A/N: Hey readers, this is a new fic that Deviljho's Hatred and I decided to try write, as we are both fans of the game and anime. I hope you all enjoy it.
Millions of people around the world are playing trading card games.
Out of all of them, there's one that's the most popular among them all. Cardfight! Vanguard.
I never would have thought a simple game would have such a huge impact on my life.
I know what you're thinking, this all sounds familiar.
But this is a different story. My story.
"Alright class, that's all for today." the teacher said. "We'll continue from here tomorrow."
The class all got up from their seats and gathered their things before walking out of the room. One girl in particular had two of her friends come over to her.
"Hey Aurora. You wanna hang out? We can go to the mall and do some shopping."
The girl named Aurora shook her head. She had blonde hair that flowed down about halfway down her back and bright blue eyes that twinkled like stars. "Sorry, I can't. I'm busy down at the shop with dad. A new order is coming in today and he needs help setting everything up."
"Really? That's a shame." her friend said. "Alright then. See you tomorrow, Aurora."
Aurora waved goodbye to her friends as she left school and headed to the store her father owned. It was a card shop, nothing too special about it. Small and simple, in fact she and her father were the only ones that worked there. But it was still a place that made her happy, because it was the only place in town where she could play her favorite game. Cardfight! Vanguard.
'I wonder who's gonna be there today.' Aurora thought to herself. 'I know I owe Anthony a butt kicking for last week's tournament. Pulling a double critical when I'm at 3 damage. Only that guy would get so lucky.'
Vanguard was one of the few things that made Aurora feel alive. She had learned the game from her father years ago when she was younger. He had been the one to raise her for as long as she had known after all. Her mother had died not long after she was born, so Aurora had no memories of her. But that didn't make her too depressed. She loved her dad, and was always there to help him out.
Finally she arrived at the shop. She opened the door and was greeted by the sight of her father holding up two boxes that were clearly too heavy for him.
"Aurora dear. Perfect timing." her father said, struggling not to drop the boxes. "Could you grab one of these for me?"
The teenage girl let out a sigh. "Dad, what have I told you about doing more than you can handle?" She walked up and grabbed the top box. "Alright, where are these going?"
"Just put them on the counter for now."
Aurora did as she was told and placed the box on the store counter. Her father put the remaining ones right next to it.
"Phew, thanks for that sweetie." her father said as he wiped the sweat off his forehead. "I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't shown up."
"You would have had to get help from another person that actually has common sense?"
The man shot his daughter a knowing smile. "Alright young lady, enough of the sass. Hurry up and get changed."
"You got it boss." Aurora said as she went into the employee room. She changed out of her school uniform and into her work uniform, complete with the store's apron. Putting her school bag to the side, Aurora walked out of the room.
"Alright dad, what do you need me to-" The teen stopped talking when she came out and found no one there. Her father was gone, along with the two or three customers that had been there when she had left to get changed.
"Dad? Anyone? Hello?" Aurora called out. No response came. Now things were really starting to get freaky. "Dad, if this is some kind of prank, you better knock it off." she said. Still, not a sound was heard.
Aurora looked around the store, but couldn't find anyone. Just as she was contemplating what to do about this, the door to the shop opened. A young girl, looking not much older than 12 years old walked in. She had long silver hair, going almost all the way down to her feet, and eyes of a similar color.
"Hello there." the young girl said.
"Umm… hi." Aurora greeted. "Sorry, you kinda came at a bad time. The manager's gone and I can't seem to find him. Is there something you need."
"Actually, I was hoping you might know about this." the girl said, holding up a deck of Vanguard cards. "I'm looking for an opponent. Do you play?"
"Y-Yeah. I do." Aurora nodded. This was really starting to get freaky. First everyone in the shop pulls a houdini on her. And next, some strange girl that she had never seen before comes and wants a cardfight.
"That's good. Why don't we get started." the girl said, walking over to a table. She placed her deck and stood at the ready.
There was nothing else Aurora could do right now, and she had a sneaking suspicion this girl had something to do with everyone's disappearance. That left only one option. "You're on. But fair warning, I won't go easy on you."
"Likewise. Feel free to come at me with everything you've got."
Aurora walked and stood at the other end of the fight table. She placed her deck on it and put her starting Vanguard on the appropriate circle. Both players drew their opening hands. "You ready?"
The girl nodded. "Yes. Now we can begin."
Before Aurora could say anything else, she saw the girl's eyes flash. She became blinded with a bright light as she brought her arm up to shield her eyes. "What's going on?!"
When the light died down and Aurora could finally see again, she gasped. Their location had completely changed. They were no longer in the card shop her family owned. Instead, they were standing out in the middle of space. Stars dotted the area around them as Aurora tried to make sense of this.
"What the heck?!" Aurora exclaimed. "What happened?! Where are we?!"
"There is no need for concern." the little girl said, catching Aurora's attention. "We are not actually in space. This is the world created by our imaginations."
Aurora knew for sure now that something was up. "Just who in the world are you?"
"I'm simply someone who enjoys Vanguard, just like you." she said. "You may call me Yukari."
"And just how did you do all of this?"
"That's something you don't need to know yet." Yukari told her. "Now then, it's time for the fight to begin."
As she said this, her half of the Vanguard field appeared in front of her like a floating mat of light. The cards that had been in her starting hand appeared in her grasp. Aurora didn't know what was going on, but she had never been one to back down from a cardfight. 'Besides, it doesn't seem like I have much of a choice here.' Calling out in unison, the two players began the cardfight.
"Stand up! Vanguard!"
As if on command, two pillars of light shot up and revealed the starting Vanguards of both fighters.
"Young Blaufetter!"
Young Blaufetter
Grade: 0, Power: 5000
"Prophecy Child, Atmos."
Prophecy Child, Atmos
Grade: 0, Power: 5000
Aurora widened her eyes when she saw Yukari's unit. It had a slim yellow and white figure, holding a white orb in between its hands. "What unit is that? I've never even heard of it before."
"It's a Cray Elemental." Yukair explained. "My entire deck revolves around them."
"A deck filled with nothing but Cray Elementals? Is that even possible?"
"I think you'll find that it is."
Aurora thought to herself. She couldn't think of anyone building a deck out of Cray Elementals before. The most notable problem was that there were no grade 3s for them. But if she had this unit that she had never seen before, what was to say that there weren't other cards in that deck that she had no idea about either.
"You may take the first turn if you wish." Yukari told her.
"Alright then. Stand and draw." Aurora said, drawing the top card from her deck and placing it into her hand. "I ride Vesta Blauklinge. Blaufetter moves back with forerunner."
Vesta Blauklinge
Grade: 1, Power: 7000
Just like that, the unit that had been standing up front was replaced by Aurora's new vanguard. But it soon re-appeared right behind it due to the forerunner skill.
"Turn end."
"My turn then." Yukari said, drawing a card. "I ride New Star, Atmos."
New Star, Atmos
Grade: 1, Power: 7000
Yukari's vanguard was replaced by a slightly older-looking version of itself. This time there were two orbs in its possession, one in each hand. Aurora also noticed that her grade 0 hadn't moved from the soul to a rearguard circle. 'Is it a ride chain deck, then?'
"New Star's skill. Since Prophecy Child is in the soul or face up in the G Zone, its power increases by 1000, bringing it up to 8000 base." Yukari explained. "Next I call Air Elemental, Fwarlun."
At Atmos's side appeared a small green fairy-like creature. But unlike the first two cards Yukari had played, this was one Aurora recognized.
'Ok so there are some units she's using that aren't brand new to me.' Aurora thought. 'But what was with that grade 1 Atmos's skill? Why would a grade 0 be in the G Zone?'
Aurora didn't have much time to ponder her opponent's odd deck as Yukair went on the offensive. "Fwarlun attacks your vanguard."
"No guard."
Yukari's unit moved in and blasted Blauklinge with a gust of wind. Aurora took her damage. "Damage check. No trigger."
"Good. Next Atmos will attack." Yukair declared.
Aurora quickly played a card from her hand. "I guard with Saar Blauglanz!"
"Very well then. Drive check." Yukari turned over the top card of her deck. "Thunder Element Gororo. It's a critical trigger. What a shame. Even with the power boost, Atmos's attack won't go through. I guess my turn's over."
Aurora let out a small sigh of relief, grateful that she had played that guard when she did. Otherwise, the game would be 0-3 with her at the losing end.
"My turn. Stand and draw." Aurora said. "I ride Mars Blaukluger."
As Aurora rose her unit, Yukari made a comment. "So is this your favorite deck?"
"The deck your using. Blau series. Nova Grappler clan. They're your favorite?"
"Well… yeah, I guess you could say that." Aurora confirmed. "Why do you ask?"
"Any particular reason you like them?"
"My reason? Well I guess you could say Nova Grappler fits my playstyle. And I like the Blau theme. How they're named after planets."
"Is that so?"
"Yeah. I've always loved star gazing. I'd see stars twinkling in the sky and wished I could fly around the cosmos with them." she smiled nostalgically. Her face soon turned into a more serious expression. "Why are you asking me all this? And why did you challenge me to this fight?"
"All in due time, Aurora."
"Wait… How did you know my name?" The silence coming from Yukari told Aurora she wasn't going to get an answer from her. "Fine then. I'll just have to make you tell me then." Aurora knew it was time to go on the attack. "Call! Regia Blaulanze and Uranus Blaukluger! Regia attacks Atmos!"
Reiga Blaulanze
Grade: 2, Power: 9000
Uranus Blaukluger
Grade: 2, Power 9000
"No guard. Damage check. No trigger."
"Next up, Mars attacks with a boost from Blaufetter."
"No guard." Yukari said again.
"Drive check." Aurora declared. She performed her check, but failed to get a trigger unit.
Yukari did her damage check. "Stand Trigger. I give the power to Atmos."
Aurora cursed her luck. Her remaining unit wouldn't be able to hit Yukari's vanguard now. "Uranus Blaukluger attacks Fwarlun then."
"Guard." Yukari said, placing a 5000 point shield.
'Well I dealt two damage. That should be good enough for now.' Aurora thought to herself. "Turn end."
"It's my turn then. Stand and draw." Yukari said, adding a card to her hand. "I ride Potential Element, Atmos." Once again, a more grown up version of the unit before appeared. This one seemed like a young adult version of her vanguard. Four orbs were present on this one, with two orbs orbiting around each arm.
Potential Element, Atmos
Grade 2, Power: 9000
"Prophecy Child and New Star Atmos are either in my soul or face up in my G Zone, so just like before, my vanguard receives an additional 1000 power, bringing it up to a 10000 base." Yukari explained. "Next I move Fwarlun back and call Thunder Element, Volt."
Next to Atmos, a new unit appeared. This one had a slim figure and what looked like headphones in its ears. Electricity flowed around its body and seemed to be discharged from the palms of its hands.
Thunder Element, Volt
Grade 2, Power: 9000
'Yet another mystery unit.' Aurora thought.
"First, Atmos will attack your Vanguard." Yukari said.
"No guard."
"Drive check." Yukari said. A grin came to her face when she revealed the top card. "Life Element, Yggdrasil. It's a heal trigger. I recover one damage and add 5000 power to Volt."
Aurora watched as the game suddenly turned in Yukari's favor, a score of 2-1 with Aurora not getting a damage trigger. And Yukari wasn't done attacking.
"Next, Volt will attack with a boost from Fwarlun."
Aurora knew she couldn't afford to waste 15000 shield so early in the game. "No guard."
Another card went to Aurora's damage zone, bringing her to 3 damage. "I believe that will be all for now." Yukari said. "I end my turn."
"Alright then, it's my turn." Aurora said. Once she drew for her turn, she held one of the cards in her hand out. "Defender of the cosmos, now is the time to fight! I ride Neumond Blaukluger!"
Neumond Blaukluger
Grade: 3, Power: 11000
"Next I call Venus Blaukluger." Aurora said, placing the unit directly behind Uranus Blaukluger on her field. "Regia Blaulanze attacks Volt."
"I guard." Yukari said, placing a grade 2 from her hand with 5000 shield.
"Next up is an attack from Neumond, boosted by Blaufetter. And I activate Blaulanze's skill. I counterblast and soulblast to stand Blaulanze and add 2000 power."
"No guard."
"Alright then, twin drive!" Aurora turned the first card over. "Critical trigger! Power to Blaulanze and the critical to my Vanguard." Next was the second check. "Heal trigger! Power to Uranus, and I recover one!"
"Damage check. Draw trigger." Yukari said, revealing the card. "I give the power to my vanguard and draw. Second check. No trigger."
The next two attacks came at Yukari. She guarded Blaulanze's attack with a critical trigger in her hand, but let Uranus's attack through, bringing her to 4 damage.
"How'd you like that?" Aurora said with a smirk. "I'm just getting warmed up."
"You certainly are outgoing. You truly are just like her."
"Her? Who are you talking about."
Yukari ignored the question as she started her turn. "Stand and draw." The silver haired girl took a crd in her hand and held it up in the air. "Herald of peace, shine your light on this world. Let your light inspire those around you. I ride Prophecy Element, Atmos!"
Just like before, a brand new version of her vanguard appeared. This one seemed to be the adult version of Atmos. The orbs this time seemed like parts of its body. A red orb and blue orb connected its arms to the main body while a green orb and a yellow orb did the same for its legs. Implanted in the center of its chest was a shining white orb.
Aurora stared at the unit's majestic beauty. 'So this is Atmos's grade 3 form…'
Prophecy Element, Atmos
Grade: 3, Power: 11000
"I'm not done yet." Yukari said. "Generation Zone, release! Stride Generation!" A pillar of light shot up, engulfing Atmos. When the light finally subsided, a brand new unit was standing where Atmos had just been. It was a giant white figure that gave off an intimidating presence. "Cosmic Element, Paleos!"
Cosmic Element, Paleos
Grade: 4, Power: 15000+
"In addition, with Atmos's skill, since I have all the other versions of Atmos in my soul or face up in my G Zone, I can send the cards I discard for the cost of striding to my G Zone face up instead."
Aurora's eyes widened. "What?!"
"There's more. Atmos's stride skill. Counterblast." Yukari turned a card over in her damage zone. "During this turn, Thunder Element, Volt can become Beaconed without paying the cost."
"Beaconed?" Aurora questioned.
"Allow me to show you." Yukari told her opponent. "Call, Potential Element, Atmos." With that, the grade 2 version of Atmos appeared at the top left column, giving Yukari a full front row. "This unit has the Beacon skill. I take a face up card from my G Zone and bind it until the end of my turn. In exchange, the unit gains a skill."
'So that's it.' Aurora realized. 'She uses skills to send her units to the G Zone so she can activate her Beacon.'
"Volt's skill. If he's Beaconed, I can look at the top 2 cards of my deck, select any Cray Elementals among them and send them to the G Zone face up." Yukari looked at the top two cards, sending both to the G Zone. "The cards sent there with this skill go to the drop Zone at the end of my turn."
'She paid for her stride cost with a grade 3. So now there's 2 face up cards in her G Zone, after excluding the first one.'
"Next up is Paleos's skill." Yukari counterblasted one card and turned a copy of Paleos face up in the G Zone. "I look at the top 7 cards of my deck. I then take cards among those up to the number of face up G Units in my G Zone and send them to the G Zone face up." Though there were many cards face up in her G Zone, the Paleos she flipped up was the only G Unit, so she was only able to send one card among the seven. "They go to the drop zone at the end of the turn. In addition, all of my Beaconed units gain 1000 power for every face up card in my G Zone. There are four cards, so that's 4000 to all my Beaconed units. Fwarlun also has a skill that allows it to gain 1000 power for every face up Cray Elemental in my G Zone."
'So now all of her rear guards have a 4000 power boost.' Aurora thought, not liking the situation.
"Potential Element Atmos attacks Neumond." Yukari declared.
"Intercept with Blaulanze."
"Very well, I activate Potential Element's skill." Yukari said. "I send Potential Element to the G Zone face up, and then I can call one grade 3 or lower face up unit in my G Zone other than Potential Element, Atmos. If that card has the Beacon skill, I can Beacon it simply by placing it on the field. I call Sacrifice Element, Totem. Since this unit has the Beacon skill, it becomes Beaconed, gaining the power from Paleos's continuous skill."
Sacrifice Element, Totem
Grade: 3, Power: 11000
"Now I'll have Totem attack your vanguard." Yukari said.
"No guard." Aurora responded. "Damage check. No trigger."
"Next up is my vanguard. Paleos attacks."
"Generation guard!" Aurora declared. "Righteous Superhuman, Blue Prison! In addition to that, I guard with Saar Blauglanz!"
Yukari looked at the field. She'd be able to pass through if she got two triggers in her drive checks. "Triple drive. First check. No trigger. Second check. Critical Trigger. Power to Volt and critical to my vanguard."
Aurora widened her eyes. This was a risky move. Yukari only had one more drive check left, and if she didn't pull a trigger, the critical would be wasted on her vanguard. But Yukari didn't seem worried in the slightest.
"Final check." Yukari took a look at the top card of her deck, smirking when she saw it. She revealed the card to her opponent. "Heal trigger."
"No way?!" Aurora gasped.
"Power to Volt. I recover one damage."
Aurora took the powerful attack from her opponent's vanguard. "Damage check." she turned the top two cards over. The first card was a bust, but she got what she needed with the second card. "Critical trigger. Power to my vanguard."
"Volt attacks Neumond."
'29000 power.' Aurora calculated. 'I'm at 16000. I need 15000 to guard this attack.' Quickly grabbing a grade 0 and a grade 1 from her hand, she placed both on the guardian circle. "Guard!"
"Turn end." Yukari said. "The cards I bound for Beacon return face up. Then, all units except for G Units, the ones sent there by paying the cost for stride with Atmos's skill, and the ones returning from exclusion are sent to the drop zone. In addition, Paleos's other skill activates. At the end of the turn, I can take any number of grade 3 or lower cards being sent from the G Zone to the drop zone, up to the number of face up Paleos's in my G Zone, and send them to my hand instead."
Aurora now found herself in a pinch. With the Paleos Yukari flipped up, and the one she strode this turn, that meant 2 cards were going to Yukari's hand. To make matters worse, she was at her limit, sitting at 5 damage, while Yukari only had 3. 'I've got no choice. I have to end it right here.'
"My turn. Stand and draw." Aurora got ready to make her move. "Stride Generation! Sonne Blaukluger!"
The G Unit appeared where her vanguard had been. A smirk came to Aurora's lips. "Hope you're ready. This guy's my finisher."
"Let's see if it can do the job then."
"With pleasure. I activate Uranus's skill! Add 5000 power and a skill! Then I add another 5000 to it with Neumond's stride skill! Next I call Mars Blaukluger!"
'She has no more cards in her hand.' Yukari noticed. 'She really is trying to end it here. Still...'
"Mars, attack!"
'She has a long way to go.' "Guard." Yukari said, playing a grade 2 with 5000 shield.
"Boosted by Venus, Uranus Blaukluger attacks!"
"Generation guard! Metal Element Scryew!"
"Sonne attacks! Activating Sonne's skill! I search my deck for a grade 3 Blau unit and add it to my hand."
"Triple drive! First check. No trigger. Second check. No trigger. Third check." A smile came to Aurora's face when she saw the card. "Draw trigger. Power to Blaufetter in the back row. I draw."
"Damage check." Yukari managed to gain a draw trigger, adding another card to her hand.
'4 damage. Just 2 more to go.' Aurora thought to herself. "Sonne's skill! Ultimate break!" Yukari declared. I discard 3 cards from my hand and send Sonne to the G zone face up. Then I can ride a grade 3 from my hand onto the Vanguard at stand position." Yukari held the one card she had in her hand. This was it. The card that would lead her to victory. "Champion of the entire galaxy, crash onto this battlefield and crush my enemies! Superior ride! Galaxy Blaukluger!"
"Not a bad move." Yukari smirked, not seeming worried in the slightest.
"I'm not done." Aurora smirked back. "Neumond's skill. Since Galaxy rode over it, I can stand 4 Blau units and give them all 5000 power. So I'll go ahead and stand all of my rear guards and give them the power. Then Venus's and Mars's skills add even more power to themselves since my vanguard hit."
"And if Galaxy's attack hits, you'll be able to activate another series of skills." Yukari noted.
"That's right. How do you like my finisher? Planetary Bombardment!" Aurora kept up her assault on her opponent. "Mars attacks!"
"Fine then, Uranus is up next!"
"No guard." Yukari took a look at the top card of her deck. "No trigger."
"Last but not least is Galaxy Blaukluger, coming in at 26000 power!"
"The thing about that dangerous on-hit skill-" Yukari said as she grabbed a card from her hand. "It's not dangerous if it doesn't hit." She placed the card on the guardian circle. "Stone Element, Ballista. Perfect guard."
Aurora gritted her teeth. She had hoped to get rid of all the major defensive cards in her opponent's hand during her first onslaught of attacks. Bu she had still managed to keep a perfect guard stashed away for this moment. "Twin drive." Aurora turned over both cards, each of them critical triggers. But with no standing units, they were wasted.
"Turn end." Aurora muttered grimly.
"My turn." Yukari stood her units and drew.
Aurora watched her opponent. Her had had been depleted guarding everything last turn. So if that unit wasn't a grade 3, she wouldn't be able to stride. That was Aurora's only chance at victory.
As if reading Aurora's mind, a smirk came to Yukari's lips. "Prophecy Element, Atmos's Generation Break 2. All of the Cray Elementals in my hand get grade +3 when paying the cost to stride." She took the card in her hand and placed it in the G Zone. "Stride Generation. Cosmic Element, Paleos."
Aurora looked at the cards in her hand. She had thrown away everything in her hand for that turn, leaving her with only the two cards she received from Galaxy Blaukluger's twin drive, and the card she got from her draw trigger during Sonne's attack. She knew she no longer had any chance at winning.
The attacks from Yukari's units came, far too powerful for Aurora to guard. The critical trigger Yukari scored in her triple drive when her vanguard attacked was all that was needed to finish her off and put her at 6 damage.
'I lost…' Aurora thought to herself.
"That was a fun game." Yukari said with a small smile. "It seems looks aren't the only thing you inherited from her."
"Again with the "her". Who is "her"? Who are you talking about?" Aurora asked.
"Isn't it obvious?" Yukari said. "I'm talking about your mother."
Aurora lost her hold on the cards in her hand as they both fell onto the table. She stared silently at the silver haired girl. "My mother…? You knew my mother…?"
"Knew? What's with the past tense?" Yukari asked.
"Well my mother's dead. She died when I was a baby." Aurora explained.
"Is that what you think?" Yukari asked.
The little girl's words caught Aurora's attention. "What's that supposed to mean?"
Yukari looked at Aurora with a knowing grin. "Your mother isn't dead. She's very much alive."
The words rang in Aurora's ears. Alive? Her mother was alive? How could that be? Her father had said she died years ago. If she was alive, then where was she? "How do you know that? Just who in the world are you?"
"That's something you don't need to know yet." Yukari told her. "But I do have a parting gift for you." Before Aurora could say another word, a cluster of light descended from above. It came down to Aurora, who held out her hand as the light fell into it. As it dimmed down, the blonde girl was presented with a Vanguard deck.
"What is this?" Aurora asked. She took a look at the cards, not recognizing any of them. She took a look at what clan they were from and found a name she didn't recognize for them.
'Star Chaser?' She looked over at the girl that had given her this. "What are these units? What is this clan?"
"I can't tell you that I'm afraid." Yukari told her. "If you want to know more, you'll have to fight your way to me. And you'll need those cards to do it." She turned and began to walk away. "I sincerely hope you are able to make your way to me."
"Wait!" Aurora called out, but she was suddenly blinded by a white light.
When she could see again, Aurora found herself back in her family's card shop. She blinked in disbelief, wondering what had just happened. The girl that had been standing across from her was gone without a trace.
'Was that all just a dream?' Aurora asked herself. As she looked down at the table, she was greeted by a sight that proved to her it was no dream. Her deck was fully together on the table. And right next to it was another one. Aurora grabbed the other deck and looked at it, the very same one she had received from Yukari right before the girl vanished.
'Star Chaser… Just what is this clan?' Aurora wondered.
"Ah, Aurora. I see you're all changed." Aurora turned to see her father walk in.
"Dad, did you see someone just leave here? A little girl with long silver hair?"
"Long silver hair? Sorry can't say I did." her father said with a shake of his head. "Is she a friend of yours?"
"Not really." Aurora answered. "Never mind. Forget I asked." She quickly grabbed her deck, along with the new one left with her and put them away. "So what do you need me to do?"
Her father raised a curious brow at his daughter's behavior but shrugged it off. "Just work the register for now. I'm going to do inventory."
"You got it, boss." Aurora said. She stood at the counter as her father went into the other room. Once he was gone, Aurora took another look at the new clan left with her. Star Chaser. As she looked at the first card, her eyes narrowed at the picture of the unit.
It was a teen female with long blonde hair. A long silver sword was in her right hand with a star shaped crossguard. Shooting stars were seen in the background. Aurora couldn't help but notice that the unit seemed to bear a bit of a resemblance to her.
'Star of Hope, Hikari.' Aurora read the name of the unit. 'A girl with a deck of Cray Elementals. A new clan I've never seen before. And a unit that looks similar to me. Just what is going on?'
A/N: What do you all think so far? I know what you're thinking, a clan of what sounds like space voyagers sounds a lot like the Union Verse clan for the recently published Vanguard manga. The truth is, Deviljho's Hatred and I had the idea for this about a month ago before the details about the Union Verse clan were revealed. The plot of the story needs Star Chaser to be a clan that ventures out into space, so we weren't really able to change it. One difference we can state right now between the two clans is that Star Chasers are originally from Cray, unlike Union Verse. We hope you are able to forgive this as you read and continue the story.
On another note, doing a fic based off of a card game is a first for both me and Deviljho's Hatred. As a result, things might be a bit hard to follow at first during the cardfights. If there is anything we can do to help make the fights clearer (show total power on attacks, show damage and hand count at start of each turn, etc) please let us know either through review or PM. Your input is very much appreciated and if there is anyway for us to make this fic more enjoyable for you all, we are more than happy to try it out.
One more thing before I end here. Starting next chapter, at the end of each chapter we will be putting full "official" skills of all original units for this fic as they are introduced each chapter.
Next time: Roar of the Thunder