Chapter 8: Mira's World
(Mira's P.O.V)
I was in a government limo.
Those were six words I'd never thought I'd be saying to myself. A man named Rick came to the scene not long after the Omindriod was defeated. I was hesitant to follow him but everyone else trusted him. Rick seemed to recognize me, but didn't say anything at first, he instead talked about Syndrome.
"We've frozen all of Syndrome's assets. lf he even sneezes, we'll be there with a hanky and a pair of handcuffs. The people of this country are indebted to you." Rick said, pleased with out work.
"Does this mean we can come out of hiding?" Mr. Incredible asked hopefully.
"Let the politicians figure that one out. But I've been asked to assure you we'll take care of everything else. You did good Bob." He smiled the turned to me. "Now, about Mira..."
"She stays with us." Violet said sternly. That caught me off guard and by the looks of Rick's face, I wasn't the only one.
"Pardon?" Rick asked.
"Mira helped save us from the Omindroid, so she's not going back into hiding. She belongs with us." Violet said wrapping an arm around me. I felt tears well up I'm my eyes as I wrapped her in a hug.
"That's the nicest thing anyone has said about me." I said. Then, to my surprise, Rick smiled.
"It seems that she's better off with you all. I'll make sure Mira isn't feared by the government any longer." He said now it was my turn to smile at him.
"Thank you Rick." I said gratefully. I tuned to Elastigirl, who was checking her messages about her youngest. Jack-Jack I noticed that she seemed slightly concerned. I couldn't blame her, I could here the person on the other side screaming.
"That was so cool when you threw that car!" Dash exclaimed excitedly.
"Not as cool as you running on water." Mr. Incredible replied.
Hey mom, that was sweet when you snagged that bad guy with your arm and kinda whiplashed him into the other guy. It was so sweet!" Dash said gesturing with his arms.
"Honey, uh yeah, I'm trying to listen to messages, honey." Elastigirl said, keeping the phone up to her ear. I looked out the window and studied the new buildings. It felt so calm and peaceful. I wonder if this is my new life.
"Oh Mira, that was sweet when you stood right in front of the crazy robot!" Dash said suddenly appearing right in front of me.
"Um, thank you. It was a failed attempt to shut it down." I muttered.
"And when mom and dad aced those guys that tried to kill us! That was the best vacation ever! I love our family." Dash sighed dramatically as he fell on the limo seat. Violet and I laughed at his antics.
"Here we are." Rick said as the car stopped but Elastigirl seemed highly concerned.
"Replacement? I didn't call a replacement." She said and we all ran out of the car and straight into the house. Only to find Syndrome holding Jack-Jack. We gasped and he turned around and froze us with zero point energy.
" baby is sleeping." He said and started laughing. "You took away my future. I'm simply returning the favor. Oh, don't worry, I'll be a good mentor. Supportive, encouraging. Everything you weren't. And in time, who knows, he might make a good sidekick. Ha, ha! Syndrome then blasted the roof off before flying through it with a screaming Jack-Jack.
"He's getting away, Bob! We have to do something! We have to do something now!" Elastigirl exclaimed in fear. I then felt something. Something that told me to concentrate. I close my eyes and took a breath.
"Light as a feather, light as a!" My eyes shot open and I undid my cloak and jumped up. Before I knew it I was flying. Actually flying! Before I could celebrate I heard Jack-Jack cry out and Syndrome scream. I flew up to them and saw that one of Syndrome's rocket boots was disabled. I quickly punched in causing him to let go of Jack-Jack and I grabbed the baby before he could fall.
"Mira!" Syndrome yelled but I only glared back. "You destroyed too many heroes. You took away my life. I will never let you running anyone's lives again!" I declared and kicked him in the chest causing him to hit his jet. Though I stumbled in mid air and started falling.
"Ahh!" I cried and held Jack-Jack tightly. I felt something grab me and saw Elastigirl stretched her self into a parachute. My eyes widened as I saw that Syndrome's ship was blowing up.
"Everything is alright." Elastigirl assured us. We landed with the others and Violet conjured up a force field, protecting us from the damage of the house.
"That's my girl." Elastigirl said proudly. Violet smiled happily as she released the force field.
"Does this mean we have to move again?" Dash asked Mr. Incredible laughed as he placed a hand on his shoulder. I then notched that a little kid was watching us from his tricycle.
"That was totally wicked!" He exclaimed. Dash then looked at me.
" can fly!" He said in realization. "How did you do that?" Violet asked.
"I...I'm not sure. I just felt like a could." I said and walked through the wreckage and saw that my cloak was torn up and scorched. I picked it up sadly and Elastigirl came up to me.
"I think we know someone who can fix that." She said. I gave a small smile.
"Darlings, you're back! After seeing you on the news I was hopping you would come by." A women, who I assumed was Eden, exclaimed as we walked through the front door. She was short, but Mr. Incredible said that she was a wizard when it came to fashion.
"It's good to see you too E, but we were hopping you could fix something for our friend." Elastigirl said and I walked over holding my cloak and Eden's eyes widened.
"What happened to that?" She asked and examined it. "I took it off to save Jack-Jack, but it got caught in an explosion." I explained the best I could. Eden took to cloak for my hands and examined it.
"This is familiar I made this, but not for hero work. Where did you get this?" She asked.
"It's the last thing my father gave to me. His superhero name was Echowave." I said and she gasped.
"Oh darling, I can't believe I didn't see it before. You look exactly like your mother. Fathers eyes of course. Though the hair is new." She said and then grabbed my hand.
"Come with me." She said. "Oh I don't know if...whoa!" I was then dragged by the fashion designer into a room along with the Incredibles and she told me to extend my arms to the side.
"Um what are you doing?" I asked nervously. "I'm making you a suit darling what else?" Eden said simply as she stood on a stool and measured the length of my arms before writing them down and kept going.
"Yeah, how else are you supposed to fight with us?" Dash asked.
"Oh...I just never thought about it before." I explained and Eden smiled. "That's become you never met me darling. Now, then what do you want for your suit?" She asked and I thighs for a moment.
"I definitely want it to be purple. But I don't know what the symbol should be..." I said. Eden then pulled out a sketch book and flipped through a few pages.
"How about this?" She asked and I saw that it was my fathers old suit. The symbol was a circle with curves of the edges. I smiled happily.
"It's perfect." I said and Eden smiled satisfied. "You come back in a week darling. We'll have a fitting then." She said and I smiled.
"So, what's you super hero identity going to be?" Dash asked excitedly. I smiled, knowing exactly which name I should take.
Dash was at a track meet and I sat in the bleachers watching him get ready. I was wearing my sunglasses though along with a yellow t-shirt and white jeans. With my hair up in a ponytail. The past three months was getting settling in. I now shared a room with Violet and I felt like she was the sister k never had. Dash and Jack-Jack the became my brothers.
I got a few letters from my Aunt. She also sent me my stuffed elephant, Fluff, and promised to visit when she could. Eden had finished my suit and it was really nice. Purple with the gray symbol and a gray stripe along the waist. And no capes since she was highly against it.
I looked over to Violet and she was talking to one of her friends then a boy, whose name I believe is Tony, and by the looks of things she managed to get a date with him. She then sat down next to me and I smiled.
'He seemed nice.' I thought in her head and Violet flinched before blushing slightly and nudged me playfully. The gun then sounded and Dash took off with the other boys.
"Go Dash! Run, run run!" We all cheered and Dash started to run a little too far ahead. Robert then kept yelling at him to slow down much to Dash's confusion.
"Don't give up! Make it close!" Robert said showing with his hands.
"Second!" Helen cried.
"Go for Second!" We cried and Dash quickly pulled ahead and made it to second place.
"That's my boy!" Robert exclaimed happily and we all started heading to out car. Dash held his troupes proudly.
"Dash I'm so proud of you." Helen said.
"I didn't know what you wanted me to do." Dash said we all laughed the stopped when we heard a crashing sound and people started screaming. A giant drill then appeared through the ground and a man came up through the top and held up a microphone.
"Behold the Underminer! I am always beneath you, but nothing is beneath me!Ihereby declare war on peace and happiness! Soon all will tremble before me!" He cried, but little did he know that the Incredibles were putting tuner mask and I removed my sunglasses and undoing my ponytail. Mr. Incredible smiled as he put his mask on and unbuttoned his shirt. We were ready to fight.
Cause this is my world and I will protect it.
THE END...for now.
Author's Note:
I'm finally done! I hope you all enjoyed this story. A few announcements going out.
1: I'm working on other stories about Pixar movies that you should pay attention to for future references. There is one coming it soon that will explain what Angela was doing when she stumbled into Mira's room.
2: There WILL be a sequel. Though it'll be a whole after the second Incredibles comes out, but if you want to be one of the first to know when a chapter comes out, leave a review and I will PM you when the first chapter is out. First comment=First one I notify.
3: PLEASE LEAVE A REVIEW! I would love to know how munch you liked this story and what made you like it so much!
Anyway hope you all liked Hidden Hero as much as I did!
Disneyheart3: Thank you for the link, but I want to the movie to be as spoiler free as possible. I appreciate the thought.