Disclaimer: I own none of the Sonic characters, they belong to SEGA.

Sonic was shifting around in his sleep, unaware of what was going on. Something had changed in him that night, something he did not expect. If you were to look into his house from outside, you would see a blinding white light. So many questions would begin pouring into your brain. What is that light? Is Sonic okay? What's going on? Do not worry my fellow readers, all questions will be answered soon for both you and our favorite blue blur.

Sonic slowly awakes from his good night's rest, realizing the room felt hotter then it usually does. He slowly gets up and checks his thermostat. It was set to his usual 70 degrees. He decides to shrug it off and heads to the bathroom. He stops dead in his tracks when he sees his appearance in the mirror. His fur was a red-orange color and he was wearing goggles. For some unknown reason, he was in his solar form. His appearance kept him frozen, stuck in one place. This form was caused by him running at high speeds through the desert, but he's been sleeping all night. The only thing that relieved him even the tiniest bit was he knew why he felt hot. A million questions were circling his brain. He decided his best bet was to go to Tails, if he couldn't help him who can? He decided to not think about what could go wrong and just go to Tails for help.

Sonic was about to leave when he noticed the time, it was 6:15AM. He decided it was too early to go to Tails, so he decided to for a run for 1 or 2. Sonic decided to run around the mountains and woods. When Sonic reached the peak of the mountain, he noticed the sun was in the sky. He was pretty sure Tails would be up by now.

"Tails are you here?" Sonic asked as he walked into Tails' workshop.

"I'm her-" Tails' voice suddenly trailed off as he saw Sonic in his solar form.

Sonic knew his brother well enough to read his expression.

"I was confused too when I first saw myself." Sonic confessed

"Did you go running around the desert?" Tails asked still staring at Sonic.

"No! I was sleeping and when I woke up I was in this form, and that's why I'm here. I was hoping you could help me figure this out." Sonic said

"Sure thing." Tails replied he was very curious as to what made Sonic change.

He was curious as to what had made sonic change.

Days had passed since Tails started to test Sonic. (It was actually a couple of hours, but it seemed like days to Sonic.) Tails still couldn't find out what had caused sonic change. The fact that he changed overnight was curios, but not helpful. Tails could tell that Sonic was itching for some action after sitting still for so long. He reluctantly let Sonic go for a run, hoping he'd be back in an hour or two. Sonic thanked Tails and sped out of the workshop. Tails went back to his computer and thought about how long it had been since he had seen Solar Sonic, and he thought about how much they had done since then. That's when it hit Tails. Maybe Sonic had built up so much chaos energy that his body was making him transform even when he didn't want to. It was a very shaky theory, but it was a theory at most. He decided to look into this more.

A couple of hours had passed since Sonic left for his run. He suddenly sped back into the workshop with his usual cocky smile on his face. He felt a lot calmer after sitting (Mostly) still for hours. The time was now around 9:00PM. Tails still couldn't find out what was wrong with Sonic, but he did tell him his theory. Sonic thanked Tails and began to walk toward the door. Before Sonic could leave, Tails told him if it happened again to tell him straight away, no matter the hour. Sonic nodded and ran out of Tails' workshop. He got to his home and began to get ready for bed. He felt relieved that Tails at least had a theory as to what was going on, though he would prefer answers. He got into bed and quickly fell asleep, unaware of what problems his condition would cause.

I was soooooo pumped about this story and now it's finally here. I was so intrigued while writing this I just had to upload it. Sorry for the monologue. Please remember to read and review. See you:)