From The Twisted Mind Of A Brotha Pro. Presents:
Digimon Tamers Digital Short:
Nami Needs A Date!
(A/N: This is an attempt to give an explanation as to how my two created digimon characters became a couple. Also this helps me work trying to develop them more.
Nami: Nami is a Beastmon/Lilithmon variant type digimon, though unlike Beastmon/Lilithmon being Ulitmate/Mega. Nami's forms are a level lower. So as her Beastmon variant Tabbimon, she is only a Champion level, while her Liltihmon variant, Naamahmamon is an Ultimate level.
Tabbimon's color scheme is a deep red-orange color with fiery orange hair. Unlike Beastmon, Tabbimon only has one tail and it's a large bushy one that curls at the end.
In the Tamer Universe, Lilithmon, Naamahmamon, and another O.C., Agrabahmamon; were created from the data of a very powerful digimon and several virus programs. Naamahmamon being the 'youngest' of the trio was imperfect and couldn't digivolve, remaining in her Rookie form, Abyssmon. An amulet was crafted for her that allowed Naamahmamon to digivolve, at first only to her Champion level Tabbimon. Only after bioemerging in the Human World did she unlock her Ultimate form, and that happened when she protected Hiromi and Junko; Hiromi's mother. Since being in the Human World, Nami has lived with the Koizumi's, posing as foreign student studying abroad and acting as personal assistant to Junko. At first Nami wasn't getingt paid, but after a talk from Hiromi, Junko gave Nami an actual salary. Nami had trouble at first adjusting in the Human World, while trying to pretend to be a human. Thankfully with Hiromi and Junko's help, Nami has been able to somewhat pass as a human; having her 'quirks' attributed to her being from another country.
Hiromi: Nami's sixteen-year-old partner and friend. Hiromi is the daughter of Junko Koizumi, an up and coming TV personality that started out as a on the scene news reporter in Kitakyushu. Originally Hiromi and Junko lived in Shinjuku. Junko used to be college friends with Rumiko.) **************************************************************************************
[Nonaka Residence]
Emerging from the kitchen with two bottles of soda Rika Nonaka, now going on sixteen headed to the backyard of her home carrying the drinks. The young tamer still had on the uniform of her private high school, a brown skirt and vest with a white shirt underneath. Out on the porch relaxing, sat a girl dressed in the same uniform as Rika. The teen, taller and more developed than the former Digimon Queen wore glasses and had long black hair she kept brushed back behind her shoulders. Hiromi Koizumi, Rika's old childhood friend looked out into the backyard with a puzzled expression on her face talking to someone; whom of course Rika knew.
Hiromi as it turned out to be a tamer as well, her partner a digimon by the name of Tabbimon; or Nami as the digital feline preferred. Nami could be considered a Beastmon variant, what set her apart besides being only a Champion level; Nami was colored a fiery orange with red hair and a lone bushy tail unlike that of a Beastmon. The digital feline paced back and forth in the backyard looking worried and flustered, something Hiromi had seen before, though not quite like this. The black haired teen did her best to ease her feline friend, hoping to know what troubled her.
"Could you just calm down Nami and maybe try to explain just what is bothering you? Perhaps then I might be able to help." Hiromi said looking over as Rika walked up.
"Am I missing something here?" Rika asked, handing Hiromi a soda.
"Oh no, you're just in time. Nami showed up a few moments ago like this. I've been trying to get her to tell me what's wrong, but as you can see…" The taller tamer replied taking the drink.
Just then, phasing into view next to the two teens, Renamon appeared. Rika's fox-like digimon merely looked over at Nami who had finally let out a loud moan collapsing to the ground.
"From what Nami told me, she apparently told a lie at work. One that might just get her in trouble at work." Renamon explained, slightly shocking both girls.
"What? What kind of lie? Was it to my mother?" Hiromi inquired.
After bio-emerging to the real world almost six years ago, Nami saved Hiromi and her mother Junko from a digimon that had been chasing her. Grateful, and since Hiromi also became Nami's tamer that night, Junko accepted the orange digital cat into the Koizumi family. Nami had the ability to digivolve at will changing to her Ultimate form, Naamahmamon; a variant of a Lilithmon.
In that form, while already looking humanlike, Naamahmamon could use her digital magic to alter her appearance to look truly human. Junko used Nami's ability to hire her as her personal assistant when Junko was just a News Reporter. Now that Ms Koizumi had her own TV show, Nami's job became harder than ever; also forcing her to deal more with humans, the worst being men.
"No, not to her, I believe it was a man named…" Renamon said, only to be cut off by Nami
"Shigeo Maeda…" Nami answered while holding her shoulders and shivering in disgust.
Saying the name felt uncomfortable for Nami to speak out, cringing up as the image of the young blonde haired man came into focus.
"Who?" Rika asked.
"I know who she is talking about…" Hiromi answered with a gag, "He's a real creepo. He hits on all the attractive women at the station, even grabbing them. He's really been after Nami ever since he laid his eyes on her."
"And hands!" Nami shouted out in a moment of anger.
"Are you kidding me?! I can't believe he gets away with that!" Rika said in disbelief.
"He does, he's tried hitting on me a few times. And he's also the son of the TV station owner." The longhair teen in glasses replied taking sip from her soda.
"That's even worse. Nami, what did you say to him?" Rika asked Nami.
Nami didn't want to speak at first, but the looks from her friends finally loosened her lips…
"I told him I had a boyfriend!" She blurted out, cheeks red from embarrassment.
Both Hiromi and Rika looked at one another to confirm they both heard what they thought they did. Renamon nodded her head after both girls looked in the golden fox's direction.
"Come again Nami?" Hiromi asked.
"I didn't know what to do! I've seen you say it before several times when we are out shopping. It seemed to work on the guys trying to hit on you. I thought it would keep the creep off me." Nami answered with a moan.
"But I have a boyfriend and you don't. True that should have worked…did he not believe you?" Hiromi inquired to which Nami shook her head.
"Oh no, he believed me alright. So much so that he wants to meet him and everyone else!" Nami said.
"Ha-ha, so now you have to produce one so they doesn't think you're lying. Nice going there Nami." Rika replied in a somewhat sarcastic tone.
"Rika…" Hiromi scolded Rika, "Nami dear me…So when do Shigeo and the others want to meet this man of yours?"
"Friday night…" Nami said with a deep sigh, "Miuki suggested a few of us at the station should hang out once in a while... Something about getting to know more about one another... That's how this all started…" Nami continued explaining as she sat in the grass, "Shigeo showed up ease dropping. He invited himself then asked if I was going... Ugh, I can still feel his hands on me…I just panicked and said I already had plans with my new boyfriend…" She meowed out, "Then it went downhill from there…"
"Again, nice one." Rika said.
"Rika!" Renamon said looking at her partner who shrugged.
"Well come on, what do you want me to say? She dug herself in this hole, not me." The redhead said crossing her arms.
"I think she wants some support from her friends." Renamon shot back sternly.
"Oh really? And just what kind of support can we give her? Are you going to pretend to be her boyfriend? Now that I think about, that would be interesting to see." Rika answered with a slight snicker.
"That's probably not what she had in mind." Renamon answered back with a slight twitch from her tail.
"Too bad there isn't anyone we can call on to help out. None of the guys could pass off for her boyfriend, unless you like them young." Hiromi teased out to Nami.
"No! I can't ask them, and even if I did, I'd prefer it be a digimon." Nami said.
"And that there is the dilemma." Rika said, "Unless you know of a way for them to look human, you're out of luck. The only one of those guys I know who could maybe pull it off would be Beelzemon, but he's a little big and…"
"A jerk!" Nami blurted out, showing her contempt for the biker demon, "I'd rather die than been seen with him!"
"And that narrows your prospects down considerably. The only others who are remotely human looking are, ugh…Justimon…" Rika remained hesitant for a moment speaking that name, "Gallantmon, or Valiantmon. But that still presents the problem of you having to ask one of the guys to biomerge with their partners and still, they would be hulking giants."
"Mmmhhmm, course also we don't know what they really look like...Under their helmets you know." Hiromi added, as she thought about it.
"Yeah, well there isn't much we can do about that, and thinking about it doesn't exactly help out with this situation." Rika.
"Perhaps there might be someone who can help." Renamon suggested, getting everyone's attention.
"Oh? And who is that?" Hiromi asked.
"Why not ask our creators the Monster Makers? Specifically Mr. Shibumi, he did create the Blue Cards and the Red Card that allowed us to biomerge to fight the D-Reaper. Perhaps he could create a card that could make a digimon take on a human appearance." Renamon said to which the others agreed.
"Yeah, yeah! That might actually work!" Hiromi said getting to her feet.
"Whoa, whoa, you aren't serious are you?" Rika said being the skeptic.
"Why not? It's worth a shot. If anybody can figure out a solution it defiantly would be someone like Shibumi." Hiromi said.
"Then what are we waiting for! To Hypnos!" Nami exclaimed, springing up with a new sense of hope to her plight.
Rika only let out a small moan as she placed her head in her hand, "Oh man…why does this sound a lot like trouble?"
"Oh cheer up Rika, just think if this works it might even work on Renamon." Hiromi said placing an arm around the other teen's neck.
All Rika could do was look over to her partner who returned the gaze. A mental image of Renamon as a human tried to form in her head, but Rika couldn't see it.
"Let's just see if he can do it first. Let's not get anyone's hopes up." Rika said, removing Hiromi's arm from her neck.
"That's a little late…" Hiromi said, indicating over in Nami's direction who danced around with joy before digivoling to her Ultimate form Naamahmamon.
"Alright, let's get going! We can also stop on the way for shakes!" The succubus type digimon cried out before her shadow wrapped around her body.
Using her ability Shadowcloak, Naamahmamon became more human-like, losing her horns and wings. Her outfit transformed as well, into that of jeans and an orange blouse with a kitten on the front.
"Let's go, go, go!" Nami meowed out heading for the back gate.
"This really seems like it's a bad idea..." Rika sighed out, following Hiromi who only let out a laugh.