"Hermione, you've been studying all week," Ron sighed, as he watched Hermione flip frantically through her books at the table in his and Harry's shared loft. "You know you're going to get top marks on your N.E.W.T.S."
"I do not know that," Hermione snapped. "I won't get top marks if I don't study."
"The tests aren't until the last week of May, though," Ron frowned. "You have over a month left. Come on, take a quick study break. Harry's still at the Burrow…"
"Ron, I really have to get through these notes by the end of the week," Hermione told him. "The Spring holiday is almost up and I'm nowhere near where I need to be in my study schedule."
Just then there was a loud popping sound, and Ginny and Harry appeared in the kitchen.
"Hermione, er, have you moved from that spot since I left this morning?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow.
"No, she has not," Ron said before Hermione could answer.
"Hermione, the N.E.W.T. tests aren't for ages," Ginny pointed out.
"Six weeks, actually," Hermione said.
"Wait…really?" Ginny frowned. "Sounds much closer when you say it like that."
"You'll be fine," Harry told her.
"Have you started studying yet?" Hermione asked.
"No," Ginny admitted. "I was going to wait until I got back to Hogwarts at the end of the week, but…I don't suppose you still have that study schedule that you drew up for me?"
Hermione smiled and pulled out a sheet of parchment from beneath her mountain of notes and handed it to her.
"You're a lifesaver," Ginny grinned, sitting down at the table with her.
"Hold on, I thought we were going to go for a fly," Harry said.
"Not now, I think I should get through these Transfiguration notes," Ginny said, flicking her wand, causing her books and notes to come sailing out from Harry's bedroom.
Harry glared at Hermione. "Thanks."
"I'm very sorry I convinced your girlfriend study for the most important exams of her academic career," Hermione said, rolling her eyes.
"So let me get this straight," Ron said. "You two are just going to take over our kitchen to study for the rest of the break?"
"Brilliant deduction," Ginny said, not looking up from her notes.
"Unbelievable," Ron said, shaking his head as he turned to Harry. "Well, want to go have a quick game of one-on-one Quidditch?"
"Might as well," Harry sighed. He leaned down and faced Ginny. "Good luck with your studying then."
"Thank you," Ginny smiled, giving him a quick peck on the lips.
"Will you stop distracting her, Harry?" Hermione shot.
"Fine," Harry said, rolling his eyes.
"I'm telling you, I thought I escaped the wrath of those exams when we didn't go back to Hogwarts for our seventh year," Ron said as him and Harry strolled out to their yard. "It's like I don't even have a girlfriend right now."
"Did you expect anything less from Hermione when you invited her to stay so close to the exams?" Harry smirked.
"Well, I suppose not," Ron chuckled. "I guess I don't really mind. She does need to do well on these exams. Besides, she looks really cute when she's concentrating hard on her studying. Her brow furrows and she bites the corner of her lip…"
"You've got it bad, mate," Harry told him, clasping his shoulder. "Real bad."
Late that evening, Harry and Ron stepped back into their kitchen, where Ginny and Hermione were still sitting, pouring over their notes.
"Before you yell at us," Harry said, looking straight at Hermione. "We're not to distract you."
"No," Ron agreed. "We've realized that these exams are very important, and we should let you study as much as you need."
"You've got him trained nicely," Ginny commented to Hermione.
"We just thought we'd bring you some snacks," Harry said, setting down two large mugs of hot chocolate and a platter of cakes.
"We got these from that muggle bakery nearby," Ron said.
"Wow, that was really thoughtful of you," Hermione said, surprised.
"Yes, thank you," Ginny nodded, taking a sip of the hot chocolate.
"We're going to head off to bed," Harry told her. He leaned down and kissed her. "Night."
"Don't ware yourself out too much," Ron said, giving Hermione a quick kiss as well.
"Good night," Hermione echoed as the boys turned and headed off to their respective bedrooms.
Ginny stared after Harry for a moment before turning to Hermione. "You know, Hermione, it is rather late…"
"It is," Hermione agreed, glancing at her watch, showing that it was well past midnight. "And we have been studying the whole day…"
"Perhaps we should, you know, go get some rest," Ginny said. "So we'll be energized to pick up again tomorrow."
"You know, that's not a bad idea," Hermione said, carefully marking her page in her book as she shut it.
"Brilliant," Ginny said, getting to her feet. "Well…good night then."
"Good night," Hermione bid her.
And with that, Ginny quickly climbed up the stairs to Harry's room, while Hermione went straight down to hall to Ron's.