I take sip from the beer I just opened up. I'm watching as Hinata is interacting with Yamaguchi. Asahi, Suga, Daichi, Tanaka and I came to the graduation party Yamaguchi is having. It's so weird how much they changed over the past school year. I had only been able to tend a few volleyball games they had due to school and work.
"You're gazing at him again," sang Tanaka lowly in my ear.
"Whatever," I muttered looking away from little red. He dressed in some destroyed jeans with a destroy graphic tee shirt advertising Pepsi. Hinata has actually gotten taller, not taller than me but he is close.
"Why don't you just go and talk to him," suggested Tanaka looking at me. I just continue to look at those around me, anything but Hinata. "You know he is bi right." How the hell does he even know this? I don't know why I'm surprised Tanaka tends to be in everyone's business.
"You could just be saying that," I replied knowing he wouldn't.
"I would never do you like that," said Tanaka trying his best innocent face. "He pretty much made a love confession with Sugawara a couple of months ago, he let him down gently though." I go back to staring at Hinata. What did he like about Suga? I mean sure Sugawara is cute, he's a nice guy but he has no fire what so ever. I stare at Hinata wondering what kind of guys he likes.
"I'll talk to him whenever he makes his way over," I explain. "That doesn't mean I want to get into his pants." Tanaka rolls his eyes.
"Okay buddy," he said before walking away rubbing his buzzed hair. I finish my beer going to get me another one. I smile to myself as it dawned on me I finally actually managed to be taller than Hinata not by much. It's nice to be the taller one between the two of us. I'm 5'8 and he is 5'7, I am guessing right now since he is across the room and we haven't been side by side yet. I can feel my buzz starting to kick in as I'm just sitting here tossing drinks back watching my friends around me. I see Yamaguchi make his way over to me.
"Hey Noya," he smiles.
"Nice party kid," I smiled.
"You think?" he questioned. "I was worried I wouldn't be able to get the booze for the party. That was a lot of work but I'm glad you're enjoying yourself." Hardly, although I'm enjoying seeing everyone I probably would have been home with a guy by now. I haven't any in a while and I would much rather be getting laid. I just nod.
"Well I have to go and drain the snake," I admit tossing my 6th beer away. I walk towards the restroom and I glad no one is there. I handle business before checking my hair in the mirror. I still like to wear my hair spiked up but every now and then I will let it down. Today I am wearing it slicked back off my face. Mostly because at parties it gets pretty hot and I didn't want my hair welting like a flower. I open the door and Hinata runs right into me.
"Jeez," I said. "Open your eyes when you're walking." I chuckle lightly because he doesn't seem to have changed one bit.
"Hey Senpai," he grinned. "Sorry, I'm not use to drinking and I really have to pee." I feel myself blushing from being called senpai. He always sounds so cute when he says it. "You were done, right?"
"Yeah," Hinata leans in curiously to my face. What he is he doing? I almost feel like he is going to kiss me but then I realize he is looking at my earring. I feel the butterflies in my tummy swirling around as he gets closer to me.
"Wow you gone up a size since I last seen you. That is so cool." I got my ears pierced the beginning of 3rd year and boy did I get in trouble for it at school. I had to put in clear earrings studs.
"You thinking of getting one?" I asked amused. Hinata looks thoughtful.
"I never thought about it," he said. "Hey, come in here while I pee." What! I forgot how open he can be. I don't get to say anything because Hinata is pulling me into the bathroom. He continues to talk like nothing is happening. I'm looking at the dark brown shower curtains to keep from looking at him. "You think I could really pull it off?"
"I do," I replied stuffing my hands in my jean pockets.
"You don't think it will make me look to girlie," he stated.
"Not at all," I laugh. When we were going to school his second year a lot of guys joked about how he looked so girlie. I think they mostly joked about it because he was so short and slim. I wonder if that had any effect on him being bi. I push the thought out of my mind as Hinata finishes up and goes to wash his hands.
"Well I'm thinking about trying to reinvent myself for college," he said as he washed his hands.
"Why would you want to do that?" I asked. "You're fine the way you are." Hinata looks at me with his big caramel eyes.
"That's nice of you to say," he said tilting his head. "Everyone thinks I'm this goodie goodie. I want everyone to take make seriously."
"We do," I replied as he dried his hands. No sense is lying to the poor guy. "What does you being a goodie goodie got to do with anything?"
"Well yeah," he replied. "That is because you guys are my friends. The college kids might think I'm a kid or something and may want to not include me in on anything."
"Don't worry about them," I replied. "You can only live your life for you."
"You always know how to say the right things," he said before turning to open the door. Hinata slips on the rug falling towards the door. I reach out quickly grabbing him preventing him from hitting the floor. I pulled Hinata's towards my chest holding him tight. "Whew that was a close one." His back is flesh against my chest still as I'm still recovering from the fact he was about to hit the door headfirst. Quickest kid I have ever seen and also the clumsiest. "Senpai, you feeling okay? You're so warm." I release him.
"I'm fine," I replied looking down until I'm sure the blush is gone. "It's probably just the alcohol." Hinata lucky for me just opens the door not noticing my embarrassment. He starts to walk before stopping.
"Hey, can I have your number so we can stay in touch more? Besides if I get my ears done I want you to come with me." I look up staring at him.
"You're serious about that?"
"See! This is what I don't want happening at college." I chuckle at how I proved his point. I feel so bad about that.
"I didn't mean to doubt you. You can have my number, give me your phone." I take his phone entering my info. I hand it back to him and he is still standing there. "What?"
"I need your phone so I can give you my number," he said putting his hands on his hips.
"I didn't know," I drone.
"I know," he smiles. "You're so cute when you're clueless."
"Say what?" I question caught off guard by him calling me cute. I'm not clueless am I? I think I'm average at best. Hinata reaches behind me taking my phone out of my pocket.
"God," he giggles. "You need to relax but that is what I love about you." He enters his information as I try register that he said he loves me, well love about me. He stuck his hand in my pocket! I feel like I'm back in high school with a stupid crush. "What are you about to do? I'm going to get another drink."
"I don't think I need another one," I replied.
"You are the life of the party," said Hinata. "What is with you?" I don't want to get too drunk around him and say or do something senseless. "Come on," I follow Hinata to the kitchen where Tsukishima is standing along with Kuroo.
"Hey," I said. "You're blocking the drinks."
"Excuse us," said Kuroo moving aside. Hinata hands me a beer and I'm surprised to see he grabbed the right one.
"I saw you drinking it earlier," he stated before grabbing the infamous red party cup. Well isn't he very observant. I watch as he fixes OJ and vodka. "Don't clown me but it's the only thing I can really drink."
"No judgement here," I replied. "It's whatever makes you happy." I can't help but stare at him. Is it possible that he got cuter? He sips his drink as he walks back out into the living room. I follow him but I wonder to where I was sitting previously. I sit down sighing out of annoyance at how he makes me so damn nervous I feel like I can't even be myself. I don't want to look like idiot next to him. Tanaka walks over to me.
"I saw you two talking," he smiled. I waved him off.
"So what," I replied. Asahi walks up with his hair swinging behind him. I don't envy him at this moment as it is pretty hot in here.
"What are you guys talking about?" he asked.
"Nothing," I replied. "Tanaka drop it." This is why I like keeping my crushes to myself. Tanaka has a gift for reading me very well unfortunately. He knew who I had a crush on before I did.
"You want to dance?" asked Asahi. "You seem like you could use the distraction from whatever it is that is bothering you right now." I look up at Asahi deciding to take him up on his offer, I stand up.
"Sure, what the hell," I smile. We hit the floor dancing like crazy. As long as I moving I don't have to worry about talking. Moving my feet, tossing my head back and forth to the music, feels virtuous right now. I'm working up a good sweat after 5 songs but I'm not slowing down.
"I'm going to get a drink," said Asahi. "You want anything?" I shook my head no. "Cool, I will be right back." I watch as he moves through the crowd of people he easily towers over. I continue to dance enjoying myself although I'm alone. I feel small hands around wrap themselves around my waist from behind. I pull out of the hug turning around with my fist balled up.
"What?" asked Hinata innocently. "Tanaka said you wanted to dance." I look at Tanaka and he is grinning giving me thumbs up. I'm kicking his ass later for that! I almost hit Hinata because I didn't know who was grabbing me in such an intimate manner.
"Sorry," I replied. "I thought you were some strange person grabbing on me, we can dance." Hinata smiles wide melting my anger
"I'm not the best so don't laugh at me," he states. Hinata starts to move his body and he is a little off key but nothing too terrible. I can't help but smile. It doesn't take long for him to notice. "You're laughing!"
"I'm not I swear," I reply calming down my chuckles. Hinata gets closer to me.
"You are," he stated so close he is now in my bubble. I can smell the faint scent of sweat along with the vodka he had been drinking. His lips are a pink color making me want to kiss him so badly. I look down at him slightly trying not to be completely taken by him.
"I would never laugh at you," I tell him reminding myself we are dancing. I had stopped moving when I was getting caught up with his face.
"Sure," he said looking up at me. He moves back a bit and continues to dance. I see Asahi walking back up.
"Hey, join the fun!" I encourage him. Hinata doesn't seem bothered that one more has joined our little dance party. Soon I'm not as nervous, I'm fully enjoying myself. I'm glad I finally relaxed and I'm able to be myself. Asahi comes up behind me and Hinata is in front of me.
"Seriously," stated Tsukki. I look to my right and he is there dancing with Kuroo. "A three way dance."
"Shut up," stated Hinata. "You know want to be part of this."
"Not really," replied Tsukki rolling his eyes before focusing back on Kuroo. I hate the fact he pointed that out causing me to become a little nervous. Hinata is getting closer and closer to me. I'm praying that he doesn't lay his body on me. I don't think I can handle that right now. The gods are not listening to me as I feel Hinata press his body against my chest. I'm coaching myself to not get hard but that becomes harder the longer Hinata playfully grinds on me. I lose it when he grabs my right hand placing it on his waist.
"Uh, I'll be right back," I say suddenly before I ran off the dance floor trying to catch my breath. Sweet Jesus that was close as hell. I decide to go outside into the night air taking deep breaths as soon as I step onto the porch. I look ahead and see Kenma sitting there. He looks back and sees me.
"You okay?" he asked calmly.
"I'm fine," I replied. "I just needed some fresh air." He nods before staring back off on the empty street. I wonder why he is out here but yet Kenma always seem to be a loner type. I sit down beside him almost wishing I had a beer with me. I guess I ended up being gone longer than I thought because I hear the door open and it's none other than Hinata.
"I thought you left," he stated as Kenma and I stare at him. Is the panic or sadness I hear in his voice, damnit I don't know.
"Uh no," I replied. "I rode here with Tanaka so I can't leave without him."
"You have been gone for a while so I wasn't sure. Kenma, what are you doing out here?"
"I was getting a peace of mind before you showed up," he stated flatly.
"Sorry, I guess will head back inside then," Hinata turns around heading back into the house. I look at Kenma because he seems really unhappy but it is hard to tell. I sit there for a few more minutes before returning inside. I see a few more people on the dance floor and others are standing around still drinking. Yamaguchi looks like he is running around ensuring the house is not getting destroyed. Poor kid is not even enjoying the party. I see Tanaka walking towards me.
"I was just about to come and get you," stated Tanaka. I run my hands through my hair.
"Everything cool?"
"Oh yeah," he grinned. "I convinced Shimizu to come back to the place with me."
"You're kidding!" I exclaimed in shock.
"I know right!" he says hitting me in the arm with his closed fist. "Anyway Hinata is coming to."
"Wait, what.." Tanaka puts his arm around me pulling me close.
"Like I said I know you feeling the little guy. Besides I told them we would just be hanging out some more no pressure."
"No pressure," I scoff. "Tanaka most people know when you're invited back for a quote on quote further partying that means getting laid." Tanaka looks off to the side knowing I'm right. "Get that smirk off your face!"
"I can't help it," he laughed. I see Shimizu making her way over with Hinata. They are both talking and seem pretty engaged in conversation. I remember when I had a thing for her just like Tanaka but Hinata is the one who ending getting my attention and keeping it.
"Hi Noya," smiled Shimizu. "Haven't really seen you around much tonight."
"I was here and there," I smiled.
"Are you two ready to go?" asked Shimizu.
"We sure are!" grinned Tanaka. "My sister has some left over drinks in the fridge. She brought them over and kind of forgot them. No need in them going to waste." We start towards the door.
"You know your sister is going to kick your ass if she finds out," I stated.
"I will pay her back double the money she spent on them," said Tanaka.
"It's fine," replied Shimizu. "I am actually done drinking for the night."
"Well it's there if anyone wants it," said Tanaka. We reach his van that his sister let him have once she got a new car. We all pile into the van and head towards home. Tanaka is talking up a storm while I'm wondering what Hinata is thinking. Is he thinking that I like him or I'm going to try and make a move him? Will he think I'm moving too fast or that I'm just after one thing? I mean he never even told me he is bi but yet he knows I like guys. Ah this too confusing. We get to the apartment and climb our way up to the 4th floor. It's the first time either of them have been here. "It's not the greatest but it's home." Tanaka opens the door.