Hello, there!

OverlyFanaticPanda is finally back! I'm so sorry for such a late chapter. I struggled with this one for a long time and I feel like this is kind of a boring chapter. I just needed to get something, anything, out, so this is it. I'm currently in the middle of moving, so it might be a while for another chapter. But it won't be as long as last time!

I want to thank you all for waiting patiently and any feedback is appreciated.

Ryou Bakura, a fifteen-years-old student with fluffy white hair and soft ecru eyes, quietly sits in his seat while listening to his classmates' conversations fade as their Chemistry teacher, Maximillian Pegasus, walks into the classroom and closes the door behind him.

Pegasus stands before the blackboard facing the class. His silver hair gleams in the sunlight filtering through the windows, red suit crisp and pristine. "Good morning, class. There will be a new student joining us from overseas today, but do not let his presence distract you from our work today."

Whispers of curiosity and excitement begin to fill the room, but Pegasus claps his hands twice for silence. "As I said, do not let his presence distract you."

He turns around and begins writing on the board as he speaks, "Now, before we move on to the next lesson, let us review the last one."

A girl with green hair styled in twin buns who sits in front of Ryou raises her hand, "Mr. Pegasus?"

The Chemistry teacher pauses writing key notes from the previous lesson and turns around at the questioning tone of his name. He nods at the student, "Yes, Miss Myla?"

Myla lowers her hand, "Where is he? The new student?"

Pegasus glances at the classroom door, "Where, indeed."

Halfway through the new lesson and a full page of notes later, Ryou's, along with everyone else's, attention is stolen by a knock on the door.

From his seat, Ryou is unable to see who has interrupted his Chemistry class, but he can hear the conversation.

He hears his teacher greet the person, "Nurse Valentine, hello. What can I do for you?"

Most of the boys in class immediately begin whispering about the school's sultry nurse once they hear that she's the one who is on the other side of the door. Ryou rolls his eyes at their childish comments and laughs internally at the thought of the blonde twenty-four-years old ever falling for one of them, let alone even thinking of them if they weren't injured or sick.

Ryou watches as Pegasus moves to stand sideways and sweeps an arm out in a welcoming manner, "Do come in, dear boy."

As the transfer student from overseas walks into the room, Ryou blinks in surprise. Whatever he had been expecting to see, if anything, it wasn't a cute-version of his fierce older friend.

The boy has big doe-like amethyst eyes, a young face framed by loose blond bangs with a cute curl hanging in the middle of his forehead, and black spiky hair with the ends tinted a lovely shade of lilac. Whereas, Ryou's older friend has a knifelike edge to his crimson eyes, a more angular face also framed with blond bangs and blond streaks like lightening shooting up his black spiky hair, but the tips of his hair are stained a bloody color. The last noticeable difference is that the boy's skin is light and fair, while his friend's is a rich tan complexion. Ryou notes that while both males are short, his friend seems like he would be taller, if only an inch.

Ryou's friend also isn't one to cower away from judgmental scrutiny, instead, standing tall and smirking as if to dare the onlookers to say one word. But even though the lookalike boy does not seem to possess the ferocity Ryou's friend exudes, he does not lower his head. But the boy's eyes have not stopped darting to and fro.

Ryou's slightly startled gaze is met and he offers the fidgeting boy a smile. A small smile is given to him in return and the white-haired boy idly wonders if his friend's smile would look like that, if he'd just stop smirking that is.

The transfer student takes a deep breath before introducing himself, "H-hello, my name i-is Yuugi Mutou. I, uh, j-just arrived a few days a-ago."

Before the boy could say another word, Ryou's classmates fire off what's in their minds giving no time for a response.

Ryou tilts his head when confusion clouds the boy's features. He figures someone must have said something, but he couldn't be exactly sure what.

That's when Pegasus loudly claps his hands and stares disapprovingly at the class, "Don't all speak at once. It's very rude."

Intrigued, Ryou raises his hand in a fashion the Chemistry teacher approves of. "Where did you move from?"

The boy's face instantly morphs into a look of surprise and recognition, "W-well, I'm from here o-originally, until I was four. Then I, uhm, grew up in England."

Ryou's slight intrigue of the new student grows into an urge to befriend the boy upon hearing his answer. Pegasus sends the transferee, Yuugi, to his seat, and Ryou could not wait until the class was over. His smile is wide and impatient.

"Your homework for today will be to memorize the new terms, an example of each, and problems one through six of the end of lesson review. I'll collect the problems at the beginning of class tomorrow, so be sure to have all of them done by then. No late work will be accepted."

As Pegasus ends the class hour, Ryou packs up his belongings. He looks over at the new student, Yuugi. The boy is writing down the assignment in a planner.

When the bell rings, Ryou grabs his things and walks over to the other side of the room, not out the door to his next class. He approaches the person his gut is telling him to befriend.

"Hello! It's Yuugi, right? I'm Ryou Bakura." Ryou introduces himself and extends his hand. The boy hesitantly glances from Ryou's face to his hand before grasping it.

"H-hi, yeah, I'm Yuugi."

Ryou releases his hand, smiles, and offers to show Yuugi to his next class. "I'd also like to, you know, talk and become friends…"

He finishes his sentence quietly, cheeks a bit rosy from realizing how forward he's acting.

But Yuugi accepts his offer, forwardness and all, with a grateful smile and shining orbs, "I'd like that!"

As it turns out, Yuugi shares all of Ryo's classes.

After first period, Ryou asks to see Yuugi's course sheet, a paper with a list detailing all of one's classes for the school year. Upon seeing the same classes and teachers as his own, Ryou declares that the two practically have to become friends now.

Ryou blushes again at his forwardness, but Yuugi doesn't mind. In fact, he's happy Ryou had approached him like he did. Yuugi knows he never would have made the first step to befriending the white-haired student, at least not for the first few weeks. Making a friend on his very first day that's in all his classes, greatly heaves some nervous weight from his slim shoulders. Now he has a fixed smile of encouragement to focus on when introducing himself at the beginning of every class hour.

"First period is Chemistry, then we have History and Geometry before lunch." Ryou explains as he leads his new friend to their next class. "Afterwards is Literature, Biology, Physical Education, and finally Study Hall."

Yuugi blanches at the prospect of Physical Education, "I'm not the sporty-type." He gestures at his height, or lack thereof.

Ryou laughs, "Neither am I, but it's not all bad. Because both halves of Year 2 Class A have gym together, like all the other years, the group is large and the teacher usually lets the students pick one of two options to participate in; running Track or playing a ball game of some sort."

"Running Track?" Yuugi perks up.

"Yeah, depending on the group size of those who've chosen to run, you race against three to five others. Most go for the ball games, though." Ryou says opening the door to their History classroom.

"Are you interested in running, Yuugi?"

"Heh, a little," Yuugi replies.

When History and Geometry are over, Ryou leads Yuugi to the lockers Yuugi had passed by earlier with Mai.

"Your course sheet should have your locker number and combination on it," Ryou tells Yuugi.

Yuugi pulls out the paper from his backpack and finds the locker information at the bottom of the page. "527, is that one in this area?"

Ryou shakes his head, "No. This area is the 300s. See, this is how the locker numbers work: the first number is the aisle, the second is the row, and the third is the column, that's where you'll find your locker."

"Okay, uhm…" Yuugi looks at the lockers on the opposite side.

"Aisle 5 is two over, bottom half, one over from the end."

Yuugi nods and follows Ryou's directions to his locker. It's easy enough to find, he thinks, but why does this school make everything sound so complicated?

Upon locating his locker, Yuugi inputs his pre-assigned combination and puts away the books he no longer needs for the day. He rejoins Ryou at his locker.

"Would you like to join my friends and me for lunch today, Yuugi?" Ryou asks with a hint of excitement at the prospect of seeing Yuugi standing next to his more intimidating counterpart.

Surprisingly, Yuugi declines Ryou's offer.

Ryou tilts his head.

"I'm sorry, I just have something really important to do," Yuugi says.

With all his previous forwardness, Ryou decides not to pry and leaves the matter alone. "Alright. Well, my friends and I eat in the back courtyard in a secluded area. If you change your mind just poke around the left side where the building ends and bushes begin."

Yuugi thanks his new friend and the two go their separate ways for lunch.