Kara has been living with Danvers family for about two years. She had been happy to find someone who cared about her, especially since her own cousin has rejected her. No, Kal El did not say anything about not wanting to spend time with Kara, but he told his friends, two Doctors Danvers, that he could not take care of care, and so just put her there.
While living with the Danvers, Kara met Alex, her new sister, who was two years older than Kara. While the concept of sisters existed back on Krypton, not many had sisters; the only example Kara knew was of her mother Alura having a twin sister Astra. So while she had never expected to have a sister, Kara was very happy to have one now. But Alex Danvers seemed to dislike her for some reason. As months, and then years went by, the bond between two sisters deepened, and they became inseparable.
And so, about two years after Clark brought Kara to live with the Danvers, the two sisters returned home. "That test was so easy," said Kara, opening the door.
Alex smiled, and followed her sister.
"Mom, dad, we are home," said Alex, but no one answered. "Anyone home?"
The sisters looked at one another and then searched the house, but did not find any sign of either Jeremiah or Eliza Danvers. "This is strange, they should be home by now," said Kara.
A sudden wave of wind has entered the house, and upon the closer inspection, the sisters saw Superman who was now standing in the middle of the living room.
"Hello Kara. Alex," said Clark, looking at the girls. "We need to talk. I think you should sit on the couch first,"
"Okay," said Alex slowly, as the sisters sat on the couch, facing Clark.
"This, this is difficult for me to say. Let's see. I was battling Lex Luthor back in Metropolis and heard him threaten your family. Later, after I defeated him, I went to check up on your parents first, since you were in school, and when I found their car, it was totally destroyed. I am so sorry girls, but Jeremiah and Eliza Danvers are dead," said Clark
"No, they cannot be dead, no!" Alex cried, tears escaped her eyes. Kara hugged her sister.
"You have me," said Kara
"Actually, we need to talk about that," said Clark. Alex and Kara immediately looked at Clark.
"Kal El?" Kara asked.
"Kara, your guardians were just killed, and I am pretty sure Lex was at fault, some way or another. It is not safe for you here. So, I will be putting you into another family, only this time you will be better protected," said Clark
"Okay. I guess we are still too young to live by ourselves," said Kara.
"No, not we. You. I don't think Alex should come with you. I will find another home for her," said Alex. Kara hugged her sister.
"No! My whole family is dead, and I will not leave my sister," said Kara
"And I won't leave Kara either. She is my sister, the only family I have left," said Alex.
"I am your family Kara, Alex is just your friend, who is the daughter of the family who took you in," said Clark. Clark was surprised when he was hit in the jaw.
"Wherever I go, Alex will go," said Kara. Clark just shook his head. "And Alex is my family, she helped me with school, learning about culture, but you just dropped me with the Danvers. As far as I am concerned, you are not my family,"
"Kara, I am your cousin," said Clark
"Cousin, whom you dropped with a family because you did not want to raise me yourself," said Kara
"I couldn't. My life was busy, and I had not time to raise a teenage girl," said Clark.
"Clark, Alex is my sister, we did everything together for the last two years and she helped me to adjust through everything on this planet. I cannot live without my sister," said Kara, pouting at her cousin.
"I guess I won't be able to separate you. Oh well. Then I guess I will have to just find you a home where you could both live," Clark paused for a minute. "One sec,"
Clark took the phone and called some number. "Hey Robert, I have a favor to ask you. Yes, yes it's me, Clark. Good, how are you? Thea punched some boys in school?" Clark laughed
"Who is he talking to?" Kara asked
"Don't know. It seems Thea is this Robert's daughter. We will probably have a sister soon," said Alex.
Clark was finishing his conversation. "Alright, I will bring Kara and Alex to Starling soon. Take care," said Clark, ending the phone conversation, and then looking at Kara and Alex. "So, this was another friend of mine, Robert Queen. He is a businessman and the head of Queen Consolidated,"
"Should we pack our things?" Alex asked.
"Please do, but only take a minimal number of things, since Robert will hire someone to bring all your belongings to his home after proper adoption papers would be signed," said Clark. The girls nodded. They packed their most important belongings, including computers and phones. Clark then grabbed Kara and Alex and flew to Starling City.
Starling City was different from Midvale. It had many tall buildings, and in general it was a large metropolitan city, but Clark kept flying. "Starling City is a big, but it has lots of crime, especially in the Glades area, so don't go there,"
Clark soon flew past the city. Large empty fields were now passing them, both to the right, and to the left. There was a lone road below them. A few minutes later, they arrived at a large mansion with many cars parked in front. The mansion was really a mini castle.
Clark landed in the driveway, right in front of the main doors. He then walked towards the main door and rang the bell. The three people heard steps, and someone was running.
When the door opened, a man in a suit stepped out. "Hi Clark. My name is Robert Queen," said Robert, introducing himself to the girls. A small face looked from behind Robert's leg.
"Oh, and this is my daughter, Thea," said Robert. Thea looked much younger than either Kara or Alex, and she couldn't have been older than 10.
"This is my cousin Kara Zor El Danvers and this is her adoptive sister Alex Danvers," Clark introduced the girls to Robert.
"I, I can show you the house," said Thea in her tiny voice. Kara smiled, but Alex was more skeptical.
"Go on, have fun. I need to talk to Clark a bit," said Robert. The girls left, and began exploring the house.
"So this is my favorite place in the house, the dining room," said Thea, showing the place where two people were eating.
"Thea, don't you think they are too old for you to play with?" asked Oliver
"Oliver, meet Kara and Alex," said Thea, smiling. "They are my new sisters,"
"Sisters?" Laurel asked, confused. "Ollie, I thought you only had one sister,"
"I was unaware I had more," said Oliver.
Robert Queen and Moira Queen entered the dining room. "That's because we just adopted these two lovely girls into our family, son. Clark brought them here," said Moira.
"Clark? Why haven't I seen him? I so wanted to meet him," said Oliver, jumping from his chair.
Kara smelled something she really liked. "Potstickers!" Kara said, and went to the cupboard but was unable to grab the plate of her favorite food. So, she just rose in the air and took the plate.
"Kara!" Alex shouted but the cat was out of the bag.
"Is she flying?" Laurel asked.
Robert Queen sighed. "We need to talk. All of us," said Robert, as Kara landed on the floor, eating quickly all potstickers.
"Whoops," said Kara, smiling like a puppy who had been naughty.
The family plus Laurel sat at the table. Robert told them all about Kara and Alex, and Kara's past. "You all have to promise to keep it a secret about Kara having all these powers and being from Krypton," said Robert. The others nodded.
"So, tell us more about yourself," said Moira. "What classes do you like, what job you want to have,"
"I like art. I also like journalism, and was thinking to be a reporter like Clark," said Kara.
"I want to be a medical doctor and a scientist," said Alex, "My parents were scientists,"
Moira nodded. "These are admirable goals. Kara, I think you should take an internship position at the Art Department in Queen Consolidated," said Moira.
"I just like spending time in colleges partying," smiled Oliver. "I remember that time I invited three women in my dorm room about one month ago, and,"
"Oliver!" Robert was displeased.
"Sorry. I just had a great time then. I guess I should check what Tommy is doing. You coming, Laurel?" Oliver asked Laurel, who nodded, and then two left the house, sat on a motorcycle, and sped up from the house.
The family continued eating, with cooks bringing various delicious entries. Robert noticed that Kara liked potstickers and asked the staff to make a lot more, much to Kara's delight. After dinner, Thea showed her video games, and told them about school.
Later at night, lightning shook the sky. Kara crawled out of her bed, and went to Alex's room. "Alex, Alex wake up," said Kara.
"Hey Kara," said Alex, opening her eyes. "Are you OK?"
"I am scared. I was worried that I lost you," said Kara
"Come here," said Alex. Kara climbed into bed and hugged her sister. "I am still here and I am not going anywhere. I promise,"
Kara smiled and relaxed. She felt at ease.
"I wish I could have spoken to mom and dad one more time," said Alex, tears escaping her eyes.
"I know," said Kara. With their roles now reversed, it was not Kara who comforted her sister. "I lost my biological family when I was so young. I had so many friends back on Krypton, I liked to spend time with Mom and Dad, Aunt Astra and others, but now all of them are gone. Believe me, with time, it will get easier, but the pain will never go away,"
The sisters hugged each other tighter. "We have each other," said Alex
"Stronger Together," Kara smiled, and the two sisters fell asleep.
As they were now sleeping, a figure was watching them from outside. The woman looked to be in her forties. She had long brown hair; a white streak of hair was prominently seen within the sea of brown hair.
"Sleep well, Little One," said the woman, looking lovingly at Kara. The woman flew away from the window into the sky, quickly disappearing.
From that night, both Kara and Alex lived at the Queen Mansion, becoming a part of the Queen family. Soon the Queens formally adopted them, but unlike Kara, who was fine with taking Queen as her new last name, Alex decided to keep Danvers as her last name.
The two sisters continued to spend a lot of time together, but they now also spent a lot of time with their new siblings. Kara preferred to spend more time with Thea, especially since Thea was now the baby of the family, but Alex, being older, liked to spend time with Oliver, occasionally partying.
A tragedy would soon strike the newly formed happy family, and the lives of the Queen family would change drastically. For the next two years after the adoption, the entire family would remain happy, but the one boat trip would change everything.
A/N: I wanted to write a story where Kara would get adopted by Queens. Since I could not separate Danvers Sisters, Alex also got adopted by Queens.
I saw a similar premise where Kara's pod landed in Queen Mansion's garden, and was partly inspired from that, but here Kara lived on Earth for two years already.
In this chapter, Kara is 15, Alex is 17, Oliver is 21, Thea is 10. Chapter two will be about Oliver getting lost at sea, and chapter four will be when the main plot begins, 6 months before arrow season 1 with most of Supergirl season 1 plot. Then after Supergirl season 1 plot, Oliver would arrive and it will be Arrow season 1 plot.