A new story because ideas..

Four children were running through the isle, as fast as their legs could take them where they were running to even they couldn't answer that.

"Come on E, keep up," Called out a girl with purple hair known as Mal, who grabbed her blue-haired friend's hand known as Evie pulling her along.

"Where are we gonna go?" A boy with long dark brown hair known as Jay asked.

"I dunno Jay just keep running," Another boy with brown hair with spiky white tips known as Carlos answered.

The blue-haired girl looked around as best she could while being dragged through the streets of the isle when something popped into her head, tugging slightly on her friend's arm to get her attention.

"What is it, Evie?" Her friend asked. Evie pointed over in the direction of the docs where the goblins were unloading cargo.

"Yeah what about the goblins?" Jay asked. Wondering how goblins could help them.

Evie pointed over there again hoping they would get the idea.

"Wait, I think I get it Evie are you saying to hide in the cargo boat?" Carlos asked Evie nodded vigorously wanting to get somewhere safe and fast.

"Great idea E," Mal said as they all rushed towards what they hoped was their safe haven for a while.

Sneaking past the goblins they hurried onto the boat, going deep to where no one would find them...hopefully, finding a place to sit on a pile of old bags and rope in a corner by some crates under a shelf they were well hidden.

"They won't find us will they?" Carlos asked, nervously.

"No they would never think to look here...never," Said Jay reassuringly to himself as well as the others.

"We'll just stay down here until it's safe to leave," Mal said, indefinitely.

"Or until they find us," Carlos said, this caused Evie to curl into Mal more.

"Carlos, you scared Evie, it's okay Blueberry we won't let her hurt you again they won't find us this is our new hiding space," Mal said, Evie stayed curled into Mals side but seemed to calm down a bit.

They sat in silence none quite sure what to say, after a while tired eyes began to droop close and soon enough lost the battle to sleep.

unbeknownst to them, the boat departs the isle to return to where it came from Auradon to collect more of their waste till it returns three days later. All four were too tired to be woken by the waves crashing against the side of the boat and the rocking momentum caused by the wind.

"Your royal highness, your majesty you are needed for a very urgent matter down at the unloading docks," Said a very nervous Fairy Godmother, who had received the news not too long ago and had called immediately.

"What's happened has there been an accident, has.." King Beast said but was interrupted mid-sentence by Fairy Godmother.

"Just meet me down at the docks as soon as you can please it's urgent," And with that Fairy Godmother hung up and made her own way down to the docks.

Twenty minutes later Fairy Godmother and the Royals were down at the docks, all with worried faces hoping it was nothing too serious.

"What seems to be the matter here," King Beast asked, sound like the confident king he was even if nervous.

"Why don't you come and see for yourself, but please be as quiet as you can," The docksman said as he lead the way.

He took them aboard one of the boats and down to the bowles where they held crates, ropes and old sacks and there nestled in the corner was four sleeping children.

"Where has this boat come from?" Queen Belle asked worridly the children looked so small.

"The isle," The docksman replied.

It was silent for a while until Fairy Godmother broke it.

"Well we can't send them back I don't think a place like that is safe for them, look at them their faces are bruised they are so dirty and look serverly malnourished," Fairy Godmother whispered, heartbroken that villians would really do this to their children but then again they are villians.

"What? How do you know they havn't been sent here by their parents?" The King asked worried for his peoples safety.

"Adam, I don't think they would send them on a boat like this with nothing on their backs but clothes and eachother, and they seem to little to even do anything remotly bad," Belle whispered placing a hand on Adams shoulder.

"An ambulance has been called to take theses four to the hospital, I'm not sure how you want to go about this," The docksman whispered, glancing at the three.

"Thank you, I think we will go with them to the hospital so they have someone there when they wake up, while we wait we can think of how to deal with this," Adam whispered wondering how they were going to deal with four villian kids. As the docksman quietly left.

"Okay sounds good to me," Belle whispered even quieter as she noticed the blue haired girl stir slightly and clutch the girl she was curled into jackets tighter.

"I hate to think what happened even if they are decendents of villians, they still don't deserve this," Fairy Godmother whispered sadly.

"I didn't account for this, I didn't think that the villians would even think of bearing a child," Adam replied sadly.

Mal stirred slightly hearing hushed voices her fairy hearing kicking in, opening her eyes ever so slighty she noticed several people in the room, biting back the urge to scream she closed them again and subtly nudged Jay awake a way of telling him there could be danger, he did the same to Carlos and Mal just held Evie tighter as it was the best she could do Evie was a very deep sleeper and a subtle nudge would not wake her, Evie nodded her head ever so slightly to let Mal know that she got the message.

After a few minutes of silence the three adults noticed that the four children had awoke.

And there you have it reviews welcome as always