Every movement I make is carefully directed, executed in the greatest gentleness. I even forget to breathe for a moment, frightened that I might upset this fragile being. She is so small. The most precious, beautiful, perfect creature. My hand lightly caresses her hairless little head, which is tucked in a warm blanket, and I worry that my fingers might be too cold. But she doesn't stir, her eyes peacefully closed. I bring the small bundle close to my chest, feeling its warmth, smelling its pure scent. I can't resist laying a soft kiss on this little miracle's head.

Sidon's voice breaks the mesmerizing bond between the baby girl and me.

"I fear you may have found a serious rival in beauty, my dear." He speaks lowly as he kneels next to me. "She is absolutely gorgeous."

"Yes, she is." I reply smiling. "How could she not be, with such handsome parents?"


Beneath his gentle expression, his eyes are scrutinizing me anxiously. But I am fine, really. More than fine actually. The enthusiastic cry of Aiken makes the little girl wince slightly.

"I want to see the baby!" He chants.

I hush him gently, smiling at his obvious happiness. I lower myself until he manages to brush her cheek with his clumsy little hand, his face frozen in a silent exclamation of glee. Delighted, he stomps the ground, unable to contain his excitement. Getting our godson to wait a whole day to see her had been quite a challenge. I get up from my chair and put the baby girl back into her father's arms.

"She's perfect, Link." I tell him.

He only smiles proudly, true to his quiet nature, sitting on the sofa next to his wife. Paya beckons her mischievous little boy to hop into her lap so he can keep an eye on his little sister. Her fingers run along the messy bun I have made in his silvery blond hair to keep him from chewing on them, and she sends me a knowing smile.

"Have you decided on a name?" I ask them.

Link glances at Paya.

"Actually, we were thinking of naming her Zelda." Paya answers, beaming.

I stare at them, my mouth gaping in surprise. Link's blue eyes are upholding my gaze intently. If it's alright with you, they seem to say. I close my mouth, feeling an uncontrollable smile stretching my lips, and nod slightly. I have to clear my throat of the emotions that are building up there. Suddenly, I feel quite nauseous.

"I love it." I finally swallow and say. "Truly."

Sidon's supportive hand comes to rest on my shoulder, and I inhale sharply to dissipate my feebleness.

"We-we have a lot to attend to today, we should get going." I stutter. "We will see you at the celebrations tonight, won't we?"

Before either Link or Paya can voice their acquiescence, Aiken exclaims exuberantly.

"We're going at the fair!" He yelps.

"Yes, we are, Ai." Link laughs softly. "Tonight."

"Perfect!" Sidon concludes. "See you then, little man."

My tall husband playfully rolls his bicep at our godson, who clumsily imitates him, nearly toppling backwards on his mother.

As we step in the airy hall, I breathe deeply, feeling the last of my nausea leave me. A good thing too, because we truly have a busy day ahead of us. Today is the Harvest Festival in Castle Town. Thankfully, it is mostly organized by its citizens. Yet, we are expected to oversee the preparations – our subjects really care about our approval of their festivities. It is actually quite touching.

As we walk through the castle's halls towards the entrance, Sidon suddenly grabs my arm, whirling me inside an empty drawing room. He lifts me up to his face, holding me closely against the wall.

Through eager kisses that graze my skin with pointed teeth, he sighs. "Alone at last."

I can't help laughing at such a lustful display.

"Aiken was only with us for a day!" I chuckle.

He inhales deeply through is mouth as his teeth rest on my neck, a thing he often does to smell my perfume.

"A day without touching you is a long time." He replies.

Indeed, these days, it seems we can hardly keep our hands off each other. Finding our way back to each other after the events of Lanayru Bay had been a slow process, imprinted with secrecy and disappointment, but our renewed love had never been deeper. It felt so good to have found back the bliss of physical love without any of the pressure for results I used to impose on myself. However, this was becoming a bit preposterous. In the middle of the day, in the sitting room?

"Sidon, what is it with you?" I ask, struggling to keep control over my traitorous body. "People are waiting for us."

"Let them wait. I cannot help it." He replies with his damn suave voice as he brushes my neck with his lips. "There is this glowing beauty about you that makes me lose my senses."

"Someone could see us." I moan half-heartily.

"Goddess forbid someone should see two married people loving each other." He replies, trying to find his way into my collar.

"In public." I add.

He chuckles, sending hot air into my chest.

"This is technically our residence." He points out.

He does have a point. Yet, I persist in my resistance, and he sighs.

"You can be as stubborn as a mule, my Queen." He teases me, letting me slip to the floor. "Very well, I will perform my duties, like a respectable king." He playfully rolls his eyes as if I was asking for an absurd effort.

In response to this theatrical attitude, I raise my chin and walk off in a dignified manner. I hear him scoff from behind as he follows me.

When we finally reach the town, the atmosphere is already elated – even if the festivities only begin at twilight. The streets are being decorated with floral garlands as joyful citizens hail each other. Tables have been lined around the fountain in the central plaza and merchants are displaying their goods for the feast of tonight. Not so surprisingly, ale seems to be the most popular product, with at least half the kiosks offering their very one brewing recipe. In one area, our militia is practicing a ceremonial march, to the rhythm of drums and a piccolo. This faint music is mixed with the discordant taping of the tuner working on a piano that has been brought outside for the event.

A wide area has been cleared for the dance floor. One could not deprive Castle Town residents of their favorite entertainment. Their dancing has nothing to do with the refined, sophisticated dances I had experienced at the castle in my youth – but no one knew how to dance like that anymore. Well, no Hylian. Sidon was actually quite talented. No, these festivities would be lively, energetic and exuberant. People had been working so hard, now was the time to enjoy.

The day passes quite rapidly, as both Sidon and I are asked for our input by just about every single citizen participating in the event. We are offered every product for tasting – people are eager to receive royal praise. One of the wine producers proudly offers us a cup of his reserve from the first year after the end of the Calamity.

"Only the best for you, Highnesses!" He toasts, raising his own glass.

Sidon elegantly sips it, only nodding slightly, but I barely manage to refrain from spitting it out. I anxiously glance at my husband as I swallow the acrid liquid, trying hard not to end with a disgusted pout. He only looks at me with slight surprise. The wine producer is eyeing us expectantly.

"Quite a unique taste." Sidon tactfully smiles, handing back his cup.

As we walk away, I whisper. "That was bloody awful."

"Agree to disagree." He simply replies, his brows furrowed.

A group of giggling Hylian girls, their hair decorated with flowers and laces, runs to us, asking Sidon for his help in raising up a teen-foot-tall maypole adorned with colorful ribbons. In fact, people seem more interested in his sheer force than his royal opinion. While I am asked for guidance regarding the disposition of the kiosks or the schedule of the activities, Sidon is dragged left and right to reach every high point and lift every heavy object.

The sun's last rays bask us in uncomfortable heat. Prying on Sidon who is rehydrating his skin with the central fountain's water, looking anxious not to get caught, I chuckle to myself. As dusk sets, torches are lit around the plaza. Their light adds to the bluish glow provided by the luminous stones that were integrated by Zora architects in some of the buildings rebuilt ten years ago. The citizens have provided a royal table for us to sit at through the celebration.

Finally, the militia officially opens the festival, marching around the town, receiving the praise of the crowd. The group of excited girls, with large smiles on their faces, then follow suit with their traditional dance around the maypole, while there is still enough light to enjoy the bright colors of their waltzing ribbons. A group of musicians provides an upbeat tune for the show – and I know they will not stop playing for the rest of night.

Even if I have seen this number numerous times over the years, I am always amazed by the beautiful coordination that arouses from so many divergent individual movements. However, this time, all I can think of are the delicious, abundant local products that are waiting for us in the kiosks. Even if I have spent the afternoon stuffing my face with them.

I suddenly notice the shinning hair of my godson, moving above the crowd as he sits on his father's shoulders. I think it is the first time he is old enough to actually enjoy the event. His wide eyes sweep the place, his little mouth opened in a comical 'o'. We are not to be rooted to our table for the evening – and I am famished – so I happily trot to meet the little family, abandoning Sidon behind.

As in all public events, Link is humbly wearing his champion tunic, the latter covered by his cape in anticipation of the night's cold. Aiken could be his smaller duplicate, wrapped in a warm doublet of the same dark grey. The tiny baby Zelda is wrapped tightly against her mother's chest, lost in a sea of black fabric. Even if we have only been apart for a few hours, I can't describe how happy I am to see them. Seeing the loving family they form really warms my heart, every time.

"Auntie Elza!" Aiken exclaims.

Aw, still can't say my name. Well, it's not an easy one. Link merely lets out a hearty laugh as Paya corrects him for the hundredth time.

"Zelda, honey." She chuckles.

But Aiken only pouts, choosing indignant silence over amendment.

"You'll have to learn to say it." Link teases, raising his face to look at the little boy on his shoulders. "It's your sister's name too."

Aiken sighs emphatically.

"I wanna go home." He moans.

"But we just got here!" Link replies in an exaggeratedly disappointed manner. "Guess I'll have to play a game by myself then."

"No! I want to play a game!" Aiken loudly cuts across him.

Link gives me an amused look before walking off towards a slingshot challenge booth. Paya slides her arm under mine, proposing that we get some food for everyone. I have never felt more grateful!

When we return to settle our findings on the royal table, Sidon is standing close-by, in an animated conversation with a group of our Zora subjects inhabiting the town. They politely excuse themselves upon seeing Paya and I joining the king.

"Marvelous!" He grins, taking a seat next to us as he eyes our meal. "Goddess bless the both of you. Dear Paya, how pleasing it is to see you again tonight. You seem well."

"I am." She smiles back, blushing slightly. She never craved for too much attention. "But I'm afraid I won't be out late."

She softly caresses the supple layers of fabric that hold her daughter against her.

"Of course!" Sidon nods in understanding.

He suddenly notices me wolfing down my meal as they were speaking. I realize how discourteous I am being – the very manners I always accuse Link of lacking.

"Someone is feeling ravenous." He chuckles, softly imitated by Paya.

"Mmm! Food!" Link suddenly appears, holding his little boy in his arms.

Wherever there's food, Link always seem to materialize swiftly. He sits next to me, and Aiken wobbles onto my lap, proudly presenting a single green rupee.

"Wow!" I exclaim as if this item was indeed very impressive. "Did Daddy win this for you at the slingshot game?"

He shakes his head fervently.

"Nope." Link smiles, his cheeks stuffed with food. "Won it all by himself at the fishing game, didn't you Aiken?"

The boy grins widely.

"With my hands!" He shrieks happily.

Paya exclaims appreciatively. I don't know who looks prouder – Link or Sidon. Seeing this precious child succeed in traditional Zora games, meant to sharpen their fishing skills and fighting reflexes, is surely a memorable event for my husband.

"Yes, well, that was the challenge, Ai." Link replies. "Also, we own a fish now."

With an apologetic smile at Paya, he produces a glass bottle holding a tiny, pretty ruffled, carp koi in its water. She answers with a badly concealed sigh.

We dine merrily, discussing animatedly between delicious mouthfuls. Darkness slowly falls, offering a contrasting backdrop to the glowing lights of the fires, luminous stones and fireflies around us. I haven't felt this well in months; nay, in years. I feel perfectly content. Here is all I will ever need: a wonderful partner to my private and sovereign life, loyal friends who supply support in more ways than they will ever know, and short magical moments to ourselves like this one. As we converse, fully satiated, a group of citizens approach us.

"Your Highnesses." A middle-aged lady addresses us. I recognize her as one of the organizers of this year's festival. "Would you do us the honor of opening tonight's dance?"

With a hint of regret at having eaten so much, I gracefully accept, and Sidon enthusiastically springs to his feet. As we make our way through the crowd, I notice that some joyous revelers have already indulged in blithesome ale consumption.

We rarely make appearances at such parties in town, as we have court members to entertain in countless events through the year. Yet each time we do, I am remembered of why I love my people so much. They are a resilient kind who, despite having endured a century of misfortunes, are determined to appreciate life at its fullest. A hundred years of Calamity could not root us out, nor our cheerfulness.

We step onto a cleared area of cobbled ground, my hand resting in Sidon's, at my shoulder's level. On-watchers applaud politely. As we wait for the musicians, I notice Paya slipping away with an affectionate wave of her hand and I send her a smile which I hope conveys equal affection. Link stands at the edge of the dance floor, holding an excited Aiken back by the hand.

And the music begins. Not the elegant chamber music we usually dance to – a lively, upbeat music. It is a traditional dance any respectable Hylian knows, a dance Sidon has had the pleasure of discovering years ago. We move effortlessly around the wide free space, our choreography flowing without having to think about it. A turn on yourself, a side-step, a change in place, twice an exchange of hand claps, jump and start again.

Soon, the merrymakers around us can't refrain from jumping on the dance floor any longer, and they join our dance, forming a synchronic line of couples. As always, Sidon's massive crimson body towers high above every dancer, attracting most gazes. Link sweeps up his little boy in his arms, jumping in next to us. I know he is no dance enthusiast at the castle, but in those popular events he seems much more at ease. Using only one hand, he exchanges claps with a giggling Aiken. As they jump and swirl around, the both of them burst out laughing, and I am remembered of a younger, more light-hearted Link from long ago, before any worries weighted on our minds.

We stay there, in the midst of our people, waltzing and laughing, dance after dance.

I eventually have to step out for a bit of fresh air, completely out of breath. Sidon follows me, executing a small bow for the crowd that is enthusiastically applauding our performance. We walk down a few cobbled streets, meeting fewer and fewer revelers, until we reach a nearby park. There are no decorations here, no source of lights other than the occasional luminous stone adorning the town houses surrounding us. Forgetting all royal etiquette, I slump in a bed of flowers, resting my aching legs.

"This festival is always so much fun." Sidon smiles as he drops to the ground next to me. "Hylians are amazing."

"I agree." I sigh, interlacing my fingers with his.

We both silently observe the starry sky, and the overly large harvest moon. My breathing calms down and I feel the heat of the dancing dissipate, leaving me shivering in the cold night air. I shuffle closer to Sidon, seeking his tepid warmth. We stay still, our faces turned up to the heavens, simply enjoying this perfect moment.

Suddenly, I can feel his giant body tense next to me, as he inhales sharply. He anxiously turns his face to me. He stares into my eyes in silence, his mouth searching for words.

"How many moons, Zelda?" He whispers.

"What?" I reply, baffled.

My heartbeat slowly increases, as understanding dawns upon me.

"How many moons…" He merely repeats, not daring to force his realization on me.

Goddess all-mighty. He is right.

"I-I don't know," I stutter, feeling panic rise inside of me, "I haven't – it has been a long time, hasn't it?"

How careless of me, I used to note down this sort of data in a most zealous way! He nods fervently, his expression dangerously on the verge of tears.

"At least two. Maybe three." I answer, fearing I might lose all control and laugh or cry uncontrollably.

There is a silence as we stare into each other's eyes.

"Are you sure?" His question is but a whisper in the night air.

He knows as well as I do. I smile.

"Are you?" I return the question.

Slowly, his expression turns from anxious, to pleased, to overjoyed. An unrefined mix of laughter and sob escapes me, and I raise my hand to cover my mouth. I suddenly find myself swirling through the air in his strong embrace. I doubt I will ever forget the blissful sound of his uncontrollable, hearty laughter at that very moment.

Author's notes: Well, this has been a wonderful experience. I can't thank enough everyone who read and critiqued, I loved every bit of this ride. I will probably publish a sequel for this story, for I love those stupid characters so much I couldn't stop thinking about what would happen from here. If you'd like to keep posted, follow me as an author.

Now, for those of you who are in need of more Sidon/Zelda adventures, here is everything I could satisfy my poor heart with:
- Cascading Stars by cafalla (a feel good fleeting love story)
- Zelda's redemption by Violetlight (a thoroughly original take on botw as a whole)
- Duty by Neetyneet (which is actually a love triangle Link/Zelda/Sidon)

Violetlight: I don't know if the thought of using a donor has crossed their mind. I think Zelda sometimes wonders if it wouldn't have made more sense for her to have ended up with Link. I haven't paid to much attention to the "goddess blood" thing, as you may have noticed I had already killed the OoT Zelda in this story (in the events of their failure against Ganon)... although she may have had other family members, cousins maybe. I know I only mentioned this in the author's notes section, but I previously stated that in this story, I considered Zora as mammals (otherwise there wasn't much of a story to tell). The problems you mention... will be addressed in the sequel, if you'd like to read it ;)