I decided to have a more human non magic approach this time. Just for fun since I haven't done one yet. I had started planning this about two weeks ago and my friend Kitty seems on board so why the hell not? Lol like always it's rated M for language and other fun things.

"Ruby, can you help me?" Blake asked trying to lift an obviously heavy box.

Ruby stuck her book marker in her book and headed over to Blake. Lately they have been super busy but today was an easy day besides the truck that just came in. Ruby's favorite part was going through the new freight just to look at new titles. They threw the box onto one of the empty tables by the register.

"Do you mind staying until seven today? There's another truck on the way. I already printed off the new price tags and everything that's coming off the truck. I know I've been over working you lately..."

Blake asked with a guilty smile.

"I don't mind! Is Yang going to be OK with us coming home late?"

Blake scratched the back of her, "I haven't asked yet."

"You know how she is when we show up late when she makes dinner."

The raven haired woman bit her lip.

"What if we just go in at five instead of seven? It'll give us some time to do freight before we open."

Blake smiled, "I'm OK with that. Let's clean up now and after the truck arrives we'll leave."

Blake had opened the store four years ago and if Ruby had never asked to be hired, she would've went out of business a long time ago. Ruby read books just as much as Blake if not more. Ruby was very knowledgeable about comic books too which helped. Yang loved the comic books and would sometimes show up to hang out when she wasn't busy working.

Blake was only seventeen when she opened her bookstore. She had graduated a year ahead of Yang. She was four months older than her anyways. The couple had been together six solid years after her break up with her ex. Yang had wooed her so easily, it was like magic.

Ruby barely turned fifteen and was willing to work for Blake. This thrilled Yang so much but then she realized how boring books were but she was glad her girlfriend and baby sister were able to be good friends. Blake's parents were thrilled for her and gave her a good chunk of money for her business. She had very supportive parents.

They managed to clean and unload the truck with the help of some of the waiters in the near restaurant a whole parking lot over. Blake always paid them fifty dollars for their help. Sometimes she would end up paying them three hundred a piece because book sales were up so high. They locked the doors to her store, The Hangout and they were gone.

Blake strapped Ruby's bicycle to her car rear and they headed home arriving fifteen later. They lived in a duplex housing. Most of them were rent to own but thanks to Yang they paid for it already. It was four bedrooms and Ruby occupied one of them. One room was literally just bookshelves filled with Blake's collection and Ruby had one whole shelving unit to herself.

Yang was sitting outside with a screwdriver in her hand. She worked at a law firm as a secretary and her hours were rough. If she had a drink in her hand that meant it was hell. Yang was able to handle stress well luckily. Ruby had only seen her sister cry six times in her life.

Blake and Ruby stood in front her on edge. Neither one was sure what she would say.

"Are you OK babe?" Blake asked.

"They won't stop bothering me about finishing college."

Yang wasn't the greatest in school. It wasn't that she didn't understand, it was just too boring for her.

"It's up to you Yang."

"I know... But I want to move us out of this little duplex. The rooms are small for us and you need a bigger place for all your books."

"Sis, do it when you're ready. You will always have us here supporting you no matter what."

"They said they would give me a fifteen dollar raise while I go to school."

"Oh my god Yang!"

Yang downed the rest of her drink and smiled at her girlfriend.

"They said I had to speak to my wife before I could give an answer."

Ruby smiled.

"Well Blake?"

"Yang... It's a smart move to say yes. I know you wanna go back to college... You get paid for it too?"

"Those bastards know I won't tell you no."

They laughed and headed inside. Yang had made a giant meatloaf for ten people with biscuits and corn. Even though Ruby was a slender girl, she could eat for three people sometimes so Yang always made extra. After dinner the couple did dishes talking about getting a house together whole Ruby retired to her room.

Ruby almost asleep when Yang busted through her bedroom door.

"Ugh, I was almost asleep Yang..."

"You can sleep when you're dead! Tomorrow night we are going to Spiked and getting our drink on! It maybe the last time I can have a social life for the next year!"

"Yang, I don't drink."

"Quit being like that! You're allowed to drink as long as you have someone of the age of twenty one with you! If you want invite Weiss!"

Ruby smiled.

Weiss was a socialite and she would drag Ruby shopping anytime she said she was bored. Most of the time it was Weiss trying on dresses and having Ruby judging them from one to ten. Weiss was oldest of the four of them at the age of twenty three. She had already graduated college as a technology and business major.

Her and Ruby became best friends the night Weiss stumbled into the streets at night drunk. Weiss was only eighteen and Ruby was fourteen. Two men tried to rob Weiss after she said no to going home with them. Just as one of them grabbed her Ruby came out of no where and kicked their asses.

Ruby wasn't the scariest look girl in the world but her goth look was enough to turn people away thinking she was weird or rude. Weiss was quite surprised (though she was shit faced drunk) that she was so friendly. Ruby carried Weiss all the way to a hotel. Weiss handed the front desk her ID and they just gave Ruby a key.

The next morning Ruby woke up to realize she had saved Weiss Schnee from the famous computer company, Schnee Computers Inc. Weiss had gotten drunk because she passed her calculus finals with flying colors and treated herself. Yang picked them up in Blake's car and took them to the mansion Weiss lived in. Weiss gave Ruby her number and since then they had been best friends.

"I'll ask."

"I love the gossip she has about everyone. It's hilarious to hear her talk about people. Well goodnight! We all have to up early!"

Ruby heard Yang close their bedroom door and she was out like a light.



Ruby made it to work before Blake. Blake went to a coffee shop and picked them up coffee and donuts. The coffee maker had broke and they were waiting for the new one to be delivered. Blake hated coffee but she would drink it if she hadn't slept well or she had a lot of early work to do like today.

Ruby unlocked the door and took her bike inside and behind the counter where Blake let her keep it. Blake showed up ten minutes later with a donut in her mouth and the drinks in her hands.

"Alright, what's the first thing you want me to do?" Ruby asked.

"Ruby... I love you. More than you will ever know. Can you stock up the comic books? The tags are on the too shelf already. I didn't get any manga today... Even though my shelves are empty... I'll have to look on the computer later."


Ruby snatched her coffee, smelling the hazelnut already. She let out a happy sigh and grabbed two donuts. Within an hour Ruby had six boxes up and Blake did eight boxes of regular books. Just as they finished, Weiss walked through the door. Blake did like her because she was Ruby's friend, but she liked her more because she would drop a couple hundred dollars in books. Most of them were business or computer books.

"Hey Weiss! Why are you up so early?" Ruby asked waving to her.

"I need another book... I was thinking of taking up a few fashion courses."

Blake's ears perked up upon hearing those words and a grin crept across her face.

"You're the best Weiss."

"I always tell people to come here. You guys aren't like the main stream book stores. You guys have all kinds of different things."

"Thank you," Blake said proudly.

"Are you in the mood to go out?" Ruby asked.

Weiss smiled, "You know I'm only drink with you. I can't trust too many people since I am who I am."

"Yea. I know."

"I never told you this but my mother made it a rule for me. She really likes you and wanted me to ask you to dinner for my birthday in five months."

Luna Schnee had this hard ass look to her but she was a sweet woman. She looked like she could be Weiss's older sister honestly. The woman was a lot smarter than people thought. She was the one who ran the Scheme Computer Inc but used her husband as a front.

"I'll be there!" Ruby said happily.

"Great! Is it OK if I hang out here for a little while? I need to read and create sketches."

"Sure. You can have the big table over there for now."

Weiss went outside and came back in with a giant bag full of papers, books and all kinds of pencils. She sat right down and got started without another word.

Soon people started to flood in. Most of them were college students to buy Blake's College textbooks. She had some sympathy for them and always discounted forty percent on things like that. Most of them studied there borrowing the books and just paying a small fee to research on the computers she had on the back wall.

It was around two when Ruby finally got a break and fell asleep on one of the smaller couches. Blake let her sleep for the next two hours since she worked so hard all the time. She let things go because Ruby would go above and beyond for her. She even repainted the store once after a storm had damaged the paint in several places.

They got the store clean by four-thirty. Once it hit five, they locked up and headed home to get ready for tonight.

Ruby could only stand fruity drinks with minimal alcohol in them. She sat down and ate half a pizza waiting on her sister and Blake to get ready. Yang was more of a tomboy but when it came to a nightclub, she looked like a model. Blake still dressed modestly but that was just her but she loved Yang's looks in a short thin dress and heels.

Ruby had a silk black dress with some frill at the bottom. She had on purple eye shadow and some black lipstick. She normally wore makeup at work and wiped it off once she got home but she was going out. She curled her red and black hair loosely. Weiss even admired her gothic look claiming if she wasn't straight she would date Ruby because she looked like a doll.

Yang walked downstairs first in a dark purple dress that hugged her wide hips and held her massive double D boobs in place. She had her hair in loose curls and wore black two inch heels. Ruby grinned at her sister who showed off some goofy dance moves just being silly. Blake came down minutes after.

She was wearing a red dress that reached her knees with a black jacket over top. She wore some black boots as well with red lipstick. Yang whistled at her girlfriend making her blush lightly. Blake giggled as Yang kissed her neck while she was trying to call a taxi.

"Alright... You two love birds ready?" Ruby asked looking away from their PDA. Sometimes Yang would get too carries away and she would have to leave the room immediately.

"Hell yes!"

Yang rushed into the kitchen for a minute and came back with three shots if Jack. Blake and Ruby groaned but Yang did this everytime they went out. The three of them downed the shots quickly. Only Yang was the one who enjoyed the taste of it.

The taxi honked and they hurried outside, ready for a night of fun.

I know I made everyone different ages from one another but that's how I want it. You'll get the taste of some Rosewick in the next chapter. I'm ready for bed see you guys in the next chapter!