Disclaimer: I do no't own Danny Phantom and any of its characters. It will always belong to Butch Hartman, and I will always be just one of his many loyal fans.

Un-Shattered Bonds

Chapter 1: Perfect

February 13, 2014.

It was the day before Valentine's Day in the city known as Amity Park and the city was clearly in preparations for the day of love. The city has changed a bit over the years as it was still known as the ghost capitol of the world but it was a beloved home to many of its citizens. Including a most unusual one who was just lounging in her pent house, watching television and just relaxing.

"And that was Ember Mclain's brand new hit song and I can gladly say that I for one, am crazy in love for her latest hit and I am pretty sure we all know who's it is suppose to be about…" The announcer said to the camera while the crowd giggled.

Ember giggled as well, it was no secret her new love song was about the only man she has ever loved. ALL of her love songs have been about only one person, a special man who she knew that she would love until the end of time. Her one true love and soul mate. ..

"Danny..." The ghostly diva thought happily as she thought about her love.

It has been almost 8 years since their bond was formed, a bond of love that was so beautiful and strong. So much has changed since their bond first formed. She still sometimes couldn't believe that this was her afterlife now and how far she has come along. She was a famous singer, having won several awards and have made it to the top ten list for almost 7 years in a row. She no longer lived in her realm in the ghost zone but she now resided in Amity Park, in a nice pent house that had a great view of the entire city. Her place was huge, especially for one person and she liked it that way. The bigger, the better that was what she believed. It had a plasma screen television, all of her music awards decorated the place, a master bedroom, gourmet kitchen and she even had her own private studio to practice her music.

Needless to say, it was perfect!

Not just her new home but her whole after life in general. It was totally perfect now and the best part that she had earned all of her success. She had not used any of her ghost powers to improve her performance. She used only her natural music skills and she was so happy to know that the whole world loved her for it. It was everything she has ever wanted when she was alive and as a ghost. Best of all, she was able to share her success and happiness with Danny who always believed and supporter her ever since that day when their entire relationship changed forever.

When she began to fall in love with him.

'Danny..." Ember said softly as she picked up a picture of her beloved, of his human form anyway.

Danny has aged so well over the last few years. He was cute as a teenager but as a young man, he was gorgeous. His blue eyes still sparkle and he still had the cutest smile. He was much taller now, having gotten a huge growth spurt at 18 and now he was about three inches taller than her to be exact. Not to mention he had gotten really buff, all those years of training and ghost fighting really gave him some muscle, much to the ghostly pop princess's joy. His ghost form was really easy on the eyes as well.

Needless to say, he was a hunk and he was her hunk too.

"Tomorrow is our special day, baby pop..." Ember said as she kissed the picture before placing it down.

Tomorrow was Valentines day, their special day. Despite the wacky and insane first Valentine's day they spent together and despite their former bitterness towards this holiday. Ember had grown to enjoy it now that she had Danny who always made it his yearly mission to pretty much try and get her to love him even more if that was even possible. She could already see him arriving with a huge bouquet of flowers and maybe chocolates before he would wish her away to whatever romantic rendezvous he had in store for her.

Such a though made her un-living heart all a flutter. Even after all these years, Danny could still make her feel like a giddy school girl and she loved every minute of it. She loved him so much. She wasn't just in love with him, she was truly, madly, deeply and absolutely deliriously in love with Danny Fenton/Phantom. She has been for almost a decade of her afterlife and she knew nothing would ever change that.

Suddenly the firey haired singer felt her phone vibrating, she picked it up and smiled upon seeing the number.

"Hello..." Ember said in a coy tone, already knowing who was on the other line.

"Hey beautiful, how ya doing?..." She heard the masculine voice that belonged to Danny.

"Pretty good, since you called..." Ember say playfully, feeling more like a teen in love during times like this.

"I just saw the review for your latest music video, you were amazing..."Danny compliment on the other hand.

"Thanks baby..."Ember said..." So did you just called for my video?..." She asked playfully.

"Maybe I just wanted to talk to the most beautiful, amazing, most talented singer I know..."Danny flirted on the other end.

"Well, who am I to deny such an innocent little request..." Ember giggled as she felt a big grin on her face.

The two spent a very long time just talking, laughing and flirting over the phone. Despite one of them being an adult and the other having been a ghost for several years, the two still felt the same kind of playful spark they have had when they first started out as a couple. They were young, in love and just happy. They also loved having fun with something as sweet and simple like a flirtatious phone conversation between them, which could sometime range to hours, like right now.

"While I was coming back, some guy's cars breaks were faulty and he lost control but I managed to get him and everyone else out of the car before it crashed..."Danny explained the tale of his latest heroic act today.

"That's my big, strong hero..."Ember praised in a proud tone.

Danny was still a hero, he still fought and caught ghosts and protected the lives of those around him. It was who he was and Ember has long grown to love this part of him along with the rest of him.

"Anyway babe, I need to be heading out, tomorrow's a special day after all..." Danny said with some meaning in his tone.

"Any chance of you telling me what's planned?..."Ember asked coyly.

"Sorry but your just gonna have to wait and see..." Danny said after chucking.

"Whatever, well...Good night Danny, I am really looking forward for tomorrow.." Ember said with a smile.

"So am I baby, I love you..."Danny said sweetly.

"And I love you more..."Ember said cutely.

"Ember, you are not trying to provoke another "I love you more, no I love you more" phone fight are you?..." Danny asked.

"And if I am, what are you going to do about it baby pop?..." Ember challenged.

"As fun and cute as it would be, I gotta get back to patrolling soon, so now isn't exactly the best time..."Danny said in a somewhat disappointed tone.

"Fine, I get it. Go do your hero thing baby pop, but just to let you know that as soon as I see you tomorrow, your all mine. I don't plan on sharing your attention with some loser ghost causing trouble...those who try will have to deal with me..."Ember said in a half serious tone, earning some laughter from her man.

"That is what I am counting on. Goodnight Ember and just to let you now...I LOVE YOU MORE!..." Danny suddenly shouted before ending the call, leaving a stunned Ember who realized what just happened.

"Sneaky Danny, very well played..."Ember said in between her giggles as she placed her phone down.

She felt such a warm feeling within her, she just felt so happy right now.

She had everything she could ever want. She was rich, famous, she had a successful music career and she had the love of the most handsome, sweetest, most amazing man on earth. Needless to say, her life was pretty much perfect and tomorrow she would be spending Valentine's day with her man who as always, wanted to surprise her and would not tell her about his plans at all. She also had a few surprises planned for him as well, especially with that cute little stunt he just pulled.

"I can't wait for tomorrow..."Ember said as she noticed it was getting late and she best retire for the evening.

Tomorrow she was going to spend Valentine's day with her beloved boyfriend and she knew that it was going to be perfect. A romantic evening with her handsome Danny, spending the day of love together, and maybe finishing it all off with a cozy little evening at either her or his place, just loving each other's company.

Love, fame, wealth and happiness.

It doesn't get any better than that...

-To be continued

Next time on Un-Shattered Bonds

Our Bond

A/N: In order to understand the plot for this story, you have to first read "Cupid's Wrath" and it's sequel "CW: Deleted scenes".

Happy Anniversary everyone!

:) Till next time everyone, remember to read and review :)