Dragon Moon, Wolf Song

Chapter 1

Disclaimers::: I do not own OUAT or it's characters, just my imagination. This is a threesome between Emma, Regina and Ruby. If you do not like this type of story, read no further. If you decide to take a risk, this one is about how there is a prophecy about this goddess being who is both a great white wolf and a great dragon. Regina and Ruby are Emma's mates. Regina is mated to Emma's dragon while Ruby is mated to Emma's wolf. I hope you enjoy this story…

A/N: I apologize for not posting more often. I will try to catch up on all of my stories, I just recently started a new job so please bear with me. I will try to post at least once or twice a week. In the meantime, enjoy this new story…


There was a full moon shining bright above, an eerie glow spread out from a distance, it created confusion as a lone wolf stared at what had distracted her, her head lowered as she tried to figure out where the glow was coming from. She was wary at first as she lifted her head and sniffed the air. She looked up at the full moon before looking back at the white glow. Was it a reflection of the moon? Or was it something else? She crept forward slowly and carefully, finally reaching the edge of the lake as soon as she stepped out of the woods. Suddenly she realized the white glow appeared to be a huge white wolf drinking water from the lake. The moon appeared to make the fur of the white wolf glow ethereally. The russet wolf whimpered in surprise, never expecting to see another wolf in the area. Not one as beautiful as the one she was seeing right now. She sniffed the air again, there was something familiar about the white wolf's scent. Yet the scent also brought ancient power with it, the power of the gods.

The white wolf heard a sound in the distance and knew she was no longer alone. She looked up across the lake, seeing another wolf there. It was russet in color. She inhaled deeply, smelling the wolf. She recognized that this wolf was from this area, having picked up on her scent earlier.

The lone wolf was surprised when she saw the color of the white wolf's eyes, a beautiful turquoise color. It only seemed to make her beauty even more pronounced. She wanted to lay at her feet, to bare her neck and belly. She wanted to be in her presence. She knew without a doubt this wolf was an Alpha. It was ironic. She had never seen this wolf before. Had it been any other wolf, she would have felt threatened and wanted to defend her territory. But there was something different about this wolf. She exuded power of the kind she had never felt before. She lifted her head and howled, wanting to let her know she was aware of her presence.

The white wolf stood there, regally. She watched the other wolf and a part of her wanted to chuckle in amusement. She lifted her head and howled. Her howl sounded so beautiful and magical if there was such a sound like that. It reverberated across the lake, causing the other wolf to shiver with pleasure. The white wolf smiled knowingly and winked before she vanished into the air.

The russet wolf fell back on her haunches in surprise when she saw how the wolf disappeared as if by magic. She knew instantly this was no ordinary werewolf. She ran back to her campsite and once her wolfstime was over, she changed back into her human self before putting on her red cloak. She was so excited knowing that she'd made contact with another werewolf and that she was no longer alone. She'd witnessed something very special that night. She had more questions about this wolf and was looking forward to talking with her Granny about what she had seen. She felt like she was on cloud nine after seeing this other wolf. She wondered if she would see her again. She really hoped she would.


It was now morning in Storybrooke, Maine. The clock read 8:15 and never had changed ever since the town came to life. The residents were up and about, getting ready for their day. Ruby put up the daily specials sign in front of the diner while her Granny opened it for their customers. She had been excitedly talking her granny's ear off about what happened during her wolfstime. Oddly enough, with time being frozen there, she should have forgotten her encounter with the white wolf the previous night. But for some reason, she didn't. Something special had to have happen for her to remember everything in detail. Suddenly, she was doing more than just remembering what happened. She was also remembering certain things about her own family. About her kind in general. She didn't remember everything else yet. Just what was considered important to her.

Granny had been surprised by what she was hearing from her granddaughter. "Another wolf? Are you sure you weren't dreaming?" She wasn't sure what to believe about the whole thing. She only knew things based on what she'd experienced since receiving the curse of the wolf. Ruby on the other hand had been born that way as long as she could remember. Her Granny never wanted to talk about her family, so Ruby just decided to find out on her own one way or another.

"No, I promise I'm not making any of this up. I know what I saw. When she howled… It was so amazing!" Ruby was clearly smitten with the mysterious wolf and couldn't stop smiling about her encounter.

Granny looked at her over her glasses and smiled at her, deciding to let it go for now. It had been a while since she last saw Ruby smile like that and she didn't want to be the one to bring her down. They moved back inside and started getting ready to welcome their first customers of the day.

Emma Swan parked her yellow bug across the street. She was a stranger in this town. But there was something about this place that called to her. She'd been there for three days earlier, staying out of sight and laying low until now. It was time to make herself known. She was wearing black skinny jeans that looked like they were painted on. She had on black combat boots and was wearing a white tank top and over that, her red leather jacket. She strolled into the diner and found a booth, and sat where she could see everything taking place there. She inhaled deeply, noticing there was a familiar scent. She had a small mysterious smile on her face. She noticed there were a few people there and saw a beautiful tall brunette with red streaks in her hair. She looked her up and down, noticing how skimpy her clothes were. She was surprised they allowed that kind of dress code there. She smiled, deciding she liked what she was seeing.

Ruby was taking an order from someone when she noticed a certain scent. She shivered, feeling someone watching her. That sensation alone, sent an electric current running over her. She almost missed the rest of the order but managed to scribble it down before she turned to look at the stranger who was watching her. She passed the order to Granny before she found herself gravitating towards the stranger. She inhaled deeply, feeling her eyes glowing in recognition. "You…" She whispered as she gazed into the stranger's turquoise eyes. She looked her up and down, taking in her appearance, memorizing her scent and recording her to memory. "I'm Ruby… Everyone calls me Red." She smiled. She wanted so much to forget about being a waitress and just sit down and get to know this woman. She needed to know her and wanted this stranger to know her too.

Emma smiled sensually at Ruby. She could tell how this waitress was affected by her presence. She knew this was the russet wolf she'd seen last night. She was the very reason why she'd decided to come out and make herself known. "I'm Emma Swan. It's a pleasure to meet you, Ruby." She murmured, never taking her eyes off the waitress. She remembered feeling a connection with this wolf the previous night and had every intention of getting to know Ruby better soon.

Ruby shivered at the way Emma said her name. It caused warmth to spread at her core. She'd never met anyone who could elicit such feelings inside her. It caused her to react like she was at this moment. If Emma asked her to do anything for her, she would in a heartbeat.

Granny noticed something was going on with her granddaughter and moved to see what was taking her attention away from her job. As soon as she stepped out, a new scent assaulted her and she realized why. This stranger was also a wolf and something else she couldn't put her finger on. She could tell that this blonde was an Alpha. She smiled as she came up to her booth. "Well hello there, what can I get you?" She asked, ready to take her order. Normally by now, she would be chastising Ruby for neglecting her duties. But there was something about this stranger that made her want to tend to her every need. It was the Alpha in this stranger that wasn't like your standard Alpha. She was the Queen of their kind. She was Royalty.

Ruby was startled when she saw her Granny there. "Sorry… I was just… This is Emma Swan… She's…" she was at a loss for words as she smiled at Emma, not wanting to take her eyes off her.

Emma chuckled softly. "I would love to have eggs, scrambled and steak, medium rare, American fries. And some orange juice." She then turned to look at Ruby and winked at her. "And if it's alright with your grandmother, I would love to have your company while I enjoy my breakfast."

Granny smiled at Emma, already liking this wolf. She nodded. "It's just fine with me. I will have your food ready in a jiffy." She shared a look of approval with Ruby before she ran off and prepared the Alpha Queen's breakfast.

Ruby blushed when she realized what happened. "I don't usually meet wolves like you there's just something about you… Last night during my last day of wolfstime… You surprised me…" She bit her lip as she thought about seeing her for the first time.

Emma chuckled. "I imagine so. I was out in the woods for three days until today. Something drew me here and I knew I had to come here. Am I right to assume you and your grandmother are the only wolves left here?"

Ruby nodded. "Yes, as far as I know, we are. Back home though, there were others until they were killed. I mean this place is different from my memories. At least different from what I've seen in my dreams." She admitted.

Emma nodded, understanding what she was talking about. "Well then, it's a good thing I'm here." She smiled as her food arrived. She dug in, enjoying her steak and eggs. "This is just perfect." She then looked at Ruby. "You and your grandmother do not have to worry anymore. You're under my protection now."

Ruby looked at Emma in surprise. "What do you mean? Are you saying what I think you're saying?" She hoped she wasn't reading too much into what Emma was saying.

Emma smiled sensually. "I'm saying, if you're interested in having me be your Alpha and you two becoming a part of my pack…" Her eyes drifted when she saw the door open and another brunette walked in with a young dark haired boy.

Ruby looked to see what Emma was looking at. "That's the mayor and her son, Henry. The mayor's name is Regina Mills. Are you really serious about the pack thing? You're the Alpha. I sense something else about you too… Like you're more than just a Alpha Wolf. Your scent is unique. When I saw you last night… And even now… I've never seen eyes like yours before."

Regina moved inside with her son and ordered them some breakfast before she noticed a new face there. She frowned. No strangers ever showed up in her town before now. She left Henry with his drink before she decided to investigate the stranger. "Looks like we have a new stranger in town. I know everyone who lives here. I've never seen you before. How did you get here?" She was being very blunt.

Emma smiled at the mayor. "I drove here." She winked.

Regina stared at her. Was she trying to be funny? "That's not what I meant. Who are you and what are you doing in my town?" She looked at what the blonde was eating and her eyebrows rose in surprise. Her meat looked bloody.

Emma chuckled. This brunette had fire. She liked that very much. "Don't you think introductions are important if you want to get to know me Madam Mayor?"

Ruby snickered, forgetting for a moment this was the mayor. She liked how Emma didn't seem to be intimidated by Regina the way everyone else was.

Regina glared at Ruby. "Shouldn't you be working Miss Lucas?" She pointed out. It was clear that this stranger was aware of who she was. She bet that Ruby was the one who told her about who she was.

Ruby looked at Regina. "I'm taking a little break. I have permission."

Emma saw that Regina was a hard person for people to get close to. But she wasn't deterred. She liked a good challenge. "I asked you a question. Is rudeness a part of your mayoral duties?"

Regina looked at Emma, surprised that the blonde wasn't afraid of her. "Obviously you know I am the Mayor. I'm Regina Mills. What brings you to Storybrooke? Who are you and how did you find this town?"

Emma chuckled. "Nice to meet you Regina Mills. You're talking about the barrier around this little town." She smirked. "I know about this place nothing can stop me from crossing certain magical borders you've created. Your Storybrooke called to me. So now here I am. It's perfect really, considering last night was Wolf Moon." She turned and winked at Ruby as she said this.

"What are you?" Regina asked as she watched Emma take the last bite of her bloody steak. There was certainly something about this Miss Swan that she found very intriguing. Her curiosity certainly was piqued. "Are you like Miss Lucas? I don't know… I sense something else at work here." She was starting to sense other things about this blonde.

Emma had a sly smile on her face as she wiped her mouth and drank her juice. "If you really want to know… You're the mayor. I'm sure you have tons of resources at hand to help you figure things out. Unless you'd rather take the time to get to know me. There's the easy way or the hard way. The choice is yours. Madam Mayor." She smirked as she paid the bill for her food. She stood up and looked at Ruby, taking her hand into her own. She kissed her hand and winked at the wolf. "Perhaps you'll join me later for a stroll."

Ruby grinned, feeling like she won the lottery when Emma kissed her hand like that. "I would love to, Emma." She sighed happily as she practically skipped to her grandmother's side.

Emma chuckled knowingly before she looked at Regina. She smiled sensually at the mayor. "I'll give you a hint. Wolf is a part of me yes, but not the whole package of who I am. There's more to who I am. So much more." She drawled. "Oh and another thing… You do not want to ignore the possibility that I could help you achieve what you need. If you're interested, give me a call." She handed her business card to the mayor and smiled at her as she moved to leave. Before she did, she walked past the mayor's son and stopped when she realized his scent was familiar. She looked back at Regina, she realized a few things but she decided to let it slide for now. She would have a talk with Regina when the time was right. She smiled sensually at the mayor, a mysterious knowing glint in her eyes.

Regina gasped and gave a delicious shiver when Emma looked at her like that. She gripped the back of the booth to steady herself and took a deep breath. She looked at the business card and slipped it into her pocket. She watched Emma's retreating form and couldn't seem to look away. There was something strangely familiar about Emma Swan.

Emma then smiled at the boy before she left the diner. "Hey kid. That hot chocolate looks good." She winked. "I love it sprinkled with…"

"Cinnamon." They replied in unison. Henry grinned. "Me too!" He stuck his hand out. "I'm Henry."

Emma chuckled as she took his hand into her own. "I'm Emma. Maybe the next time I see you and your mother, I'll treat you two to some ice cream." She winked before she saw Regina moving up to them. She stood up and smiled at the Mayor before she continued. "But only if you mind your mother. It was real nice to meet you, kid." She then smiled at Regina, her eyes twinkling with mischief as she nodded in acknowledgement, giving her a little salute before she left. "I'll be seeing you Gina." She laughed and smirked. And then she was gone.

Regina gasped, having realized she'd heard her laugh and her name said that way once a long time ago. She ran out, hoping to see where Emma went. But there was no trace of the mysterious blonde. She panted in surprise before she went back into the diner just as Ruby brought them their breakfast.

"Mom? Are you okay? Do you know Emma?" Henry asked.

Regina was still a bit shaken as she sat down and looked at her son. "I'm not sure. But if I did, it was a long time ago." She couldn't help but to wonder if this blonde was the same one she'd met once upon a time. What were the odds? She was glad when they got their food and began eating.

Henry nodded. "She likes hot chocolate with cinnamon. Just like me!" He grinned, glad he had something in common with that lady. "I like her a lot. Don't you?"

Ruby looked at the mayor and her son. A small frown was forming on her face as she realized several things. She didn't want to think about it just yet, but something seemed to happen between the Mayor and her Alpha. She didn't know what to make about it. She didn't want to think the worst of the situation, instead she would have to wait and see what would happen next.

Granny looked at Ruby. "What are you thinking about child?"

Ruby sighed. "I feel this draw to Emma, but I don't know… The mayor and her son… They're connected to Emma too. I don't know if I can handle the competition. It feels like I should fight for what's mine. But it feels wrong somehow. What should I do?" She felt so confused. On one hand, she knew she had formed a connection with Emma but at the same time, she'd noticed that Emma also connected with Regina and Henry smelled like Emma. He also smelled like Regina. She knew that Regina had adopted Henry when he was a baby. Yet something had clearly happened here. It just didn't seem to make sense.

Granny sighed. "Trust your instincts. If you're feeling this strongly about Emma, there must be a reason. And if they are connected to Emma, maybe… Just maybe… I wonder…"

"What is it?" Ruby asked. She hoped Granny would have some answers for her. Anything to squash the insecurities rising inside her.

Granny pulled Ruby into the kitchen with her and towards a chest she kept hidden behind a panel. She opened it and took out what appeared to be an ancient scroll. "There's a prophecy, Ruby. This has been in our family. Well… From your mother's side that has gone back many many years. I'm not exactly sure what to make of this, but there's mention of a great white wolf who is not just a wolf, but so much more. She comes from the Royal House of Luka. It is said she is the daughter of the norse god Loki himself which is another name of Luka. There is another clan she is from, but it's shroud in mystery. We do have knowledge that while she is this great white wolf, she is immortal, a goddess. Her howl is supposed to magical and extremely powerful, very beautiful, musical and can enchant." Granny took out a book and showed it to Ruby. "This book shows everything you want to know about the Great White Wolf but half of it has been torn out. At one time, supposedly the remaining half revealed information about her mother's clan. While we know her father is Loki, a wolf god and shapeshifter, and the part where it talks about her mother… Rumors say she isn't a wolf. But she is a powerful immortal sorceress that can shapeshift into a powerful beast. Whatever that beast is, the Great White Wolf can also take on that form. It is said that she will take two mates, one which will be mated to her wolf and the other who will be mated to her beast. If that is the case, you need to be prepared. If Emma is this Great White Wolf, you will need to accept that she will have another mate. But she will never let any harm come to either one of you. She is like a yin and yang. The white wolf and the beast. Two sides of the same person. She's very powerful. If she decides to claim you as her mate. That is a great honor. If you're right about Emma being connected to Regina and Henry, it's quite possible Regina is her other mate, or will be soon. The boy smells like he is their son."

Ruby smiled and nodded. "I think that makes sense. It also explains why I've always felt protective of Henry every time he came here. That's why when I smelled Emma in the woods, her scent smelled familiar." She admitted. "He is a part of her and that means he is family."

Granny nodded and smiled. "Precisely. And tonight, remember you have a date with Emma." She chuckled knowingly. She had a real good feeling things were going to change for the better and very soon. There would be huge changes coming to Storybrooke and she was looking forward to seeing what would happen next.