Mary Jane sat in the cab next to Peter holding her ankle. He looked at her felt angry. He was angry that she was hurt, angry at the mugger, and angry at himself. He failed to be there for her. He didn't show his anger cause it was covered up with concern, but MJ new there was something that he wasn't saying.

"What is it?" she asked him.

"What?" he asked.

"What are you thinking about?"

"I'm sorry," he said looking at her as if his puppy had died.

"What are you sorry about?"

"I'm sorry I wasn't there to stop it."

"Pete you can't blame yourself for what happened. I mean how could of you known that I was going to be mugged. It's not your fault that you weren't there. You can't always be there when something bad happens."

"I know and that's what scares me. What if you couldn't get away?"

"We can play what if all day and scare ourselves into never leaving our apartments."

"That's true."

"Don't be hard on yourself because its not your fault. And don't think you weren't there for me cause your here right now taking care of me."

The cab pulled over near the emergency room and Peter paid the cab driver and helped Mary Jane out of the cab. Peter entered the emergency room and walked to the front desk with MJ leaning against his shoulder.

"Hello, how can I help you?" asked the lady behind the desk.

"This is Mary Jane Watson," Peter responded, "and she was mugged and injured by the mugger."

"Where is the injury?"

"My right ankle was cut by a knife and I think I need a couple of stitches," MJ said getting right to the point.

"Just go behind that curtain over there and lay down," the woman said," we will get to you as soon as possible."

Peter waited with MJ behind the curtain that went around the hospital bed. It had been thirty minutes and no one had helped them yet. They must be busy. Then all of a sudden his spider sense began to tingle at the bottom of his head. He poked his head out of the curtain and saw nurses and doctors rush around the place dodging medical equipment. He didn't see any danger. Across the way through a window he saw a doctor talking on the phone. She was young blonde woman with her hair tied up neatly in a pony tail. He couldn't tell what she was saying but it looked like a pretty intense conversation. She looked up and at where Peter was and he turned his eyes and head away quickly. She then hung up the phone and exited out the door to the curtain where Peter was peaked his head out of. His spider sense kept tingling a little. He didn't get it.

"Sir has anyone helped you yet?" she asked.

" No one has yet," he said.

"Well I'll help you," she said, "what's the problem here?"

Mary Jane butted into the conversation, "I was walking home tonight from work and I was mugged. I told the guy I didn't have anything and when I tried to get away he got a good shoot at my ankle." MJ just got straight to the point because she was tired and wanted to go home and sleep and get something for the pain.

"Looks like you just need some stitches," the doctor said looking at the wound," let me go and get a kit."

Five minutes later she was back. "This is to numb the area," she said taking out a shot. Peter's spider sense began to tingle again pick at the bottom of his head. It must be because she is getting a shot. He thought that must be it. Ten minutes later she was all done.

"Thanks doctor....," he said helping MJ up from the bed.

"Lewis and don't thank me. Its my job," she said in a weird tone.


The woman left in a hurry around the corner.

"That was a little weird," MJ said.

"Ya just a bit," he said still looking at the corner. "Well let's get you home." **************************************************************************** ****************************************************************

"I did what you said," Dr. Lewis said on the phone," and I don't ever have to do it again."

There was a pause. "Yes I know you covered it up for me," she said in an irritated tone.

"Why did you want to do that anyways to a poor girl?" Pause.

"Ya I see. I know you always have your reasons." Pause.

"Bye." Click. **************************************************************************** **************************************************************** Ring! Ring! Ring!

Lenny got up and stumbled over the stuff in his apartment in the dark to fine the phone.

"Hello?" he said tired.

"I got a call from my boss," said the man Lenny had talked to earlier," and he doesn't need you for Part A."

"How come?"

"Seems that he took care of it. Something about how it's more reliable to work that way and faster."

"I'm still on for Part B?"

"Yes. You'll get a call when its time."

A/N: Sorry I haven't updated lately. Well since May. Just hasn't had that much time. But don't worry I didn't forget about it. I can't say when I will update again. Hope you enjoy! Please review!