Author's Note: Welcome! The idea for this latest story spawn from a song I heard in passing a few months ago and I was able to finally put it into writing, though admittedly a bit deviated from the original concept (as it usually tends to go). In writing this, it dawned on me that this may be the last story I write (maybe forever, maybe for a very long time) but it's at least one I am, as of today, quite happy with. I welcome all feedback and the next chapter should be up next Friday. Til' then!

Jackie Burtkhart lies comfortably in the brown leather couch staring at the television set before her. The giddy saleswoman on the screen is advertising a new face crème she holds between her delicate, polished fingers. Jackie briefly notices the woman's perfect quaffed hair and her bright red lipstick before closing her eyes. The sheer exhaustion from the lack of sleep of the last few days has finally started catching up with her. She quickly opens her eyes again to glance towards the wooden coffee table next to her. She picks up the phone receiver, brings it to her ears to ensure there is a dial tone, and places it back on the base before allowing herself to sleep.

"Why does it even matter anymore? How long has it been and we're still having the same conversations."

"So we just won't talk about it anymore."

"Right, because there's no point."

"Don't say that."

"You know it's true."

A short while later, a pounding at the door wakes her. She groans and reluctantly stands up from the couch. Walking over to the door, she catches a glimpse of the clock by the kitchen and realizes she was asleep longer than she thought, but not as long as she had hoped. She looks through the peephole and sees her former best friend on the other side. Hesitantly, she unbolts the locks and opens the door.

"What is it?" she asks, her tone uninviting.

"Fez told me you'd be here. Can I come in?"

"Where else would I be?" Jackie asks and opens the door wider, steps aside and lets her visitor inside. She rolls her eyes as Donna walks by and wishes she would have pretended not to be home and gotten more sleep.

"I thought you'd be with the others."

"Well, I'm not."

"Yeah I can see that. Listen, can we talk and sort this out?"

"Donna, I'm exhausted and truthfully, I don't think that's a good idea."

"I think we owe it to ourselves and the others to at least try and work things out don't you think?"

"I made a mistake."

"You've made a lot of mistakes."

"We have made a lot of mistakes, but it's not unfixable."

"This time it is."

"How about I talk and you listen?"

"I am really too tired to talk right now."

"Alright, I'll come by later and then maybe we can talk" Donna says, more a question than a comment.

Jackie nods her heard and watches as Donna walks back towards the door. "We're really glad you're here. It's been hard on everyone but having you around makes it a little easier" Donna exclaims without turning back to look at Jackie.

"Sure" is all Jackie can muster to say before Donna walks out of the apartment. Jackie rolls her eyes once more at the thought of her making things easier for everyone. That's not her intent, not the reason she returned after so many years away. Sure it may be a nice gesture for her to take care of things now but it's not as though she feels obligated to do so, not after everything that's happened. Had it not been for the Forman's, she would have never stepped foot back in this town, but she still held them in high regards and figured she could do this for them. A small bit for herself and the person she used to be, but mostly for them.

"We didn't think you'd be coming back. After the way we left things last, we were sure of it. I waited. I don't want you to think it happened immediately. I kept waiting for weeks, hoping you would come back and we could move on, like we always did, but you didn't."

"It doesn't matter anymore."

"Just listen, please…It wasn't planned and we both hesitated. We were remorseful the first time it happened. But he was gone and you left and we just found comfort in each other."

"How nice for you."


Before she could even settle into the couch once more, the telephone rings. Another grown escapes her and were it not for the severity of the situation, she would have unplugged the chord and temporarily disconnected from the world.

"Yes?" she answers abruptly. She listens attentively and silently to the voice on the other line. "I'll be right there" she finally responds.

Having no choice but to put sleep on the back burner yet again, she heads towards the bathroom to freshen up first. She runs the hot water and lets the steam fill the room. The warmth envelops her and she appreciates it after having to endure the brutal winter. She sits at the edge of the tub and reaches over to run the cold water and prepare a bath. For just a few minutes, she wants to soak in the warm water, submerge her head under in and just feel refreshed again. The last few days having taken a toll on her can be forgotten for just a few precious minutes of solitude before she has to get back into the hustle.

She is desperately missing her home in New York and her daily routine. She misses waking up early in the morning to make a cup of coffee before getting ready for work. She also misses grabbing lunch with her favorite co-worker and gossiping over the latest celebrity news or newest conquests. Most of all, she is desperately craving being wrapped in her boyfriend's arms at night, hearing comforting and loving words that make her feel content and alive. For most of her youth, she dreamed of someone just like him, a few times believe she had found someone like him, but they never even came close and she couldn't wait to get back to him.

"Just stop. You make it sound as though I had another option but to leave. Like I chose to walk away on my own accord. You think it was easy? What was I supposed to do, sit around and pretend nothing was happening? Everyone knew."

"Nothing was going on."

"Just stop lying. We can't all be so stupid as to think nothing was going on. We all knew and I sat around for a long time trying to convince myself that I was exaggerating or being paranoid. I talked myself into staying so many times because I couldn't imagine either of you doing that to me."


"What? It wasn't planned right, so it makes it okay. Stop trying to minimize it and just take responsibility for it. This didn't happen because he was away or because I left. We left because it was happening and neither of us was willing to sink with that ship."

Thirty minutes later, Jackie is on her way to meet the Forman's. The surprising traffic makes her trip twice as long in which Jackie can't help but think why she really came back. Sure the Forman's are a big part of the reason as well as the legal obligations she has but she can't help wonder if a small part of her wants to be here, if only for the nostalgia of it all. They had been together for a very long time after all. Perhaps she is trying to do right by her younger self by being here. Maybe she just wants to get a sense of closure, whatever the outcome may be and completely close that chapter in her life, however painful it may be to do so.

When she finally arrives, she immediately sees Eric and his parents sitting quietly, drinking coffee and reading magazines. She spots Fez by the vending machine, shaking it as quietly as he can, which isn't very quiet at all, trying to get a candy bar. Not far from him is Donna, who makes eye contact with her for just a moment before diving back into her own reading material.

Jackie bee lines towards the Forman's and greets Eric whom she has not seen in quite some time.

"I'm surprised to see you here" she says after they break their hug.

"I can say the same about you" he replies with a sheepish smirk. Jackie nods and smiles.

If anyone in this room can understand the bittersweet feeling of being here, it's him. It's torturous almost, having to care about someone who is responsible for so much hurt and betrayal.

"How's Brittany?" she asks and from her peripheral, she can see Donna look up at the mention of the name and squirm in her seat.

"She's great. I was just telling mom that we are putting a bid on a house. Nothing big or fancy but enough room to start a family someday."

"That's great. I'm really happy for you" Jackie replies.

"Thanks. How's life out in New York?" Eric asks as they both take a seat next to his parents.

"Cold as you can imagine, but wonderful" she says with a genuine smile.

"Mom mentioned that you were doing well there" Eric exclaims.

"I am. Work is good, I have a fairly decent apartment that's not breaking my bank account and…I'm happy."

"You deserve it" he states and reaches for her hand which he squeezes.

"So you do" she simply responds and gives his hand a friendly squeeze back. He simply nods and the two fall into a comfortable silence and, for the first time since knowing each other, they feel a special bond formed from their ability to thrive after heartbreak.

"Do you want a coffee or muffin dear?" Mrs. Forman asks her. Jackie shakes her head from side to side and smiles at the older woman. She notices the lighter strands of hair and the deeper lines around her eyes and mouth. Jackie frowns and thinks about all the time that has passed since she was last in town and how much she has missed the couple to her right. Even Red appeared softer, frailer and less menacing than he had the last time she saw him.

The small group sits in silence, observing as others walk hurriedly past them, too busy to notice them. The mixed smell of coffee, bland food and vitamins is at first overwhelming and then almost comforting. Once every couple of minutes, Jackie would glance over at Donna and caught her looking at Eric a few times. How different things had turned out for them all. When once they thought they'd be bonded forever, they rarely see or speak to one another. Frankly, it takes difficult circumstances such as this to get them in the same room together.

"Any news?" Jackie hears Red say and she comes out of her daze to notice the doctor.

"Ms. Burkhart can I speak to you for a moment?" the doctor says looking to her.

"It's okay doctor, we can talk in front of them. They're his family as well."

"Very well. We're still monitoring and keeping a close eye on him and as of now, I think we're in the clear. We would have to run a few more tests with your permission."

"What kind of tests?" Donna chimes in from her spot in the room.

"Blood work mostly, and we would like to do another MRI and possibly take a few X-rays."

"But you said everything was stable" Donna says now walking over to the doctor.

"Well, yes but we want to be positive that there is no additional damage that may arise later on. I assure you this is pretty standard work."

"Do whatever you have to do" Jackie responds. The doctor nods and walks away from the group.

"You didn't even ask questions. You can't just give them permission to do whatever they want without knowing what's going on first" Donna says furiously to Jackie.

"He's a doctor, I feel confident enough that he knows what he's doing. Besides, you asked enough questions for all of us" Jackie replies.

"You can't just make these decisions by yourself. We're all here, you have to consult with us too Jackie."

"Actually, I don't. In case you forgot, I'm still his wife" Jackie answers with narrowed eyes. Donna's breath hitches and her nostrils flare. The inevitable showdown between the two women was near despite their best efforts to avoid it.

"You haven't been around in years. You shouldn't be allowed to make any decisions. Why don't you just sign the damn papers and give someone else the rights to make decisions?" Donna asks.

"Someone or you?" Jackie asks and cocks her head to one side.

"Alright you two, we're all very worried and stressed out, why don't we just take a seat and wait for some more news?" Kitty says wanting desperately to avoid any escalation to the situation.

"Oh we all know I should be making the decisions. I'm the one who has been here all along. I'm the one who was there when this all happened, who made sure he got here all right. He's my boyfriend" Donna continues.

"Yeah? Well he's my husband and that alone gives me the right to make decisions. So if you don't want me to have you escorted out of this hospital, I suggest you go back to your seat and your little magazine and not speak to me again."

Donna glares at her former friend and is about to object when Red steps in.

"Enough. Sit down, both of you. You will not embarrass us and cause a scene in this hospital. We're here for Steven and if you can't put your differences aside, then you can both leave."

"Do you think this is what I wanted? She's my best friend's wife and your best friend. We weren't looking for this, it just happened."

"No, it didn't just happen. You're both adults and knew better so don't you dare blame Eric and me for a choice you both made. Now you expect me to feel sorry for you? Well I don't. You made your choice. You chose her."

"Jackie, it's not like that. You're my wife, I chose you. I will always choose you. I made a mistake."

"A mistake happens once Steven. You've kept making the same damn choice over and over and I can't pretend I don't see it anymore or ignore it to save our marriage. Eric was smart to leave. He knew you two would never stop and I stupidly gave you the benefit of the doubt, thinking you loved me enough to stop. I can't do this anymore."

"Jackie, we can work this out."

"No, we can't."

"I'm going to go for a walk," Jackie tells the Forman. They both nod and Jackie watches as Kitty shifts in her seat nervously.

"I'll come with you" Eric says which earns him a pained look from Donna. Jackie can't help but feel satisfaction at her expense.

The pair walks out of the waiting room in silence, taking in the various other visitors with their anxious foot tapping, the rushing nurses and doctors and the cold air escaping from the vents.

"You know you shouldn't let her get to you" Eric says once they step outside.

The cold Wisconsin wind envelops Jackie immediately and she grabs the collar of her coat closer to her. The tension from inside dissipates immediately and she inhales deeply, taking in the clean smelling air. Instantly, she thinks about New York and what she would be doing right at this moment. Probably running errands, stopping for coffee with her girlfriends or shopping for some new décor for the house.

"You know that's easier said than done" she responds.

"I know, but it's really not worth it. Not anymore at least. You're in a good place now, don't let her take you back to the past."

"Again, easier said than done."

"You're better than that Jackie" Eric says, a frown on his face.

"Am I? I thought I was but I got so much satisfaction from rubbing my marriage in her face" Jackie says, equally disappointed in herself.

"You are. It's okay to still be mad for everything that's happened but don't yourself get stuck in that feeling."

"How did you get over it?" Jackie asks. It's been a while since she has thought about what happened a few years back. Ever since she moved to New York, it's been easy to adapt an "out of sight, out of mind" perspective. It got especially easy to move on when she met Lewis and she regained her happy. Being back home, however, brought all those buried feelings back and made her realize that she never quite got over what happened.

"Honestly? I had no other choice. I lost my best friend and my wife on the same day and for a while; I thought there was no way to get past that kind of betrayal. Then the more days passed, the angrier I got and it became so consuming that it took over every aspect of my life."

"I know the feeling" Jackie says, sympathizing with Eric.

"I yelled at mom one day. She was making me these pancakes that she always made because she knew they were my favorite. She left one on the stove too long and burned the edges a little bit and I just yelled at her. She cried. That's when I knew I had to get out of here because I was becoming someone I was ashamed of."

"I left too, but you don't seem as phased by being back here as I do" Jackie says, questioning why that is.

"Oh I am. Trust me, I am. But I'm not going to give them the power to make me forget all the great things that have happened to me. They have to live with what they did, have to be reminded of it every time they look at each other. We don't. We left and created great lives for ourselves with new people who make us happy. We don't have to sit on that burden and hurt like they do. So in the end, we won. Show them that we won."

Jackie looks at Eric and ponders his words. "We won?" she repeats, more to herself than to him.

Eric nods his head. "I'm going to head back in, see if there's any news." He reaches over and pats her shoulder. She nods and watches him walk back into the hospital. She starts to think about all that has happened over the last six and a half years and all the success, happiness, laughs and memories she has accumulated in that time. Eric is right. She has won.

"Jackie, I love you. We've been through so much and I know I'm stupid and it's my fault we're in this situation but I don't want to be with anyone other than you. "

"Steven, you slept with my best friend several times. So you don't love me and obviously she was important enough for you to risk what we had."


"I'm done. We're done."

A few minutes later, she follows suit and re-enters the hospital, determined to solidify her win once and for all. Once upstairs, she finds the doctor talking to the rest of the group, explaining the tests a little more in depth.

"Is Steven awake?" she interrupts.

"He is, the nurse is currently drawing blood for more tests," the doctor says.

"Can I see him?" she asks.

"I don't think that's appropriate," Donna argues.

"Uh, sure I will escort you" the doctor proposes and starts walking in the direction of Hyde's room.

"Jackie-" Donna starts to protest but Jackie ignores her and follows the doctor. She can hear Donna arguing with Eric but does not turn to look back.

"We're very happy with the progress he's made these last few days. Not many people get out of a car accident like that unscathed. He's lucky it's just a few bruises."

"Yes, he's lucky" she replies.

The doctor walks up to a door and from the small window, she can see a nurse labeling a few red vials. She looks over at Hyde on the hospital cot. It's been so long since she's seen his unruly hair or piercing blue eyes and she can't stop but stare at him.

"Right this way" the doctor exclaims and she makes eye contact with Hyde. His eyes widen and his mouth falls slightly agape. She was the last person he would have expected here. She fixes her stare to appear firm and not let him see how nervous she truly was.

"Are we all done?" the doctor asks the nurse who nods and picks up the tubes of blood. "Great. We'll give you both a minute" he says.

"Thanks" Jackie says and gives him a thankful nod.

A seemingly eternal silence falls between them in which they take in all the differences in each other. She notices the full beard, the looser curls highlighted by a few gray hairs. He takes in the straight hair, the extra freckles, and her wider hips. Through the many differences, there are so many similarities; the piercing, lustful stares, the tantalizing lips, the nervous ticks no one else could pick up.

She brings her index finger to her forehead and traces her right eyebrow and he smiles. It's what she did when the silence was awkward and she wanted to fill it but didn't dare be the first to speak.

"I didn't think you'd come" he says, taking her out of her misery.

"I am kind of legally obligated to be here" she points out.

He ponders this for a moment and realizes she is correct. "We never did file for divorce did we?"

"It appears that we didn't."

"It's not very typical for someone to go six years without seeing their spouse is it?"

"Not advisable, but here we are."

"Thank you for coming" Hyde starts and then stops himself. There is so much he wants to say, has wanted to say for the past six years and never got the chance to. There are so any regrets and apologies he owes her, but how does one even begin?

"Like I said, I was legally obligated to be here" she says, not wanting him to be hopeful that she came on her own accord.

"Right. I appreciate it regardless."

"You should really consider having someone else making medical decisions on your behalf. I can't guarantee that I wouldn't begrudgingly let them run experiments on you."

Hyde laughs and regrets it when a sharp pang strikes the side of his stomach.

"I won't stay long. Donna is pretty upset that I'm here at all" she says and sees him tense up. His smile falters and he clenches his jaw. He drops his gaze from her and the uncomfortable silence is back. This time, it lasts longer than before. She walks over to the chair by the window and she feels his eyes following her across the room.

"I'm sorry," he says.

"Don't. It's not why I'm here."

"I know, but I need to say it. I need to say it a million times because I am sorry."

"Steven, just-"

"Jackie, just listen."

"Jackie please, just listen."

Déjà vu.