This is the sequel to Naruto's Hot pursuit

Story Below

Naruto had waked up in the morning, finding Boruto is missing. Then he looked for him around his house and smell something good. So he went to the kitchen and found Boruto there, Making pancakes and waffles

Naruto sat on the dining room while Boruto taked the food to the food table and To Naruto's surprise, it tasted really good

"Hmm, wow this is really good" said Naruto while eating Pancakes

"Yes I am used to cook for myself at my house" said Boruto while taking some maple syrup "After all this is my form of gratitude for saving me last night" Continuing his words

"Okay let's continue our last night discussion. Where are we?"

"uum, I tell you how I am kidnapped, right?"

"Oh right, that one. Then where did you get that Smith and Wesson Model 500 Revolver"

"Oh that, I picked it up from one of the gangsters" "Since my house has burned, and I lost everything I have. Can I live in your house?"

"Sure, you may stay at my house as long as you want, even it's okay if you moved here permanently" said Naruto while eating the last bites of his meal

"Where you will go?" asked Boruto seeing his brother leaving him

"I will get my paycheck and repair my car" said Naruto while wearing his usual black and orange jacket

"Can I go with you? "

"Sure, but first, finish your meal! "

So Naruto went to his garage and started the engine of his damaged car, and taked it out from his garage, soon Boruto came with his usual Outfit and sat on the passenger seat

10 minutes later Naruto had arrived at Sasuke's shop, Sasuke is ready to repair Naruto's car, which is heavily damaged.

Front bumper and the hood is missing, rear bumper and trunk is punctured, and there are a lot of holes all over the car.

"Hmm this gonna takes some time to repair your car, probably 21 hours" said Sasuke while taking his toolbox

"Ooh, hey what is that" said Naruto while pointing at something

"Ooh that's a Stage 3 Turbocharger, made by GReedy, do you want me to install it on the engine" ask Sasuke

"Yes, but please install a Stage 2 Supercharger too, I need a more responsive car"

"All of this will cost around 50000¥. But don't worry I will gave you a 40% Discount"


Next he takes a bus to the bank and take his paycheck from his mission, he gets 80.000¥ because it is actually an S-ranked mission

Because Naruto's car is currently being repaired, they taked a bus to their home but they Noticed something unusual.

"What the?" Said Naruto surprised

"Look, The door lock is destroyed" said Boruto

Then they entered the house and sees a man planting a C4 Bomb in the living room, Naruto had managed to punch him before he sets the bomb on.

Then he went to the Hallway and shoots everyone he sees, it seems they are the same people who kidnapped Boruto yesterday. Now he know where are all those gangsters coming from, they came from the infamous Gangstar KHLV the biggest criminal organization in Hidden leaf village, it seems they know that Boruto stays in Naruto's house, so they are looking for him here.

"Now tell me! How did you know that Boruto is here? " Forced Naruto to one of them

His mouth stayed shut

Then Naruto make a small Rasenshuriken and said "You don't want me to cut your neck with this, Right?"

"Okay okay I will tell you but please don't kill me" said the Gangster Feared

"Proceed, Then"

"Last night, I installed a tracker when your car hit the spike strip. Then I followed the signal from the tracker that led me here"

"When did you came here?"

"15 minutes ago. But when I came I didn't see anyone so I started looking for you two. But one of my friends realized that your car is not here. And then we set up a C4 bomb to blew up this house,"

"You are going to jail. you and all of your friends. Hey Boruto call the police!"

Then the gangsters laughed evilly and said "It is no use calling the police, our reinforcement will came here, and this time, this time we will defeat you and take all your money, all you have, and kidnapp your little brother you really love. Muahahahahahahaha"

"Why are you Targeting Boruto, not me or someone else"

"That's because your little brother is the perfect boy for our experiment"

"An experiment?"

"Yes an experiment, that could make us have enough power to conquer the whole world"

"What are you talking about? Is there something special on Boruto's Body or What?"

"Boruto has a rare DNA, if we modify it and inject it to anyone, it could make the target become a jinchuriki that could control any Tailed Beast very easily, Even if the tailed beast did not want to cooperate, and the target will have an enormous power. Two times the power of a regular jinchuriki"

"So you are not only targeting Boruto, but you also targeting me."

"That's right. We also target the tailed beast, that is sealed in your body. The nine-tails A.K.A Kurama is the perfect tailed beast for our experiment"

"Huh, you can't kill me that easy, wait a minute. Where is your reinforcement, they seemed to fear me right? haha"

"That's odd. they should be already came here. They should be following the signal of the tracker"

"Wait a second. if you said they are following the signal of the tracker, That Means... Oh no. They are on Sasuke's garage"

Boruto shoot someone who tries to stab Naruto from behind, and luckily he had a walkie-talkie so he could listen to the Gangsters chat

"The signal comes from here, it is a car modification shop, and we saw the car. A heavily damaged Volkswagen Golf GTI currently being repaired."

"We will come to your place right away"

Then Naruto tied all of them to a pillar and run to Sasuke's shop

Meanwhile Sasuke is struggling to defend him self, his susanoo is almost destroyed by constant attacks from the gangsters, they use Gatling Guns, Bazookas, Grenade launchers, autocannons,

and even missiles to destroy Sasuke's susanoo armor

Naruto finally came to Sasuke's shop and activated his Kurama Mode, giving him a form of a nine-tailed beast. It also supersized his pistol, making it almost as big as a car, and it fires fast moving Bijudama from the giant pistol rapidly Boruto also receive some nine-tails Chakra from Naruto. Granting him an amazing speed and agility, he quickly saved Sasuke, and take him to safety.

Finally Naruto immobilized all of them, and called the police to arrest them. Too bad everything in that shop was completely destroyed, including Naruto's car

"Huuh now my car is completely destroyed, I just bought it a week ago and now I have to throw it away" said Naruto sadly

"That's okay you could buy a new one right? " said Boruto trying to cheer him up

"But it will not as fast as my car"

"Don't worry about it, we could modify it right?"

"Okay I will buy a new car"

After taking Sasuke to the nearest clinic Naruto decided to buy a new car

While Boruto was cooking lunch, he heard a car engine sound, but it sounded like a race car. So he went outside and he is surprised by the car Naruto bought. It is a BMW M3 GTR E36 but it is old and rusty

"Where the heck did you get that car?" said Boruto surprised

"I found this car at a nearby junkyard, I bought it for just a thousand yuan, and he said that it was a race car a few years back"

"Yeah I know it, it is a BMW M3 GTR, not a race car actually, but it is a race car based sport car, how many horses it produced"

"380BHP at 7200 Rpm if the engine is brand new "

"What is the model of the engine"

"Naturally aspirated P60B40 4.0l V8"

"Okay then"