"What the hell is this?!" thundered the former godaime Hokage, extremely repulsed at the sight of three full grown shinobis acting like idiots. They were supposed to be professional ninjas for god's sake. "Naruto, Ino, and even Kakashi..." Tsunade pinched her nose. A migraine was slowly creeping up her head. "Just what is this? How did you-? No, how the fucking hell did you screw up so bad and turn Sakura into a freaking baby?!" her voice echoed throughout the whole village.

"She's only turned four." Naruto muttered under his breath as if it was no big deal at all. Poor Haruno Sakura had been turned into an innocent little child, a four year old.

"Silence!" All three of them flinched at Tsunade's outburst, their eyes casted downwards, refusing to meet hers. An oblivious little Sakura, clad in a cute, light green frock with a red bow tied at the back, courtesy to Ino, stood in some corner of the room ogling at the wall. Yes, the plain boring wall. Who knows what she saw in them. Unaware of the commotion behind her, she continued her fascinating fantasy with the great Wall while Tsunade kept throwing fits of tantrums to the fools who made this happen.

"Well the thing is.." started Naruto. " Ino took one of your chakra infused vials or potions or whatever you women call it, the one you were working on to preserve your everlasting beauty of youth-" he was cut off by Ino, smacking him furiously on the head. "It hurts, you woman."

"It was the one you gave me to work on Tsunade-sama and he ruined everything." Ino glared at Naruto who gulped in fear. It was his fault all right.

"You were told to do one simple task and you couldn't handle it. Explain." Ino looked down, ashamed.

"We were having a lunch party at my house earlier today. I invited all our friends and we were peacefully hanging out. I was the one doing the cooking so when I had to run for a short errand, Naruto was the only person close by so I led him into the kitchen and told him to do one simple task. I told him to put one tablespoon of salt in the curry I was cooking after one minute before I returned. I had kept the vial I took this morning in the kitchen table thinking that I could take it later to do my research." Ino explained. She took a breath. "But then this idiot had to mistake the salt cellars with the vial and put a spoonful of its contents into the curry."

"Hey, how would I have known that it wasn't salt? They looked the same." Naruto retorted back.

Gigantic veins popped on the side of Ino's forehead at the blonde's stupidity. "Naruto, you idiot! How the hell is salt violet in colour?!"

Kakashi silently snickered. Naruto had the intelligence span of a frog.

A disappointed Tsunade turned to Kakashi, shaking her head. Even the sixth Hokage was involved in this. What has the world come to? "Continue and tell me how Kakashi is involved."

"Well, before anyone could have a taste of the curry, Sakura was the first one to try it and after one minute, she suddenly turned into a four year old. All of us saw what happened and Sakura,..uh..little Sakura ran out, tripped on Kakashi's feet probably beause her dress was too big for her and started crying." Ino explained. "Afterwards, she became so attached to him when he held her up and consoled her. She wouldn't leave his side, ever which brings us here to this very spot, right now." She finished.

"And her memories?" asked Tsunade.

"She forgot everything about her past self. All she had now are memories from when she was four." Kakashi clarified. With all the commotion, they didn't seem to notice that their mischievous little princess had walked out the door, being not tightly locked from the very beginning and ran off in search of imaginary fairies.

A weary sigh passed the godaime's lips. Nothing would change, her apprentice would not be back to her usual self even if she were to get angry and punish those idiots. "Very well, I shall work on the cure, do some research on it. You may go. I leave Sakura in your care...Where is she though? Wasn't she right here?"

Realisation set on all of them immediately. 'Shit' was the only word registered on their minds before they scurried off in different directions searching for Sakura leaving the godaime to start her research. Naruto's loud voice could be heard in the distance shouting out in panic. "Damn it! Sasuke's gonna be so pissed!"

It was already nightfall. The trio still hadn't succeeded in finding Sakura. For a small body, she had really fast legs. They were already exhausted from searching for six hours? Seriously! Three professional ninjas, one of them even being the Hokage got outrun by a mere four year old?

Meanwhile, a cheerful little girl ran down the busy streets of Konoha. No one could turn their heads away from such an adorable creature as she skipped and smiled happily down the street. There were murmurs among the people on how cute she was but they didn't approach the girl, assured that her parents must be nearby. So occupied in her crazy little world, she seemed to have strayed away from the more comfortable spots of the village and found herself in a dark road. A sudden fear rose within her and she ran with full speed in an unknown direction desperate to escape. She closed her eyes and ran as fast as her little legs could carry her until she bumped into a tall, dark silhouette. She was terrified as hell; she had run into a demon. At least, that's what she thought.

As the figure turned to reveal itself, Sakura burst into tears, wailing as loud as she could, wishing for someone to come and rescue her. When the stranger's face closed in on hers, she could finally make out his face from the bright moonlight. What she saw made her tears stop in an instant. Instead she raised her hands and gently traced the stranger's face. It was beautiful. She had never seen anything so perfect and pretty her entire life. He must be an angel. And with the sweetest voice she could possibly muster, she blurted out, "Onii-chan, are you the grim reaper?"

"The what?" the man who was revealed to be Uchiha Sasuke looked down at the poor creature. The sheer resemblance caught him by surprise. His eyes widened considerably, this wasn't a trick or anything. The child looked at him, mesmerised, with her giant emerald eyes and pink hair which seemed longer and reached her back for no apparent reason. He was staring right into an exact replica of his Sakura except in infant form. What was he seeing? He blinked his eyes, once..twice. It was not an illusion. The little girl attached herself to his leg, whispering words he could not make out. She was already consumed in her own little world. Who was this girl? Could she be-? No no, she couldn't be Sakura's...daughter. He cringed. His heart clenched tightly at the thought of it. It couldn't be. She was his girlfriend and he would've known about it sooner or later if Sakura had a child that wasn't...his. He cringed again. This cannot be true at all! Even if outer Sasuke was frozen and putting up a stone cold face, his inner conscience was repeatedly hitting his head hard in utter turmoil. But the child could be Sakura's sister. Sakura never had a sister or cousin! His brain registered for him. This really was Sakura's child but why hadn't she mentioned anything about her? Why was she hiding this- Sasuke looked down and found the creature dreamily sighing on his leg. So...Why did she hide it from him? He was angry, outraged even. He needed to find Sakura right now. He had just returned back from a mission today and was expecting a sweet alone time with Sakura in their apartment, yes their apartment, although he won't ever admit that out loud. He and Sakura had started dating after he came back from his road to redemption. Since then, her presence occupied his mind making him feel all sorts of butterflies and explosions in his stomach. He was disappointed and devastated now that she had a child that wasn't his and she even had the audacity to hide it from him. His thoughts were disrupted when Naruto, Ino and Kakashi arrived at the same time.

"You found her." Exclaimed Ino. "We'd been searching everywhere for her and for six hours straight."

Seeing Ino, Sakura ran up to her flaying her arms as if asking to be picked up. Ino gently patted her head, smiled and picked her up.

"Well, my job is done here. Welcome back, Sasuke." With that said, Kakashi disappeared with a poof.

"Where is Sakura?" Sasuke glared at the two blonds. The duo nervously turned to each other signalling themselves with their eyes as to who should break the news to him.

"Sasuke...you see...Sakura is..." started Naruto. He turned back to Ino silently mouthing her a 'help'. The two tried to think up of a plan as to how they could get away with this terrible misfortune that had currently befallen them. Sasuke looked pissed off; sooner or later he might murder someone or the both of them. How were they supposed to break the news to him that Sakura had been turned into a child and that the chances of her returning back to normal were unknown? What if it was permanent? They didn't know that but they did cause this. They didn't want to face the ultimate wrath of the Uchiha either. Never! But one sentence from the sweet adorable girl came out and both Naruto and Ino knew they were doomed. Their fate was sealed from this moment.

"Sakura wants mommy.." Little Sakura blurted out, teary eyed.

"What did she just say?" Sasuke glared harder, a tinge of surprise clouding his eyes. Naruto and Ino nervously laughed.

After explaining to him about all the things that had happened, Sasuke was still angry, angry at the fact that he had been so stupid for not thinking of this sooner, angry that he had doubted Sakura, the only one who was always loyal, truthful and loved him earnestly. Oh he was so sorry. He must've been the most pathetic fool that ever set foot on earth but on the bright side, his Sakura did not hide anything from him and that was a huge burden lifted off his shoulders. On the dark side, she had been turned into a child without knowing when she would return back to normal. It scared him senseless.

"Sakura." Called Sasuke softly. Said girl looked up, got down from Ino who was holding her and ran to his side. That action alone made his heart hammer in his chest. She was adorable, like a sweet little innocent angel and for some unknown reason, she seemed to be very attached to him. He gestured for her to hold his hand. She complied willingly and without sparing the two blonds another glance, he began to take off only to be stopped by Naruto.

"Where exactly are you taking her?" Naruto exclaimed.

"My apartment. She's staying with me." Sasuke turned and left taking a jolly Sakura with him who seemed to have forgotten her mommy. Who wouldn't when she was led away by an appealing, good looking grim reaper or so what Sakura thinks him to be. Neither Naruto nor Ino had any objection to that. Sasuke had every right. He was her boyfriend and soon to be husband. He was the perfect choice rather than Sakura's parents taking care of her. They'd freak out and besides, Sakura was scary but her mother was even more infuriating. She'll damn both of them to the depths of hell, a dreadful experience neither of them wanted to go through.

So...who's curious for the next part? Please leave me your thoughts and views for this chapter. I hope you loved it. I'd love to know what you think of this story, whether it's worth continuing or not. Gimme your thoughts everyone!