Diary of a Beast

Part 1

Day 1

My name is Blake Belladonna. I am writing this diary in hopes of keeping myself in check and so that others may learn something about what happened to me, should something bad happen.

You might ask, what am I talking about? Well, it started as a pretty simple mission. We were tasked with helping some more experienced Huntsmen in taking down a small group of criminals located in the outskirts of the city of Vale. We weren't expecting any real danger, as the group was rather small and didn't seem to be all that well equipped. It was supposed to be a quick and easy job.

How wrong were we.

After taking down the grunts that were guarding the hideout, we learned that the building was only a front. The real base was underground. We also learned that it was a base for the Pure Reign, an anti-faunus terrorist group. As bad as the White Fang may have gotten, I think they are far worse. They have a reputation of not just abusing and killing faunus, but also using them for all sorts of sick entertainment. My skin crawls just from thinking about some of the things they have done to my kind.

We quickly learned that the place wasn't just any hideout, but a secret facility for developing chemical weapons. The Pure Reign was planning to develop a new gas and spread it over Menagerie. While some of the experienced Huntsmen, Ruby and Weiss thought it would be best to wait for backup, I was determined to go take down our enemies right then and there. I was not going to let a group of racists to endanger my family and my home.

All went well, until I came up against the head scientist that was making the new gas. He taunted me and said that his masterpiece was going to reveal the true nature of my kind. I simply told him to give up and come quietly. Despite the fact that I was alone, I knew I could take him down, as he was no fighter.

Suddenly, he pulled a small canister and smashed it in front of me. Green gas erupted from it and everything became a haze for me. Next thing I know is that I'm standing over his corpse, covered in blood.

I was put under medical surveillance for about a week, but nothing bad was detected. It seemed like the gas didn't leave any everlasting effect. I was allowed back to regular duty and my team was there to support me. It seemed like everything would be fine.

That was three days ago. I believed that I would be fine, but I've noticed a small change in me. It's nothing major, but I feel like I'm a bit more stressed out and aggressive. I think my senses have been heightened too. If this is an effect of the gas or not, I don't know. All I know is that I need to keep an eye on myself for now.

Hopefully this is nothing.

Day 2

No major changes detected.

Day 3

Nothing special to report this time either, though I have noticed that my appetite has grown a bit. Maybe I haven't been eating thanks to all this worrying?

Day 5

I didn't have anything to report yesterday, so I left it out. Besides, I found a great fish buffet in the city. I stuffed myself so much that I was sure that I would blow up. I think my appetite was satisfied, but I was too tired to write anything.

Day 8

My appetite has been the same, causing Yang to start calling me Garfield. Weiss is also nagging about how I'm going to be fat soon. I don't care about them. All I know is that I'm hungry and I need food.

However, there is something wrong with the food. Despite fish being as delicious as always, I can't help but feel like I'm missing something. Is it a sauce?

Day 9

When I woke up this morning, I wasn't hungry for once. However, something strange had happened. My body was all wet, like I had gone swimming in my sleep. I also smelled like fish, which my teammates complained about. I even had the taste of fish in my mouth, like I had eaten it even after going to sleep. It was like I had gone to a river in the middle of the night to fish.

Day 10

My appetite suddenly stopped being my main concern. Today, I had the misfortune of seeing team CRDL in their usual racist action again. They were picking on Velvet again and talking trash about the faunus.

I felt angry, but I wasn't angry at them for bullying Velvet or saying bad things about my kind. It's hard to explain, but my anger was more like a survival instinct. I recognized the four boys as a threat and I was worried about them threatening me. It didn't help that they were sitting very close to us, so I heard all of their racist talk through Port's entire class.

I hate those four. I hate them and I wish I could do something about them.

Day 11

Team CRDL was at their usual antics again. Seeing how they gave a beating to one of the faunus students has made me extra nervous around them.

I wish they would just go away.

Day 12

No matter what I try, team CRDL is on my mind all this time! I can't stop thinking about them! Why were they allowed in this school!? They're nothing but a bunch of racist criminals! Every faunus in this school is in danger as long as they're around! I'm in danger! WHY SHOULD I BE IN DANGER!?

Why can't they just die or something!?

Day 14

I skipped yesterday on my notes as I was too overcome with fear and paranoia. I couldn't help but feel that team CRDL was going to attack me at any point. But now? Now I feel peaceful. It's like nothing is wrong in the world.

Team CRDL didn't come to classes. Fine by me. At least I didn't need to worry about them. Besides, everybody knows what kind of students they are. They're most likely just skipping class. What's the problem?

This morning I also had this weird taste in my mouth. It was kind of metallic.

Day 15

Team CRDL has been declared missing. No one has seen them for quite a while. Doesn't bother me.

Day 16

Nothing new to report.

Day 17

Nothing new to report.

Day 19

Team CRDL was found dead in Emerald Forest. Their bodies were horrifically mutilated and had bite marks on them, like something had been eating them.

Strange thing is, the bite marks weren't from any Grimm. It's almost like it had been a human or a faunus that ate them.

Author's notes: Hello everybody! Here's the start for a new horror story from yours truly. I've kind of wanted to try doing a story that's told through someone's diary notes. Something like what I did with A New Drive, but not exactly. This won't be a very long story either, about four or five chapters at best.

Like always, tell me if you like the story. If you do, it will continue. If not, it will disappear.

Until next time.

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