Chapter 10; Posing in the Garden:

Vivian awoke to a gentle knocking. Bleary eyes opening, Vivian dreaded to discover the light of morning streaming through her window. She squeezed her eyes shut again and pulled the blanket over her head, wishing to remain in denial for just one more minute.

"Miss Vivian?" Called out Mey-Rin from beyond the door as she knocked again.

"Yes?" Vivian groaned as she heard the maid enter.

"It is six in the morning, Miss Vivian. You requested to be woken, yes?" The maid asked timidly. Vivian made an attempt to answer, but her words came out as a slurred whine.

"Do you need help dressing this morning, miss?"

"No thank you, Mey-Rin," Vivian sighed as she sat herself up, knowing there was little point in resisting. She felt the wound in her side flare up, but she bit back her groan, "I can manage by myself."

Mey-Rin hesitated by the door a moment before curtseying and making her leave. Vivian laid still a moment, pretending she had all the time in the world before she resentfully slid out of bed to start her morning.

Making her way over to the water closet, she washed her face in the basin and then used the toilet. It was such a relief to have indoor plumbing at her disposal again. The private water closet itself was a luxury, with whitewashed walls, a porcelain sink, and checkered floor. There was even a clawed bath opposite a fireplace with a full-length mirror beside it. Truly, this was luxury.

Well, it is when compared to sharing one water closet with an entire floor of prostitutes and their customers. Even so, I think I preferred those roommates to the ones I have now, Vivian thought dryly.

Exiting the water closet, Vivian went over to the wardrobe. She chose a simple white blouse and grey, high waisted skirt. Lacing up a pair of heeled boots and taming her hair back with a large blue ribbon, she was ready for her ninth day in service to the Earl Phantomhive.

Leaving her room and turning down the hall, Vivian made her way to where the record's office was. Despite the many trips she had made to it the past week, Vivian still would end up taking at least one wrong turn. The manor was simply too large, and even though the young Earl personally took her for a tour the day after they arrived, Vivian knew she would continue to lose her way for a while longer.

If I recall from the tour, there is a library around here somewhere. Perhaps in the next month, I might actually find it. Curse my ill sense of direction!

As for her work, Vivian found that she had no complaints. After her tour with the Earl, she was told to rest the remainder of the day, but the next morning Vivian found herself face to face with the 'real' Tanaka. Vivian hardly recognized the house steward, so tall and formal and...human looking for once. He dedicated several hours to explaining her new duties, and while the old man did deflate a few times, Vivian appreciated his instruction.

The Earl thought it best for Vivian to start with some of the simpler tasks regarding his business, the Funtom Corporation, and Vivian was grateful to be eased into her new occupation until her health returned. In a way, it was easier than her work for Morgan & Son's. All she really needed to do here was confirm the financial ledgers that were delivered in reports for the Earl to inspect, then answering in letters any statements of business. While this was hardly thrilling, at least she didn't need to fetch the Earl tea every five minutes. And despite his all too serious yet mischievous ways, Vivian was finding herself growing accustomed to the young Earl. She half-expected life here to be filled with daily assassinations or chasing monsters, but the Phantomhive Manor was almost eerily quiet at times. The servants were noisy, no doubt about that, but Vivian hardly saw them. Her duties and theirs rarely had them running into one another. This was acceptable to her, especially when it came to a certain black butler.

To all her surprise, the demon did not haunt Vivian's every step. Though she often saw him whenever she met with the Earl, Vivian was happy to see that the butler wished to have as little to do with her as she did him. Even his aura bothered her little now. The demon was possibly taming it out of some courtesy for her while she recovered, though Vivian could still feel the edge of its presence no matter where she went. But besides the demon, she had to admit her time here was almost pleasent.

Only three hundred and fifty-six more days to survive through. If this luck continues to hold, I might actually start to enjoy it here. Vivian thought, but her false optimism had her chuckling at herself.

I'd think I would sooner allow Pluto to use me as a chew toy again.

Finally, Vivian reached the record's office.

It was on the basement floor, not far from the kitchen. No doubt it had been placed there for easy access for the house steward. But seeing as how Tanaka did very little, only Vivian or Sebastian seemed to use the room. The demon was not here now though, as he usually did the household finance later in the day, but there was the usual tray of breakfast he left for Vivian on her desk. This morning's breakfast was a cup of tea and porridge with wild berries, which Vivian devoured with relish.

Having learned that she preferred to take her meals for herself, Sebastian delivered Vivian's morning and evening meals in the office or her bedroom. The Earl on several occasions expressed his wish that she dined with him, but Vivian used her ill health as an excuse to avoid him and the butler.

Setting aside the tray, Vivian went over to the standing desk where the adding machine and typewriter where along with an oil lamp. Behind it was several cabinets where important files were kept that only she and Sebastian had keys for. There were also several bells aligned on the wall, each labeled for various rooms throughout the household. Vivian had learned quickly that three rings meant the Earl was summoning her.

It would not ring for a few hours yet though, so warming her fingers up, Vivian got to work. Reports from the various branches or warehouses belonging to the Funtom Company were delivered at dawn. Vivian was to take the lot of them and make them into one cohesive report for the Earl which she would give after he had his own breakfast. The click of the keytops as Vivian typed was a familiar and comforting sound that filled the office, fooling her into thinking this would be yet another quiet and uneventful day.

Cruel irony came in the form of a knock. Looking up, Vivian saw a young man standing outside the office window. He waved in a friendly manner, and when she came over and opened the window, he smiled up at her.

"Good morning miss. I have come to deliver the Earl Phantomhive's purchase from the London Occult Society's most recent auction."

Vivian blinked in surprise as the young man lifted up a package for her to see.

"Oh?" She frowned, unaware of any such delivery. But the young man produced paperwork that seemed to be in proper order, so without fuss, she signed for it. The man tipped his hat to her.

"Have a lovely day, miss."

"The same to you."

Shutting the window, Vivian took the package to the stand-up desk. She supposed could take it to the Earl when it was time to make her report to him. Vivian wouldn't have guessed the young master had any interest in the occult, but then again, he did have a demon as a butler. About to go back to her work, Vivian couldn't help but glance over the package order again. The words 'camera' and 'Talbot Collection' caught her eye.

Talbot? Vivian frowned, I can't help but think that name is familiar somehow.




Soon enough it was time for Vivian's morning report. When she greeted the Earl in his office she was delighted to see that Sebastian was not there. Vivian's brief report was made all the briefer when she set the London Occult Society's delivery down on the young Earl's desk. The sleepy eyes of the child instantly lit up when he saw it. Vivian was quickly dismissed after that, but as she left she could hear the young Earl ring for the other servants.

What could he want with them at this hour? Vivian wondered. But, seeing as it had nothing to do with her, she continued on her way back to the record's office.

That is, until, she got very lost.

Vivian wasn't quite certain how it happened, but she had ended up turning down a hallway she didn't recognize. It was long and dark, and unfortunately, Vivian discovered it was also a dead end. Turning back, Vivian cursed as she retraced her steps, but an open door soon caught her eye. Nearing it, Vivian felt her breath catch in her throat.

The library!

Unable to resist, Vivian went inside. She almost smiled at the sight.

Wall to wall shelves filled with books greeted her, welcoming her with the scent of old paper and leather. The room was very large with several sofas, tables, and chairs arranged for reading. There were several wide windows with the curtains drawn back, filling the room with light. Unable to help herself, Vivian went over to the nearest shelf.

Since she had finished with her Beeton's Christmas Annual a while ago, Vivian had been wanting something else to entertain her in the evenings when she was finished working. But her efforts to avoid the Earl and demon, as well as her general exhaustion from her illness, kept her from seeking the library out. Vivian was certainly glad to come across it now though, as several promising and familiar titles caught her eye.

Just as the pile in her arms started to get too heavy to manage, the clock in the library chimed nine thirty.

"Oh, damn. I have to get back to work." Vivian muttered as an apology to the other shelves she had yet to explore. It was probably for the best though, as she still wished to continue to make a good impression on the young Earl. That, and she could swear she could hear something…whispering behind the shelves.

Vivian shook her head as she turned for the door.

No, no. Do not start. It's bad enough I died, came back to life, and nearly got myself killed all over again, but I do not have the time to deal with the possibility that I am slowly going insane–

Suddenly the library doors were pulled open, and standing before Vivian was the demon. A swell of demonic presence overpowered Vivian, making her feel faint, but she forced herself to remain steady. They looked at one another, both surprised to see the other, though Sebastian was the first to recover. Glancing her up and down, his lips settled into a teasing grin.

"All those beautiful dresses the young master bought for you, and yet you still choose to dress like a schoolmarm." Sebastian tutted in disapproval.

"I've never asked for any of them!" Vivian immediately bristled, "Besides, it would be unseemly for me to dress above my station. I'm the Earl's secretary, after all, not his guest or mistress."

Sebastian arched a wry brow at her bluntness but then nodded.

"Quite true." He smirked before eyeing her suspiciously, "Now, might I ask what you are doing in the library?"

Vivian wanted to tell the demon that was none of his damned, and she meant that literally, business, but she decided to take a steady breath instead. It wouldn't do her any good to be upset at the demon. It was a waste of energy after all, and he was not worth it or her time. Side-stepping the demon, she tried to move past him.

"With my health recovering, I am finding I have more time to myself after my work is completed," Vivian explained airily.

"I see, and you were craving a little…company."

Vivian felt a vein pulse in her temple. Why did he have to make that sound so…so…naughty? She shook the thought away and brushed past the demon. This however only gave him the chance to closely observe the titles of the books she was carrying.

"Goethe's FaustThe Woman in White…and The Goblin Market and Other Poems? My, my, I did not think you enjoyed such sensationalistic and romantic works." Sebastian said with amusement, "And here I expected you only read the Demon Codex or some such drivel."

Vivian blushed at his remark. So he knew about that? She kept that book under her pillow most of the time, and the memory of him searching her flat back in London while she slept crept to the forefront of her mind. She tried to shake the memory away and attempted to ignore the demon. She turned down the hall in the direction she hoped would lead back to the record's office.

Sebastian, however, was not done with her.

"Well then, since you are feeling better, I have a task for you. Today a journalist from a prodigious London newspaper, Brit Business, will be arriving this afternoon to conduct an interview about the Funtom Corporation. He will be speaking to the Funtom's General Director, Tanaka, and you. You will help prepare a statement to give that will hopefully cover any of his questions."

The vein in Vivian's temple burst.

"What?! Why wasn't I told sooner?!" She shouted as she turned back, unable to help the panic in her voice. An interview with the press? A single afternoon was not enough time to prepare for that! Did he want to see her fail?! By the expression of dark delight the demon wore it was obvious he did.

"Oh, I do apologize. Do you not think you will have enough time to prepare yourself?" He asked with feigning concern even as he still wore his smirk. Vivian bit down on her tongue to suppress all the curses that clawed up her throat.

Damn this demon! Damn him to the lowest pits of Hell!

In the haze of her anger, however, Vivian was able to deduce the cruel reason behind the demon's actions. This was a test, one she should have seen coming. Whether it was one administered by the demon alone or from the Earl, odds were any failure on her part would reach the Earl's ears. If she was successful, however, perhaps then the Earl would start treating her as a full-fledged employee. Steadying herself with a deep breath, Vivian rose to the challenge.

"I will be ready, rest assured. I will not let the Funtom Corporation down." She gritted through her teeth. Sebastian's smirk curled wider as if pleased by her resolve. This further angered Vivian, and as she walked away, she could not help but mutter to herself.

"Saints preserve me. I'm willing to bet that Satan himself is not half as vile as you are. Sometimes I think I'd much rather deal with him."

Knowing full well Sebastian heard her, Vivian was ready for whatever remark he had in supply. What she was not ready for was how it whispered intimately in her ear.

"Ah, but are you not aware, Miss Vivian? It is always better with the devil you know than the devil you don't."

Turning sharply, Vivian was prepared to fight the demon away, but to her surprise, he was not to be found. The library doors were closed and she could hear him move about, cleaning the room. With a growl of frustration, Vivian marched back to the record's office, glad to be rid of him for a few hours at least.

Sebastian should have known that his meeting with Miss Vivian this morning would set the tone for the rest of his day. Ever since opening the library doors to find her standing there, surprised, pale, and, of course, undesirable, trouble had followed him.

Under some order by the young master, the three oafs had taken to following Sebastian throughout his morning tasks. He could hear them whisper to one another from wherever they hid. If one could call the incessant chattering and bickering those three hissed at one another whispers. Apparently, they wanted him to remain still for a full ten seconds in order to take his picture. Logically, Sebastian deduced he was to be tested with the Talbot camera then. He had heard the delivery Miss Vivian had accepted earlier, and knowing that his master had recently purchased only one item from the London Occult Society, further deduced the nature of the oafs' hopeless mission.

Honestly, if the brat only ordered me to, I would have to remain still for the picture. But no, as with everything the young master must make a game out of it.

Sebastian, if he was to be truthful, did not find the game to be wholly unenjoyable. Besides the incident with Finni smashing a billiard table through a wall, it was amusing to give the other servants a taste of their own medicine. So often they had foiled or inconvenienced him in his own tasks, now it was his turn. More so, it was enjoyable to see the young master become more and more frustrated with the failed attempts. Summoning Sebastian to his office just to have him fix his ribbon necktie while the other servants were perched outside the window seemed like a last, desperate attempt. But knowing his master, Sebastian knew there would be more challenges to come.

And here I thought today would be rather tedious. Still, it would not do to have my picture taken. If the Talbot camera indeed can show what one cares most about this world, I am afraid I will be in a rather tight spot…

Knowing it was imperative to remain one step ahead of his master, Sebastian decided to see what more could be learned about the young master's sudden interest in photography.

"This is turning out to be a lot harder than I thought it would. Some measly photographs shouldn't be so tough!" Groaned Baldroy. He and the others were seated in the hallway in secret conference. The morning had gotten away from them without any progress to show for it.

"Sebastian and Miss Vivian are just too quick!" Finnian sighed in despair.

Sebastian's brow quirked up in curiosity. Miss Vivian? The master wished for her to be photographed as well? These were stakes not to be taken lightly then. Sebastian suddenly found his amusement wilting away.

"Yeah…where are they right now anyway?" Asked Baldroy.

In answer, Sebastian decided to end their little conference. Suddenly opening the door adjacent to them, the servants gasped in surprise as he glared down at each one of them.

"There you are. I have a task for the three of you."

"What is it, Sebastian?" Mey-Rin asked, eager as ever to please the butler.

"Over there," Sebastian said as he glanced to a window opposite them. The others followed his gaze, gaping to see the large red eyes of Pluto staring at them from the other side of the glass. Immediately, Finni jumped up to coo at the foul thing lovingly, smudging the glass with his face.

"The mangy pooch? What do you want us to do?" Baldroy grumbled as he and Mey-Rin stood too.

"We'll be receiving a guest this afternoon. That thing is offensive. You're to transfer it out of sight before the guest arrives." Sebastian explained. Baldroy turned and frowned at the demon.

"He's kind of a big fellow. Where should we put him?"

"I'll let you three figure that out," Sebastian replied indifferently. Turning from the servants, he made for the door he had just entered from.

"Oi! We got our own jobs to take care of too you know!" Baldroy shouted at Sebastian's retreating back. Turning to look over his shoulder, Sebastian gave him a cold smile.

"You do have until this afternoon. I'm sure you can take care of it between your other tasks."

Before any of them could reply, Sebastian shut the doors behind him, enjoying the silence that followed.

"Maybe now I can do my own job without interruption."

With so much to do and so little time, Sebastian moved with purpose. The interview with the journalist was the most pressing matter, and so he sought out Tanaka to make certain the steward would be prepared for it. The old man looked apprehensive about the arduous task ahead, but with a few rousing words from Sebastian, Tanaka agreed to be ready and 'real' in time. Following this, it was time for the master's afternoon tea.

To say the young master looked perturbed would be an understatement. For such a devious and manipulative child, he had difficulty containing his disappointment. But then, what child enjoyed losing?

"Something wrong?" Sebastian asked as he set the sandwiches and tart down on the desk. The young master, who had been glancing at the window behind his chair, schooled his face.

"No, it's nothing. I think I'll take my supper in here today."

Sebastian placed a hand over his heart and bowed. If the young master wished for more time alone to scheme, then far be it from Sebastian to deny him the opportunity.

"Of course, my lord."

Straightening, Sebastian eyed the dollhouse perched on the young master's desk. He had not paid it much attention this morning, but looking at it now he could see three toy soldiers scattered beside it. Nearby, there was a black ram.

Sebastian's lips curled into a smile. The young master, pretending innocence, began eating the finger sandwiches. Sebastian debated whether or not he should reveal his hand now when he noticed another figurine by the dollhouse.

A white lamb.

Knowing what, or who, it represented, Sebastian decided it was better to make his exit now. Shutting the doors to the office behind him, he left the young master to scheme and play his little game.

For Sebastian however, other thoughts were stirred.

Miss Vivian's stay in the Phantomhive Manor so far had been anything but pleasant for Sebastian, but he knew things could be much worse. As it was, Miss Vivian seemed as eager to avoid him as he was her. Their interactions, delightfully brief, were usually filled with hatred masked with politeness. Every now and then one of them could not help but verbally bit at the other, but all in all both seemed committed to their agreed upon civility. A year's time was nothing for a demon, and though this arrangement was far from pleasant, it was livable.

Livable…if Sebastian was ever guilty of a lie, this was the greatest one he had ever told himself.

It was nigh unbearable. Though he had firmly decided that no action would be taken regarding Miss Vivian and his misplaced instincts, still they howled. Sebastian resolutely refused Miss Vivian for his mate in his mind and soul, and never for all of Hell would these be swayed. But his body was another story.

When she first came to the manor, he hardly felt her presence. Sick and weak as she was, she remained mostly in her room. But with her strength coming back she began to leave her mark. With every room she explored, with every doorknob she turned, with every fork that touched her lips, her scent spread through the manor like a disease. Sebastian, out of courtesy of their deal, had at first reduced his demonic presence so as not to make Miss Vivian sick with it. Now he had to surround himself with such potency simply to guard himself against the scent of roses that plagued him. Miss Vivian had not commented on it yet, either too stubborn to ask him to desist or used to his demonic aura herself by now, but Sebastian hardly cared when she was the reason for it. The servants, however, were beginning to show signs of being affected by his demonic presence, fatigued and nervous, while the shadows of the manor once more stirred by the contention in the demon.

To be like this, it was hardly seemly, certainly not for a butler. For so long Sebastian had only bent himself to his hunger and masters, but now it seemed his instincts would have the same sway.

The only relief Sebastian had was in his tasks. He had long enjoyed the role of butler, but now it was more of devotion for the respite the mindless and repetitive tasks offered. That, and the little fantasies Sebastian allowed himself to have.

They were idle, pleasant little things. Like Miss Vivian falling down a set of stairs by 'accident' and breaking her neck. Or Miss Vivian finding herself in the jaws of Pluto, broken and bleeding and screaming as she is swallowed. Or Miss Vivian, asleep in her bed, neck bare as his hand wrapped around the column of her throat. Squeezing, her pale blue eyes would open wide in horror as she saw him looming above her, reflecting the red pleasure in his as her wild writhing brought him closer. Closer until his lips were brought to the jumping pulse in her neck, tasting the fear that throbbed within the vein. Teeth bared, he would drain her, mark her, delighting in the cries and pleas for more coming from the woman trapped beneath him, until–

That will be enough of that, if you please. Sebastian growled to himself.

The intrusive thoughts and instincts were locked away, ever as stubborn as they had become of late. This would never do. Something needed to be done. Either Sebastian must gain control of his instincts once again, or Miss Vivian would indeed meet with an 'accident'. Preferably the one involving the staircase.

Needing true relief, Sebastian decided it to was time to seek out her.

Yes, she will be able to comfort me. For only she is the calm in the storm of my life. Her flexible body, her flowing black hair, her strong-willed, sparkling amber eyes! Yes, she will offer me peace…

Sebastian ran, a flash of black, outside. Often at this time of say, he would find her in the gardens peacefully sunning herself. He could already see her, her body warmed from the sun, eyes glistening in the pleasure at seeing him…ah, such a vision!

In his search for her, Sebastian came across something else, however. Coming to the back courtyard where he expected to see her, Sebastian instead found Pluto. He was sleeping by a staircase that lead to the hedgerows, curled up and snoring away.

"They couldn't handle one simple task." Sebastian massaged his temple in an attempt to relieve a sudden headache, "I'm beginning to think those three would be more useful as dog food."

Just when all looked it's darkest, suddenly Sebastian could hear her.

"Meow!" The black feline mewled in greeting as she walked by. A smile slid onto the demon's face.

"How lovely." He cooed. Within a matter of seconds, Sebastian possessed her, coaxing her into his lap as he sat against the stone railing. She mewled again as he picked her up, laying her down on his lap so that her belly was exposed to him.

"Lithe, supple body. Pert paws. Such soft paws." The feline purred in delight at the praise and affection, and Sebastian could feel the tension of his headache lessen.

"Cats are perfect." He sighed happily.

The moment of bliss was short lived as Pluto, jealous of the attention, transformed into a human. Naked, he ran up to Sebastian. The poor feline was yanked away, and Pluto pressed himself against Sebastian's chest in demand for the same attention showed to her. With a yowl, the feline retreated, and with her the last contentment Sebastian had.

"Interrupted again." He sighed, "Can a butler get no peace around here?"

"Oh my."

Turning his head, Sebastian was surprised to see Miss Vivian standing at the bottom of the stairs. In her hands were some papers, and tucked behind one ear was a fountain pen.

"I'm sorry. Am I interrupting something?" She smirked at Sebastian's obvious discomfort. At the sound of her voice, Pluto looked her way, immediately cowering. Of all of the Phantomhive staff, Pluto only feared Miss Vivian. Even though Sebastian did far more damage to the hound than she, mysteriously he had gained the beast's affection, and she its apprehension.

Taking advantage of Pluto's inattention, Sebastian quickly muzzled and leashed him before he had time to wriggle away.

"Of course not, Miss Vivian. Is there something you needed from me?" Smiled Sebastian as he stood. Pluto was already straining against the leash, but even as he transformed back into his true form, the butler was hardly budged.

"No." Miss Vivian replied, still smirking, "I thought I might sit in the garden while I prepared my notes."

"How wise. The fresh air would do your pallor good. You are still looking rather ghastly."

Here at last Miss Vivian's smirk fell away. She turned to move away from him then, but then she stopped.

"By the way…are the other servants following you too?" She asked, glancing back over her shoulder. Sebastian, masterfully, feigned ignorance.

"Why, whatever do you mean, Miss Vivian?"

Miss Vivian frowned at him, almost as if she knew he was lying, but then she shook her head.

"Never mind. I'm sure it's nothing."

"Quite." The demon smiled before bowing, "However, the journalist will be arriving soon, and you will be expected in the dining room. Do not be late. Until then, please, enjoy the gardens."

Miss Vivian said nothing in reply as she walked away, carrying her scent with her. Her retreating form had his instincts eagerly hoping it was time to give chase, and Sebastian clenched a fist to quell them. They fought against him, tempting him with the promise of relief if only he gave in, but in the end, he won. He had tamed his hunger over the centuries, leaving behind the wild, unrestrained, feasts of his youth to the more select courses of souls now. It would be the same with these instincts, it would simply be a matter of time and will.

After all, she was not his mate. One that wasn't truly worthy of him, at any rate. In time his refusal to claim her would result in his instincts diminishing, and when her year of service was finished, she would only be as a bad memory for the demon. His instincts may howl all they wished until then, but like his hunger, they would come to see quality beat out convenience every time.

Glancing at his side and still seeing the hell hound struggle against the leash, Sebastian sighed and decided to deal with Pluto.

Vivian heard a faint 'click' and woke with a start. At first, she did not recognize where she was. Trees and shrubs surrounded the bench where she sat on all sides, and quickly her mind reasoned that she must have fallen asleep in the Phantomhive garden. Glancing down at her lap she saw the scribbled notes she had been working on since morning, and with a panic sat up.

"Oh, God! The interview!"

Running as fast as her healing body could carry her, Vivian prayed she had not overslept the interview. She did not think herself to be so exhausted to fall asleep out in the open like that, but her body must still be a long way from recovery than she had hoped. Still, none of that mattered as much as the interview. If she failed it, then she would never hear the end of it from Sebastian. Worse, the young Earl might just fire her and keep the five hundred pounds he promised her all to himself.

Vivian found herself moving faster then, practically sprinting through the main doors of the manor and up the stairs. Her heart sunk when she believed she took a wrong turn, but as she rounded a corner, Vivian had to stop.

There, in the middle of the hallway, was a young woman.

She appeared to Oriental in feature, and she was wearing a short silken dress and high stockings that had Vivian staring in shock. Was this the journalist the demon mentioned? It couldn't possibly be. But Vivian, not willing to risk it, approached the young woman with a smile.

"Excuse me, miss? Are you lost?"

At the sound of her voice, the young woman turned towards Vivian. Her expression was completely blank, and Vivian wondered how a pair of eyes could be so empty.

"Are you here to see the Earl Phantomhive?" Vivian continued, "If you please, I will take you to his office. If you could follow me, then…um, what are you doing?"

The woman, still empty of emotion, was now on her hands and knees and crawling towards Vivian. Before she had time to react, the woman had grasped the hem of Vivian's dress and yanked it up. Startled, Vivian tried to kick the woman away, but her knees buckled at the attempt. Landing backward, Vivian gaped in horror as the woman continued to lift up her dress.

What the Hell is going on?! Is this woman forcing herself on me?! Vivian's thoughts screamed in panic. Woman or no, Vivian was never one to hold back in a fight. She was prepared to kick the woman across the hall when a stranger's voice called out.

"Now, now, Ran-Mao. This is not the way we introduce ourselves to the Earl's guests."

Vivian craned her neck to look back, gaining an upside-down view of a tall man with short black hair. His eyes were half-lidded as if he was too lazy to open them up all the way. His voice was calm and teasing as if he had the best of jokes to tell.

"Ran-Mao, apologize to the pretty lady."

The woman, Ran-Mao, stood. Vivian watched cautiously as she bowed deeply.

"Sorry." Came her quiet, detached apology.

Vivian felt a red heat paint her cheeks, and caught between mortification and anger, she stood up.

"Sorry? Sorry?! Why on Earth did you assault me?! What's more, who are you and why should I not scream and have you both thrown out?!" She shouted, watching as Ran-Mao went to the man's side. Clinging to each other in an improper manner, Vivian watched in horror as the man ran a hand over the woman's exposed thigh.

"Pardon, dear miss secretary. Ran-Mao was merely curious if…ah, how do the English put it?" He tapped his chin thoughtfully, "Ah! If the carpet matched the drapes!"

Here he winked at Vivian, and her already red face blushed a deeper shade.

"How dare you!" She fumed, ready to slap the man's smirk off his face.

"Miss Vivian? What on the blazes is going on?"

Turning, Vivian could see the young Earl, accompanied by Mey-Rin, Baldroy, and Finni, approaching. Baldroy had a camera in his hands, the very same one Vivian had delivered to the Earl just this morning.

"This man and this woman-! He-! She-! They-!" Vivian struggled to get out her accusations but found them lodged in her throat. There was no way she could repeat what the man said to a child, even if it was the Earl Phantomhive, and she was still confused by what Ran-Mao had attempted. Still, the young Earl seemed to sense what had happened and glared at the stranger.

"Lau, I do not know what you did, but I believe you owe Miss Vivian an apology."

"Ah, Miss Vivian is it?" The man, Lau, smiled, "Then I shall do so young lord, but better! I shall give an introduction."

Lau approached closer to Vivian, bowing with his hands before clasped before him.

"I am Lau, a friend of the Lord's and the British Branch Manager of the Shanghai Trading Company, Kunlun. And I deeply apologize on my sister's behalf."

"Sister?" Vivian muttered in horror. By the manner they had been clinging to one another, she never would have assumed the two of them to be related!

"Sister-in-law," The Earl explained as she came to stand beside Vivian, "They are here helping me with a little chore. Often times, Lau invites himself into my home, so do be on the alert."

Vivian nodded in understanding but found this news to be greatly disturbing.

And here I thought the demon would be my only problem…

"What little chore?" She asked. The young Earl frowned, hesitant to answer, but Lau laughed heartily.

"Oh, do tell her, my lord. Perhaps she can help?"

The young Earl did not look any more pleased, but from behind them, Vivian could hear Baldroy pip up.

"Yeah! It'd be great to have another pair of hands to help! Besides, we already got her picture!"

"My what?" Vivian frowned.

"It is nothing." The Earl quickly brushed off, "But yes, perhaps you can help."

Vivian could not help but find all of this very suspicious. However, she had promised to serve loyally and without question. With a little hesitation, she curtseyed.

"In any way I can, my lord."




"This is not what I had in mind when I agreed to help," Vivian muttered as she climbed the ladder.

"But you did agree." The Earl countered. Vivian bit back a sigh of frustration.

"Yes, I suppose. But I don't see how this is helping." Vivian stressed. By this, she meant her perched upon a ladder that leaned against a tall bookshelf. She, the Earl, and the others were now gathered in the library. Lau had ordered her to climb it, saying it would fit in with his plan to capture the butler's photograph. The Earl had offered a brief, if vague, explanation why he wanted this done, but Vivian could hazard a guess. She had remembered what she had heard about the Talbot camera, and no doubt the Earl sought to use its power against the demon.

While I don't mind that in the slightest, I do worry what Baldroy meant by already having my picture.

That was a worry for another time, as Lau suddenly cheered.

"Oh, this will most certainly help. I cannot understand how Sebastian failed to stop for Ran-Mao, but you, for he must!"

"What? Don't tell me we're doing that again, are we?" The Earl groaned, losing faith in Lau's plan. Vivian was left utterly confused.

"Doing what?"

"But Sebastian hates her!" The Earl pressed, ignoring Vivian though she could see the child starting to blush. Lau simply shrugged his shoulders.

"Then we shall try something else. Though he might not like her, no honorable man can resist a damsel in distress."

"But…I'm not?" Vivian asked, slowly coming to realize how high she was up on the ladder. She wondered if she might have made a huge mistake when she suddenly felt the ladder give out beneath her. In a panic, Vivian clung to the first thing she could reach as it fell away. With dear life, she held onto the highest shelf, dangling helplessly.

"What in damnation are you doing?!" She shouted as she tried to steady herself, scant inches of shelf affording her grip. Normally, she wouldn't think twice of falling the six feet it was back to the ground, but with her ankle still sore and her side still healing, she couldn't risk it.

From below, Vivian could see Lau smile up at her.

"That's it, keep shouting for help. I'm sure he will come! And when he does, give him time to look up your skirt."

"Damn you! I'll kill you, you perverted miscreant!"

Lau hardly looked affected by her insults, ushering the blushing Earl and the others towards the shelves opposite.

"Hurry now, we must hide before he comes."

"Don't you dare! Get me down from here, now!"

No one answered Vivian's cries. Moving quickly, Lau slid out a book and the shelves parted. A small hideaway was revealed, which the others stuffed themselves into before the shelves slid back into place. Vivian, while intrigued at the secret refuge, still could not believe what was happening.

Curse that Lau! Five minutes I've known him and he's already on par with the demon!

Vivian's knuckles were white with effort. Usually, it was no strain to pull herself up, but for some reason, Vivian could already feel her arms beginning to give out. It was irksome to be so weak all the time, but especially now! If she survived this, she would throw holy water on Lau, just to make certain he wasn't a devil in disguise!

"Damn him, damn his sister! Damn this whole household! No amount of money is worth this!" Vivian cursed under her breath.

"Miss Vivian?"

Vivian nearly lost her grip as she jolted at Sebastian's voice. Glancing down, she could see him below, brows quirked in irritation.

"I believe I told you not to be late to the interview with the journalist. You have kept us all waiting for several minutes now, and I must say I am extremely disappointed in you." The demon harshly chastised, but something in his eyes gleamed in delight over her struggle.

"Y-yes, I apologize. I've been…detained, as you can see." Vivian explained helplessly, "I...uh, remembered there was a book here that I wanted, and I thought I had time to grab it. It was just out of reach, and, well…"

The amusement in the demon's eyes lessened as he glanced over her, her arms pathetically shaking from the effort to hold herself up.

"Honestly, you are far more trouble than you are worth. I don't know what is so promising about you." He muttered to himself. Vivian didn't have time to process what he meant before she felt his hands reaching up to grasp her hips.

"What are you doing?! Let go!" She shouted, thrashing to keep him away. Vivian didn't care if she had been instructed to keep Sebastian still for a full ten seconds. Her day had been humiliating enough without having the demon come to her rescue!

"Stop struggling unless you want to injure yourself again." The demon warned exasperatingly. Without ceremony, Vivian felt the demon grip at her hips and lift her away from the shelf. He stepped back from it, and without a word, lowered her gently to the floor. The movement was so fluid and sure, Vivian wondered if she weighed anything to the demon.

"There now, safe and sound," Sebastian smirked as Vivian turned around to face him.

"Hardly." She growled up at him. Sebastian was unfazed as he began to leave.

"Come, we are late."

"But…" Vivian glanced back at the shelves the others were hiding behind. While she might not enjoy becoming a part of the Earl's game, she was ordered to try and keep Sebastian still.

"What is it?" The demon paused with a frown, "Oh, your book. Of course."

Vivian turned to watch Sebastian reaching towards the shelf Vivian had previously been clinging to. He grabbed the leather spine of the closest book.

"This one, yes?"

Vivian absently nodded, hoping he would remain still afterward. For a time, he did after he pulled the book down and curiously looked at it, but then Vivian worried when she saw a vicious smirk grow on his lips.

"The Lustful Turk? My, my, who would have known?" He asked wickedly, and Vivian's eyes widened in horror as she confirmed that was indeed the title. The whole of her suddenly became red, and she felt certain she was going to faint of embarrassment. Rather than give the demon the satisfaction, she snatched the book from Sebastian's hands and stormed out of the library. He followed after her, the sound of his quiet chuckle tormenting her further.

God, please, strike me now and end my misery!

The lengthy dining room was stifled with silence apart from the sound of the journalist writing his notes. Sebastian stood by the gentleman, observing the other end of the table. Tanaka was smiling friendlily, a cup of green tea steaming in his hands. He was starting to shake, but the old man held on remarkably well so far, answering all of the journalist's questions with well-informed and easy answers when the interview started forty minutes ago. In time, however, Miss Vivian, who sat beside him, took over when it appeared Tanaka was beginning to strain himself. She, remarkably, was even more knowledgeable.

"To answer your question," Miss Vivian spoke cordially, "the icons of the Funtom Corporation represent the different lines and products that we sell. We find that having icons makes the product, as well as the whole of the line, more memorable to our customers. After all, most of our customers are children, and they are more likely to remember the Bitter Rabbit or Confectionery Cat then they are the Funtom name. Names mean nothing to a child, but by giving our products of a personality, if you will, we become unforgettable."

"Ah!" Smiled the journalist as he copied her words down in his notes, "Most excellent Miss! Our readers would love to hear this!"

Miss Vivian smiled demurely at his praise, and Sebastian could not tell if she was flattered or simply pretending to be so. Either way he did not like it. She had put up such as poised mask upon entering the room, completely opposite of how she was a few moments before. Sebastian nearly smirked at the memory of it.

Honestly, I never imagined the young master would pull Miss Vivian into his scheme, much less that she would agree to it.

Either way, it hardly mattered as it seemed Miss Vivian was now playing the same as the others whether she wanted to or not. She was most certainly put up to it, as the Huntress would never in a thousand years put herself into such a position. Dangling herself in the library like some worm on a hook for him. Sebastian took the bait, of course, but only to hurry Miss Vivian to the interview. They were behind schedule already what with Ran-Mao's attempt to seduce Sebastian into remaining still. When or why Lau and his personal assassin joined in the Earl's game, Sebastian couldn't be sure, but the demon could hear them all now, sulking outside of the Earl's office. The young master, no doubt, was planning his next move.

I wonder just what that might be…could he become so desperate as to…? Ah, yes, Sebastian smirked to himself when he figured out the boy's plan, yes he would attempt that, wouldn't he?

"And now, could you please tell me about Funtom's business strategy moving forward?" The journalist continued, drawing Sebastian's attention back to the matter at hand.

"Ho…ho…" Tanaka struggled to say, surprising the journalist. It would seem his strength was finally failing, and he was in danger of deflating at any moment. Miss Vivian too looked worried, and so Sebastian stepped in.

"Allow me to explain. Currently, we are focusing on toys and confections, but we plan to expand into other areas as well."

The journalist eagerly wrote down everything Sebastian said but jolted to a stop when a loud 'pop!' at the other end of the table signaled the real Tanaka had at last run out of energy. Miss Vivian gasped in alarm when the man suddenly shrank, and she looked at a loss as what to do. The journalist was glancing over, and they were all in danger of embarrassing the Funtom Cooperation if something was not done and done quickly!

Sebastian slammed his hands down upon the table.

"As I was saying, sir."

"Oh, yes?" The journalist looked back over towards the butler.

"The corporation is working on plans to build outlets across Europe. We'll begin with branches in Paris, Vienna, Berlin, Rome, Amsterdam, and Athens. We intend to expand to into thirty countries in the next five years, including those in North America." Sebastian pressed on quickly, and the journalist was suddenly in a panic to write down everything.

"Ho, ho." Chimed in Tanaka, still trying his best to help.

"We'll also build a confections factory in Provence in the south of France and a toy factory in Salzburg, Austria. This will ensure goods in supply for the years to come." Sebastian said louder, arms gesturing dramatically.

"Ho, ho!"

"Yes," Suddenly spoke Miss Vivian, catching on with more enthusiasm than Sebastian suspected her capable of, "We at the Funtom Corporation always strive to maintain and improve the quality and goods of services supplied to our customers. No item leaves one of our factories without first being subjected to numerous quality assurance tests! Only then can a product bare the name, Funtom!"

She came over to stand beside Sebastian, fully distracting the journalist from the deflated Tanaka. With panache, Sebastian flung his arms open wide in a flourish.

"Our motto is the customer always comes first! Our delivery system ensures to arrive at your business or residence, product in hand, in record time, however remote the location! Customer is satisfaction guaranteed! That is the Funtom Corporation's' way! See?" Sebastian finished with a wink.

The poor journalist was still scribbling, looking ready to faint as sweat gathered at his brow. Miss Vivian stepped in closer, smiling gently.

"Mr. Jones? If you would like, you may take my notes for this interview with you." She offered, and the journalist looked up at her as if she was an angel.

"Oh, thank you very much miss!"

"It is nothing. It is the very least I can do to make up for my lateness. Please."

The young man took the bundle of papers from Miss Vivian happily before he looked towards Sebastian.

"This was more than I could have ever hoped for. But before I go, I would like to get a photograph if I may."

Sebastian frowned as the journalist took out a camera from his case and pointed it in Tanaka's direction.

"A photo?"

"I would like to have you in the shot too." The journalist asked Sebastian, though he also glanced at Miss Vivian.

"I'm afraid I must decline," Sebastian apologized quickly, "You see, I'm simply one hell of a butler."

From the corner of his eyes, Sebastian could see Miss Vivian stiffen. Perhaps she was surprised by his decline? If anything he would think her relieved since it wouldn't be wise to risk having one of the members of the Order of the Hunt recognize her in the paper.

"Oh." The journalist withered in disappointment.

Within moments, Sebastian and Miss Vivian had escorted the gentleman back to his carriage. Tanaka had escaped in the meanwhile, but Sebastian hardly paid attention when the steward left. Something was off about Miss Vivian. She seemed still in shock, moving stiffly as if it hurt to breathe. Had her side re-opened?

"That went rather well, don't you think, Miss Vivian?" Sebastian asked as the journalist's carriage retreated down the lane. His voice seemed to break what little strength there was left in the Huntress as she suddenly doubled over. She was shaking almost violently.

"Miss Vivian? Are you ill?" The demon asked, but before his instincts could rise up in response, he heard a strange sound come out of the woman.

It was laughter. Mad, full, enchanting laughter.

"One…hell…of a butler! You can't be serious!" She struggled to say between breaths. Sebastian did not know what she was speaking of for a moment but then frowned. So, she had caught that, didn't she? Sebastian did not know if he enjoyed someone else appreciating his wordplay, as most certainly Miss Vivian would never let him live it down.

"You told me you wanted me to refrain calling you a demon in public," Miss Vivian still struggled to speak, but she straightened up to smile at Sebastian, "but if you're making puns like that, what's even the point?"

"Well, we all must have our amusements." Sebastian countered dryly as he noted the crinkles around her eyes. Her smile was true then. He had not seen this expression of hers before, and could not help but get a sense of foreboding when his instincts squirmed at the sight of it.

Ciel stood by the window, watching as the last rays of the sun dipped down. It was still early evening, but winter brought darkness all too quickly. It suited for his purposes however. Under the cover of dark, Ciel caught the movement of three large shapes being moved in the yard below. Lau and the others were making the last preparations then.

Ciel wondered if, perhaps, this time he took the game too far.

It had been embarrassing enough watching Ran-Mao's display, but it was so much worse when Miss Vivian ended up getting involved. Ciel should have suspected what Lau had in mind when he suggested Miss Vivian could help, and he wondered if Miss Vivian might have now sworn to end the Branch Manager the same as she had all demons. Not that Ciel could blame her. She had been shaking with rage and embarrassment when she and Sebastian left the library, and yet, when the two of them returned to report what happened at the interview, she had changed. Miss Vivian looked…happy somehow. It suited her, though he could not begin to imagine what brought about this change.

During the past week with Miss Vivian, Ciel found himself already adjusted to her presence, but Miss Vivian looked far from pleased with her new surroundings until today. She worked hard and was polite, of course, but she avoided him and Sebastian whenever she could. While Ciel did not mind so much, he did when it meant his curiosity could not be satisfied. Namely in regards to her and his butler, Sebastian.

She provoked his demon butler in a way Ciel could not name. It hardly escaped Ciel that the butler was the one responsible for affecting the air about the manor, corrupting it in some way and making it hard to relax. Ciel wondered if this was what the butler's demonic presence, as Sebastian called it, felt like. He did not enjoy it. Moreover, he did not like being left in the dark.

Something is going on between them. Something more than hatred, more than aversion. And I would know, Ciel determined. That was what this game was about, after all. Though he did not think it would offer any definite answer, it would perhaps stir something up in all the chaos. It was a means to an end, even if Ciel found himself enjoying it, as he did any game he played. Besides, he had already won something out of it already.

Yes, Miss Vivian's picture revealed some interesting truths, Ciel thought, turning to glance at the photograph itself still on his desk. It had been developed earlier while he and the other servants waited for the meeting with the journalist to end. Ciel himself wasn't certain what the photograph meant exactly, but he had some suspicion about just who Miss Vivian cared for most in this world...

Now, if only get a hold of Sebastian's picture. Then, I am sure, I will be closer to solving the reason behind–

"My lord?"

Ciel turned to see Miss Vivian enter his office.

"Lau said that he and the others were ready, whatever that means." She informed him, looking perturbed. Ciel wondered if Lau did something to yet again upset Miss Vivian. Not that it was difficult to. For a woman with so many secrets, she was far to easy to provoke.

"I understand." Ciel nodded, and Miss Vivian curtseyed to take her leave. She stilled however when Ciel continued.

"I am sorry for the commotion today, Miss Vivian. But I must say, I am impressed."

"With what exactly?"

"How you handled yourself at the interview. Sebastian told me you did well, and he is very hard to please."

Ciel carefully watched as Miss Vivian's mouth opened in surprise.

"Oh? I did not think him capable of compliments." She replied, the hatred she felt towards the demon obvious. Ciel narrowed his eyes. Miss Vivian was too convincing in her loathing to be acting it. She was a terrible liar after all.

If that's the case, then why–?

"If I may ask, how might you rate my work so far, my lord?"

Ciel was pulled out of his thoughts to see Miss Vivian eagerly awaiting his answer. He supposed she thought the interview to be a test of her abilities and was now seeking her evaluation. Ciel had to admit, he had not been certain what to expect of Miss Vivian becoming his secretary, but she had surpassed his expectations even while she was still recovering from her injuries. He wondered just what she might be capable when she had her strength back.

"For one recovering from death and a scuffle with a demon hound, you have so far proved your usefulness. However, once you are fully recovered, I should expect your tasks to double. Do you think you can handle that?" He asked her with a smirk. Miss Vivian, mirroring his challenge, smirked back.

"For five hundred pounds I certainly would be. I'd even give Pluto a bath."

Ciel chuckled quietly as he turned from her and glanced outside the window once more. Seeing Lau in position, Ciel decided the time to act was now.

"It's almost time. Let's go."




Mere moments found Ciel in the garden, Finni standing not far behind him with the headless statue over his head.

"You sure this is okay?"

"Yes," Ciel answered curtly. The evening was colder than he expected and he wanted this to be over with as quickly as possible.

"I don't know…" Finni hesitated.

"Do it Finni!"

"Right!" Finni snapped into action. Without thought he spun the statue around and around, gaining momentum, until he released it into the air. It took off like a shooting star, twinkling in the distance before it slowly made its descent. Finni crouched, waiting for a terrible impact. Ciel remain unmoved, glancing to make certain everyone was in position. Mey-Rin and Baldroy behind the bushes with the camera, Ran-Mao and Lau ready to light the fireworks, and Miss Vivian standing by. She really served no purpose being so close, but Ciel wondered what might happen if he put her at risk for being injured as well.

Speaking of…

The statue was nearly finished in its descent, and right in its path was Ciel. Seconds until impact, it seemed Finni could not handle the risk posed to his master.

"Look out sir!" He shouted, running with all his might towards Ciel. Perhaps he could have rescued the boy, perhaps not. Before anyone could see which would happen, a cloud of dust, an explosion of marble, and rain of dirt shrouded them.

Ciel felt rather than saw Sebastian come between him and the statue, as to be expected. What Ciel did not expect, or appreciate for that matter, was being pinned to the ground underneath the demon. As the dust settled, Ciel turned to glare up at his rescuer. Sebastian's look was far from amused, and Ciel watched as the stone wings crumpled off of the butler's back. Sebastian then moved to lift Ciel up from the ground, inspecting him for injury, when a shower of sparks stilled them both.

Pouring out of three dragon's mouths was golden sparks, lighting up the whole garden, and Ran-Mao and Lau stepped out from their hiding place.

"What a charming picture the two of you make," Lau smirked, pleased with his work. At the mention of the picture, Ciel saw Sebastian prepare to stand the two of them up, possibly to ruin it. Needing him to remain still for a little longer, Ciel tried to think how to keep the butler remaining where he was for a little longer.

Surprisingly, aid came in the form of Finni.

"Wah! Miss Vivian!"

Ciel and Sebastian glanced over at where Sebastian had tossed the gardener aside when he came to the rescue. The boy looked a little dazed but otherwise fine, but the woman who had broken his fall did not.

"I'm quite alright Finni, really." She grinned as she tried to sit up. Her dress was smeared in dirt, and it seemed her side was aching badly by the way she held it. When Ciel noticed the trickle of blood traveling down her face, he secretly glanced at the butler. Something flashed in the demon's eyes as he looked towards Miss Vivian, and Ciel meant to study it.

"Ahh! Miss Vivian, you're bleeding!" Whined Finni, pulling his hair in guilt. Miss Vivian reached up to feel her face and, sure enough, she had a small gash on her forehead. It was probably induced when she fell backward onto the ground, but she merely shrugged.

"Again, I'm alright. What about you Finni?" She asked as the boy helped her up to her feet.

"Ain't nothing wrong with me, but I'm so sorry!" The gardener bowed repeatedly to her, almost groveling, "I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you!"

"Trust me, it wasn't your fault," Miss Vivian spoke kindly, but the glare she cast toward the butler as she said this made it clear she knew who was exactly to blame for her injury. Ciel too had been watching Sebastian, and honestly could not quite make sense of what expression he was seeing.

Surprise? Relief? Satisfaction? It wasn't something he was used to seeing on his butler, that was for sure. And he wasn't certain what to make of it.

And here, I was beginning to think…no, I must have been wrong then…

"You're late." Ciel accused, bringing the demon's attention back onto him. Sebastian looked down at his master, taming his strange expression into one of wry amusement.

"My apologies sir. I was making dinner preparations. For the entrée this evening we will have Canard à la Rouennaise."

"That's nice." Ciel huffed as Sebastian helped him to sit up.

"You could have just told me to pose for a picture." Sebastian said pointedly.

"What?" Ciel flinched. Had his butler known the game all along? And here Ciel thought for once he might have an advantage on him, however fleeting.

"Had you ordered me to, I would have had no choice but to do so." The butler smirked, unable to help a brief chuckle. Ciel knew the demon to be delighting in his failure, but Ciel couldn't dwell long on his loss.

The palpable malice that had surrounded the demon had lessened, and the air around Sebastian, around the manor, felt somehow improved. Was the demon back in a good mood then? What happened then in these few moments to change that?

"I don't know what you mean." Ciel muttered as he glanced away from the demons' eyes. This game of his only brought up more questions than answers, and Ciel was not satisfied with it.

The screams of Mey-Rin, Finni, and Baldroy filled the manor. Sebastian paid the sound no heed, instead he waited in the hallway for the demon hound to return. Soon enough, Pluto was running towards him on all fours in his human form, tongue lolled to one side happily.

"Arf! Arf!" Yipped the beast cheerfully, coming to a halt before Sebastian's feet. He sat on command, and Sebastian kneeled down to stroke Pluto's head.

"Good." Sebastian praised, reaching into his pocket for a treat. Pluto eagerly snatched it and immediately gnawed at his reward as Sebastian stood himself back up to his full height.

"My lord has outdone himself. That was an elaborate piece of mischief concocted…" Sebastian muttered to himself. At least he was able to thwart what he hoped to be the young master's last attempt at taking his photograph. It was a desperate attempt, to be sure, but Sebastian had earlier wagered that his master would place himself in danger simply to win his little game. The fireworks come as a surprise to Sebastian, but with Pluto's aid, Sebastian ensured the scheme ended in failure with the destruction of the photograph.

Turning, Sebastian walked away from the snacking demon hound.

"You do know you are sleeping outside," Sebastian informed him pointedly, and Pluto let out a miserable whine.

Sebastian made his way back into the kitchen to clean up the dinner he had just served. It was getting late, and despite the many distractions that had occurred, a butler still had many duties. As he moved down the hallway, Sebastian wondered at the stillness of the shadows. But of course they were still, as they were meant to be. Now that Sebastian had nothing to worry over, it would seem his demonic presence had withdrawn itself, allowing the manor to settle back into its usual harmony. It was a bliss Sebastian did not think he would be enjoying so soon.

And such bliss. Who would have thought a small gash would bring me so much pleasure? Ah, well, they do say it is the little things in life, Sebastian smirked to himself. And to think, I had almost been apprehensive…

Until a few hours ago, it was true. Sebastian had been concerned.

With the game the master was playing, there was a risk of Sebastian's photograph revealing something…unpleasant. After all, if the Talbot camera truly did show what one cared for most in this world, well, it might have spelled trouble for Sebastian. It mattered not that Miss Vivian was, technically, alive, and therefore it would be impossible for her to appear in Sebastian's photograph. If there was one chance in a thousand, Sebastian would still not risk it.

Not to say that Sebastian cared for the Huntress, quite opposite in fact. But if his mistaken instincts took hold at the wrong moment, if his controlled slipped from his grasp for one second…then Sebastian would be in the terrible position of having to explain to his master why Miss Vivian could be seen in his photograph. Worse, Sebastian might have been forced to face the most dreadful of possibilities; that his instincts were, in fact, not mistaken. That Miss Vivian was indeed his mate.

But the photograph was destroyed. Once more, Sebastian was now certain, dead or alive, Miss Vivian would not have appeared in the photograph.

Because his instincts were wrong.

In the moment when it came to rescuing his master, Sebastian threw Finnian aside without a thought. The boy could take it, but it didn't matter to the demon if he lived or not, not when his prey was in harm's way. And when the dust cleared, when Sebastian saw that Miss Vivian had been hurt, he could not have been any more relieved.

He had hurt her. He had caused her to bleed. It did not matter that it was unintentional, Sebastian was still at fault. By throwing aside Finni, the boy had landed on Miss Vivian, and because of that Miss Vivian had gotten hurt as she fell.

And Sebastian felt nothing. His instincts were howling, yes, but they howled to protect the master Sebastian served. For Miss Vivian, there was no such feeling, not even when the blood ran down her cheek. If she was his true mate, then he should have felt something akin to grief to have caused her harm. He had almost expected it, like a creeping poison taking hold of him, terrible and burning.

But he felt nothing. And it was bliss.

Whether he was gaining mastery over his instincts, or, more likely, Miss Vivian was not his true mate, hardly mattered to Sebastian. In time, he knew there would remain nothing between him and Miss Vivian but hate and a mutual desire to destroy one another. And when her year of service with the Earl was finished, Sebastian would succumb to that desire and have her pay dearly for making him think even for a moment she was worthy of being his.

He would hunt down in his true form, just as he had when he first killed her. She would run, cry, beg, oh yes. He would have her beg. He would bring her that low. He would tear into her, slowly, and piece by piece he would rip her apart. Perhaps he would leave her on the verge of death, allowing her to heal, only to test how far the demon hearts she ate would save her. Over and over again, he would bring her to the brink of release, only to deny her and have her suffer in the cruelest of ways. And when she finally begged, when those lazuline eyes were filled with tears and suffering, only then would he finally kill her…

Somewhere in the manor, the hour struck ten, and Sebastian realized it was time for his master to sleep.

"Excuse me lord," He announced as he entered the Earl's office, "We should prepare you for bed."

The office was dark, and Sebastian was surprised to see the young Earl asleep in his chair. His chin rest on his hand, his chest rising and falling slowly in deep slumber.

"Falling asleep slumped at your desk chair? How irresponsible of you." Sebastian chided the sleeping boy as he shut the door behind him and drew closer. He had half a mind of leaving the boy there as punishment for his silly game today, but the Talbot camera on the desk had Sebastian pausing. For such a small thing, it certainly caused this demon a lot of trouble.

"How typically, I suppose. Once again, you have given me unnecessary work."

Picking up the camera, Sebastian had inspiration for revenge. Something had stuck to the bottom of the camera, and Sebastian watched a photograph fall to the floor. There were many blurred pictures scattered about the boy's desk, so naturally, Sebastian assumed it was one of the many failed attempts to photograph him. When he knelt down to put it back however, Sebastian froze.

It was Miss Vivian.

She was in the garden, sitting on a stone bench with notes in her hand that she had appeared to have been working on. She was asleep however, leaning back against the bark of the tree nearby, eyes closed in exhaustion. It must have been a heavy spell, as she obviously did not know she had been discovered. Miss Vivian looked perfectly at ease, her body completely relaxed, her hair carelessly escaping from the ribbon she had attempted to tame it with.

Sebastian was surprised to see this, to say the least. It seemed the other servants did not completely fail their master. But Sebastian wondered if it had been with the Talbot camera. After all there, was no one in the photograph with Miss Vivian. She was alone.

Perhaps there is no one she values in life or death. Sebastian smirked, Alone and helpless as always…

Sebastian stilled.

There was someone in the picture, not far from where Miss Vivian sat, though they were somewhat obscured by the shadow of the tree they hid behind. The being was tall and seemed to be more of a black shape than anything really human that was barely noticeable unless one knew what they were looking. And where eyes should be, two hollows that seemed to be glowing stared back at Sebastian instead. Though the photograph was in black and white, he knew those hollows were red. As red as blood.

Sebastian crushed the photography in his hand, crumpling it before he pocketed it. He would destroy it later when he had the chance, and reflect on its implication never. Standing, a cold grin broke as he held the Talbot camera before him and pointed it at the sleeping Earl.

"Smile, young master."

Well darlings, how was that? For a little side note, Goethe's Faust, The Woman in White, and The Goblin Market and Other Poems were written back in the 1800s, and are considered classic gothic works that I really enjoyed myself. The Lustful Turk on the other hand was written in 1828, and is about two English girls who get captured and sold to a man named Ali and become his sex slaves for a few years until he ends up getting his…uh, bit cut off and he sends them home with it in a jar as a gift. So, yeah, you guys learned something, and remember the next time your read a really bad fanfiction be grateful that at least it isn't The Lustful Turk!

Join Vivian and Sebastian next time as they accompany the young master to the Frost Fair. When a cursed ring shows up that everyone has their eye on, Vivian knows there will be trouble. Little does she guess though that someone has their eye on her as well…and it's not Drossel or his master…