Updated: 10/5/2020

Happy Mothers Day!

This Chapter is for all the Mum's out there. Especially my Mum her has helped me so lot in my life.

Chapter .2.

They walk back to the Dinner. All of them a little sombre. But to Rose something wasn't right. She just didn't know what. Maybe the Bad Wolf in her was trying to tell her something.

"What you think he invited someone else?" Rory asks River as they enter the diner

"Well, he must have. He planned all this down to the last detail", River replies

"He trusts you both more then anyone in the Universe including the mysteries 1. But who is 1?" River asks

"Will you lot shut up? It doesn't matter", Amy says leaning on a table

"He was up to something", River says continuing

"He's dead", Amy says in shock

"Space 1969. What did that mean?" River asks

"The moon landing?" Jack suggests

The others start giving ideas too.

"Your still talking but it doesn't matter", Amy says

"Hey it matter to him", Rory says

"So it matters to us", River says

"He's dead", Amy whispers

"But he still needs us", River says, "I know"

Martha goes over to Amy and looks her over.
"She is ok but in shock. Just give her time", Martha tells everyone after checking Amy's pulse.

"Amy I know. How you feel. I have witnessed the Doctor dying a couple off times", Rose says she remembers seeing the Doctor regenerated once and nearly once more.
That bought thoughts off her beloved John up to the front of her mind. Oh how she missed him. She also missed HER Doctor. She didn't even get a chance to really talk to him before.

"But right now we have to focus", River says

"Look", Jack says pointing at a blue envelope at a table

River runs over to look at it and Rory goes to the counter and Rose looks around nobody was here but them.

"Excuse me, Who was sitting over there?" Rory asks one of the staff

"Some guy", the staff says

"The Doctor knew he was going to his death so he sent out messages. When you know it's the end, who do you call?" River asks

"Uh, your friends. People you trust", Rory replies

"The people that have been there with you for a while", Sarah Jane states

"The people that have comforted you before", Martha adds remembering doing so after Rose was gone.

"Number 1. Who did the Doctor trust the most?" River asks holding up the envelope.

The back door opens and the Doctor steps out. Rose was shocked. How could the Doctor be alive? Unless the other Doctor was an older version of this Doctor. That was the only thing that made sense.

Doctor looks at the all with delight.

"This is cold. Even by your standards, this is cold", River says

"Or 'hello' as people used to say", the Doctor says

"Doctor?" Amy asks shocked

"Just popped out to get my special straw it adds more fizz", the Doctor says holding up his straw.

"You're okay. How can you be okay?" Amy asks circling him

"Hey, of course I'm okay. I'm always okay. I'm the King of okay. Oh that's a rubbish title. Forget that title", the Doctor says hugging Amy then goes over to Rory, "Rory the Roman now that is a good title. Hello Rory"

Doctor then turns to the others.
"Sarah Jane!" the Doctor says hugging his old friend.
"Hello Doctor", Sarah Jane says chuckling

"Martha and Mickey Smith-Jones!" Doctor says rushing to give them a hug too.

"Good to see you boss", Mickey says grinning

"It is good to see you Doctor", Martha replies as she pulls away.

Doctor then sees Jack.
"Jack. I don't know if it is good or bad you are here", the Doctor states

"You could be nice to an old friend Doc. Where is my hug?" Jack says pouting

"Stop that Jack", the Doctor says

The Doctor then turns to the last person. His eyes widen at the impossible figure standing there. She still looked the same even after all this time.
"Rose? After all this time?" the Doctor whispers

"Hello Doctor. And I have been busy you know", Rose states with her tongue between her teeth.

The Doctor then realised this WAS Rose. He rushes too her and pulls her into a tight hug. She laughs. The old companions watch the reunion with soft smiles on their faces. Knowing the Doctor would have missed Rose more then them. And they had ALL accepted that.

"It is good to see you too Doctor", Rose tells him hugging him back.
"My Rose", the Doctor states pulling back and holding her face

Wiping a tear away.

"How are you here? Is this even real?" the Doctor whispers

"That is a long story. But trust me I am real", Rose replies

"I have missed you", the Doctor says

"I have missed you too so much", Rose admits.

"How long has it been for you Rose since you saw me? How do you know I am the Doctor?" the Doctor asks

"It just has been a long time. As for knowing who you are it was your fashion sense that gave you away", Rose says teasingly

"Hey bow ties are cool!" the Doctor says
"Where did you get this outfit?" Rose asks

"At a hospital. Before saying the earth again", the Doctor replies not taking his eyes off her.

He was afraid if he looked away she would disappear.

"How did you get here?" the Doctor out

"That is classified. But if your good I will tell you", Rose says teasingly

Jack, Martha, Mickey and Sarah Jane smile seeming the banter between them. Just the same as before. Even after years apart.

"I have a gift for you Doctor", Rose tells him

"What?" the Doctor asks before getting slapped by Rose, "Oww you Tyler's have one hell of a slap. What was that for?"

"For leaving me in a parallel world on a beach again. Without asking me what I wanted", Rose tells him

Before the Doctor could stay something River coughs drawing the attention back to the others. The Doctor lets go off Rose. But doesn't move from her side.

"And Doctor River Song. Oh, you bad, bad girl. What trouble do you have for me this time?"

River slaps him hard.

"Ok. I'm assuming that's for something I haven't done yet", the Doctor says

"Yes it is", River says nearly growling

"Good looking forward to it", the Doctor says

"I don't understand", Rory says getting back on topic, "How can you be here?"

Rory pokes the Doctor.

"I was invited. Date, map reference. Same as you lot I assume otherwise it's a hell of a coincidence. Especially with Rose being here. As it should be impossible", the Doctor says

"River what's going on?" Amy asks

"Amy ask him what age he is", River says

"That's a bit personal", the Doctor says

"Tell her what age you are", River says demands.

"909", the Doctor says

"Well he is a lot older then the last time I saw him", Rose says

"He is. What have you been doing Boss?" Mickey asks

"Why haven't you visited us in decades?" Martha asks crossing her arms

"I have been busy", the Doctor states watching Martha in case she slaps him.

"You gave us a heart attack when you saved us from that Sontaran", Martha states

"And I knew that look. You didn't have to explain it to Martha when you left. I knew you were dying", Mickey tells him scowling.

"And you didn't talk to me after you saved Luke", Sarah Jane tells him.

"And just giving me Alonso's number instead off staying. I would have rathered having a drink with an old friend after everything that had happened", Jack tells the Doctor

This made the Doctor feel guilty. Yes he could off handled that better. But his previous self didn't want to go.

"909?" Rory asks interrupting

"Yeah, but you said you were…", Amy says continuing on with the other topic of conversation

"Where does that leave us? Jim the Fish have we done that yet?" River asks angrily

"Who's Jim the Fish?" the Doctor asks confused.

"I don't understand", Amy says

"Yeh, you do", Rory says to Amy knowing what was happening

"I don't. What are we all doing here? Why are Rose and Jack here?" the Doctor asks

"We're been recruited", River says, "Something to do with space, 1969, And a man called Carton Everett Delaware the Third"

"Recruited by who?" the Doctor asks with his special straw in his mouth.

"Somebody who trusts you more than anyone but Rose in the universe", River says

"And who's that?" the Doctor asks


Author's Note: What do you think? Please Review:)