No One's P.O.V.

Dean Winchester wakes up to complete darkness. He coughs, his throat dry from not being used. He digs himself out to see that he was buried. He looks out to see all the trees are knocked down away from his grave. He walks down a dirt road and finds a gas station. He starts to pound on the door and hoarsely calls out, " Hello?" HE covers his hand with his shirt sleeve and breaks the glass to get in. Once inside he goes straight for the cold water bottles quickly chugging one down and gasping when he finishes.

He heads into the dingy bathroom to clean off some of the dirt. He glances up in the mirror then pulls up his black shirt to see his chest is completely unmarred from the hellhound attack. He then rolls up one of his sleeves to see a large handprint brand on his arm. He heads back out and grabs a bag, starting to fill it up with energy bars and water bottles. He then heads to the counter, placing the bag down and glances to the newspaper, seeing that it says Thursday, September 18th on it. He walks around the counter to the cash register and hits a button to open the drawer. As he starts to loot for cash the TV turns on, showing nothing but static. He turns it off, only for the radio to cut on playing white noise. Dean does not waste a moment, going over to a shelf and grabbing salt, beginning to pour it along a windowsill.

Suddenly a high pitch noise starts to go off and Dean clutches his left ear in agony whilst still pouring the salt with his right hand. The noise continues and he drops the salt to cover his right ear, falling to the ground and groaning. The window above his head shatters as the noise continues to grow louder. He leaps up to escape as more glass falls.

He arrives to a phone booth nearby and dials a number. He finds that this number is disconnected and tries another number. It rings once then is picked up. " yeah?" The gruff voice of Bobby Singer answers. " bobby?"

" Yeah?" Dean looks relieved. " It's me." " Who's "me"?"

"Dean." Suddenly all he hears is a dial tone. Dean stares at the phone for a moment before he calls again. " Bobby, listen to me." Bobby interrupts, " This ain't funny. Call again and I'll kill ya." Bobby hangs up and Dean sighs. He looks around and grins, seeing an old white car. He proceeds to hotwire and drive to Bobby Singer's house.

He goes up and knocks on the door. Bobby opens it only to stare in shock. Deans smiles cautiously, " Surprise…" " I, I don't…"

" Yeah me neither." Dean steps into the house, " but here I am." Unseen by Dean, Bobby grabs a silver knife, holding it behind his back. Dean continues to approach and Bobby slashes at him. Dean grabs Bobby's arm and twists, but Bobby breaks free and backhands Dean. " Bobby! It's me!" " My ass!" Dean moves to where there is a chair separating them. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait! Your name is Robert Steven Singer. You became a hunter after your wife got possessed, and... you're about the closest thing I have to a father. Bobby. It's me." Bobby lowers his knife and steps forward slowly. He places a hand on Dean's shoulder but then he slashes again. Dean quickly stops him and gets the knife away from him.

" I am not a shapeshifter!" " Then you're a revenant!" Dean shoves Bobby away and holds the knife in front of himself. " Alright, if I was either...could I do this then?" Dean rolls up his sleeve and cuts himself with the silver knife. " Dean?" " that's what I've been telling you."

Bobby grabs Dean and hugs him tightly, Dean returning the hug with great enthusiasm. " it''s good to see you, boy." Dean sighed, relieved, " yeah you too." Bobby looks at Dean with confusion, " But, but how did you get out?" Dean shrugs, " Don't know. I just, uh, just woke up in a pine box." Dean spits as Bobby splashes him with holy water. " I am not a demon either." Bobby shrugs casually, " Sorry, can't be too careful." They both step further into the house as Dean wipes his face off, " Now that don't make a lick of sense." Dean nods in agreement, " Yeah, preaching to the choir."

Bobby turns to face Dean, " Dean your chest was ribbons. Your insides were slop. And you've been buried for four months.even if you could slip back into your meat suit-" " Yeah, I should look like a Thriller video project." Bobby sighs, " What do you remember?" " Not much. I remember being a hellhounds chew toy and then lights out. Then I come to six feet under.", Dean sits in front of Bobby, " Sam's number isn't working, is he?" Bobby interrupted, " Oh he's alive, as far as I know." Dean nods, " Good, wait what do you mean as far as you know? You just let him go on by himself?" " he was dead set on it. And don't give me that look, kid. I tried to look after him. These last few months haven't exactly been easy, for either of us. We had to bury you."

Dean frowned, " Why did you bury me?" Bobby shook his head in frustration, " I wanted to do the usual salt and burn but Sam wouldn't have it. Said you'd need a body for when you get back. That's all he said." Dean furrowed his brows suspiciously, " What do you mean?" Bobby looked at him, " He was real quiet. Then he just took off, I tried to find him but I haven't been able to. Dean sagged back, " Oh dammit, Sammy." Bobby looked confused, " What?" Dean shook his head, looking disapproving, " Oh he got me home alright." " What do you mean?" Dean leans forward, " you should've seen the grave site, looked like a nuke went off. And then there was this...this presence, this force. I don't know, but. It blew past me at a fill up joint. Then there's this." Dean rolled up his sleeve to show Bobby the handprint brand.

" What in the hell?" Dean shrugged, " It was like a demon just yanked me out. Or rode me out. " " But why?" Dean looked at him pointedly, " To hold up his end of a bargain." Bobby gained a look of realization, " You think Sam made a deal." Dean shrugged, " It's what I would've done."

Dean turned his focus to finding Sam. Dean grabbed a phone and dialed a number, " Yeah hi. I lost my phone and I would like to turn on the GPS. It's under the name of Wedge Antillies. Social is 2474. Thanks." Dean hangs up and goes to a laptop. " How'd ya know he'd use that name?" Dean looked at Bobby, " Seriously? What don't I know about that kid?" The laptop beeps and Dean looks to see a location, " Sam's in Pontiac, Illinois." Dean and Bobby look at eachother, " right where I was buried."

They both leave and soon arrive at the hotel Sam was staying at. When they both get there, a girl in just a tank top and underwear opens the door asking about the pizza. They see Sam behind her and Sam stares at Dean shocked. Sam suddenly attacks Dean, pulling out a silver knife and Bobby separates them. " I already tested him. It's Dean." The girl leaves and Sam sits on the bed. " So what'd it cost?" Sam looks at him confused. " The girl? You know I don't pay." Dean scowls, " not funny. To bring me back. What'd it cost? Your soul or something else?" Sam blinks at Dean shocked, " You think I made a deal?" Bobby speaks up, " that's exactly what we think." " I didn't make one. I wish I did but I didn't. No demon would make one with me." Bobby and Dean both look at each other, " then who did?"

Later on, Pamela is already in the hospital, Sam and Dean are sitting at a diner. " So we got a name. Castiel. I say with the right mumbo jumbo we can bring him right to us." Sam stares at Dean disbelievingly, " Absolutely not! Pamela took one look at it and it burned her eyes out! No way!" A waitress comes up with some pie and then plops down in the seat by them. Dean smirks at her, " You angling for a tip?" She smirks, " Sorry, thought you were looking for us." Her eyes go completely black for a second. " Aren't you a lucky duck? To hell and back. What makes you so special?" Dean smirks, " I'd like to think of it being because of my perky nipples. Hell if I know lady. I don't know who did it." The demon leaned forward, " Lying is a sin you know. If you don't tell us, I'll drag you back down myself." Dean smirked cockily, " no you won't" He punches her and she straightens herself out. " You won't because your piss poor terrified."

Later on that night, Sam has snuck off and Dean and Bobby are heading to a barn to summon whatever pulled Dean from hell. " hell of an art project there Bobby." Bobby starts to chant in Latin. A loud rattling on the roof starts up after Dean asks Bobby if he has done the spell correctly. " Wishful thinking but maybe it's just the wind." The door bursts open and a man in a suit with black hair and a tan trenchcoat walks in. As he approaches lights burst and Dean and Bobby fire on him. The man steps closer to Dean. " Who are you?" The man stares at Dean evenly. " I am the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition." The man touches Bobby on the forehead and Bobby collapses. Dean kneels down beside him, fear gripping his heart. He glares up at Castiel." Your friend is alive." Dean glares, " What are you?" Castiel stares down, calm as can be. ' I am an angel of the Lord." Dean stared at him hard. " Bullshit! There's no such thing!" Castiel seemed exasperated, " Why do you believe you are not worthy of being saved Dean? The lord demands it."

Elsewhere, a girl about 23 is watching Netflix. Her favorite show, Supernatural to be exact. She was nestled under a fleece blanket, her hair in a messy bun and wearing a crop top that has a skull on it and short black shorts. She had a small panda bear stuffy she was cuddling with, glad she was finished with the paper she had to turn in to her least favorite class. Suddenly wind started to howl fluttering everything around and she gets up to close her window. She stumbles, falling and lands with an oomph. She looks around and sees that she is in a warehouse. She stands and looks around, not believing what she is seeing. Castiel is staring at the mysterious girl in awe and wonder. She stared at him and Dean with widened hazel eyes, " Well shit. I need to stop reading so much fucking fanfiction at night." Dean snorted in amusement, finding this mystery girl funny. " You gonna say you're an angel too?" She looked at Dean and shook her head. " Nope. I am human. Though this is very fucking weird." Castiel walked up to her slowly and she watched him weary of what he'd do. Even if he was one of her favorite angels. " It's you."