A/N: In this story Jude's like six years younger than Callie.
Stef's POV
I was walking down Washington Street, looking for any Friday night crimes. I watched a young girl, probably about nineteen to twenty years-old, walking with a young boy, probably about thirteen to fourteen. The boy was laughing, and the girl smiled at him and had a protective arm around him. I saw them press the crosswalk button. They chatted and the walk light turned green. They started to cross the road when a car sped down the road, running the red light. There was the god-awful noise of tires screeching and the thud of someone hitting the ground.
I saw that the girl had moved the boy out of the way and he was laying unharmed on the sidewalk. "Callie!" I heard the boy scream as he ran in front of the now stopped car. I grabbed my gun put of its holster and ran to the car that had hit the girl named Callie. She was lying in the middle of the road, bleeding as the boy knelt beside her.
"This is Officer Adams Foster," I said into my walkie talkie. "I have a girl aroud the age of twenty unconscious, hit by a careless driver. I'm about to apprehend the driver, I need an ambulance and EMS team." I looked to the car, where I saw the driver open the door and step out. "Put your hands in the air," I shouted. The young man driving the car, put his hands up and I handcuffed him. "Sir, you're being arrested for running a red light and harming a person while doing so. Now my partner's going to take you down to the station." Mike ran down the street where allt he commotion was, and grabbed the guy, taking him to the squad car.
"Callie, don't leave. Please," I heard the boy say, and my attention was turned back to him.
"Hey, sweetheart," I said, kneeling next to him, as I heard ambulance sirens in the distance. "We're going to help your sister, but I need to know her name, age, and your name please."
"Her-her name is Callie Quinn Jacob, she's twenty," the boy said, trembling. "And I'm Jude Jacob. Is she going to be okay?" Jude grabbed his sister's hand and tears poured down his cheeks. "She's all I have."
"I really hope so, Jude," I said, as I felt for the girl's pulse. She was still breathing, but the pulse was faint. The ambulance pulled up, and EMTs were running over to Callie, with a stretcher. "These men are going to take her to the hospital. You can ride in the ambulance and I'll ride with you. Come on."
They had Callie up in the ambulance and Jude and I climbed in. I dialed Lena's number quickly and when she answered I said," Hey Babe, I'm going to be back a little late tonight. We had an accident, so I'm riding with someone to take an injured girl to the hospital."
"Oh, that's terrible!" Lena exclaimed from the other side "Well, drive home safely. I love you."
"I love you too," I said. "Bye."
I hung up the phone and a paramedic asked,"Are there any medical allergies that we should be aware of?"
"No, there aren't," Jude answered, somberly. "Please don't take her away from me," Jude said, looking at me now. "I don't want to go back into foster care."
"So you used to be a foster kid?" I asked, looking at Jude then to his sister. He nodded.
"Until two years ago when Callie got custody of me." Jude said.
"Wait, you said her name was Callie Jacob?" I asked looking at the girl they were taking care of. Jude nodded. "And she was in foster care?" Again, Jude nodded.
The ambulance stopped and Jude and I followed. I saw Callie's face one more time, and it hit me.
Flashback-4 years ago
I was sitting at my desk in the precinct, doing paperwork, when Officer Peterson stopped by my desk. "Just arrested some foster kid. Looks like she'll be doing some time in juvie."
"Why?" I asked, curiously.
"Smashed her foster father's car with a baseball bat," he replied. "The girl went crazy."
"Well did you even ask her what happened in her eyes?" I asked, having a stare-down with Peterson.
"It doesn't matter what happened in her eyes, we caught her smashing a car with a baseball bat." Peterson replied, smirking. "This isn't one of your charity cases, Stef. But you do get to do her paperwork. Have fun."
Officer Peterson walked away, and I opened the file that he left at my desk. I looked at the name: Callie Jacob. This girl had been in foster care for six years, and had been pushed around from home to home. She had gotten into trouble here and there, and according to one house she had a relationship with a foster brother.
I finished the paperwork for her, and set it on chief's desk. I walked home, with the picture of sixteen year-old Callie Jacob in my mind. The next morning, I was going to ask chief if I could talk to her during my lunch break.
The next morning, I stopped by Chief's office and asked about Callie Jacob. Chief said that they had no idea where ahe was being held, or how long she would be there. Everyone I asked said that after I finished the paperwork of Callie's arrest, she was no longer our problem. I never saw Callie Jacob again.
End of flasback
Now here I was, four years later, staring at the girl that had managed to disappear. Now after trying to find this girl to make sure that her side of the story was heard, here she was laying in a stretcher right in front of me.
Omce we were in the room the doctor said," It's a miracle. This girl has no internal bleeding. Just some sma injuries like bruises. We did have to put stitches on her head, and she has a fractured leg. So crutches will be needed. But when she wakes up in the morning, she can go home."
"Thank God," Jude said, putting a hand over his chest. "Can I stay here with her tonight?" Jude asked the doctor.
"You can," the doctor said. "If she wakes up in the middle of the night, get a nurse, okay? And we have to have someone over the age of eighteen with you, besides Callie."
"I don't know anyone who will stay with me," Jude said, obviously upset.
"I'll stay with you," I said, stepping up. "Just let me call my wife." My mouth was acting before my brain. What had I just done?
A/N: So, did you like it? Please tell me if it's worth continuing.