Chapter 2

(Bella's POV)

I can't believe what I am looking at. I was standing here, but yet I am over there standing at the edge of the forest. She's stands there comfortable not one look of fear on her face as she stands in-between us and the wolves. She seems as if she's not even paying attention to what's going on around her. Suddenly, she turns her head and makes direct eye contact with me. Even though she is nowhere near me I am able to make out the color of her eyes. They are blue. And not just any blue. It is a deep dark blue that is only ever replicated through clothes and fabrics. It's the color the ocean should be. It was the color of life. It was drawing me in as if it were a siren calling me. I felt like I was being called home.

I move to take an unconscious step forward. My movement seems to spark movement amongst the others around me. Edward pulls me back behind him and steps protectively in front of me. A deep growl is rumbling deep down in his chest. The others Cullens move to form a line. A protective wall in front of me. Where they going to fight her?

She calmly starts to walk in the direction towards us. The wolves are snarling and some of the Cullen members are starting to crouch in preparation for a fight. "No!" Carlisle says to Jasper, Emmet, and Rose who are ready to attack. Carlisle steps out of the Cullen line and speaks to me, no…he speaks to her, calmly and amicably he says. "Hello, who are you?" she ignores Carlisle and continues to walk towards me looking me straight in the eyes.

I feel like there are invisible strings connecting me and her to each other. Lightning bolts of electricity are traveling through these strings making my heart pound rapidly in my chest. Every step she takes makes the strings more visible and more electrifying. It fells wonderful.

"I'm going to need you to stop walking you're getting to close." Carlisle says losing some of his friendly tone as his voice turns firm. Again she ignores Carlisle and continues to walk straight towards us still staring directly into my eyes. The strings are glowing more bright and I can hear the electricity starting to sizzle. Was I the only one aware of this happening?

"I said stop." Carlisle said completely losing his friendly tone. Surprisingly she stops, but I don't think it has anything to do with what Carlisle said. She is now a few short yards away from us. Staring deeply into my eyes. The string lights are getting so bright it is blinding me. The only sound that I am aware of are Edward's deep growls next to me, and the loud sizing and popping of the electricity coming from the strings. It is becoming deafening. Before I can even move to show any sign of my growing discomfort, as the strings went from soothing to painful, everything goes silent and the bright light is gone.

I release the breath that I didn't even realize that I was holding. As I blink and stare into her eyes. The clearing is loud with the combined snarling of the wolves and the growls of the Cullens. The sounds barely even register into my consciousness as I stare at her. Suddenly her mouth quirks upward into a half smile and she says to me in the most enchanting voice.

"Are you ready to be whole again spirit?"

Authors Note:

Hey! I know that my chapters are short I am trying to make them gradually get longer as I continue into the story. I would really be motivated to update quicker if you all would let me know what you think of the story so far. Please Read and Review! :)