Tom Riddle's mother died in childbirth. She had lived alone in a squalid flat situated on the corner of Diagon Alley, but had thankfully, for Tom, given birth to him at 's. Tom was taken in by the ministry and eventually returned to his maternal relatives - his grandfather, Marvolo and uncle, Morfin.
They weren't thrilled to have him, and they made sure to tell him this at every possible moment growing up. They were furious, though they did their best to hide that fact, when he presented as an alpha. Jealous, they sent him off to Durmstrang so that they weren't constantly reminded of the betrayal and heartache his mother had caused.
Tom knew they were bitter that he was a halfblood and an alpha where as, pure-blooded they might have been, they had presented as no more than beta's.
Still, Durmstrang was an excellent school - dark arts and complicated magic and a headmaster that seemed to take an interest in every single pupil, meant that there was no room for slackers. Everyone got their head down - there was hardly any room for mistakes, which in turn meant that there was no room for friendships. Students were always looking to prove themselves better than their peers; the atmosphere didn't exactly encourage comradery.
Except of course for those students that had found their alternate - the alpha to their omega, the omega to their alpha. Tom hadn't spent much time ruminating about it if he was honest, he was eleven and had barely presented. It would have been awkward. So he wasn't terribly disappointed to realise that they weren't there.
Gellert Grindelwald, it turned out, took particular interest in his students because he had….particular tastes.
Tom found out all about his particular tastes a few weeks before the Christmas holidays of his sixth year, when he was invited to a private dinner with the headmaster and a few of his fellow students.
He was the only one that was changed by the event though.
The Scandinavian Ministry stepped in and removed Grindelwald. They couldn't kill him, vampires were protected by international wizarding law but they sent him off with a warning not to return. Tom was sent home, bad enough that the headmaster had been a vampire but they didn't need another one roaming the halls thank you very much.
Tom wasn't bothered, he would be of age in a few weeks anyway and he had no plans to return to the crumbling ancestral manor until it was his and his alone. He told his grandfather that when he grumbled about having him back home. He spent the christmas holidays catching up on the curriculum of his new school and took the compensation he'd been given after his attack, to Gringotts the day before he was to start his new school, Hogwarts. He had stayed in 'The Leaky Cauldron' and flooed into the headmasters office so that he could be sorted and given a tour before the rest of the school arrived back later that day.
"Tom" the headmaster, Dumbledore, said, smiling sadly at him as he shook his hand, "I'm terribly sorry to hear what happened to you." Tom grimaced at the reminder and removed his hand as quickly as possible from the older mans.
"Thanks" he mumbled, moving towards the seat that was obviously intended for him, "shall we?"
The hat placed him in Slytherin. And wasn't that just an interesting tidbit of information he garnered when the moldy old thing was placed on his head.
"About time you finally came home boy" it muttered into his mind, "Your ancestor would have returned to haunt us all if his heir hadn't returned."
Tom watched his new housemates join the Slytherin table and marvelled. First, at the closeness of them and then, at the animosity the rest of the school seemed to direct their way. He was caught up in watching them and introducing himself and actually enjoying himself for the first time since he'd gone to school, when every hair on his body stood to attention and his cock sprang to life and the most amazing smell of vanilla and lavender and oranges flooded his senses.
He'd forgotten. Being a vampire, and everything it entailed, had pushed the fact that he was an Alpha to the back of his mind, but now with that scent, that scent that was so obviously feminine and alluring and screamed not only omega but mate in his mind, had him gripping the edge of the table with his fingernails and breathing harshly through his mouth in an attempt to block it out, to stop himself from jumping out of his seat and taking her right there in front of everyone, consequences be damned, reminded him.
He sat there, with his fingernails bleeding and his cock throbbing against his navel, for the hall to empty until it was just him and her. He turned in his seat, carefully lifting one leg over the bench, to see that she'd already half crossed the hall. Was making her way towards him with a ferocious glint in her eyes, her chest heaving with the exertion of having to sit for two hours in the same room as her alpha, her soulmate and do nothing about it. Her hair was coming loose from the ponytail she'd had it dragged into, and Tom groaned when he saw that she was wearing a skirt, that her creamy thighs were on show, teasing him. He could see already the slick she'd produced, gathered between her legs for him, glinting in the low candlelight and he licked his lips before he stood to meet her the rest of the way.
"Tom Riddle" he grunted out as he lifted her into his arms and began to make his way out of the hall.
"Hermione Granger" she murmured against his lips, tugging his hair and nipping his bottom lip between her teeth, "go up the stairs. Seventh floor, there's a room" she gasped out between breaths, rolling her hips against him in an effort to ease her frustration.
"Fuck" Tom muttered, when her underwear dragged up his length and he could feel just how wet she was. He dropped her and let her pull him towards the staircase.
"Wait what?" she asked, pulling back from him so that he could see her face, see the anger she felt for him, not pity, as she cupped his face in her hands. Tom felt shiver of delight run through him at her reaction, she didn't care. "But what about me?" she whispered, tears already welling up in her eyes.
Tom blinked. He hadn't thought about that. About how she wasn't immortal, wouldn't live forever, wouldn't be his for the rest of his life because she'd be dead. He shuddered and pulled her to him, let his nose run the length of her neck, let his hands grasp her hips and lifted her back into his arms, "I'll turn you" he muttered between pressing open mouthed kisses on her neck, even as his hands worked down the buttons keeping her shirt together, "I'll drain every drop of blood from you so that we'll never be parted. You are mine!" He rasped out as he tore the shirt from her and tossed it behind him. His hands came up to her chest and her back arched against the wall he'd leaned her against, when he brushed his thumbs across her nipples, groaning when he felt them pebble beneath his hands.
"You are so responsive" he growled, dipping his head down to run his tongue along her collarbone and decolletage, " and you smell like vanilla sweetheart" he moaned, thrusting his trouser-clad erection against her.
"Bed, please, oh god please the bed Tom" she groaned tugging his head up and kissing him. Tom complied and moved them across the room, dropping her and slipping his trousers and boxers off whilst Hermione lay back on the bed and ripped her skirt and the soaking wet piece of fabric that had once been her underwear, from her body and cupped her cunt with the palm of her hand before bringing it up to her mouth to taste herself.
"Merlin witch" Tom hissed as he watched her and palmed his erection once, then twice before he dove for her, yanking her to the edge of the bed by her ankles and dragging his tongue up the length of her cunt and tasting her for himself. "Oranges, fuck, you taste like oranges love" he said, glancing up to see her resting on her elbows, watching him with a fierce expression, "I love oranges" he muttered before he spread her labia with his fingers and latched onto her clit with his teeth, nipping and pulling and sucking on it till Hermione was arching off the bed and rolling her hips against his face.
He slipped two fingers into her cunt and grinned against her when he felt her virginity against them. Mine he thought possessively, crooking them and bringing her over the edge, lapping at her as she came all over his face.