Of Blindness and Friendship

Summary: AU: This is a story about the unlikely friendship between a blind girl and pirate. Could there be more than just friendship in the end? Slight Fem!LuffyxAce

Genre: Alternative Universe, Angst, Drama, Family, Slice of life, Fluff

Disclaimers: One Piece © by Oda Eiichiro


Eighteen months later.

Luffy had her operation one month after that— working up for her operation took her that long— and despite the low percentage of the success, she overcame all the odds and was able to see again. It took her six months to fully recover— meaning it took her six months to get rid of her grandfather and Dadan fretting about her condition— before she went back to her old self again. Cheerful, active and a headache for her grandfather.

Meanwhile, with the help of Makino, during her recovery she and Ace wrote to each other twice a month. Few times, they used the tone dial if they really missed each other too much. One day, to her delight, Ace gave her his red beads necklace— a gift for himself on his debut as a pirate— and a piece of paper that he said will lead to him someday or whatever that means, she asked Makino to stitch the paper into her straw hat for safekeeping anyways.

During the times she's well enough to read and write letters for Ace herself, she indulged herself with the full details of Ace's adventure in Grand Line, which sparked her interest to be a pirate again. She wanted to see the world now she's able to see again.

Maybe someday.


Ace is worried.

Luffy's letter is late for three weeks, and even if he wanted to hopped into one of their mini boats and go back to Fuchsia Village to check up on her, he couldn't. Or more like, his father and siblings wouldn't let him go, not after his encounter with Garp the Fist, of all people, in one of Marine protected island they so unfortunately found for restocking their items months ago.

When Garp finally recognised Ace, he was quick to infused his Haki in to his fist and threw it to Ace. If it wasn't because of Ace's keen observation haki, he would have been hit by the Vice Admiral's famous 'fist of love' and well, he would most probably end up much with more than a concussion from it.

Suffice to say, Ace shuddered while remembering their horrific encounter, the second division commander was force to hide inside the depth Moby Dick to avoid the overprotective grandfather of his girlfriend for the duration of their stay on that island.

"Heh." Ace giggled, yes, he giggled every time the word 'girlfriend' followed next to Luffy's name.

Anyways, he is now locked in Moby Dick (even until now, he could still hear Garp's threat that he will follow Ace, even at the end of the world), fortunately, there are no news about Goa Kingdom and they do say 'no news is good news', so his family dismissed his plea to return to Fuschia village.

The last time Luffy wrote to him, she did mention that she'll not be writing to him for few days or weeks for some reason that she will reveal to him next time. But since he's an awesome boyfriend, he's worried ('fretting' is what Thatch joked about it) about the well-being of his girlfriend.

Right now, he's lying on his bed in his private quarters. He just finished his long overdue paperworks and his head his throbbing in pain. Ace just wanted to sleep, but Luffy and her whereabouts is plaguing his mind preventing him from doing so.

Ace was about to roll on the other side when his door suddenly slammed open. He jerked his body upright and his wide eyes stumbled at the panting Sabo standing on his doorway.

"PORTGAS D. ACE, YOU BETTER START EXPLAINING NOW OR SO HELP ME GOD!" Sabo, his sworn brother and best friend since childhood, glowered at him. The blonde young man made his way to him, stomping all the way.

"The fuck...?" Ace, understandably confuse by the suddenness, muttered in irritation.

Sabo slammed his hands over Ace's shoulders, the latter winced in pain in return, and shook him harshly. "I need to hear your explanation!" His brother, once again, bellowed that only escalate Ace's irritation.

"Explanation for what?" Ace asked dizzily, shrugging Sabo's hands off him.

"Please, excuse me." A calm voice said.

Sabo and Ace turned their eyes to the door. A man in his forties wearing a dirty robe over his obvious buffed body entered Ace's room, uninvited.

Sabo gasped and hurriedly went towards the newcomer. "Dragon-san, please, I said I'll talk to him first. This might be a little misunderstanding."

Ace anchored his eyebrow. "What the hell is happening, 'Bo? And who's this old man?" He asked, feeling that he deserved to be angry when his brother and this mysterious old man invaded his sanctuary. Not that Sabo is not allowed inside— he did visited him couple of times before—, but right now he's sooo tired and his mind is too busy thinking about his girlfriend that he just wanted to be left alone, thank you very much!

Sabo scandalously glared at Ace, clearly offended by his choice of words. "Old man?! Don't you—,"

The said 'old man' patted Sabo on his shoulder, which automatically calm the blonde young man down with his misplaced hysteria, and said, "Please calm down, Sabo. I'm only here to personally meet the person my daughter's so enamoured with." He gave Ace a calculating gaze, as if gaging Ace's worth or something.

Ace, on the contrary, blinked his eyes. "Uh, daughter?" He asked, tilting his head to the side in confusion.

The older man cough, straightening his back. "Hello, Portgas D. Ace, my name is Monkey D. Dragon, leader of the revolutionary army. And the father of Luffy." He said rather casually.

Sabo kept his silence, but he has his lips pursed into a thin line and his brows tangled together.

Dragon's words processed in Ace's mind rather slowly, but when it finally dawn into him, Ace's eyes bulged from his socket and his jaw slacked downwards. "Monkey... daughter...? FATHER?! Oh shit!" He leaped from his bed, folded his legs under him and straightened his back formally. Silently thanking Izou and his his lessons about proper manners that he drilled on him years ago. "Uhm, hi! I'm Ace, Portgas D. Ace, nice to meet you, Dad! I-I mean... N-nice to meet you Luffy's dad!" He squeaked, bowing so low that the tip of his nose almost touched the surface of his bed.

Sabo, clearly peeved at Ace's awkward politeness, sighed in exasperation, slapping a hand against his forehead. On the other hand, Dragon was only looking at Ace with mere curiosity.

"So, it's true?" Sabo inquired impatiently to his brother.

"What is?" Ace asked in return, while in the awkward half-bent position.

"That you're in a relationship with Lu? Dragon-san's daughter?"

Ace bolted up. He frowned his eyebrows, not likely in the slightest that his brother addressed Luffy using her nickname. "You know her?" He doesn't want to sound like a jealous and possessive boyfriend, but screw that, he's jealous and he's the boyfriend. Ace thinks that he deserves to feel that way.

The obvious irritation emitting from his brother amused Sabo, so he lightly chuckled and shook his head. "I only met her twice in my life of knowing Dragon and working in revolutionary army. And she only knew me as Sabo, your brother."

He remembered his first encounter of Luffy. When Dragon was informed by Garp that Luffy lost her eyesights, he immediately abandoned the mission then and went to Goa Kingdom. Sabo wasn't supposed to be with Dragon, he was ordered to return to their HQ East Blue branch but he insisted to go along with the man he considered as his father figure, it was the first time he has seen Dragon so worried, restless even. He's always calm and calculating. They arrived at the former residence of Monkey family, a bungalow type house just behind Party's bar, and out of respect for Dragon, Sabo stayed outside while he quickly went towards his daughter's side.

He didn't mean to eavesdropped, but Dragon and Garp weren't exactly conscious with the volume of their shouting. They both want to take custody of the Luffy— who was fifteen back then— but in the end Garp won the argument, seeing that Luffy is not safe with Dragon.

Sabo took a peek from the nearest window when he heard a soft sobbing, he saw Luffy, crying her heart out as the a large woman with orange hair glared at Garp and Dragon and a young lady wearing a bandana comforting Luffy. Sabo was quite mesmerised with Luffy's cute face.

After days of staying with her daughter, Dragon reluctantly left Luffy's side, but he couldn't risk her safety as well.

The second time he met her was just months ago. She was able to see her again, Sabo was caught off guard seeing her all smiles and sparkling with happiness. But remembering their... erhm... conversation back then, Sabo couldn't helped but to pout.

"Hi!" Luffy greeted, suddenly appearing out of nowhere.

"H-hello..." he was surprised and confused all at the same time, surprise that she can finally see again, and confuse that she's here greeting him while leisurely waltzing across the hallway of the secret HQ of Revolutionary army in East Blue branch.

She was wearing ripped shorts, red tee shirt and sneakers. Her hair was pulled into a loose messy bun, but what was odd about her outfit was the straw hat that was bouncing behind her.

"Have you seen my father?" She asked, tilting her head to the side, which Sabo found a cute gesture.

"Erm, he's in his office, I think, do you want me to—,"

Luffy shook her head. "No, thanks! I can manage. See ya!" She said, and then she nonchalantly walk away towards Dragon's office.

"Sabo has a crush on Dragon-san's daughter." Koala, who appeared out of nowhere, said casually to Hack, not bothering to lower her voice or even not afraid if Sabo can hear her or not.

Hack nodded sagely.

"Well, if you want, you can be her husband." Dragon added, as soon as he heard that his daughter arrived at their HQ, he was quick to leave overseeing of the new recruits to one of his subordinates.

Sabo's face blushed into deep red. "D-Dragon-san! I can't— I mean— Iwouldn'tm-mindtobeherhusbandbut— but—"

"He's stuttering." Hack jived, tapping a finger on his chin.

Koala nodded. "He's shy. Wow, can't believe I'll see the day where our dear Chief of Staff will be this fluster."

"S-SHUT UP!" Sabo exclaimed in embarrassment.

"I can't marry you." The voice behind Sabo said.

The Chief of Staff twitched and rigidly turned around. "L-Luffy..." his heart clenched a little when his mind registered what she just said.

Luffy turned to face Dragon, her solemn black orbs met Dragon's. "I want you to know that I'm with Ace, dad. I love him, and he loves me back." She said, eyes glimmering with determination and seriousness.

Sabi blinked his eyes, recognising the name Luffy mentioned. "A-Ace... As in...?"

Luffy, then, beamed and turned to Sabo. "Yep! Portgas D. Ace, second division commander of Whitebeard Pirates. Oh, and you're his brother, right? I'm Luffy, but you can call me Lu or something. Hehe, nice to meet you, Onii-chan!" She chirped, lifting a hand to Ace for a handshake.

Sabi blink once.


Before he gawked animatedly at Luffy. "WAIT, WHAT?!"

To say that he was shock about the revelation was an understatement of the century.

'She even called me 'Onii-chan'...' Sabo sighed inwardly.

Dragon did not voice his disagreement or acceptance with Luffy's newly found relationship with Ace, but he was eerily quiet that time and after that. Since then, Dragon kept asking about Ace's background but Sabo loved his knucklehead of a brother— even if Ace is a knucklehead sometimes— so he's not just going to reveal his brother's parentage to Dragon even if he is his mentor, father figure and his boss rolled into one.

Sabo shook his head. He forced himself from his train of thoughts before he get lost with it. "But that doesn't answer my question! Are you really in a relationship with Luffy?"

"It's... kind of complicated..?" Ace answered with unsure expression.

Sabi grunted, "Ace! I'm serious! Are you or are you not dating Luffy?"

"It's not official but the feelings are mutual!" Which is the truth, despite admitting their feelings through letters and tone dial, it would definitely feel different and sincere if they confessed their feelings personal. Luffy confessing to him is not counted.

"So, you're really dating my daughter then." Dragon asked, Sabo was starting to sweat seeing the seriousness in Dragon's face. He's always serious, but today he's alarmingly intimidating as well. Like he's trying to scare Ace but also doing it in a very subtle way.

"Yes, of course." Ace nodded, throwing all the apprehension and the need to make a great first impression to his girlfriend's father out of the window. If he's trying to intimidate him and make him break up with Luffy, well he's into a severe disappointment.

Sabo lifted an eyebrow, with his brother's past relationship escapade it was all about benefits and fun. With Luffy, however, Sabo doesn't want to admit it but she made a serious man out of Ace.

"You know I'm planning of engaging Sabo with Luffy?" Dragon casually said.

On the contrary, Sabo snapped his head to him.

"What?!" Ace hissed, the Chief of Staff doesn't like how the flames started licking on Ace's shoulders while glaring sharply at him.

"Dragon-san! You know I would never agree to that! Hey— don't you dare use your devils fruit on— dammit Ace!" He exclaimed in panic as he kept dodging Ace's flaming fists.

Ace lifted a palm, and a ball of fire suddenly appeared hovering from it. "I don't care if you're my brother, I will not hand over Luffy to you that easy! Or ever!"

"I don't like Luffy!" Which is a half lie, he's got a crush at Luffy, but only a little! But still, he wouldn't dare steal Luffy from him! 'Come on, man, where's your faith to your sworn brother?!' Sabo nearly ducked out of Ace's flaming fist again. "I mean, yeah she's cute and all but I only see her as a little sister! So, don't you dare throw that fire balls of yours at me!" He pulled out his weapon of choice, a water pipe, which he embedded with his haki to defend himself.

"Enough." Dragon appeared between brothers, not even slightly alarmed that he stood between two haki users. "I was the one who wants Luffy to marry Sabo someday. I know the kid and trust him enough that he will treat my daughter right and well." He said, defending his second-in-command.

Ace clenched his jaw, he didn't like how Luffy's father making it out like he doesn't deserve her. Well, to hell with his opinion. "I love your daughter and I will not do anything to hurt her. However, I'm not going to just stand idly on the side line if you're going to force her to marry Sabo, or anyone else for that matter." He hissed, completely forgetting that he's talking to Luffy's father, or the person who leads the revolutionary army— heck, Dragon is the most wanted criminal in the world!

"Ace..." Sabo murmured, bedazzled by Ace's newly found determination about showing his sincerity for Luffy.

Dragon only blinked, but softly chuckle in return. "Heh. You've got guts kid. Think I know the reason how you survived my father's wrath." He joked, shaking his head after. "And I'm not going to hurt the person who was responsible for changing my daughter's mind in taking the operation. In fact, I should be thanking you. So thanks, kid." The older man smiled, a mellowed one.

"Uhm, you're welcome?" Ace was caught off guard with the sudden change of Dragon's expression.

"And here, take this." He pulled out a folded paper from his pocket and handed it to Ace.

"What is this?" He accepted the paper nonetheless.

"This is the real reason why I came to see you today. It came out this morning, and I'm sure you'll find that very interesting." He said, acting so mysterious all of a sudden, which cause a confusion to the second division commander.

"Sigh..." Sabo exhaled, looking so tired.

"?" Ace furrowed his eyebrows.

"Let's go outside, Sabo. I think we disturbed Whitebeard and his crew enough for today." He said, and then he started making his way towards the door.

"O-okay." Sabo answered, he followed Dragon outside not after giving his brother a quick nod.

Ace watched the two leave his quarter, before he unfolded the paper, he doesn't know why but he's feeling nervous about what the paper would reveal to him.

And he was not disappointed. In fact, he was beyond astounded when his eyes travelled to the familiar round and pretty face— the face he so longed to see and touch— the paper revealed to him.

She was winking at the camera, smiling without the care in the world, the smile that was not suited for a wanted poster.

The smile he loves so much.


Wanted Dead or Alive: Straw Hat Luffy of Straw Hat Pirate!

"See you at the top, Ace ^_~v!"

The End

Ohhh~~~ the current timeline is almost two years after Whitebeard Pirates left the Goa Kingdom. It was enough for Luffy to heal her eyes while doing some training. Probably. She's Luffy, guys, are your expecting anything less than that? lol!

In between her recovery, she visited her father in their East Blue branch HQ, where she met Sabo for the second time for him and first time for her. But she recognised him from Ace's letters. This also happened before Teach's betrayal, in my heart though, Thatch will forever live. Heh.

I'm writing another story, but the progress is too slow, I keep hitting the dead end so I guess I'm going to post it much, much later. But this is the synopsis or the draft plot.

"A young woman forms a bond with a young man while on a road trip."

See you, guys, again! ;)

Love lots,

Gummy :)