This is one of the projects that I had in mind long ago. This fic. is inspired by 'Logan' or the comicbook story 'Old Man Logan' which delves onto the future of the Marvel universe wherein Wolverine is now aging and weaker than what he once was. I drew inspiration for that story, using All Might or Toshinori, I thought it would be a good match to try and adapt in with my own twists. Hopefully it goes out well, this is going to be a short story, not really too much chapters, anywho, R&R it helps a lot in improving my own quality of writing.
"Ahh, fuck, not another one of you damn fuckers again…"
A large bulky man got in front of Toshinori and looked at him square in the eye. The large man dipped his sunglasses lower to his eyes so that his could meet with Toshinori's blue ones, he cackled in delight upon seeing the battered and bruised state of the once greatest hero that ever existed. Now, he only stared at the hallow husk of who was once known as All Might.
"What's the matter Yagi? Can't send me flying off the room ey?" the bulky man taunted. Toshinori gritted his teeth and clenched his fists tight. He glared back at the bulky man and continued on his way, harshly shoving him in the shoulder.
"Stay the fuck away from me." He warned, the bulky man licked his lips and lunged at Toshinori, shoving him into a brick wall and punching him in the gut. Soon, his lackeys came one by one, each with their own sets of brass knuckles and chains and one of them even carried a steel baseball bat.
"Who the fuck is this crack-head, Bou-chan?"
"Yeah! What's the big deal, who the hell is this bozo?"
"You poor motherfucker…"
They stared at Toshinori for a brief moment, the tall man rising up to his feet and raising his fists. He wasn't going to go down without a fight.
"Eh? Would you look at that, the fucker still thinks he's a hero." They all ridiculed Toshinori who stood vigilant and on-guard to himself. He steeled his senses before grabbing the leader of the thugs, smashing his face onto the brick wall, quickly knocking him out in the process.
"What the hell, get him!" yelled one of the lackeys of the bulky man who was out cold on the floor. Toshinori kicked down the man who carried the steel baseball bat, using it to smash the base of the bat onto the guy's stomach, sending him crumpling on the floor. Two thugs left, and he spat out some blood coming from his mouth. It dribbled onto the side of his lips and he could taste the iron of the crimson liquid.
"You bastard!" the two men lunged at him at the same time, they both managed to land a good hit on his side using their brass knuckles. Toshinori didn't let himself crumple on the floor yet. He anchored his arm onto a wire fence and held on for dear life. He spat more blood on the ground and glared at the two men. Gripping the steel bat from his right hand, he gritted his teeth and swung so hard at the first man to lunge at him. The man was a bloodied mess and was carried off by one of their conscious members. The last man that came face to face with Toshinori cackled and flipped him the bird. The man had a bird-like mask and wore leather gloves on his hands.
"Chisaki, remember my name as I finish you off you washed up has-been!" he laughed maniacally under his mask and ran towards Toshinori. Toshinori could barely stand in his state, his side was aching so bad coupled with the fact that he hasn't taken his medications yet to treat him spitting blood constantly.
"You must be mistaken young man… For I WILL NEVER CRUMBLE!" he laughed himself, not one of joy, but one of bitterness and hate. He hated what he had become. He hated it all and just wanted it to end. Using the last ounces of strength he has, Toshinori dodged one of the man's punches and grabbed him by the neck.
"When… Face against insurmountable odds… Remember my name… AS I GO BEYOND PLUS ULTRA!" Toshinori slammed the man hard on a dumpster. Chisaki was knocked out, Toshinori let out a sigh of relief, clutching his sides and dragging himself out of the dark alleyways.
"It's a fucking bitter story book ending don't ya' think, Nana?"
Rain slowly poured down, Toshinori sat by a lamppost, crumbling and heavily injured. Using the steel bat as a clutch, he staggered his way back to his home. He still had duties to fulfill. He dragged his injured body towards a rundown building and sighed, the un-kept grass, broken windows and a rusted gate. He always winced when he saw the run-down state of what was once U.A.
"I remembered you going out uninjured. What the hell happened?" A voice from behind Toshinori spoke, the gruff man walked towards his injured friend to assist him. Toshinori silently strode with the assistance of Aizawa Shouta.
"Shouta, did you give him the meds yet?" he grunted out in pain, sitting by a couch that they had inside. Shouta grabbed some bandages and Toshinori's meds, giving it to the injured man and wrapping his torso with the bandage after disinfecting some small cuts.
"No, Nezu goes insane after taking two of the pills a day." He sighed and sat back down with his friend. Toshinori looked at the rundown state of U.A. and chuckled bitterly, stray tears streaming down his bony face as he angrily wiped them off.
"This… This is no fucking way to live Shouta."
"Look you can't keep on blaming yourself. Gran Torino, Nana, all the other teachers and students are gone!" Shouta yelled back, scolding Toshinori about the incident that happened years ago.
"You should go and talk with Nezu, he'll know what to say…." Mumbled Shouta before walking off into the dimly-lit coridoor, presumably to his room, Toshinori grunted in pain when he stood up and walked into Nezu's room.
"Toshinori! C'mere hehehehe… I had a vision!" exclaimed the animal who was bound in a wheelchair and had graying fur all over his body. Nezu looked at him with beady eyes and pointed to something far off into the horizon of the room's window.
"Y'see that eh? Y'see? That's where the make those kids with quirks!" Nezu coughed before breaking into a fit of laughter. His sanity was slowly slipping, the medications given to him by Toshinori and Shouta were to prevent him from remembering the incident that happened years ago.
When All-For-One beat Toshinori in their final duel, numerous students and teachers died from the massacre. Shout and Toshinori, managed to find a mangled Nezu amongst the ruins of city block, they fled with Nezu and hid for a long time.
"All Might… You… 're here…? Where's… The students… Teachers…?" Nezu mumbled out, wildly looking around at his surroundings and yelling at the top of his lungs. The poor animal fell from his wheelchair from all his thrashing, Toshinori went up to help Nezu, but found it extremely hard when he saw how much his friend was struggling. Nezu was cripped when All Might and All-For-One fought. He desperately defended the students, but he was too weak to do so.
"Where the fuck are we, Toshinori…" he cried out, wiping tears from his eyes with his paws and sobbing out loud. He gasped and tried to prop himself up with his weak arms. Toshinori walked over to him and scooped Nezu up, setting him down gently on his bend and tucking the old animal in.
Nezu reached over to Toshinori's hand and frowned. "Toshinori… What happened?..." his eyes wet with tears and desperately looking for answers. Toshinori sighed and wiped away his own tears.
"Everyone… Everyone is dead… All-For-One beat me… I couldn't… I couldn't save everyone…" he cried out, burying his face in his eyes. Nezu whimpered out a sob and coughed.
Wiping away his tears, Toshinori gave Nezu a sad smile before leaving the room. "This is no fucking way to live Toshinori!" he yelled out, plopping back down to his bed, passing out from exhaustion.
Toshinori grabbed a bottle of whiskey from his room and raised a shaky hand towards a picture frame that he had on his nightstand. He looked at it fondly and let his tears fall down in grief.
"Nana… Torino… What do I do..."
~ End