Two beings to whom time had all but lost its meaning stood in a police precinct in L.A., contemplating immortality. Ways to circumvent immortality, to be precise.

"What if we shot you into the sun?"


"They are bound to develop the technology to do that one day."

Pierce tilted his head to the side, considering "That ... might actually work."

Lucifer hummed, thinking his idea through. "If it does not work though, you will be pretty much screwed."

"Hmm." Pierce said, monosyllabic as ever.

Lucifer huffed, frustrated that the solution had eluded him so far. To be fair, Pierce had quite the head start in trying to end his life.

"What if we were to put you on ice? Cryogenic sleep? It wouldn't be the same as death, but very close."

"Tried it. I ... thaw."

Lucifer rubbed his temples. "It's like you're trying to be difficult about this!", he said accusingly. Pierce didn't deign that statement with an answer.

Lucifer sighed. "There is one hypothesis of mine I haven't shared with you yet." He looked through the window of Pierce's office to where Chloe was standing, holding a case file, instructing a fellow officer about something.

Pierce raised an eyebrow, following his gaze.

"Shortly after I met the detective, I was shot six times while in close proximity to her."

Pierce furrowed his brow. "That's mentioned nowhere in the case files."

"I shouldn't think so, no. I was entirely unaffected. Thinking about it later, I put it down to the fact that we barely knew each other then. That maybe I hadn't been exposed to her enough yet to be made vulnerable." He paused. "There are ... other possible explanations though."

Pierce stared at him with an unreadable expression. It really was like talking to a wall with him sometimes.

"It might be that she only started affecting me after I- after- um-"

"After you developed feelings for her", Pierce finished, his tone carefully neutral.

"After I started caring about her", Lucifer amended.

"I've considered that variable."

"You have?" Lucifer asked, surprised.

"When it comes to my death, I never leave any possible avenues unexplored, but-"


Pierce sighed. He suddenly looked weary. "But, allowing myself to care for her is potentially more threatening to my well-being than, say, shooting myself into the sun."


Pierce looked back out of the window at the subject of their conversation. Lucifer noticed a miniscule change in the set of his jaw, and knew he had reached a decision. He wasn't sure he was going to like it.

Pierce purposefully strode to the door.

"Wait", Lucifer called after him, suddenly anxious.

Pierce turned around. Lucifer saw in the set of his shoulders that he was readying himsef for a fight.

"There is one favour I would ask of you."

Pierce relaxed, clearly having expected something else.

"If it does work, don't kill yourself."

Pierce just stared at him, confused. Lucifer took a deep breath and went on.

"Grow old with her. Give her a shot at happiness. She deserves it."

Realization spread over Pierce's face and he regarded Lucifer with something akin to pity for a moment. Then he nodded.

"What's one more lifetime", he answered jovially.

"Make this one count", Lucifer said, his voice almost threatening.

"Of course", Pierce said. Then he turned around and left the office.

Lucifer watched him approach Chloe. He watched her smile warmly at Pierce and there was a sudden lump in his throat. You deserve someone worthy of you. And that's not me. He had been right then. It had been foolish of him to think otherwise. You deserve someone better. Someone worthy of your grace. He wasn't sure Pierce was worthy, either. But that was not up to him to decide. He took a shaky breath and, without sparing the two of them another glance, rushed out of the precinct, vowing never to return.