It had been a little over a year since Harry left Manhattan. Whoever captured Mary Jane that night last year hadn't shown up since then. Mary Jane has had some modeling jobs here and there and has been taking acting lessons. She still works at the diner. Peter is still taking pictures for the Daily Bulge and is still going to school. Things have been all right for the couple.

Mary Jane walked down the street down to the diner. She was happy cause it seemed that spring was coming soon. She was tired of it being freezing cold.

"Hey Lenny," MJ said. Lenny worked at the newspaper stand. He has had a major crush on MJ since the day she walked by him.

"Oh hey MJ," he said back nervously. "The usual?"

"Ya, one Daily Bulge."

"Here you go," he said handing the paper to her. He thought that he would leave wet spots on it cause his palms were so sweaty.

She began to get money out of her purse but she was having trouble getting it out. "Oh no don't worry about it. Its on me today," he said.

"Thanks. Well I'll see ya later Lenny."

"Hey before you go MJ I want to ask you something."

She stopped in her tracks "What is it?"

Finally I have the nerve to ask her out he thought. "Um.MJ would you like to um.go out on a date with me this Friday?"

MJ sighed to herself and gave a little frown. "I'm sorry Lenny but I already have a boyfriend."

He could almost feel his heart breaking. "Oh I'm sorry MJ I should of know that a beautiful girl like you already has a boyfriend."

"Hey Lenny you're a great guy there will be a girl that will come along for you one day."

There was an awkward silence. MJ decide that it would be a good idea for her to leave now. "Well I got to Lenny I'll see you later."

"Bye," he said. He watched her go away. He's never felt this awful in his life.

Spider-Man web swigged though the city when his spider sense went off. He looked around and saw that the that the bank on the corner was being robbed. "Well here I go," he said to himself as he approached the bank.

"Come on hurry up before the police get here," one of the robbers said as he jumped into a van. The other robber ran out of the bank after him.

'"Not so fast," Spider-Man said and pointed his arm at the wheel of the van and released a large amount of webbing to it so the tire wouldn't be able to move.

"It's Spidey! I'm out of here," one of the robbers yelled as he started to run away. He didn't get to far though cause Spider-Man released another strand of webbing and pulled him back. Then one of the robbers came at him. POW! Spidey's fist hit him in the stomach sending him flying backwards unconscious just like the other robber. Then the driver came out of the van running at him with a knife.

"Come on pal look at your buddies its over," Spider-Man said as he pulled back his fist. He punched him in the jaw and twisted his arm to let the knife go. As he left the scene before the police came he webbed the "three stooges" together.

"I am sick of that menace interfering with my business!" The King Pin shouted out. "I was going to get a fair amount of money from that robbery. That's not the only time he has interfered!" He kept watching the screen that said robbery foiled by Spider-Man. "Snife, its time to bring out the old file on Spider-Man. And maybe a little more research will be needed."

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Like it? Well if you do please review. Sorry if the chapter seemed short. That's just how I write. And if you are wondering what happened to Harry then obviously you didn't read Fallen Spider. Please review.