"I can't leave a hurt puppy on the side of the road." He said.
"You know you can put me down I-I can walk just fine," I huffed. I could feel myself getting flushed.
"Hush, I'm not putting you down. Besides, it's getting dark and we wouldn't want you to get lost now do we?" Elias answered in a matter-of-fact tone.
Heat began to spread across my cheeks as I felt myself get flustered, I haven't been held in a long time. There was no reason to feel intimidated by Elias, but I couldn't help shake the feeling that there was something mysterious about Elias Ainsworth. Why was he helping me? Does he know what I am too? Questions popped up in my head that made me start to chew on some thoughts. I took in a long breath and opened my mouth as we walked down a winding path.
"Elias?" Wait what am I doing?
"Hmmm" I closed my eyes
"Do you know what I am?"
"I do." My heart dropped. How is it that everyone seems to know what I am except me? Did he know from the beginning? Perhaps that's why he pointed out I have the sight.
"You are what they call a sleigh beggy."
"A sleigh beggy?"
"You are rather rare among your kind, you possess the sight."
"What does sleigh beggy mean?" There was a moment of silence before Elias spoke.
"An apt comparison might be to a queen bee."
"A queen bee?"
"Yes, those like you have the ability to summon all manners of things." I still feel confused...
"Fae beings are like worker bees who flock to the Queen, whether or not she sees them. Those of your kind that cannot see them bring both good and bad luck."
"How is it bad luck to not see them?"
"Fae notions of gifts and favors aren't always in a humans best interest. However, their fondness means you will never have a lack of help. Magic often requires their aid. Their willing assistance will be a great asset to you."
I chewed on my lower lip trying to make sense of what he was saying. Their willing assistance will be a great asset?
"Ah just as I hoped. We made it."
Elias still didn't put me down even though we were standing in front of his house. He began to mutter something quietly, or maybe it was a different language. Just then the front door to the house opened before him and closed behind him as he walked in. I was expecting him to set me down, but he took me upstairs and we headed down the hall. Before I could connect the dots, we entered a bathroom. Why are we in the bathroom? Perhaps he wants me to wash? He placed me down and turned on the water.
"You are filthy, Chise. I doubt you can work the tub, I will scrub you clean."
"What?!" I panicked. His words rang in my head. He doesn't mean what I think he means, does he? Before I could protest, he pulled my shirt over my head.
"No, no, no, no I can bathe myself! I don't need your help, I'm not a kid." I pulled my arm out and grabbed his wrist.
"Please, it's okay I can do this!"
"Stop fussing like a kitten!" He stated.
I fought him the whole time, he took my bra, my pants, and underwear off. He plucked me off the ground and gently sat me down into the bath. He then threw in herbs and oils into the bath. I held my hands up to my face. There is no God. He saw everything. He then proceeded to gently wash me, scrubbing my hair with lavender scented shampoo. He made sure to not get anything in my eyes as he rinsed the soap off.
"There, come out when you have warmed up. I will leave a change of clothes for you in my bedroom. It's the bedroom with the door open." He shut the door behind him and I was left in silence. I let out a long sigh and laid down in the tub in disbelief. What is happening?
Authors Notes:
Yes, yes I know it is incredibly short! But I wanted you all to know that I am still, indeed alive! I will try to work on some more writing this month! Please take care and let me know what your thoughts are about this short chapter! Any ideas or requests for these two?