not?! It's like 15 degrees out!"
"Just not, Peanut," he tells him, starting for the building, motioning for him to follow. "C'mon. Class is gonna start soon."
And when they walk through those doors, it starts. The whispers. The giggling. The pointing. It makes Peanut uneasy and he looks to Johnny for any sort of comfort or mental advice. He doesn't say a word, but judging the still irritated look on his face, it's best to not try and start any conversation. Not now, at least.
The classroom is warm at least, and Peanut takes his seat in front of Johnny, just like how it's been for the past year. Mr. Galloway is talking about something. The Crucible, if he's correct. Peanut had the book, and he would admit, it was pretty decent. Though, he would never admit it. Today, they're expected to read chapters 5 through 8 and complete the questions on the board. They had the options to be in groups, and Peanut already knows he's working with the boss. Just like how it's been for the past year. But, Johnny taps his back.
"You got your book?" he asks, Peanut nodding and holding it up as he turns in his seat to face him. "Good. I left mine back at the tenement."
"Maybe if you weren't so worried 'bout gettin' me up, you would've remembered it," he teases. But instead of a chuckle or grin, Johnny just stares at him.
"Not today, kid," he tells him, and he feels something in his heart. A twinge of sadness perhaps? But, he doesn't push the issue. He just opens up to chapter 5 and they get to work, Peanut reading while Johnny answers the questions. They rarely converse or joke like they normally do, and though he wouldn't voice it, it hurts Peanut. His boss – best friend as well – was treating him like they weren't even close. Like he hadn't taken him in after his mother kicked him out and gave him everything. Like they weren't as close as they are. And halfway through chapter 7, he stops reading. Johnny just looks at him, confused.
"Somethin' wrong?" he asks. Peanut stares at his face. His stupid, cute face.
"Did I do somethin' wrong?" he questions, and the senior is taken aback. He wasn't expecting his response to be that, especially with his voice sounding so hurt. "I know I was giving you a hard time back at the tenement, but I was just messing around. What's with you giving me the cold shoulder now?"
Johnny stares right back at him, and for a moment, Peanut wonders if he should've just kept his mouth shut. There's no trace of any emotion on his face, and he finally shakes his head.
"We'll talk in gym," he tells him. Peanut wants to shoot back; wants to demand an answer now because dammit he doesn't want to wait for gym. But he knows it wouldn't be a smart idea. No matter that they're in class. He knows Johnny will beat him down if provoked any further, especially if he's going to cause a scene. So, he continues reading to his boss, and though he can't see it, Peanut's body is shaking. He's scared he's done something wrong. How embarrassing would that be? The second in command making a mistake, when he's supposed to take orders from the boss and not question it. How embarrassing would it be that he made his best friend upset just by wanting to stay warm.
They get their work done, and with time to spare as well. Who knew that you could get more work done when you're not joking around. It still wasn't as fun, though, and when the answers are finished, Peanut's too ashamed to say anything. So he just turns back around in his seat, facing the front. He can hear whispers from around the room. What were they all talking about? He catches Johnny's name escaping Trent's lips, and apparently the older greaser hears it too.
"You got somethin' to say?!" His voice is booming and threatening, everyone jumping at the outburst. He gets up from his seat, taking a couple strides and grabbing the teen's shirt. "Go on! Say it to my face!"
"Johnny!" Peanut's voice mixes with Mr. Galloway, who's now standing as well, holding onto his desk for support.
"That's enough!" Mr. Galloway continues, voice slurring just barely. "Now, let him go and return to your seat!"
Before Johnny is able to yell at his teacher, the bell rings and everyone scurries out of class. Everyone except Peanut, who's just waiting for his leader.
"C'mon, Johnny," he speaks, "We'll deal with him later."
He can tell he wants to say something, but taking a glance at Galloway, he simply throws Trent back into his seat. He goes to gather his things and follows Peanut out the door, ignoring whatever the two have to say.
They walk to the gym in an awkward silence, Peanut wanting to say something but deciding it's better not to. That's when they hear a greeting voice. Looking towards the auto shop, they see Vance waving.
"Johnny, c'mere!" he calls, and Peanut looks up at his boss. "I wanna talk to you!"
"Go on, Peanut," Johnny speaks, making his way for the younger greaser. "Get to gym. I'll be there soon."
He hesitates for a moment, wanting to follow Johnny. But, he knows he has to follow orders. So he turns his heels and makes his way for gym class. He wonders what he's talking to Johnny about and a thought pushes its way into his mind. There wasn't any denying that Peanut had a small obsession with his boss. Who wouldn't? He was strong, smart, and compassionate. Though many wouldn't see the last part, he knew Johnny could be. He had to be. More so than his mother, at least.
Gym wasn't exactly something Peanut enjoyed going to alone. He felt so out of place, and Mr. Burton wasn't helping. The old creep always made him feel so disgusted and he liked to keep his distance. But god, the sight of the teacher just made his skin crawl. And without Johnny by his side, he doesn't feel the motivation to go get dressed. So, he instead walks up the bleachers and takes a seat, hands clasped together as he watches some of the jocks toss a football back and forth.
By the time Johnny enters the building, everyone in their gym is getting ready for roll call. Peanut stands, grabbing his bag and walking down to meet his boss, smiling. It isn't returned.
"Follow me," he instructs, going down the stairs and headed for the pool. Peanut follows, a bit confused.
"We ain't doin' gym today?" he questions, hoping the answer is yes.
"We gotta talk," he tells him. Not exactly the answer he was expecting, but it's better than seeing Mr. Burton's dumb face. So, they make their way for the bleachers that face the pool and take a seat, no other students in sight. Peanut can hear Mr. Burton calling out names, but he knows for a fact he won't get a response from himself or Johnny.
They sit there in silence for a couple minutes, and Peanut decides it's best to wait for the boss to speak first. He doesn't want to upset him anymore than he already seems to be.
"Tell me something, Larry," Johnny starts, and Peanut snaps his head to stare at him. "You been listenin' those kids talk 'bout us?"
"They've been talkin'?" Honestly, he had heard students talk, but he wasn't sure if it was about them.
"Yeah," His voice is low. Smooth, but somethings behind it. Peanut can't place his finger on it. "It's what I wanna talk about."
"Well, if you need me to bust some heads, just say the word, boss!" He hopes his devotion to pleasing Johnny will make him feel better, but he doesn't move.
"Remember that night I found you?" he asks, and the memory hits Peanut like a freight train. He was curled up on the corner by the tenement, a pathetic looking jacket being his only warmth. He remembered it was in December. The 10th, if he was correct. Johnny had found him, gently kicked his side and asked what he was doing. After explaining that he had been kicked out of his house by his mother, Johnny took him in. He gave him food, shelter, support. He made him a greaser. He taught him how to fight and how to fix bikes. He made him go to school and actually try.
"How could I forget it?" he replies, smiling at the senior. "You're the reason why I'm still in school. Hell, you're the reason why I'm still alive!"
And for the first time since they got onto school grounds, Johnny smiles back, along with a small chuckle before his face drops again.
"What was the reason your mom kicked you out?" he questions. There's silence for a good minute. "You never told me what exactly you were doin' out on your own. Or why."
And it was true. Peanut never told anyone why he had become homeless. Not even Johnny knew. Not even his best friend knew why he was kicked out.
"You can tell me," Johnny continues, "I'm not gonna look at you any differently. You're supposed to come to me with any problems, anyways. What kind of leader would I be if I just shut ya out?"
He hesitates. It's true. Everyone could come to Johnny when they had a problem, whether it be big or small. That's why he was such a great leader. Even Vance went to him. Wait… Vance…
"What did Vance wanna talk about?" Peanut's voice is filled with worry and he hates that fact. He wanted to ask calmly, but it came out so pathetic. Johnny just shrugs.
"None of your business," he replies, "Now, stop stalling and tell me."
That son of a bitch. He told him. He told him the one thing he never wanted getting back to Johnny. Oh, when he saw that kid he was dead. He promised he wouldn't ever say a word to anyone, especially Johnny. Some friend he was!
"She found out I was bi," he finally confesses, and Johnny just stares at him, expecting more. "She said I better fix myself, but I couldn't. I started failing and everything got to me. So since I couldn't "fix" myself and I started failing, she kicked me out, saying something about how she didn't want a mistake like me in her house anymore."
His body is shaking and he feels ashamed. Ashamed for his confession. Ashamed for his preference. Ashamed about being a "mistake".
"Sounds like a bitch, if ya ask me," Johnny finally comments, before reaching out to put his arm around Peanut.
"Yeah..." He can't bring himself to say anything else, but being close to Johnny makes him feel better. The scent of his cologne helps, too.
"And is there anyone you like here?" He did tell him! Vance was dead when they were done!
"Nah," His reply is quick and he avoids any eye contact with his boss. Johnny just chuckles.
"Oh, yeah?" He gets closer to him, pulling him towards his body so their hips are connected. His face is burning. "Not from what I've heard."
"And what did ya hear?" He knows the response, but he doesn't want to give in. He doesn't want to fully accept the fact that his own friend betrayed him.
"That my second in command," he starts, using his other hand to poke him. "thinks I deserve better than Lola."
"You do!" he shoots back, "You spend so much time stressing on her and everything, and she don't even care 'bout you, Johnny!"
"And," he continues, "that you've had a crush on me since the beginning of the year."
"Vance is full of it!" he cries, finally facing Johnny, his face flushed a deep shade of red. This just makes his boss bust out laughing. Peanut sits there, trying to deny that he has any sort of romantic feelings for him, but he fumbles over his words, and Johnny just sits there, having a field day. He lets Peanut try to make the words come out in proper sentences, before he finally pats his shoulder and silences him.
"It's alright," he tells him, "I mean, can't say I'm surprised. Just look at me!"
"You're full of it, too..." he grumbles. Johnny chuckles a bit more, reaching his hand over to gently lay it on top of Peanut's.
"Just listen to me," he starts, "I ain't gonna hate you or beat you or whatever just because you got feelin's for me. We're too close for that. And honestly, I do feel somethin' for you. Dunno if it's love or somethin' else, but there is something there."
"You like me?" He's dumbfounded. Johnny Vincent, king of the greasers, had just said he felt something for him. He felt something for him!
"We'll see," he chuckles. Peanut takes this chance and grabs Johnny's hand, making him flinch but not pull away.
"So, what about those kids that were talkin'?" he asks. That's where his face drops and he's no longer smiling.
"Ah, just some remarks 'bout us," he tells him, shrugging his shoulders. "Guess they saw us together on the bike and started their rumors or whatever."
"And what about Lola?" Johnny stares at Peanut, squeezing his hand ever so slightly.
"You said I deserve better, right?" he asks. There's an energetic nod and he's smiling so big at the senior he's worried he's gonna pull the muscles in his face.
"Of course you do! The boss deserves the best!"
"And I gotta feelin' that "best" is gonna you."