Another chap is here! And the… first elimination is also here as well so stay tuned!


Icy and Ashley were in the cafeteria, eating breakfast. After the get-together yesterday, the two girls were tired. Ashley decided to strike a conversation with her friend.

"So Icy, do you think we should strategize or something?" Ashley asked the Froslass, hand holding a glass of water. "I think that us veterans will be easy pickings as we might be perceived as threats."

"I doubt that. Four of us here were the first four boots last time," pointed out Icy with a frown. "Meowzer and Izaya might be the only really returning threats here. Juvia maybe, since she already won last season."

"Yeah…" Ashley murmured, smiling weakly. Then… an idea forms on her head. Her eyes lit up as she turns to the Froslass after taking a sip of water. "I have an idea, Icy!"

"Is it another get-together?" Icy questioned, slightly irritated.

"Nope! An alliance!" suggested Ashley with a wide grin. "We can get Juvia and some the new girls to join for a girl's alliance!"

Icy perks up as she hears the cottonweed's idea. "That's a good idea, Ashley!" A determined smirk then breaches her features. "Luther, Juvia, Sora, you and I can be the members of this alliance!"

"Why does Luther and Juvia have to join?" queried Ashley, furrowing a brow. "No offense to them but having them in this alliance would just make us targets."

"Good point," commented Icy with a nod, stroking her chin. She then snapped her fingers. "But it doesn't matter! Five votes will override the other four. After all, my prediction is that the teams will have ni-"

"Uh… the teams haven't been chosen yet!" pointed out Ashley, crossing her arms. She then giggles, "Though… if us five were in the same team, then we're all set to merge!"

"Yeah! We-" Icy suddenly pauses as her limbs suddenly numb. Ashley furrows a brow in confusion.

"Uhh… was it something I said? Do I have to slap you like what I did with Serall?" queried Ashley with a huff.

Icy shakily points at something behind Ashley. Ashley turns around… to find Meowzer and Luther seated together, talking amicably.

Ashley tilted her head to the side before turning back to the Froslass. "What about them? They're just talking."

"It's weird… Luther and Meowzer are suddenly talking to each other… really surprising…" muttered Icy with a low growl.

"It's natural. It's only interaction. It's not like you say who Luther can hang out with or not," retorted Ashley, taking another sip of water. "I may still be… scared of Meowzer but she seems tamer now."

"B-but it's a health hazard! Meowzer's marijuana is going to d-" argued Icy only for Ashley to deadpan, crossing her stubby arms.

"Icy. Dude, you're jealous of a fucking stoner," Ashley intoned bluntly. "It's only day two so get a grip."

"You got easily controlled by a weak meteor," blustered Icy with a flushed expression.

"That's a different thing, Icy. Stop derailing!" Ashley said with a concerned expression. She raises her arms. "Seriously, it's fucking Meowzer!"

"Maybe, you're right…" muttered Icy, twiddling her fingers uneasily. "Maybe… I shouldn't fret that much…"

"Cooleo then! Let's go back to our original talk then!" chirped Ashley gleefully.

Icy shakily nods, Luther and Meowzer still in mind.


"Icy is such a drama queen," scoffed Ashley, rolling her eyes. "We all know that Luther's not the type of guy who cheats on girls. He's loyal. I mean, he's the second purest person here, after Juvia!"

She then raises her arms. "And it's only day freaking two! Too early!"


"Ashley's my friend but she shouldn't try to refute me…" grumbled Icy, hugging her book to her chest. "I-I… trust Luther… it's Meowzer I don't trust."


On another table, close to Icy and Ashley, Sophia and Azure sat together, saying nothing. It was an awkward interaction… really really awkward.

Azure decided to speak first, grumbling, "I can't believe I'm forced to sit with a feminazi…"

"Then move then!" grunted Sophia with a frown. "It's not like I forced you to!"

"But… I would look like a lonely loser if I sat alone!" whimpered Azure, hugging her notebook tightly. "We're in a school… social hierarchy is oh-so present!"

"You're female," pointed out Sophia with a deadpan expression. She then climbs onto the top of the table with determined expression. "AND FEMALES ARE THE TOP OF EVERY HIERARCHY! WE ARE THE QUEENS! WE ARE THE PRESIDENTS! WE ARE THE TOP!"

"Ughhhh! Sophia, just shut up!" Ashley groaned from another table.

Sophia scoffs as she jumps off the table, sitting back down. "Long story short, Females. Are. The. Best."

"Uhh… that statement is not scientifically proven," retorted Azure, flipping open her notebook to jot down notes. "You need scientific proof after all," murmured Azure before continuing to ramble to herself as she jot down notes.

"... you're lucky you're female or I would be stomp over you for making no sense," drawled Sophia with a nonchalant expression.

Azure sighed as she closes her notebook. "Sorry Sophia." Azure had no choice but to apologize. She felt that a lot of people hated her for the Meowzer incident yesterday so she should at least make some allies. She mustered a smile. "Uhhh… what is it like to be a feminazi though, Sophia? You seem passionate about your movement."

"It is an honor. As you can see, the males are a corrupt species who are waiting to molest us females and do nothing but laze around and act like slobs so I dedicated my life to eradicating them," Azure expected Sophia to shout but… she didn't. Instead, she says each word calmly. "Females… are Pokemon who deserve more respect. They shouldn't be underestimated."

"Woah…" remarked Azure, blinking in surprise. "I didn't expect you to be… this calm."

"Oh please," scoffed Sophia, rolling her eyes. "How can i defeat males if I act on impulse?!"

"W-well, yesterday… you look like you were about to pummel Serall," pointed out Azure, sweating nervously. "And… you have little to no indoor voice."

"Tch. Desperate times call for desperate measure," huffed Sophia with a scowl implanted on her face. "SOMEDAY, SERALL WILL REGRET CROSSING THIS FEMINAZI!"

"Uhh dude… please chill," murmured Azure, gulping.

Sophia rolled her eyes before intoning, "Yesterday… I also caught someone molesting a female!"

Azure gulps, eyes shifting to side. "R-really?" She thought that Sophia was talking about her.


"W-what?!" Azure croaks out, startled by the Bastiodon's outburst.

Sophia clears her throat, calming down a bit. "The damn Vulpix was… 'inspecting' Sora. Even if Sora is a traitor, she's still a female!"

"O-oh…" mumbled Azure, thinking about what she did to Meowzer with a shudder. "W-what did you do to Atticus?"

"Hehehe. He's been subdued!" explained Sophia with a devious smirk. "Soon, he'll learn the true value of us females!"

"Uhhh… y-yeah," stammered Azure, holding her head. "Can we talk about something else?"

"I understand that you are grossed out by that… disgusting male!" agreed Sophia with a nod, which made Azure wince. She then furrow a brow. "So what should we talk about then?"

"Uhhh… stra-strategy?" stammered Azure, covering an embarrassed blush on her face. "So w-we could last longer in this game."

"Well, you are one of the team captains," pointed out Sophia calmly. "Choose your teammates wisely so that you can merge."

"Uhh… I won't mind if we form an alliance with each other," murmured Azure with a weak smile.

"Well of course, fellow female!" said Sophia with a nod. "WE WOULD DOMINATE THIS GAME!"

"Uhh… can some others join?" Azure queried. "I was thinking of Meowzer."


"Ookay then… let's move on to o-" started Azure only for the Bastiodon to shush her.

"Hush. Can't you see that we aren't alone," whispered Sophia in a hushed tone.

Azure blushes, smacking herself. "Oh. I almost forgot… let's uhh… meet in your room later then."



"I. Molested. Meowzer." Azure states, blanching a bit as her eyes bulge out of their sockets. "If Sophia finds out… she would pummel me."

She shuddered. "This alliance would be awkward."


"HAHAHA! TAKE THAT, MALES! FEMALES FOREVER!" yelled Sophia, pointing to the ceiling with a triumphant smirk.


Atticus cringes as he slowly opened his eyes. He found himself staring… at the ceiling. He struggled to move his arms but his limbs were restrained.

He groaned, maintaining his nonchalant expression. "Interaction is more… painful than what I expected," he drawled.

His eyes widened as he hears something… he presumed that someone was twisting the doorknob to the room.

He was about to be sa-

Oh wait, it's just Sora. The Staraptor is frowning as she floats over the Alolan Vulpix.

"Haha. Kinky birdie, are you?" mocked Atticus nonchalantly.

Sora scoffs, rolling her eyes as she removes the restraints off the Alolan Vulpix with her beak. "I'm here to save you, Sherlock."

Atticus blinks as his restraints are now removed. He sits up on the bed. He noticed that Juvia was also in the room.

"Why is the friendly ghost with you?" Atticus asked, turning to Sora.

"Eh. She followed me," shrugged Sora as she landed next to Juvia. "Secondly, stop 'interacting' with me or Sophia might trap you here again and remove your balls."

"Where… am I?" Atticus asked.

"You're in Sophia's room!" chirped Juvia with a smile. She then tilted her head to the side. "Why are you even here?"

"Sophia attacked me because of a misunderstanding," explained Atticus, frowning a bit. He winces. "She knocked me unconscious… scary actually. It was like falling asleep."

"Yeah yeah. Let's just go before Sophia finds us here," said Sora, rolling her eyes.

Juvia nodded. "Okay!" The Shuppet floats out of the room, leaving Sora and Atticus alone.

As the duo went over to the door. Atticus narrowed his eyes. "Why did you help me?"

"Uhhh… because I'm a nice person," said Sora with a frown. She lightly slaps Atticus in the cheek with the huff. "That's for being too frisky."

"Ow," commented Atticus, emotion unchanging. He then chuckles briskly, which unnerves his bird companion.

"... you're really off," murmured Sora as the duo exited the room.


Quentin growls as he spits out some sand from his mouth. He had finally escaped the pile of sand that Otis dropped on him.

His mind was currently befuddled by anger and a desire to enact revenge. He was exceptionally furious at Napstaton and Otis… those fools.

Quentin's thoughts are interrupted by the door opening with a loud creak. The Sylveon instinctively turn to the door. Comf enters the room with a devilish smile, holding some magazines.

Comf sits on one of the chair, not even noticing that Quentin was even in the room.

"What is she doing..?" muttered Quentin to himself.

Comf growls as she hears Quentin's mutterings. "HEY! Is anyone here?!"

Quentin curses to himself as he shows himself to the Comfey. "Uhhh… hi Comf."

Comf's scowl softens as she sighed. "Oh… it's only you, Quentin." She chuckled. "Are you here to read some good old softcore with me!"

"No," intoned Quentin, deadpanning.

Quentin… didn't know Comf that much… but he liked her more than the others. Comf did the nice guy act last season and now, Quentin was doing the same thing.

"Sooo Quentin… when are you going to break out of your facade?" queried Comf with a malicious grin.

Quentin groaned. Even Comf knew. "Ho-"

"Napstaton. The big bastard was mumbling something about you and being evil," explained Comf, flipping open one of her magazines. "Don't worry. I won't judge. These people are just pussies."

Quentin… looked slightly relieved. He didn't think of Comf as a threat… and now that Comf knew… maybe… he can align himself with her. After all, they weren't that different.

"Comf… what would you say to an alliance with me?" Quentin asked the Comfey, tone sugarcoated with his flashy charisma.

Comf actually blushes as she clears her throat. "Sure. I would like to take down all of these ingrates. Especially Izaya, Napstaton and Juvia. They're fucking loaded yet they're still here to compete. I would've prefer Alex and Crimson returning."

"Uhh… who's Crimson?" queried Quentin, genuinely confused as he furrows a brow.

"I… actually forgot. I think she was the Zangoose, who's a diva and likes to flash her boobs," shrugged Comf, returning to her magazines.

"Meh. I don't care. If even I couldn't remember someone, they're probably too boring or unimportant for me to remember," commented Quentin, stroking his chin with a ribbon. He then shakes his head. "Now… about that alliance, who do you want to add?"

"Meowzer," said Comf simply. "Not only is she hated, she's also really hot- I mean, useful." Comf stumbles at her last words.

"Hmmm… no. She's too unpredictable," retorted Quentin, smugly shaking his head. "Remember when she spontaneously just changed the votes from Ace to Izaya."

"I like her more for that," giggled Comf, turning the page on her magazine. She then scowls. "Izaya is unfair after all. Ashley, Luther, Juvia, Breon and Clay all like him… even though Clay was fucking out first last time!"

"Actually, you may be over exaggerating now," pointed out Quentin. "I mean, Juvia might be the only person who I can see is close with Izaya. Vivian maybe… but that's just because Vivian's a stalker."

"Yeah…" mumbled Comf before smiling. "Quentin… I think I like you already. Hehe."

Quentin scoffs… before he smirks, "Well, this is the start then. Crapstaton, Izaya and his dumb girlfriend will fall."


Juvia frowns as she stares at the camera. "I had a feeling that someone was degrading me… why?"


"Meh. I'll probably turn against Quentin someday but for now, I may as well cooperate," shrugged Comf. She then scowled at the camera. "SEE SEPTH! I CAN MAKE FRIENDS!'


Nihilego groans as she sat on the red couch in the living room at the Hall of Legends. After hours of Poipole knocking violently at her door. She gave up and decided to follow Poipole to the living room. The smaller Ultra Beast sat next to her, turning to her with a grin.

"Isn't it nice to interact with the others?!" beamed Poipole in a sweet tone.

"Ugggggh, why did you have to be sooo sweet?" groaned Nihilego, hands on her head. "It makes it hard for me to insult you."

"Awwwwwww," cooed Poipole, oblivious to Nihilego's intent to badmouth him. He then giggles, "The second challenge is coming up too. What do you have in store for them?

"You do know that Arceus thinks up of all the challenges and all we do is think of some twists and determine whether someone is leaving or not," pointed out Nihilego, crossing her tentacles.

"What are the twists then?" queried Poipole with a pout.

"Uhh… for one, there will be no set teams," explained Nihilego. "Every challenge, the teams will change so everyone should be prepared for that. Another returning thing is the immunity idol."

"Just like the one Juvia found?" asked Poipole, furrowing a brow, resting his head on his arms as his bottom shook giddily.

"Pretty much," replied Nihilego, face uncaring.

Poipole sighed before a frown invaded his usually cheerful demeanor. "Nihilego, please think more positive and see life in a new light! After all, we only live once!"

"Yeah right," drawled Nihilego, rolling her eyes.

"You're starting to get depressed too!" whimpered Poipole, grabbing one of the jellyfish's tentacles, shaking it.

"I'm not depressed. Just irritated that you forced me to go here," growled Nihilego, clenching a tentacle.

"I'm Nihilego and I'm a grouch!" said Poipole, trying to imitate the symbiote's tone before returning to his own. "You need to lighten up, dude. After all, my life goal is to make everyone smile!"

"Then focus on Comf or Izaya then," groaned Nihilego. "They're not smiling."

"Uhh, Comf smiled and so did Izaya," countered Poipole, wagging a finger at Nihilego. "So please, just smile!"

Nihilego sighed in defeat as she made a face… but it wasn't a smile. It was just creepy.

"Uhhh… what are you doing?" questioned Poipole, slightly scared.

"I'm smiling!" said Nihilego, still making the same face.

"Uhhh… no you're not. If that's a smile, Guzzlord isn't a glutton," intoned Poipole, smiling weakly. He quickly shook his head with a grin. "But no matter! I will make you smile before this game ends!"


Nihilego groans as she takes out a watch. "Challenge time… goodie…"

"I like the enthusiasm, Nihi!"


"CONTESTANTS, PLEASE HEAD TO THE SCHOOLYARD FOR YOUR NEXT CHALLENGE!" rang Poipole's voice throughout the entire school.

Serall, who was just walking around the dorms, smirked. "FINALLY! I CAN PROVE MYSELF!"

The Kommo-o cockily exited the dorms, out to the school yard, where everyone else was waiting.

Poipole grinned as he waves at the contestants. "Hello everyone! Before we can begin with the challenge, Azure and Quentin will choose the teams. Before that, we'll reveal a crucial twist."

"Crucial twist?" Breon queried, furrowing a brow.

"Aside from the immunity idol that we hid, there's another," explained Nihilego, looking bored out of her mind. "The team switching twist, yada yada."

Azure's eyes widened as she squeezed her notebook shakily. "Team s-switching? Are you saying that the teams won't be t-temporary?"

"Yep. Every challenge, there would be different teams. Consider this one of the many curveballs that we'll throw at you guys," said Nihilego, faking enthusiasm.

"I see. Can I choose my team now?" queried Quentin, waving a paw impatiently.

"Sure. You guys take turns choosing a member. Azure, ladies first," mused Poipole, clapping his hands to get everyone's attention.

The Marill nodded as she took a step forward, turning to her fellow competitors. "I choose Sophia."

"Naturally," smirked Sophia as she walked over to the Marill.



"Uhhh… just say names alternately, I'm hella bored," grumbled Nihilego, crossing her tentacles. The duo of leaders exchanged a look before resuming their team selection.














"And Breon is on Quentin's team," declared Nihilego as the Vikavolt groaned, walking over to the Sylveon.

"Last pick… of course," grumbled Breon.

"And so Quentin, Comf, Clay, Izaya, Icy, Vivian, Atticus, Otis and Breon will be called the Saucy Sylveon," declared Poipole, flailing his arms giddily. "Meanwhile, Azure, Sophia, Meowzer, Luther, Juvia, Ashley, Serall, Sora and Napstaton will make up the Marvelous Marill."

"Of course I'm marvelous," boasted Napstaton in a haughty tone.

"Okay! Time for the challenge then!" said Poipole. "Follow me and Nihilego, okay?"

The contestants all nodded as they followed the two hosts to the end of the school yard until they reached a makeshift campfire pit.

"Oooh. This must be where the elimination ceremony would take place this season," remarked Vivian, eyes glistening in excitement. "OF COURSE CHAOS WOULDN'T BE ELIMINATED!"

The group then enter a small wooden shack near the campfire pit.

The interior… is more spacious than what was expected. It's like an underground amphitheater of some sort. At the bottom was a stage and a massage chair with a strange helmet attached. Behind the chair is a flat screen.

"Welcome… to the Underground Challenge Area which is underground," giggled Poipole as the contestants took their seats, Marill on one side and the Sylveon on the other.

"What horrible challenge awaits us?" questioned Breon with a frown.

"Facing your fears, of course!" announced Nihilego, raising her tentacles. "Isn't that fun?!"

"That doesn't sound like fun," pouted Clay, crossing his arms.

"Well, if we were sadists, we would've enjoyed this but meh," expressed Nihilego nonchalantly. "And also… this won't be just some run-of-the-mill fear challenge seeing as we already somewhat did that last season and repeating it would be boring for the audience so we instilled a special twist into it."

"Just on with it, dagnabbit!" growled Luther, left eye slightly twitching.

Icy gasps, surprised by the Trubbish's sudden rudeness.


"Luther has never been this aggressive before!" muttered Icy, shaking as she held her head. "Meowzer c-corrupted him!"


"Uhhh, sure Luther," said Poipole uneasily. "The twist is you won't face your own fears."

"What are we going to face then? Each other?" asked Napstaton, furrowing a brow, relieved that he won't face his own fear.

"You're clue, Nappy. You're going to face each other's fears," corrected Nihilego with a weak smile. "For every person who faces their fear, your team earns a point. In the end, we'll tally the points and the team with the most votes win while the loser will have to oust one of their members."

"Oh boy," commented Clay, sweating nervously.

"We'll go by elimination order last season before moving onto the newbies so that means Clay goes first," stated Nihilego, pointing at the Timburr.

The Timburr winces as he drops his log in fear. Accidentally, it hits the feet of Atticus, who sat next to him. And to Clay's surprise, the Alolan Vulpix looks unfazed.

Atticus looks down at his feet before realizing what was happening. "OW!" Atticus then returns to his deadpan expression.

"Clay, come on up please," requested Nihilego as the Fighting type shakily stood up.

Clay was shivering as he walks down to the stage. As he climb onto the stage, he was quickly met by the two hosts.

"Clay, are you excited?!" Poipole asked the Timburr with a wide grin while Nihilego takes out a small box with paper slips on it, shaking it.

"Uhh… n-no," answered Clay, twiddling his fingers. "I don't want to do this but if I don't earn a point, I might go home if we lose… and my master will have skin if I go home first again…"

"Interesting motivation, Clay," commented Nihilego with a nod. "Uhh… please grab a paper slip from this box so we can get this started."

Clay whimpers as he shakily grabs a paper slip from the box. Nihilego nonchalantly grabs the paper from the Timburr's grip. "Izaya. Clay, I guess you have to face his fear sooooo MIKE!"

Clay nearly fainted as a Seviper slithers onstage with a devilish smirk.

"Wheresssss the victim?" The Seviper asked, licking his lips.

Nihilego pointed to Clay, who's now in fetal position, rocking himself in fear. The Seviper slithers to the Timburr.

Soon, Clay's screams can be heard throughout the room.

Sitting with the other Izaya winces. "It looks like Clay won't have any children now."

"Uhhh… Izaya, this is your fear right?" Vivian asked the Crobat. "I didn't know that you were scared of snakes."

Izaya shakes his head. "Nah. I can handle snakes. It's just a fatal allergy."

"Wow. You people are awfully close to each other," scoffed Comf, mustering a smile. She then furrows a brow. "And Vivian, why are you wearing Izaya's fedora?"

Just like what Comf said, the Roserade was wearing the Crobat's fedora on her head. She blushed in embarrassment as she points at the ceiling. "Oh? I STOLE THIS! CHAOS HAS MADE HER MARK IN THIS WORLD BY STEALING FROM ONE OF THE STRONGEST GAMBLERS!"

"She asked for it," drawled Izaya bluntly.

Vivian quickly tips the fedora over a flushed expression. "L-lies! He's l-lying! Chaos never borrows, only steal!"

"This is the weirdest relationship my eyes ever saw," commented Comf, silently sneering at the Crobat.

"..." Izaya sneered back at the Comfey, which actually made Comf shudder. Comf's expression weakens as she quickly returns back to her seat.

Meanwhile, sitting behind Comf, Icy is cringing as she eyed Luther from afar. Breon, who was sitting next to her, furrowed a brow.

"Are you worried about your boyfriend?" Breon asked the Froslass in a concerned tone.

"... a little… he's been talking to Meowzer as of late… and his aggression has dramatically increased…" explained Icy in a somber tone.

"He's just really depressed," murmured Breon with a weak smile.

"HE'S DEPRESSED?!" asked Icy, hands shaking. "Why didn't he tell me..? Why is… he keeping things from me? I love him… but does he love me back..?"

Breon gulps as the Froslass took a hold of him and began to shake violently. "Why. Didn't. He. Tell. Me. About. It?"

"Uhhh… maybe he didn't want you to worry," suggested Breon, smiling weakly.

"W-what? HE'S JUST MAKING ME MORE WORRIED BY NOT TELLING ME!" yelled Icy, gathering the attention of the other Sylveon.

"THIS IS WHY I LIKE SAND BETTER! THEY DON'T YELL FOR NO GOOD REASON!" Otis exclaimed, stroking a pile of sand on his paw with a frown.

"Hypocrite," scoffed Comf.

"Just shut up, everyone," requested Quentin in a polite yet irritated demeanor. "We still need to see if Clay faced bat boy's fear."

"Bat boy?" queried Izaya, furrowing a brow.

"Hush," muttered Quentin as the Sylveon all turn to the stage where Clay was now being strangled by the Seviper.

"Uh… Nihilego, my fear is snake venom not snakes," pointed out Izaya, pointing a wing at the Seviper.

"Oh? Mike just really likes hurting others. Clay only has two minutes left," explained Nihilego, floating over to the Crobat.

"Why me?!" whimpered Clay as the Seviper sunk its fangs on the Timburr. "OWWWWWW! THAT HURTED WAY MORE THAN I EXPECTED! MOMMY!"

"Ssssstop being a pusssssssy," hissed Mike, fangs still stuck on the Timburr.

"Eep," cried Clay with a sniffle.

"I almost feel bad for him," commented Comf, wincing as the Timburr continued to cry. "Keyword, almost."

Sophia gags as she stared at the sorry mess of a Timburr. "He may be male… but this is too much."

"Woah! The feminazi cares for us males?" Serall asked sarcastically. "Shocking."

"Shut up," growled Sophia, glaring at the Kommo-o.

"You people are immature," grumbled Luther, crossing his arms. "SO PLEASE SHUT UP WHILE I TRY TO WATCH CLAY!"

"Woah… was Luther always a hardass?" queried Ashley, frowning at the Trubbish.

Juvia, on the other hand, looked… emotionless. "Is this even the same Luther..?"

Meanwhile back on the stage, the Seviper finally released Clay.

Clay was now covered with snake bites and saliva. "I need to take a bath… six times…" The Clay then falls to the stage, unconscious.

Poipole approaches the unconscious Timburr, poking him with a stick. "Is he even alive?"

"Meh. He earned his team a point… and their sympathy," shrugged Nihilego as an Audino walks onstage. The Audino approaches the fainted Timburr then began to drag him offstage, then dragging him out of the building to who-knows-where, leaving the remaining Pokemon silent.

"This is just the first fear… and someone already got pummeled," commented Meowzer, holding her head. "This is messed up, dudes."

"Darlings~, I don't think I can handle this," gagged Naptaton, face now a dark shade of green.

"Aren't you a robot?! Suck it up," grunted Luther with a scowl.

"... I hate him now," commented Nihilego, frowning at the Trubbish.


"... my head hurts after smoking… I guess Meowzer's goods are really strong," groaned Luther, holding his throbbing head.


"Luther is really rude suddenly. Maybe Icy was right about Meowzer," muttered Ashley, clenching her fists. "Welp! It's time to punch some sense into Luther… after the challenge, of course."


"Ookay… Luther's rude behavior aside, Breon is up next," declared Nihilego, to the Vikavolt's dismay.

"Augh. This sucks," groaned Breon as he walks to the stage. "Let's just get this over with."

"You do know that you can drop out, right?" Poipole pointed out, tilting his head to the side.

"Clay fucking faced Izaya's deadly fear. If I dropped out now, I would be considered useless," explained Breon with a frown.

"He's right," shrugged Azure, jotting down notes.

"Oh okay then. Pick one paper slip, Breon," requested Nihilego as the Vikavolt stabs one paper slip with his mandibles.

Nihilego grabs it from the Vikavolt. "Hmmm… you have to… Clay's fear. Ohohohohoho."

"Easy. It's psychic types, right?" scoffed Breon, rolling his eyes.

"Uhh… Clay has… some psychological fears," explained Nihilego as Poipole leads the insect to the massage chair. "Please sit down, Breon."

The Breon's eyes narrowed as he sits down on the massage chair. Poipole places the helmet on the Vikavolt's head.

"Hahaha. He's sacred of hel-"

Breon suddenly fell unconscious on the chair.

"What happened to him?" Juvia questioned, concerned with her friend.

"Oh? He's just experiencing the trial version of virtual reality," explained Nihilego.

"Virtual reality? That's a thing?" Vivian questioned, rubbing the back of her head, confused.


Breon's eyes flicker open as he's now lying on top of a bed. He furrows a brow in confusion. Wasn't he supposed to be facing Clay's fear?

He shakily sits up, paranoid of what the Timburr feared. What did he fear? He seems so shallow… and somewhat cute in his own way.

Breon's eyes widened. Did he just call Clay cute. With a gruff grunt, he jumps off of the bed but… he then realized that he was way smaller. His eyes widened. He's a Charjabug again but how-

"Breon. Breon. Breon. You're all alone." As the Charabug blinked, he found himself in a void of darkness. "W-where am I?"

The scenery changed again… he's now inside the cafeteria on the show. He noticed the other contestants entering and strangely… no one would even talk to him or anything.

"Hello? Where am I?" Breon tried to ask, however… no one can hear him. Breon started to lose patience. "IS ANYONE EVEN LISTENING?!"

No one replied. Breon's frustration turns to sadness. "This is high school all over again…"

He then noticed someone approaching him. He looks up… to find Clay, staring at him with a cocky grin.


"You're just a weakling, Breon," stated Clay in a harsh tone, which saddened the Vikavolt. "This is why you're always alone. All you have is your stupid mommy. Oh? It looks like you're crying already. It's okay. Mommy's there," said Clay mockingly.

"W-what?!" Breon asked, starting to cry. Clay was as harmless as a Cutiefly and seeing him insult him… was bad. The only thing that could make this worse was-

A familiar Shuppet floats over to him with an emotionless face. "You're a loser, Breon. Even a nice girl like me won't spend time with a nobody like you."

"W-what? I d-don't understand," stammered Breon with a flustered expression. "What did I do wrong?"

Breon's temper suddenly flared up, like it usually did. "I FUCKING HATE YOU ALL! I WILL SKIN YOU ALL ALIVE UNTIL YOU SCREAM YOUR ASSES OFF!" Breon was now a Vikavolt, losing control of himself again.

He quickly shoots a Thundershock at Clay. Clay's eyes widen as the attack hit. Clay is sent flying to the wall.


"Enough of you…" grumbled Breon as he shot a Thunderbolt at the Shuppet as the fear ended.


Meanwhile back with the other contestants, they were all staring at the flat screen, where Breon's experience was being displayed.

Izaya, in particular, was frowning. "He hurt Juvia…"

"Chill. It's only a simulation," scoffed Comf, rolling her eyes. "No need to overreact! That's Icy's job!"

"Uh. Comf, was it? I presume that Izaya is just… furious that Breon was willing to hurt Juvia, simulation or not?" deduced Azure, stroking her chin. "And… he brutally attacked! Breon is clearly mentally unstable. I mean, I think he was lucid in the simulator, seeing as he sat up on the bed."

"But the simulation Juvia was a bitch!" scoffed Luther, raising his arms. "What was Clay's fucking fear anyway?! I didn't get it!"

"..." Juvia is just staring at the screen, slightly shaken. "W-what was that? I n-never said those bad things."

"Uh… Clay's fear was loneliness so we decided to make Breon a social outcast in his simulation and all of you guys as his classmates, who we all know are really bitchy," explained Nihilego, clasping her tentacles.

"... bitchy… hmmm," mumbled Poipole before shaking his head with a grin. "Uh… Breon's about to wake up now… so the Sylveon get another point."

"Woah… this is just the second fear and it's already intense," commented Vivian with a shudder. "I'm not sure if I c-can do this."

"Pussy," grumbled Comf, only to gulp as the others glared at her.

Just then, Breon's eyes flutter open. The Vikavolt falls out of his seat, helmet falling in the process.

The Vikavolt is trembling as he stands up. "D-did I pass?"

"Yep… and damn dude, that was brutal," commented Poipole, still smiling. His smile cracks. "I… was slightly shaken by the fact that you were willing to hurt your friends, bitchy or not."

Breon winces. "S-sorry… I just lost control of myself… all of those memories came crashing back to me."

"Yeah… uh, return to your team so we can continue," requested Poipole as Breon returned to his seat, still trembling.

"Uhh, Comf is up next…" announced Nihilego before mumbling to herself, "Hmm, it seems that the first five fear facers today are all from the Sylveon."

The Comfey sighed. "Guess it's my turn. I expect it to be painful…" A wide grin creeps into the Fairy type's expression. "Not too painless. Not to painful. The perfect kind of pain should be in moderation."

"Just go already," said Izaya, sneering at the Comfey as the Comfey floated to the stage.

Comf swiftly grabs a paper slip from Nihilego's box, giving it to the jellyfish, who read its contents aloud, "You're going to face Serall's fear."

The Kommo-o huffs, crossing his arms, as he watched from the audience. "I have no fear."

"Pffffft. HAHAHAHAHA!" cackled Sophia, laughing at Serall's arrogant behavior. The Kommo-o growls, looking away.

"Okay Comf… our new intern, Glory, will be placing a box with Serall's fear in it. Just stay in the box for ten minutes," explained Nihilego as a Lurantis climbs onstage, carrying a crate.

"Hehehehehe. The dino's fear is pathetic," giggled the Lurantis, who we can assume to be Glory, placing the crate onstage. "Enjoy~ My plants will love to see your pain."

The Lurantis then exits.

Comf blinks in confusion. "That was an intern? She seems more like a contestant with her… weird plant talk."

"Meh. Just get in the crate," shrugged Nihilego as Poipole carefully removes the top off.

Comf just rolls her eyes as she floats over to the crate.


"Serall is an arrogant jerk. His fear is obviously as pathetic as he is," grunted Comf, crossing her arms. She then raises a fist. "And to spite him, I will face his fear as a man! THAT CUNT WILL PAY!"


"Comf is a hardass," scoffed Serall, crossing his arms with a scowl. "Yesterday, she quickly became a pussy over this Septh guy. If anyone's pathetic, it's her!"


As Comf entered the box, Poipole covers the top with the lid once more. SIlence.

"Uhh… are we just going to wait for this to end?" Napstaton queried with a bored expression. "Filler footage is bad for television, Darling~"

"Meh. I don't care. More time for us to just chill, y'know," shrugged Meowzer, slouching on her chair. Luther, who was sitting next to her, followed suit.

"We can guess what stupid fear Serall has!" suggested Ashley with a giggle. "It's probably My Little Ponyta."


"I agree with Serall," agreed Sophia, nodding in agreement. She then smirked. "HE'S SCARED OF MAGIKARP OBVIOUSLY! SERALL IS A FUCKING WEAKLING AND HE'S MALE! IT ALL FITS!"

Serall blushed in embarrassment as he silently growls. "S-shut up. I'm a professional ath-"

"Darling~, that's a rather lame motto of yours. You are hardly professional," scoffed Naptaton, flipping his hair.

"SHUT UP, YOU BITCH! YOU'RE FUCKING SCARED OF SAND!" growled Serall, clenching a fist.

Napstaton gasps as he buries his mouth beneath his knees, speaking in a muffled tone, "How did you know that?"

Meanwhile at the Sylveon team, the team members were all watching the crate with a shared bored expression.

"Wow. A crate. How exciting," drawled Quentin sarcastically. "No one's going to watch a show where for ten minutes, the cast just looks at a plain, old, boring crate."

"Meh, I've seen worse," commented Atticus, slumped on his chair with a deadpan expression.


"Uhhh… y-you're shouting," stammered Vivian, startled by the Vikavolt's outburst.

Breon's eyes widened as he realized what he just did. "Huh… I thought-" Breon looks away with a flushed expression.


"I… went to therapy after the first season so I can control my anger… I thought that it worked but…" Breon looked down in shame, eyes blinking. "... I guess it failed…"

He shook his head as he forced a smile. "But I have to stay strong. I don't want to give up like last season!"


"B-Breon is scary," commented Vivian, shuddering. She then poses shakily, mustering a smile. "B-but chaos will never f-falter!"


Minutes later, Comf floats out of the crate with an annoyed expression. She floats to Nihilego with a scowl.


"Uh… calm down, Comf," requested Nihilego, smiling weakly.

Comf silently growls, crossing her arms, "Fine… but seriously… It. Was. Fucking. Boring. If I had my mags, it would've been okay."

"On the bright side, at least you earned a point for your team," pointed out Poipole, attempting to brighten up the mood.

Comf deadpans, floating back to her team. Meanwhile on the Marill side, most of the contestants there were chuckling, barring Serall, who was folding his arms with a growl.

"You're scared of Magikarp?" giggled Ashley. "And you have the nerve to downgrade all of us." She then stops, gaping in realization. "... though… Sophia was right! Sophia, of all people!"

"Tch. Shut up, traitor. I'm always right," growled Sophia, sneering at the cottonweed. She then smirked at the Kommo-o. "AND ALSO! HAHA, YOU'RE PATHETIC!"

Serall scowled, a light blush appearing on his face, "S-shut up!"


"Don't judge me," growled Serall, glaring at the camera.


"Ookay… Icy is up next and Sylveon are still in the lead with three points," announced Nihilego. "WIll this change if we reach Meowzer, who'll be the first Marill to perform? Welp, let's just sit and watch."

The Froslass sighed as she drops her book onto her seat before floating over to the stage. "Do I have to do this?" queried Icy with a worried expression. "I mean… we already have three points."

"Well… it's your choice… also, you haven't even grabbed a piece of paper yet," pointed out Nihilego.

The Froslass hesitantly nodded as she reaches into the box, handing the paper sheet to Nihilego.

"Ookay… Atticus. You're facing his fear. Poipole, please give Icy the pills." Nihilego told Poipole.

Poipole nodded, taking out a orange pill bottle, wobbling to Icy. He cheekily hands the bottle to the Froslass. "Enjoy!"

"Is Atticus' fear… swallowing pills?" questioned Icy, staring at the pill bottle in fear. "Or is it death? Are these pills deadly?!"

"Dude, chi-"

"I can't do this!" gulped Icy, returning to her seat.

Comf scoffs, "WEAK! It's just a fucking pill bottle."

"It might've been fatal!" pointed out Icy, glaring at the Comfey. "I would rather live and be eliminated than die!"

"You do know that Nihilego and Poipole are tamer than most hosts. They won't kill their own contestants," pointed out Izaya, frowning at the Froslass. "Stop looking for reasons not to face that fear."


"Sleep is my fear," chimed in Atticus, yawning loudly. "Those pills might've been sleeping pills."

"I guess we know who to boot off then if we lose," giggled Vivian, flashing a peace sign. "No offense, Icy."


Icy frowns at the camera. "New flash: I hate Vivian. She's getting on my nerves… so is Izaya… who does he think he is? The team leader?! They both need to go! And by extension, Juvia too!"


Izaya stared at the camera, deadpanning, "I would've understood if Breon or Clay backed out. Their fears are far more serious. Icy got Atticus', which was sleep. Icy would probably reason that she doesn't know what sleeping pills look like but I won't buy it. The bottle had a fucking label. Even I can see it from my seat."


"Ookay! Izaya, you're up next!" declared Nihilego. The Crobat swiftly flew to the stage with a nonchalant expression, grabbing a paper slip from the box, giving it to Nihilego.

"Ookay! You'll be facing… Otis' fear!" declared Nihilego, pausing for dramatic effect.

"Calling it, it's related to sand," said Izaya as a pile of sand falls right in front of him. "Called it."

"Okay… your task is to build a sand castle," requested Nihilego with a weak smile. "I know that it may sound… weird but it's necessary."

Izaya rolled his eyes as he started building the sand castle. Sitting with the audience, Otis' eyes lit up.


"SAND!" yelled Otis, sprinkling sand around the confessional.


Seconds later, a small sand castle stood below Izaya, who stared at the two hosts with an agitated expression.

"Is that it? Did you make me build a fucking sand castle for no reason?" grunted Izaya, sneering at the two hosts.

Poipole suddenly kicked the sand castle, toppling it and making it fall. "Oof."

Otis, who was sitting down, stood up, crying, "NOOOO! MY SAND! HOW DARE-"

Breon quickly covered his mouth. "No… please don't."

Izaya just shrugged. "Meh."

"You earned your team your third point, Izaya so congrats," announced Poipole with a wide grin as the Crobat returned to his seat. "Though… that fear was really… weird."

"Don't care," shrugged Nihilego. "Meowzer is up next."

"Daaamn. This sucks," groaned Meowzer as she stood up and began making her way to the stage with an uncomfortable expression. "Duuude, please rethink this."

"Nope. This is the challenge so you have to do this," refuted Nihilego, shaking her head. She then holds out her box. "So pick a fear now, Meowzer."

Meowzer sighs in defeat. "Well, if you insist…" The Meowstic grabs one paper slip, lazily handing it to the Ultra Beast.

"Hmmm… you'll have to face Quentin's fear," stated Nihilego before crumpling the paper slip, throwing it away. "Soo, you'll have to face a simulation, Meowzer. Are you ready?"

"I guess. Y'know, I have no choice," responded Meowzer, shrugging. She groggily hobbled over to the massage cheer. She gives Nihilego a nervous look. "Is this even safe? The bug dude got worked up cuz of this."

"It's safe. Breon tested out," assured Nihilego, rolling her eyes.

The Meowstic shakily nodded as she sits down, carefully placing the helmet on her head. "Okay, how does th-" Meowzer suddenly falls unconscious,


Meowzer then wakes up, almost immediately. She shakily removes the helmet off her head.

"What was that, dude..?" Meowzer asked the two hosts as she shakily stood up.

"I dunno… you dropped out before the fear could even begin," shrugged Nihilego as the psychic feline gulped.

"Oh no…" The Meowstic then walks back to her team with a weak smile. "Sorry dudes. I couldn't do it…"

"But you didn't even do anything," pointed out Ashley with a huff, crossing her arms.

"I panicked," spat Meowzer as she sat next to Luther. "It was Quentin's fear… and the fox dude is shady, y'know?"

"Quentin is nice, to be frank," huffed Ashley. "He didn't have malicious intent!"

"Uhhh… Comf… and Septh. Remember?" pointed out Azure, jotting down notes.

"... oh yeah," mumbled Ashley as Meowzer huffs, frowning at the Whimsicott.

"Ashley, you're up next," announced Nihilego, to Ashley's exasperation.

"Geez," muttered Ashley as she hovered to the stage.

She grabs one paper slip, handing it to Nihilego.

"Ashley… you have to face Sora's fear," announced Nihilego. She then gestures to the box, where the Magikarp was in. "Please go in and stay there for ten minutes… oh yeah, that box will get… smaller over time. Thank science for that."

Ashley rolled her eyes as she floated into the box, which Poipole quickly covers.

"Oh great! We have to stare at a crate again?" Quentin groaned with a miffed expression. "This is starting to get boring."

"Don't worry! It's a crate that changes size!" pointed out Vivian only to be shut down by Quentin's deadpan expression.

Meanwhile on the other team, Sora shuddered. "Ugh… seeing the box cringe is somehow making me claustrophobic even though I'm not in it."

"That's a scientific fact, Sora!" chimed in Azure with a wide grin. "After all-"

"Stop with the science… pleeeease!" groaned Meowzer, holding her head. "It's therapy all over again."

Azure sweats, blushing in embarrassment. "D-duly noted, Meowzer!"

"What happened in therapy?" queried Juvia, tilting her head in confusion.

"I dunno. It's n-not like I was the t-therapist," blustered Azure, twiddling her fingers. "I j-just want to respect Meowzer's wishes and stop t-talking about science."

"Oh…" hummed Juvia, giggling. "I think I know what you're talking about."

"FORNICATION?!" Sophia questioned with a growl. "Did your therapist rape you, Meowzer?! I bet that your therapist is a fucking male!"

Napstaton gives her a look. "What is it with you and males, Darling~? I believe in gender equality for it is fabulous~!"

"That's what they all say!" snarled Sophia, gritting her teeth. "And look what happened! Females are being objectified, males have turned lazy and over dependent on females, females become sex slaves! This fucking world is a crazy mess!"

"Uhh… I'm not saying it's wrong, dude… but aren't you overreacting a little bit?" asked Meowzer, smiling weakly, shakily flashing a peace sign. "Not all men are bad, y'know…" She then sneered at the camera. "Except for you, weird guy who kept suggesting lobotomy."


Meanwhile, back with the Sylveon, the group blinked at Sophia's outburst.

"That might be the umpteenth time Sophia yelled this loud… yet I'm still not used to it," commented Vivian, smiling weakly.

"Tch. Hypocrite. You're a hypocrite, Vivian… or should I say Chaos?" scoffed Comf, rolling her eyes.

"S-stop it," stammered Vivian, frowning at the Comfey. "Chaos n-nevers falters!"

"People, we need to act mature," said Quentin, crossing his paws.

"Yeah yeah… but oh look! Ashley is done!" Icy declared, pointing to the stage where Ashley is now outside the box, twitching. The box is now smaller than her.

"... that was scary," admitted Ashley.

"Well, you earned your team your first point so you should be proud!" pointed out Nihilego with a weak smile.

"That wasn't satisfying," commented Ashley, crossing her arms with a huff before floating back to her seat.

Nihilego then clears her throat as she turns to the contestants. "Okay… currently, the Sylveon have four points while the Marill have one. Luther is up next."

The Trubbish groaned as he wobbles to the stage with a miffed expression. "Just get this over quick."

Nihilego narrows her eyes as the Trubbish grabs a paper slip from the box. "Luther… somehow, you look… different-"

"Maybe, he's a Ditto, " suggested Poipole, flailing his arms cutely.

"Uhh… no, Poipole," retorted Nihilego as she grabs the paper that Luther got. "Hmm… you'll have to face Icy's fear."

Luther growled, "Make this quick, oka-" The Trubbish then blinked in confusion. He then groans as if a truck has hit him. "Uggggh… my head hurt…"

"Uhh… Luther, you still have to face Icy's fear," pointed out Nihilego, rubbing the back of her head sheepishly.

"Oh boy," groaned Luther with a frown. "This is going to hurt a lot then…"

"Yep," agreed Nihilego as a Typhlosion walks onstage with a bored expression. "Connor, you have to incinerate Luther until he gives up."

"Ugggh… how long do I have to do this? Maurice and I have a date later," grumbled Connor, crossing his arms.

"Uh… only for five minutes, dude," explained Nihilego, clasping her tentacles. "After that, you're free to go."

"Good! I'll make this count then!" smirked Connor before releasing a breath of fire at the Trubbish.


Icy, who was watching, winces. "I hope he's ok…"

"DAMMIT! Why do the goody two-shoes got all of the fun?!" groaned Comf, slumped on her chair. "All I got was a fucking Magikarp."

"Maybe you should've sticked with the nice gal act then," snarked Quentin, which made Comf roll her eyes with a huff.


"Dick…" grumbled Comf, crossing her arms.


"I love Luther… I love Luther, I love Luther, I love Luther soooo much… even if he's hanging around bad eggs like Meowzer," muttered Icy.


"Uhhh… this is a bit extreme," commented Ashley, wincing as she watched Luther facing Icy's fear. "Maybe, they should've let Luther faced this fear in a simulation."

"Yeah." Sora nods in agreement. "Those burns won't definitely heal."

"What if he likes drop out, y'know? So that he won't get hurt any further," suggested Meowzer, lighting up another joint, smoking.

"Yeah…" muttered Juvia before slowly floating onstage to the two hosts with a frown. "Uhhh… can you please stop hurting Luther..? Even if he's acting more… grouchy, he's still a Pokemon like everyone else here."

"Sorry Juvia… even if we wanted to, we can't… Arceus will get mad at us," explained Nihilego before hugging her body with a shudder. "And boy is she scary when she's mad… she's not watching this, r-right?" queried Nihilego, warily looking around.

"She's probably watching," cautioned Poipole, pouting. "She's the god of all Pokemon after all."

"But still…," muttered Juvia, slightly deterred by the duo's submissiveness.

"Don't worry. Your garbage pal only got one minute," assured Nihilego, crossing her tentacles.

Just like what the hostess said, one minute later, the Magmortar stopped incinerating Luther, who was now twitching in fear.

"That… was painful," commented Luther, coughing up black smoke. He then frowns at the two hosts. "F-fire's my actual fear so it was hard… but I did it!"

"Yep! You can go back to your seat. While you Juvia… it's your turn," declared Nihilego, turning to the cloth.

The Shuppet nodded as she levitates a paper strip out of the box, floating it to the hostess, who reads its contents aloud. "You'll have to faaaace… Luther's fear!"

Juvia suddenly fell to the stage. "Huh?"

"Luther's fear is fire or heights… we chose heights. Sooo!" Poipole takes out a button with a wide grin, pressing it. The floorboard under Juvia suddenly levitated with Juvia on it. Soon, Juvia is now twelve feet from the floor. "You'll have to last five minutes, Juvia."

Juvia nodded with a weak smile.


"Umm… I… want to prove myself to everyone," said Juvia, sighing. "... sometimes, I feel that they're underestimating me…"

The Shuppet then smiles. "But I'm thankful to know that Izaya is here… hehehe… maybe I can ask him to play that game later!"


Luther, who returned to his seat, was still trembling as he watches Juvia face his fear. He turns to Meowzer, who seems to be spacing out as the feline had a vacant expression on her face.

He then turns to Ashley with a weak smile. He wanted to ask her about how Icy was doing. "Uhh… Ashley… I want to ask you something."

"Hmmm? Ask away," replied Ashley, narrowing her eyes.

"How's Icy?" Luther asks, stroking his cheek with a weak smile. Ashley growls at the Trubbish, surprising the latter.

"Now you're asking! She's worried sick… you should probably see her after the challenge!" responded Ashley, slightly irritated by the trash bag's negligence. "If you really care for her, you should've checked up on her earlier!" She then huffs, hands on her hips. "Seriously!"

"S-sorry… my mind was not in the right place…" muttered Luther, starting to feel weak from the emotions rushing back in after the drugs slowly faded. "... uggggh… my head hurts…"

"Yeah right," muttered Ashley, rolling her eyes before looking away.

"AAAAAAAUGGHH! REJECTED DUDEEEEEE!" groaned Meowzer, snapping out of her vacant mood before spacing out again. "..."

Luther sighs as he held his head in pain.


The camera then fizzles out for a moment before back into another scenery. Specifically, what seems to be an infirmary. There are a lot of hospital beds here. A medical cabinet, wheelchairs and more medical supplies.

Clay is currently lying on one of the bed, body still scarred and bloody. He's starting to regret coming back. It's far too painful and too traumatic for him. In the span of two days, he's been traumatized by 'Meowzer therapy' and the fear challenge so the Timburr really wanted to quit but… he can't. His master wanted him to win… and quitting would just anger his master and Clay didn't want that.

He then held his pen-. "Wait… wait a minute… something's up…" The Timburr muttered, beginning to hold his head in fear as he began to tremble.

"My… my… MY NECKLACE!" yelled Clay as his blood began to boil. That Everstone was given to him by his master and he just lost it. Oh boy… his master would surely skin him alive.

"Nononono… but where could it be… wherecoulditbewherecoulditbewherecoulditbe?!" growled Clay, clenching his fists. "... RAAAAAAAAHHHH!"

The Timburr sits up, eyes tearing up in anger.


"Someone stole it!" snarled Clay, glaring at the camera. "And I'm going to find out who it is!"

The Timburr then breaks into tears, looking away from the camera.


Back at the ampitheather, Juvia has just finished facing Luther's fear. The Shuppet smiled at the two hosts.

"Do I earn a point?" queried Juvia.

"Yep," responded Poipole, clapping his hands in glee. "The point ratio is now four to three, in favor of the Sylveon."

"Oh goodie. Only one point left to tie it up," hummed Juvia, returning to her seat.

"Okay. It's time for the noobs to-" started Nihilego only for Serall to glare at her.

"We're only newcomers… but we're as capable as the veterans," growled Serall, sneering at the jellyfish. "I would know… I'm a professional athlete."

"Stop it with the athlete bullcrap and prove yourself," scoffed Ashley, crossing her arms.

"FINE!" Serall snarls back as he stood up and made his way to the two hosts. "Give me a fear already! I'm about to put a stupid cottonball in her place!"

"ASHLEY'S A COTTONWEED!" chimed in Azure with a frown.

"No one cares, Azure," muttered Nihilego, rolling her eyes before turning back to Serall. "Kay Serall. Grab a paper slip or whatever."

Serall grunts as he followed the hostess' instruction then gave the paper slip to the jellyfish.

"Okie dokie. You'll be facing… Juvia's fear!" announced Nihilego with a weak smile. "Buuut since you're not even close to Izaya, this fear is pretty much putty to you sooo we decided to tweak it a bit… so sit down on the massage chair and prepare for a simulation!"

Serall scoffs, crossing his arms. "Pffft, easy! Juvia's that pathetic little shit, right?"

"I'm going to kill him," muttered Izaya, expression darkening as he gazed at the Kommo-o. Vivian, who sat next to him, just chuckles nervously.

"Uhh… Serall, just sit down already!" commanded Nihilego with a deadpan expression.

The armored lizard just rolled his eyes as he sat down on the massage chair. Poipole grinned as he hopped over to him, placing the helmet on Serall's head. "Good luck, Serall!"

"Tch, I don't need luck," scoffed Serall before falling unconscious.


As Serall opened his eyes, he found himself inside his room in his house. He silently growls. He didn't want to be there…

He sits up… to notice a familiar face collapsed on the floor near the bed. It was a Hydreigon.

That Hydreigon might be Serall's first love… he grew to love him after watching the former upclose… and the Hydreigon's strength was really unbelievable. Serall immediately fell for him.

Then he notices… the fellow dragon wasn't moving.

"What..? But how… you're the most powerful dragon I've ever met," muttered Serall, hiding a flushed expression. "How… are you dead?"


Serall then wakes up from the fear.


Serall growls as he opened his eyes. "How did you get that information, you fuckers?!"

"Arceus, duh," responded Nihilego, rolling her eyes. "Quite obvious."

"Wait… Serall's gay," exclaimed Breon, eyes widening in surprise. "He seemed more like a straight guy…"

"Ahem Randall was gay," pointed out Icy, crossing her arms.

"SHUT UP! I AIN'T GAY!" snarled Serall, glaring daggers at the other contestants. "I'm bi…"

Breon commented with a nonchalant expression. "If Poppy was here, she would say-" He then tried to imitate the Brionne's high-pitched voice. "-it's so obvious that Serall's bi… I mean, he had a huge boner when looking at Izaya."

"What?!" growled Izaya, glaring at the Vikavolt, who growls back before blushing in embarrassment, realizing what he just did.

Serall clenches his fists. "Shut up…" The Kommo-o then returns back to his seat.

"So you're bi?" asked Sora, slouching on her seat. "Not surprising."

Serall rolled his eyes, crossing his arms as he looks away.

"Ookay. Who's next?" queried Nihilego before snapping her tentacles. "Otis, you can be next. The score is currently ti-"

The Stoutland suddenly appears in front of her with a whirlwind of sand. "Ahahahaha! SAND IS OMNIPOTENT! SAND IS ETHEREAL!"

"Uhhh… sure… just grab a-" Nihilego started only for Otis to throw a paper slip at her. "How did you even get that?!"

"Sand," Otis said simply.

"Ookay," said Nihilego with a flustered expression, eyes slowly moving over to the piece of paper. "You'll have to face Comf's fear… GLORY! GET THE TOXIC BUCKET!"

The Lurantis from earlier enters the room once more, carrying a metal bucket of something purplish gurgling inside. "Nyehehehe. It seems that my assistance has been required again." The Lurantis hopped onto the stage, spinning gracefully before placing the pail on the stage. "Enjoy~ My plants made it~"

"Sand will triumph in the end!" Otis yelled with a determined expression, turning to Nihilego. "What must I need to do, hostess of rock and poison?!"

"Uhh… you'll have to eat that toxic sludge. Y'know, to make things interesting," explained Nihilego, twiddling her tentacles. "Might be deadly so I would understand if yo-"

Otis quickly swallowed the toxic sludge without any complaint. "7.8/10… needs more sand," the Stoutland commented, licking his lips.

"Did you just… eat toxic sludge without feeling sick?" asked Nihilego, eyes bulging in surprise as she pointed at the now empty pail. The jellyfish then blanches. "That's gross…"

"Maybe… it's barbecue flavored," hummed Poipole with a weak smile. He then rubs his belly. "Barbecue flavored sludge… wait… that's still gross."

"Ugh… Poipole, you're making me sick," groaned Nihilego, holding her stomach. "Otis… you can go back to your seat."

Otis nodded before disappearing again with a flurry of sand.

"Seriously! How does he do that?!" questioned Nihilego, face still pale. "Uhh… Quentin, Vivian and Atticus remain for the Sylveon while Azure, Sophia, Sora and Napstaton remain for the Marill. Napstaton, you fabulous devil, you're up next."

The Mawill smirked as he stood up, flipping his hair. "Time for me to finally show my skills in a challenge, darlings~"

Napstaton gracefully trotted to the stage, ignoring the glares that Quentin and Comf were giving him. He waves at the two hosts with a charismatic smirk. '"What fear will I face? Something to prove my expertise, I presume?"

"Uhh… grab a paper slip and we'll see," requested Nihilego.

The cyborg grabs a slip of paper with his hair, giving it to Nihilego, who sweats from the jaws of Napstaton's hair.

"Uhh… next time, use your arms," croaked Nihilego, frowning at the Mawile, who just giggles. "Moving on, you'll be facing… Azure's fear."

"Oh? Is it bad grades?" queried Napstaton, furrowing a brow. "That seems like it."

"Nope… I'm just going to tell you something. Your producers told me that… well…" Nihilego pauses, scratching the back of her head. Napstaton waited for her to continue in anticipation. Nihilego sighed, deadpanning, "They decided to fire you because of your half-assed performance in everything."

Napstaton smiles quickly faded as his left eyes began to twitch. "W-what?! What do you mean by that?!" Napstaton growls at the jellyfish, hair snapping shut. "I did everything I can to make it there! You can't just take it all away!"

"Uhh… your producers say otherwise," retorted Nihilego with a bored expression. "So scram! Pack your things!"

"WHAT?!" seethed Napstaton, hugging himself only for Nihilego to shake her head.

"Wow… you sucked… but at least you didn't cop out," expressed Nihilego, crossing her tentacles, to Napstaton's confusion. "Azure's fear was rejection," explained Nihilego with a blank expression. The Mawile sighed in relief as he returned to his seat. "And woah... we're really rushing with the latest fears... we need to slow down, to be honest."

"Yep! Arceus might get mad at us for breezing through four fears in only six minutes," agreed Poipole with a nod before smiling cheerfully. "After all, I want everyone to have fun and smile!" He rubs his arms together with a giggle. "Let us face fears while getting closer together, everyone!"

"That sounds… really lame," remarked Comf, deadpanning. "I want more pain… even if I faint a lot of time…"

"You're a weirdo, Comf," scoffed Breon, rolling his eyes. "I wonder how Septh-"

"Don't mention that heathen's name!"


"Septh… was cool, okay!" growled Comf, crossing her arms. "But I'm soooo over her!"


"She's sooo in denial," drawled Breon with a nonchalant expression. "On another note, it seems that my anger is in c- SHUT UP, COMF- oops…"


"Okie dokie. Who's next, Nihi?" Poipole asked Nihilego, clasping his hands. "We only have six contestants left to go! Quentin, Vivian, Atticus Azure, Sophia and Sora! One of you is next to go… and since we need a member of the Sylveon, Quentin… you can go next!"

The Sylveon nodded as he stood up. He then started to walk to the stage with a innocent expression.

As he hops onstage, he grabs a paper slip with his ribbon, reading its contents. "Oh Arceus. I have to face Vivian's fear and oh… here you go." Quentin gives the jellyfish the paper slip before furrowing a brow. "What is her fear? Burning? Flying types? Toxic gas?"

"You'll be buried alive, Quentin," stated Nihilego with a bored expression.

"But the floor is concrete… and the stage is made of wood," pointed out Quentin, cocking his head to the side. "How are you goin-" Quentin was suddenly crushed by a pile of sand.

"Does that answer your question?" queried Nihilego, crossing her tentacles. A muffled voice can be heard, which we can assume to be Quentin.

Otis' tail was wagging as he watched, panting in glee, "Sand! THIS SHOW IS NOW BETTER THAN BEFORE! THE SAND KINGDOM IS SPREADING!"

"Geez! Otis is a tame Sophia… but with sand," groaned Sora with a frown. "It's really taxing and his loud booming voice hurts my ears."


"Ugggh… just shut up, Sophia," groaned Ashley, sneering at the Bastiodon. "Sora's not even doing anything wrong."

"Hmmmph!" huffed Sophia, looking away.

Seconds later, Quentin's paw emerged from the sand before Quentin's head followed. "WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT FOR?!"

"Uhh… it was better if we didn't inform you, you know… for extra suspense," explained Nihilego, rubbing the back of her head sheepishly. "Impressed?"

"Just miffed," responded Quentin, dusting off the sand on his body. "That's the second time I was crushed with sand!"

"Uhh… sorry?" Nihilego asked, furrowing a brow. "You should just be thankful that you earned your team a point."


"Calm down, Quentin… you can just win this and make them suffer eventually," Quentin muttered to himself before glaring at the camera. "Mark my words. I will win this."


"To be honest… I don't know where the sand came from," admitted Nihilego before shrugging. "But whatever, two birds with one stone!"


"It was me… but Quentin deserved it, right?" asked Poipole, crossing his arms.


The Sylveon's left eye slightly twitches as he returns to his seat.

Nihilego then clears her throat to announce, "The score is currently six to five, in Sylveon's favor. Uhh… Azure, you're up next since wynaut?"

'Haha… lame pun, Nihilego," exclaimed Azure, rolling her eyes as she stood up. She slowly approaches the stage with a silent gulp. She was actually nervous about the fear she'll face. Breon, Meowzer, Ashley, Sophia and Napstaton's fear were left. The only fear she was sure of was Meowzer and Ashley. The others? Azure didn't know… she may be a smart cookie but she knew nothing about the others outside the game.

She sighs as she finally climbs on stage, hands fidgeting nervously. "Make this quick… I want my brain intact, of course.'

"Yeah yeah, just pick a card, Azure," requested Nihilego with an uncaring expression. "Besides, we won't actually hurt anyone… lawsuits, remember?"

"Cough Clay cough Quentin cough Luther cough," commented Meowzer, fake-coughing with a deadpan expression. Ashley gives her a look.

Azure sighed as she nervously grabs a paper slip from the box, quickly handing it to Nihilego. "Please let it be a painless fear, Arceus," Azure stammers to herself as she clasps her hands in prayer.

"Ookay Azure… you'll be faaaacing…"

"..." Azure began to sweat nervously.

"..." Nihilego pauses for dramatic effect.

"..." Comf scoffs, rolling her eyes

"..." Izaya cocked a brow.

NIhilego scowled as she quickly turns to Poipole, who was now drum rolling. "Stop that!"

"Hehe sorry," responded Poipole, smiling weakly as the jellyfish turns back to Azure.

"You'll be facing Napstaton's fear," Nihilego said simply. The Mawile winces at his seat. "Which issss…"

"I don't like the feeling of this," commented Azure, gulping. Suddenly, a sand castle takes form in front of her. "Huh? Does Napstaton have the same fear as Otis?"

Back in his seat, Napstaton was holding his head in fear. "Nonononononononono!"

"Uhh… sand castles aren't scary, dude," pointed out Ashley, crossing her arms. "I expected Otis but you? No."

"Maybe! The sandcastle steals souls and eats them for breakfast!" suggested Juvia, humming to herself. "And lunch and dinner too~"

"That doesn't make any sense," commented Serall with a growl. "How can a fucking sand castle eat?!"

"Y'know those sand ghosty thingies in Alola," suggested Meowzer, slouching on her chair. "They have weird ghost powers and eeeectoplasm."

"Sandygast and Pallosand!" chimed in Luther, head still throbbing. "They look like sand castles but they aren't."

Ashley cocked a brow. "Sooo? They're just senti- wait a minute… I think I heard Ace talk about this once… oh Arceus! Juvia's right!"

"Oh yay!" exclaimed Juvia with a smile.

The group turns back to the stage where Azure faces the sand castle with a bored expression.

"Wow Napstaton… this is pathetic," remarked Azure, deadpanning.

Suddenly… the sand castle blinked?

"Woah woah woah! Sand castles can't blink!" argued Azure, starting to get scared. "This doesn't make any scientific sense!"

The Pallosand started to radiate with a purple aura, which alarms the Marill.

"NO NO NO! PALLOSAND ARE DEADLY!" Azure quickly jumps off the stage in fear, rushing back to her seat.

The Pallosand then disappears.

"Ookay… that illusion actually worked… the score is still six to five, in Sylveon's favor," announced Nihilego in fake enthusiasm.

Serall growled at the shaken Marill in anger. "What the fuck, Azure?! You could've evened out the score!"

"S-sorry… I panicked," stammered Azure with a flustered expression. "It… was going to suck my soul…"

"It's okay, Azure! As long as you're safe," said Juvia with a warm smile, making Azure blush slightly.


"I failed… this is my first failure in the game," commented Azure, twiddling her fingers sheepishly. "B-but… this will also be my last. From here on out, I'll be dominating!"


"Pathetic. Meowzer and Azure both failed our team… let's just fucking hope that Sora and Sophia succeed or I'll-" Serall stops as he punches the air with a growl.


"Ookay… only four fear facers left… if the next fear facer from the Sylveon succeed… then all hope for the Marvelous Marill is gone," stated Nihilego.

Poipole nodded in agreement as he clapped his arms. "But that's okay! As long as we're all happy!"

"You're weird, Poipole," commented Nihilego, deadpanning. "On another note, let's go the sudden death round, people!"

"SUDDEN DEATH?! THAT CAME OUT OF NOWHERE!" yelled Breon before blushing in embarrassment. "S-sorry…"

"Uhh… sure," muttered Nihilego, slightly startled. "Sooo uhhh… Sora, Atticus, Vivian and Sophia… please head right up. You're the final four. This decides who wins or loses."

The four aforementioned Pokemon all stood up and made their way to the stage. Nihilego claps her hands with a bored expression.

"Ookay. It's time to get this over with," intoned Nihilego. "We'll be combining the last four fears… which belongs to Sophia, Ashley, Meowzer and Breon!"

"WHAT?! DESPITE THE TWIST IN THE CHALLENGE, I STILL GET TO FACE MY FEAR?!" shouted Sophia with a shocked expression.

"Yep! The final sudden death challenge is… you'll be genderbent, controlled by Otis, facing an obstacle course of steel and poison while the audience criticizes your strength." announced Nihilego.

"That sounds dumb," commented Sora, crossing her arms.

"Yeah yeah! Let's-"

"I'M NOT DOING IT!" yelled Sophia with a grunt.

"Oh? Then that means… the Saucy Sylveon wins," declared Nihilego, quite relieved that the challenge was ending.

"Wow, I didn't even do anything," commented Atticus nonchalantly.

The Marill all groaned while most of the Sylveon cheered, regarding their victory.

"And so… the Marill will be going to elimination later," added Poipole with a wide grin. "That's right! Azure, Sophia, Meowzer, Luther, Juvia, Ashley, Serall, Sora and Napstaton will be going to elimination so stay tuned!"

"Ugh! Sophia, why… just why?!" groaned Ashley as the scene fizzled out.


"We lost the challenge… which really sucks," commented Ashley with an annoyed expression. "Sophia, Azure and Meowzer failed to face their fears… and frankly, I'm okay with them leaving."


"We… lost?!" asked Azure, wincing a bit. "That's a bit of a shock… I might need a few minutes to process all of this…"


Serall is rampaging in the confessional in anger because of his team's loss.


"I'm okay with losing! It's better than…" Sophia pauses, twitching a bit. "... being a male!"


After the challenge, Breon was walking around the male side of the dorms, thinking to himself. He was quite… frightened of his outbursts after facing his fear. It seems that he might still be harboring inner demons within.

He cringes as he walks into the center area. He then turn to the side opposite of the door to the schoolyard to notice that the stairway to the floor above was now accessible.

He sighs to himself as he made his way to the floor above.

The second floor looks… really empty and dreary. There were more stairs but they were blocked off by shutters. There's two hallways leading out of the center area but one of them was also blocked by some shutters so Breon just took the accessible hallway until he reached a lone door. Next to the door was a sign saying 'Infirmary'.

Breon cocked the brow as he twisted the doorknob and opening the door. The first thing that met the Vikavolt's eye was Clay lying on the bed, horribly injured. A Audino was watching over the Timburr. Breon frowns as he walks over to the bed.

"Nurse… is Clay alright?" Breon asked the Audino.

"Umm… obviously not," the Audino replied bluntly before turning back to the Timburr. "We're treating him with Sacred Ashes… also… you're the first one to go here. I see that you found out that the two hosts opened up some hallways."

"Yeah…" muttered Breon before giving the Audino a look. "Uhh… do you have… psychological trea-"

"I'll stop you there! No, we do not!" huffed the Audino, rolling her eyes. "Also… please leave. I have to focus!"

Breon rolled his eyes. "Whatever then…"

Without a word, the Vikavolt exited the room.


Ashley, Sora and Icy were all hanging out inside Icy's room, exchanging information and juicy gossip. They were all sitting on Icy's bed.

"Sooo… Icy, any advice so that Sora and I can stay?" Ashley asked the Froslass with a weak smile.

"Why? They don't have any reason to eliminate you or Sora," pointed out Icy, crossing her arms. "Unlike some others, you faced your fears."

"Unlike you?" Sora asked with a playful smirk.

"Shut it," grumbled Icy, hiding a flush expression with a pillow. "Also… Sophia, Serall and Azure seem annoying so perhaps, one of them may leave… to make sure, vote together."

"That's a plan!" Ashley exclaimed, flashing a thumbs up. "Sora and I can vote for Sophia. Serall seems miffed and hates her so three votes guaranteed for her."

"I guess… but I'm still unsure about this," admitted Icy, throwing away the pillow. "Somehow… I think that we might be sc-"

"Cheer up, Icy. I'm confident that this would work!" interrupted Ashley with a smirk, hands on her hips. "We have the power of-"

"If you end that sentence with friendship, I would end you," scoffed Sora, rolling her eyes.

"Hehe," giggled Ashley. "On another note… let's talk about the guys here."

"Uhh… I'm dating Luther," pointed out Icy in a somber tone.

"But Luther is acting like a dick lately!" huffed Ashley. "Specifically, today up until the point when he faced his fear! Then he acted normal again like nothing happened!"

Icy furrows a brow. "That… reminds me of something, to be honest… something that happened last season…"

"Randall whooping Alex's ass?" suggested Ashley with a giggle. "Or is it Septh almost killing Randall?"

"... no," replied Icy, deadpanning before stroking her chin. "Whatever it is… it might be bad…"

"Yeeah… but let's talk about boys now… and girls, if you guys are into that kind of thing," said Ashley, giggling like a schoolgirl.

"You're bisexual, right?" asked Icy.

"... yeah…" said Ashley, smiling weakly.

"... ookay… this conversation just got way more awkward," commented Sora, crossing her wings. "Ookay… to change topic, I think Serall, even if he's a dick, Quentin, Izaya and Atticus are good-looking."

"Atticus?" asked Ashley, furrowing a brow.

"Uhhh… sorry… impulses," stammered Sora with a nervous smile.

"Ookay… for me, I think Izaya, Serall, Azure, Sophia, you Icy and Sora, and Poipole are good-looking," giggled Ashley before sweating. "Uhh… Sophia's just y'know… really cool looking and cute… but her attitude is sour."

"You think… Poipole is handsome?" questioned Icy with a confused expression. "He looks like a little brother to me… only Luther is in my mind… even if he doesn't talk to me lately..."

"Yeah," said Ashley, scratching the back of her head.


Sophia and Azure were back at the dining hall, discussing their plans for elimination. This was their first official meeting as an alliance and Azure was really happy in the inside. She was a big fan of the show and now that she's here, she'll use every ounce of her knowledge to win this.

"So Sophia, I have an idea who we're voting off for!" mused Azure with a smile.

"Is it Serall?! He irks me," asked Sophia, cocking a brow with a scowl.

"Uhh... no… if he's annoying then he can just go later," explained Azure. "And seeing the twist for this season, we need to think long-term."

"So who do we off then?!" questioned Sophia.

"Uhh… we'll be eliminating-"

The scene then faded to black before Azure can finish.


Later that evening, the Marvelous Marill were all seated around the campfire fit. Nihilego and Poipole both faced the contestants with a smile. Nihilego held a silver tray with eight poffins on it. Poipole was wearing a cute little bowtie as he waved at the contestants.

"Marill… this is your first and last elimination ceremony, due to the team switch twist, how does it feel?" Nihilego asked the Marills.

"Uhh… it sucks," commented Luther, nervously twiddling his fingers. "I can't sit still knowing that I might leave."

"It's all fucking Sophia's fault!" growled Serall, crossing his arms. "She failed this team!"

"FUCK OFF, MALE!" Sophia snarled at the armored lizard.

"Ookay… before this escalates, I'll be handing out poffins now… and whoever receives a poffin is safe… all but one of you. If you don't receive a poffin, you are eliminated from the show, let's get this over with," droned Nihilego with a bored expression.

"Okie dokie! Sora, Nappy and Juvia are safe for another day!" announced Poipole as Nihilego flung poffins at the mentioned contestants.

Sora easily caught hers with a smirk, Napstaton's went over him, while Juvia's passed through her.

"Ooh… I feel more… poffiner," commented Juvia with a smile.

"Azure, Sophia, Meowzer, Luther, Ashley and Serall… you have still yet to receive a poffin," intoned Nihilego in an eerie tone. "And the next one safe is… Azure."

"Ya- ouch!" Azure winces as the poffin hits her in the face.

"Luther, you're also safe."

Luther smiles weakly, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly as the poffin fell on his lap.

"Meowzer… surprisingly, they still want you here. You're safe."

"Grooooooovy," commented Meowzer as the poffin flew over her head.

"Sophia. Ashley. Serall. You're our bottom three," announced Poipole, clasping his hands. "One of you will also be the first one leaving the show."

Ashley's eyes suddenly widened. "W-what?! But how am I here?! Meowzer and Azure never faced their fear but I did!"

"I know," admitted Nihilego as she flung a poffin at Serall. "By the way, Serall's safe… so it's down to you two ladies."

"Ashley. You're here because… you're annoying, I guess," said Poipole with a weak smile.

"WHAT?!" growled Ashley, glaring at the small Ultra Beast.

"Sophia… you're a large ham, really biased towards females and hating on males for some reason, and you cost your team the challenge," intoned Poipole, turning to the Bastiodon.

Nihilego nodded as she pursed her lips. "And the last one safe is…"







"Sophia…" Nihilego half-heartedly flung a poffin at the Bastiodon.

Ashley looks shocked at the Nihilego's statement. "W-what?!"

"Yep… your time here is down, sister… sorry."

"B-but… Ace is never going to let me live t-this down," stammered Ashley as she stood up from her seat. "This really sucks… knowing that people like Serall and Sophia outlasted me."

"Shut up, traitor!" Sophia growled at the Whimsicott. "Just fucking leave so this game can be a better place!"

"... how am I going to even leave?" Ashley asked with a confused expression. Suddenly, the ground shook. The ground around the campfire and the campfire all collapsed, surprising the contestants. Second later, the ground elevated again. This time, a school bus was on top of the ground.

"Uhh… you'll be riding the School Bus of Shame," explained Nihilego, gesturing to the bus.

A bored Typhlosion waves from within the bus. "Yo."

Ashley glumly sighs as she climbs on board of the bus. The bus door closed. A partition of the walls covering the schoolyard near the bonfire pit suddenly opens.

"Goodbye Ashley," waved Poipole as the bus drives out of the gate. The partition then covers the wall afterwards.

The remaining members of the Marill all exchanged a nervous look before turning back to the two hosts.

"Okay… you all may leave now… it has been a long day… you need to rest," requested Nihilego as the group of contestants stood up and began to make their leave. Soon, Nihilego and Poipole remained.

"... well… that happened," commented Nihilego, crossing her arms.

"I know! It was fun!" giggled Poipole.



"Welp… guess it's time to say goodbye to Sophia," commented Ashley, inserting her vote.


"I vote for Ashley. It's the most logical course of action. As you can see, Ashley has Sora and Icy as guaranteed allies," explained Azure, jotting down notes. "Up next on the list to eliminate is Juvia…"


"I vote Luther… I care for his safe as a friend," said Juvia with a sad expression.


"I vote… Ashley… she yelled at me… and she… really damaged my self-esteem," murmured Luther, rubbing his arms. "It's… really sad…"


"Ashley. For strategy stuff, y'know," shrugged Meowzer.


"Serall! He's a menace, who just screams at people and he's annoying!" huffed Napstaton, frowning at the camera. "The reason I'm voting for him over Sophia is because he's less fabulous than Sophia!"


"Stoner girl. She's fucking useless!" said Serall, glaring at the camera. "Sophia can wait!"


"Ashley may be a traitor but at least she's female! I vote Serall!" Sophia yelled, inserting her vote.


"I vote Sophia. Nuff said," said Sora.



Ashley: Three Votes (Azure, Luther, Meowzer)

Serall: Two Votes (Napstaton, Serall)

Sophia: Two Votes (Ashley, Sora)

Luther: One Vote (Juvia)

Meowzer: One Vote (Serall)



Males : Atticus - Breon - Clay - Izaya - Luther - Napstaton - Otis - Quentin - Serall

Females : Azure - Comf - Icy - Juvia - Meowzer - Sophia - Sora - Vivian


Welp. This is officially my longest chapter, not counting the cancelled TPUV. Also… a lot has happened!

And we say goodbye to resident tomboy sibling, Ashley. Originally, Ashley was… second boot. I moved her to first boot after realizing the potential of the official first boot. Ashley was fun to write but she had her time to shine on the first season… even if she was controlled by Septh for the majority of last season.

This was a fun chapter to write but in the end, Sophia screwed her team over… yet stays! Huzzah!

That's all for now~

-Nihilego Fanatic