Alright here is the rewrite of the story and it's much shorter, This will make it easier to adapt, spellcheck and upload. I did reuse the beginning of the story but the rest is brand new. Oh, The stories setting is also a bit new as well. I changed two things. When the ship appears and what they do.

Please feel free to review as you see fit. Feel free to nitpick. Oh

Edit: I made even more edits. If ant of you see any problems I skip or think I didn't do a good enough job, then tell me please.

Chapter 1: Meeting Part 1

Ethereal colors and hellish energy were disturbed by a sudden tear in void space. Throwing a porcelain and golden ship into the otherworldly hell plane. Within, a crew of serfs and crewmen move about the ship. Attempting to keep the vessel from tearing itself apart by the chaotic energies around them.

They moved about themselves as they try not to show the dread they feel moving about the demon kin birthplace. They had heard the stories of the 10-0 and are praying to whatever entity that's willing to show mercy to them in this forsaken realm.

Within the command deck, stood the members of the captain's cabin of the ship. They all stood in attention and programed respect of their savior, a low orokin noble by the name Amara Luxior. They all waited to be attended to and almost all of them were silent in their thoughts. They were all to concern in the important information meant to be relayed to them, all but one.

Lulu was a telepath for the orokin empire. She could rip information from the skull from a trained spy, with a steel mind without batting an eye and even without her unique talents, she knew what her orokin mistress was thinking. The death of her empire, her culture was snuffed out with the simple motion of a blade.

Lady Amara a low born member of the orokin empire was lamenting the fact that she would never see her home, but she didn't feel the same of her people. Most would think the orokin an arrogant kind, suffering from god-syndrome. But Amara was humbled by an event that she knew little about and will never learn off.

But what she did know was that she was under the guidance of a far wiser orokin. She did know was because of that event. Miss Amara had the foresight to not exchange her Dax bodyguards for the vengeful tenno. A once thought foolish idea turned into a blessing. Lulu sat not knowing what to do as she wasn't like the rest of the crew. She had no years of training or self-control for being in public. She so used to take information for her beautiful overlords. So she foolishly spoke to her orokin overseer about the situation in the cargo hold.

"Lady Amara I hate to interrupt, but what are going to do with the sleeping demon. We can't ju-" Lulu said.

"Quiet and stop that train of thought." Amara ordered. she said in a gentle whisper, but still, it could be heard through the entire room. Lulu looked at her hoping to get answers from her Mistress. Lulu wishes that she would tell her soon or she might tears it out of her mind.

"Lulu the child is in cryo-sleep and knows nothing about the actions his kin took. We are safe from its vengeance." Amara assured.

"Vengeance. VENGEANCE! They destroyed a whole culture! Your culture, our culture, how can you call its kins action justice!" This time it was the Dax centurion who went by Maxus who spoke out of term. In his rage, he would have had air-locked the child, at the merest suggestion made by Amara and only by Amara.

"I said Vengeance not justice, those two have no coalition." Amara corrected.

"My master I may not agree with that notion, but I am still a personal adviser for security. With that leeway, I advise you, no plea to you. Send that void demon back to its proper resting place." Maxus begged his master.

"No. I have grown to be doubtful. I believe my people have done too much in their rule of the Origin system. They thought that they are above the natural laws of humanity. To think that we have the right to kill an injured child would be repeating past mistakes. I say no and that will be the end of the topic." Amara said with a strong voice and eyes.

The Dax is naturally loyal to their orokin overlords, was unable to continue on the subject, so he remained quiet hoping his master would come back to sanity.

"Now, Archimedean Aruke, explain what you made me approved of." Amara said with distrustfully of her Archimedean.

"Ah yes, the whole you won't listen to me debacle, even though I am a genius. Well, it's simple I just tossed your ship into the void in a random place in a set time. I could bother you with the science of it but that will take 50 years of research and experiments worth of explanations. So I will put the relevant information clearly. In order to escape the tenno, I broke our void compass, So now we are now in a random location." Aruke said in a cocky voice.

"So in translation, you have no idea and just smashed the first thing you saw and tried to theorize what happen." Amara told her Archimedean. The scientists felt that this was more of and insult. It was natural. Aruke always was more chaotic than her other dogs. So He naturally frustrated her. No matter how much she wants to say she changed.

"Well no I always had a theory. I found that today would be a great time to test it out and hoped it all went splendidly." The mad man said in a chipper tone.

"Lulu is he telling the truth and while you're at it, please tell me if he suffered a concussion, or two." Amara said in annoyance.

"Yes, mistress." Lulu obeied her Mistress happly.

Lulu reached out, as her mistress ordered her to and search the mad Archimedean. He offered no resistance. In fact, he figuratively rolled out the red carpet. She saw an overconfident historian who thinks himself a scientist, but that was a given. There was more. She moves through his mind and found all of the research he had put into the gambit he uses to save the ship.

The man had no idea how to explain to others, he saw them no more than talking bags of flesh and bone. But she did find a much simpler explanation. Aruke was using the void to teleport, with the added consequence of time skipping. With her first task done, she moves to find the archimedean source of rudeness. She found a large source of answers. It was a quite surprising one. He didn't fear the orokin anymore as there was only one left, her mistress.

He never did like his rightful overlords, which was a ridiculous idea. The orokin knew what was right and what was wrong, as they were the very moral compass of the empire. The second was his wavering confidence of their orokin lord right to rule. She's just a healer and not an executor. The ranks were clear though and she was still an orokin, their leader. The lost of trust was due to the tenno in the cargo bay. He and to extension herself didn't understand why they kept their betrayer safely tucked in cryo-sleep The third was just a ploy to avoid talking further to the higher being, for the fact he didn't understand the needs of pleasantries. So he created this scenario to avoid interacting.

When Lulu finally returned to her body, she explained everything, about the process the Archimedean use to help them escape. When she arrived at why he was so rude she spared a glance to Aruke and she read he had left his mind wander. Not caring if he were to be punished by his mistress, or understanding the fact that he is the foremost expert on the void and they could not get rid of him.

The mistress is far too important for Lulu to bother her with such information and from experience with overlords, they prefer not to be given bad news. She decided to simply avoid any form of bad blood they would be created by answering with a half-truth.

"He is just inept at any social conduct mistress." Lulu explained.

"Ah well, not much to do there and we can't get at all picky. We do not choose the kind of crazy our scientist are born with." The orokin woman let her form slack for a split-second, before quickly recovering. "I do hope there's a way to reverse the effect." Amara asked.

"The best I can do is pop us at the nearest planet in an hour, or so." Aruke answered.

"... Fine just get it done. Lulu, you shall come with me and Maxus Dax you are in charge until I come back from an errand, I shall be in the Cargo Bay." Amara ordered.

"Please let me have a low guardian to escort you, for the peace of mind of everyone on the ship." Maxus begged. His feature flushed and his body visibly shook. The Dax had few fears but he gained one after the slaughter at the terminus.

Amara twitched, but let her Centurion Dax have his way. She would rather avoid an hour-long discussion, about having a guard with her.

"Fine. Lulu let's go now, have a low guardian intercept us on our way." Amara firmly told her Dax.

Maxus with a reinvigorated smile and life returning to his features responded with a yes ma'am and moved to his duties on the ship.

As Lulu moved through the ship shuffling behind her mistress, reading the minds of all those they passed by. She did it with a casual ease. She saw only a pungent miasma of dread looming over the crewmen and lower engineers. Fearing the fact that they resided in the hell realm. She could share that sentiment. Being in the middle of this chaos infested realm always made her skull fell uncomfortably tight. As if someone apllying pressure on her head at all times.

As she looked at servants moving to fix the ship or attempting to organize the rest. Her mistress Amara breathed a hope into the crew reinvigorating them, with her mere presence. The orokin where always thought to be immortal and it was proved by enduring the sentient war. The tenno was key to this, puppet demons unleashed onto the soulless machines. Empowered by the void, tearing away at the world breaking sentient's, and rejuvenating our mighty orokin overlords. They ended the war and we're going to be rewarded for their efforts.

But when they made an action only an ungrateful demon could take. They betrayed us. When they stuck, it was sudden and with the only warning they got was the warm liquid she felt on my orokin silk dress. An orokin lord had died.

By the time Lulu was able to understand what was happening, She was already being dragged off by my mistress her, Dax guards slowing down the tenno only enough for us to get out of the stadium. Most orokin were foolish enough to believe the Tenno were tamed and broken. They believed that they would be greater guardians that the failed Dax. They didn't understand that they sealed their doom with those thoughts.

Our mistress was not foolish. She was treated horribly by her peers. Her twin marking her as an outcast. She was humbled and was given the wisdom of foresight. She knew not to fully trust a tenno, to also treat those lower that her with some amount of respect. She kept her original bodyguard to protect her and they gave us time to escape. By the machinations of the mad Archimedean that was attached to her ship. The tenno must believe us dead. They must believe we must have gone mad or preferred a death by our own hands than theirs.

They both came to a stop suddenly. Her mistress was nodding to an armed guard. The low guardian meant to intercept us was next to the door that leads through the tenno's quarters.

Lulu's blood ran cold and she was shaking in fear of what laid through that door. All she cared for was the mistress to not awaken that thing. Her eyes broke from the doors and landed on Amara. She was gin=ving Lulu a face. It seems almost disappointed. As if she failed to see something obvious.

Without acknowledging the guardian she walked up to the door and it open by itself. She moves in the room with a gliding grace and the both followed her until they stopped in front of a cryo pod. There he laid a pearly white Excalibur prime. Next to him his signature weapons. A lato prime and to his other side was the dual skana prime. A deadly combo that gave the tenno flexibly in battle.. He had no primary with him and she didn't know why and she didn't ponder the thought. Her mistress turned to her and asked a question that slightly shocked her.

"Do they dream Lulu."

"Mistress I don't know what you mean, but I think we should just skip pleasantries and airlock this void born and be done with it!" Lulu exclaimed.

"We can't do that." Amara told her misguided servant.

"Wha-, What do you mean we can't do that!?" Lulu asked surprised.

"Lulu Have I ever told I had doubts about my perfection. That I don't truly know all and that we are not as perfect as the we think ourselves to be. These questions normally don't hold any real value if spoken by any other orokin. They would most likely laugh it off as a sarcastic jest. I would be with them, thinking any claim that we are less than best in every way is preposterous and punish those who spoke such words of malice. The betrayal of the terminus system and our survival is a testament to my philosophy being held true." Amara said with her perfect voice cracking. Almost as if she was in near in breaking into tears.

"My lady! I regret this day had to come. I had to say that you are wrong. The only reason that we fell is that the Orokin majesty was too great for some to bear and they all lashed out. The orokin are mighty, but when the tides of or entropy smash against the flawless surface of a diamond and it too must succumb. The one difference is that you still live and with that, the perfection of the orokin empire can rise again!" Lulu said attempting to convince her master.

"Lulu your single-minded loyalty fills me with pride, but it also wilts my heart. I wish you could lash out, I wish you could feel wronged by me, I wish you could want more than me, And I wish we hadn't taken away your humanity. I had wronged so many people and I will most likely wrong more people in the future. I can say that I am flawed and say that's the first step toward my redemption. But words have no meaning behind them if spoken by those who should their oro in the void. I just... I find it difficult to take it all in." Amara told her servant in a now cracking voice. She was nearly on the verg of tears at this point.

"All I can do is one day to have you restored to your proper self and"… She turns back to look at the child asleep in his metal golem. "Earn his forgiveness." Now her beautiful voice returned. As if the clarity of her new goals, lifted a great weight off her shoulders.

Lulu was shocked she didn't know what to say. The response would normally be to report such a heretical accusation was to report it to the highest official present. She didn't know what to do if the person speaking such nonsense was the only living orokin alive.

She stood there quite, looking around the room until her eyes grazed the low guardian standing in the room. With a still blank visor with an equally blank mind. She wished he could speak up and defend her statements of orokin perfection. She wonders why the orokin would create such warriors if they didn't help what last remained of their master's sanity. It would have been better if they just replace them with MOA's or corrupted. Why have a blindly loyal soldier if you already have an army of machines or brainwashed conscripts at your beck and call.

Amara stood next to the pod looking at her telepath pondering her servants free will as she stared at the low guardian. Amara didn't need to read minds to know what Lulu was thinking.

"Why do you think we have warriors educated from birth to believe us perfect and not machines or corrupted if we believe ourselves perfect. Shouldn't our existence be proof enough." those words song out almost hollow out of Amara's voice. The woman was nearly a shell. The fact that her damage might be reversible is straining her last bits of sanity.

Lulu was taken aback by her mistress comment. Why would they need such warriors? They didn't need them to be bodyguards, as they had dax for that. Then an image of the tenno appeared, those demons once unchained went for the throat of her overlords. She could say it was the power that corrupted them, but then again the Dax centurion has free will and they didn't go berserk. They were trained to believe the dogma the orokin laid before them their thoughts carefully policed… The only reason to have them guard them is as examples. To show there was no doubt, but to have doubt there must be doubt in the first place. The orokin must have believed a chance of failure was possible... No. NO!

"M my lady I can't believe what you are saying…" The words fell from trembling lips, almost garbled by her sobing like noise.

Amara just lets a small smile cross her smooth light grey face. She moved forward to be face to face with here telepath her sydana fluttering behind her silk smooth eggshell white silk gown. Lulu failed to meet her eyes. Her feet shuffled and her hands clenched into fists. Tears are visible in her eyes.

"One day when you are older and wiser you will be finally free of the chains we educated into you and be free of mind." She reaches out with her enlonged arm. Using the spindly fingers to wipe away the tears. Amara could bear comforting her though. The wounds of her guilt was still fresh and other duties called for her. With that Amara walked out the room leaving Lulu with her thoughts.

[Orokin ship bridge- Two days later]

The exiled orokin stood nobly, overlooking her crew and mentally scrutinize their every action. She was left with the tattered remains of a defective bunch. They are certainly far better than any grinner servant, but of a lower quality of the norm. She must put them into shape in order to bring them to their full potential. It was the least she could do.

She could find time to do this later, for now, she must know the progress her Archimedean is making in getting them out of this hell realm. A simple metal command activated her comms.

"Aruke, how close are you." Amara said while using her mental link to the ship. It allowed her to talk to anyone inside the ship and in limited external communication.

"Ah, you have impeccable timing my lady. I was about to give you my news. I'm done and ready to transport us out. Whether we have to face an army of immortal, emotional, teenage, super soldiers." Aruke told his lady.

"Enough with the pleasantries, I do not wish to stay here for any longer. I do not want to suffer another 10-0 incident." Amara said in an annoied tone.

"Understood Mistress, I'll avoid creating more child soldiers." Her face slightly curled into a frown at that comment.

"What is your estimated time of activation." Amara asked her Archimedean.

"Mhh, around a minute, give or take." The man responded.

She deactivated her comms and stared at the observation window. She looked at the endless void, withering and pulsating at the same time, unnaturally moving about itself, defying any and all forms of logic. I couldn't be happier in leaving this reality. No sane mind could live here. It discuted her to her very core.

As Amara stood there, She started seeing something. A ripple, a small one but it started to grow. She was able to distinguish a ship and then a color. Everything She knew and found familiar started to form itself before the orokin's milky white eyes. She could see tiny sparkling dots, the inky blackness of space and the grey volcanic dust of the moon. Were we back at Lua? Her ship might have gotten to the capital of the empire. A faint smile ebbed at the corners of her lips. Then the realization that it was most likely destroyed, brought down by the hands of the furious tenno.

If this was their moon they would need to look for survivors. Hopefully, the tenno would have moved on. With another mental command, she willed her ship to move forward into the expanding rip into reality. The entire event went along smoothly. There was no eldritch energy making the crew go mad, no vengeance driven machine out for blood, and no moody teenagers turned into Tenno.

As the craft broke through the barrier into a field of asteroids, until they saw it was just debris from the moon. It was expected, the entire structure was nearly destroyed during the war. Then the sensors gave of different readings.

Amara watched the crewmen move in a panic, attempting to verify the readings. Amara already knew the truth. The entire vessel was connected through her, allowing her to see what the ships see. Its haul is her body, its reactor is her heart, its sensors are her eyes and right now she sees an entirely different lua.

The entire structure of it was unique in a way. Their moon was a hollow structure, completely cracked open, with orokin architecture wrapping itself on the moon.

This one was damaged differently. An entire section of it was broken off the celestial body.

As her spacecraft moved forward, moving free of the floating asteroids. Her heart nearly skipped a beat. They came from inside the crater. A few more meters off course and the portal would have open up from inside the moon. She'll have to reprimand Aruke for that near-death encounter.

Then they all saw it. A beautiful shining example of earth's past. A world with blue oceans and green land. It was as if the orokin never touched this world and from the looks of it, it might have been.

It was not of the origin system. You could easily notice that from a first glance. There was only one planet with an ecosystem and its continents are completely different. I needed answers, so I turned to the nearest person. "Maxus, tell me. What is it that we see in front of us."

In a shaking voice. "M- My lady. We only know of one place that could be like this." A crewman bellowed out.

Amara looked at him. she has a suspension on what he's talking about. "Speak then."

"The world is in perfect condition to support human life. As if it was terraformed. We only know of one place that can fit that description. The Tau start system, the birthplace of the sentient's." The crewman announced in a fear mad voice.

"Yet we still live. There must another explanation. Maxus contact Aruke and ask him." Amara ordered. It stung a bit. She had this guilt inside her. Screaming at her to find redemption. Yet she was still barking orders out. It was necessary. They needed her guidance.

"By your name, it shall be done." The Dax centurian moved to contact the archimedean.

Within seconds his voice filled Amara's head. "Oh what a sight it is. The very image of what we looked for in ages past. A new home that can be turned into an empire." Aruke said in a display of poetry. It annoyed Amara to no end. She hated the fact that the man knows no bounds and has no zipper for his mouth.

"Archimedean, tell me. Where are we." Amara ordered.

"Short answer, I have absolutely no idea, reason, the void works in mysterious ways. My guess, an unlimited amount of possibilities was in front of us and we got lucky. We have a planet, not too far away that seems perfect for our needs. Well, that's if no one lives in it. Now that would be a problem." The man said almost gleefully. Amara didn't know if conflict amused him.

"Well then, we must see if this is a suitable place to set up a base of operation. Aruke search for any signs of life." The orokin once again ordered.

"Right away, Oh I do hope they are talking jellyfish. They would be the most humerus species." This time the man almost giggled.

Amara ignored the last part and turned to Maxus. "I require you to muster a task force that's flexible in their task and I want you to ready Lulu." Amara told Maxus.

"Consider it done my lady." Maxus said.

"One more thing before you go. I want you to prep Hexus to be awakened out of cryo-sleep at a moments notice." Amara noted that the dax wince at that. She may not approve but she understands. He was just betrayed by his students. Something he cannot be taking easily.

"What!" Screamed Maxus. "Do you truly want that infested puppet awaken after what he did! I cannot sanction such an action!" Amara reevaluated her previous thought. Maxus is taking the situation terribly.

"Maxus, he was your student in the past, he inherited your family name. You two fought side by side and he has yet to draw blood in a rage. Does that mean nothing to you? Do you not find the fact, that his kindred fought for their honor, not resonate in your soul." Amara said attempting to defuse Maxus.

"We know nothing of their plans, they could have thought of this travesty ages ago or Hexus knows nothing. We cannot take that chance." Maxus spat back in anger.

"It's possible but pointless." Amara pointed out.

"Why is that my lady." Maxus asked

"Because you are Dax. You will follow my orders regardless." Amara had to do this. If she didn't then they wppuld be aruging until her next continuity. That thought stung her a bit. This was her last body.

He just stuttered for a few seconds before bowing his head in defeat. He turned and walked on. Moving with his confident posture, but with his tail between his legs. It hurt Amara so in hurting his pride, but whatever it is, the tenno is more than able in adapting to it.

I give a mental command to the ship and it obeys, dozens of crewmen and gen two cephalons started to work frantically. The movements of flailing limbs and synthesized voices collated into a messy cooperative whole.

She has to bring them up to the proper shape. If not then she's afraid that this is the end for them.

[Orokin ship-Tenno cryo hold.]

"What do you mean she wants him ready to be awakened at a moments notice," screamed Lulu in angry fueled shot.

The two were walking down the hull of the ship. Moving amongst the thousands of empty pods, housing nothing but cold air.

"Exactly what I said. She is far too kind for her own good. I wish I could say no, but I am honor bond. Her word is my desire." Maxus told Lulu

"We could lock him in a room and I can read his mind." Lulu offered

"No human telepath can read a void tainted mind without going mad themselves. You'll end up a mumbling fool" Maxus told Lulu in a chastising voice.

"At least let me try! All I need is a few moments to do so." Lulu begged.

"She wants him ready at a moments notice. We are not allowed to slow his awakening, even for any mental checks." Maxus shot back.

"Argh! If he touches her, then I'll turn that boy into a potato!" Lulu said in a growling voice.

"Heh, then you'll have to find his real body." Maxus joked.

"Damn their metal puppets." Lulu crused.

"Well, here we are." He said while pointing at a set of golden doors. The symbol of the tenno laid proudly on them. He had to wonder if their great blind mother would be proud of them. He doubts it. She was always such a loyal subject. Always ready to answers the call and exceed in her duties. He almost feels pity for her job. He'll give a solemn moment for the handler later. For now he has to deal with it.

He gave the signal the duel doors open.

It revealed a massive room that was highly decorated and filled to the brim with training equipment. In the center of the room, hung like a cocoon was the slumbering tenno. Completely unaware of his surroundings. His puppet was very much vulnerable to whatever forces around him. It was almost tempting for the dax. Then again he was a loyal subject. He wouldn't go against his overlord's wishes, even if it kills him.

They both glared at him and then at a woman, clad in a skin-tight zero tech suit. She was an unimportant keeper. Meant to look after the well being of her charge. "A pleasure Dax Maxus and Orokin hand Lulu. Are here for the tenno, do you require me to awaken him or… dispose of him?" the keeper sounded hopful for the last part.

A quick grin appeared on the face of the dax but it quickly disappeared. "No, just have the tenno ready at a moments notice."

He looked upon its form, an Excalibur prime colored a royal red and its gold trimmings gave it a noble look. "Be sure to have his weapons ready when you do." MAxus ordered

The keeper looked at him with a bit of curiosity. "What sort of mission will he be embarking on."

"Scouting, so be sure to give him a flexible set."

"Understood, but may I ask permission on something." She said with a cowardly voice.

Lulu widens her eyes. "You want to put countermeasures on his weapons. Yes! Oh yes, this is a fantastic idea and should be commended."

The woman was nearly taken aback. "I umm, well."

"Don't stutter and get to it." Lulu demanded.

"Lulu, this isn't your call. We should contact lady Amara and have her decide." Maxus countered.

"We cannot, she's not right in the mind right now. She would most likely sate no in her grief." Lulu begged.

"You cannot doubt our betters like this. You should be ashamed." Maxus told Lulu.

"No. No, I shouldn't, Mistress Amara told me that I should think freely, on how she took away something away from me that she wishes I had now. I believe she's asking for help. If we go to her she won't say yes and we don't have to go to her either. There is no protocol for this. We can choose what to do right here right now. If your scared of the consequences then feel free to lump all of the blame on me, if this action is turns foul." The conviction she said it with and the way she insulted Maxus honor gave him no choice in the matter.

"I am no coward, so I will be the one giving the order." He said with animontly

Lulu smiled. "Thank you."

The dax turned to the caretaker. "Do it and be sure that Lady Amara isn't bothered with such news."

"Yes, Dax Maxus." She turned and moved to a closed door. The hanger that held the tenno's ship. His orbiter."

Maxus turned to Lulu once again. "Now go to lady Amara and report in, I'll go fetch the list of people that is required in this mission."

[Orokin ship-Bridge]

The telepath Lulu walked into Mistress Amara and her Archimedean Aruke having a conversation. The tone of is was friendly enough but there was stress in their voices, something that the girl didn't pick up on.

"So you're saying that there is a civilization in the information age but they hold no satellites?"

"It's a boggling experience I know but they have a complicated laser point communication device, that substitutes for any unmanned spacecraft. I have to say, they made it quite difficult for a space-faring civilization in gathering information." Aruke remarked.

"Can you at least tell me how they are developing?" Amara asked.

"Well… Not good is a nice term. More like, they are failing so badly that they make the track record of orokin supers soldier look good in comparison." Aruked joked.

Lulu joined in. "The Orokin are masters of everything! Don't you dare doubt them!"

The mad old man looked at the girl with an amused face. "Oh wow, the always loyal telepath of Amara's retinue. You must have some great ideas. oh! wait. Your not independent enough, now are you." Aruke said insultingly

Lulu felt a bit unease at that comment. She didn't know it was trying to say he knew but she won't give in. "Well know your place. You're in the presence of your betters." She hissed.

"Lulu please calm down, now what do you mean they are doing terribly." Amara asked with concern on both accounts.

"They have four nations states and each of them has a maximum of four cities each. We can estimate and give them very generous numbers, we can estimate a population of thirty-two million, at best. We can bump up those numbers if the cities are megacities. Then we can give them three hundred and fifty million." Aruke explained.

"Alright, these are humans, it simply could mean that they are just colonist and that would make the situation very good, right?" Amara guessed.

"Well…" Aruke said with a bit of worry in his voice. "They are not new to the world per say. We found in orbital pictures that these people have been here for a while. We found ruins, dozens of sacked settlements and very large grave sites. Plus, the four nations develop very different cultures. I find it plausible that we either meeting aliens that look just like us or the void dropped us off in a new location. Maybe in the future or an altered reality. Who knows, what matters is what are we going to do about this." Aruke asked seriously.

Amara looked down. Diving into her own thoughts. Weighing options and thinking up scenarios. Her orokin mind went through thousands of options and within a second, she came to a decision. She turned to Lulu "Be ready to call the task force, tell them I want a team of security. Let's meet this brave new world with open our arms.

To the crew this was no longer a shock, hell Aruke even predicted this route would have been taken. He even went out of his way to create a betting pool of rations. Which he is the current winner of. The last known orokin, in her state of grief, has decided to make contact with this unknown people.

No one knows whether they are friendly or warlike if they know what an orokin is, or even the threat this land hold, that has kept these people stuck in walled cities they have created.

[Beacon academy]

Ironwood looked onto his fleet, a symbol of strength and prosperity.

His fleet hovered above the city making everyone feel safe. His soldiers roam the street and with their presence assures the people that we care. We show off our new innovations to the public and they know we are making these machines or power and dominance, for them. We came out of our way from Atlas to protect them with our men and our warships. These people must feel grateful.

He may have stepped on some toes, but he had to do it. Many would think him mad or make a terrible move but no one would attack them with him here. He had to make them see. That with sheer might they can make them surrender.

He steps forward to his projector and prepared himself to speak to Ozpin. He needs to make him see, to make him understand what he is doing is for the best for everyone. He taped a few buttons and the machine started dialing.

It ringed for a few tense seconds and he swallowed heavily, he knows this won't be an easy conversation.

With the face of the headmaster popping on the screen he knew it was time. "Ozpin, I hoped that we could talk in better circumstances."

"Oh no, I still find this to be a welcomed surprise." The headmaster said with a calm tone.

Ironwood didn't expect that. He honestly thought this was going to be harder. Maybe Ozpin does see it his way. "Well, that's good. I was hoping to talk about my sudden arrival. I came with the intention to ensure the safety of vale."

"Oh yes, that's what I thought. I have to say I'm quite disappointed. You should understand that regardless of your airships, the enemy can and will attack. That isn't a theory, it's fact." Ozpin retorted

Ironwood walked towards one of his observation windows and thrust his arm towards the city of Vale. "Look Ozpin, look at the fleet I brought. Nothing on vale can contest it. I made sure Vale is safe and nothing in this world can make the citizens of this city afraid of anything anymore!"

At this very moment, a highly ornate ivory white and golden object warped into view. followed by the sound of a thundering atmosphere.

Both men were left speechless.

"What in the hell is that!" Screamed Ironwood.

"I don't know but the thought of a giant ornate shrimp comes to mind." Ozpin observed.

"Well, do you know what to do if a fancy flying shrimp appears!" Ironwood asked.

Ozpin gave Ironwood a look. "I'm just saying what it looks like to me. If you want to advise on what to do in this situation, then I recommend gathering information. These WE don't have an idea of what this is."

The general walked towards his desk and activated his comms. "Captain, what the hell am I looking at!"

A bit of static was sorted through until a gruff old voice came through. "General Ironwood. I have no idea of what exactly this thing is, but it doesn't look threatening. From what we see, its a 100 meter long vessel with no visible weapons. Its armor seems to be made of some sort of ivory and gold. It doesn't even look like it has thrusters of any sort. It might be an experimental civilian luxury aircraft. My money is that it's a Schnee advertisement of some sort."

Ironwood felt that his general is missing something huge. "That thing popped out of nowhere. Nothing man made can do that. That or it's ludicrously fast but it has to have a ludicrously large power source."

"Sir, our equipment is showing us nothing reasonable. We found no power output being made that ship but magnetic and radio waves are going haywire. Neither of which explains how it's floating up there. I theorize that whatever this thing is, it's using some sort of unknown generator." The officer told his superior officer.

"Has it responded to any hails from us," Ironwood asked with a mild tinge of stress in his voice.

"Honestly sir, I don't feel like talking is the answer. These are intruders at a time of great pearl. We should give a warning shot out if they don't respond, we blast it out of the air." The officer offered.

"No!" yelled Ironwood. "We cannot respond to a situation all gunhoe. What if that thing is packed to the brim with civilians." Ironwood ordered.

"I doubt that sir. We've been scanned that thing and we found only more metal. Nothing shows that it has anything alive in there." The officer said.

"Still, do not open fire unless fired upon."

"Sir, I find this course of action foolish. We can ask whoever made this thing in a position of power." The officer said adimently.

"Unless they do something that seems suspicious, then don't open fire." Ironwood said with grittened teeth.

"Understood, sir."

Once the video cut out, Ironwood lent against his desk. He then turned to Ozpin still staring at him with a neutral face. He took a sip out of his mug and spoke. "I have seen many things in my time. That thing doesn't resonate with any of them. They might do something Entirely alien to us and we might respond."

"What do you expect me to do." Iron gave a deadly stare at Ozpin.

"Your men are already on edge and the slightest thing can set them off."

"What do you expect me to do. To just shut off our guns and wait to see what they do. We don't what this is!"

They just stared at one another. Both stared at one another attempting to find a solution but neither could. Ironwood re-open communication to his captain. "Are they responding to any hails yet?"

"No general, I don't think its possible. We could grab a landing party and send to apprehend the pilots." The officer said

"Not yet, put on the loudspeaker." Ironwood ordered

"Understood." The officer confirmed.

Ozpin gave look to Ironwood from his screen. One that didn't show any form of disagreement or one of an agreement. The General just sighed and started speaking. "Unidentified vessel, you are violating Vale airspace. Please identify yourself and state your purpose." the general just hope they would respond.

[On board the Orokin ship]

Amara couldn't understand a word these people are saying. It all just gibberish. Aruke is learning how to translate it at a mind-boggling rate but she doesn't know if it's enough. He's even using a targeting laser to sort through the communication to translate the language faster, she has worries that they might just open fire and any future relationships with these people will next to impossible.

She needs to do something to show she isn't hostile. Not much come to mind but one thing. She has to show she is attempting to communicate with them. She mentally activates flashing lights. She used a mathematical code. One of humanity old communication systems but its time and tested. The code repeated friendly, over and ever and over. Her heart pounded in anticipation. The time past on as if it were an eternity until the ships gave back the same response.

A smile or relief formed on her lips, this will do for a little while until they ask us for more. She just hopes Aruke isn't stretching this out any longer than it has to be. She can still hear his laughter from here. Even though there are hundreds of rooms held together utilizing impossible space technology. She had the entire origin system memorized and knew exactly what coordinates are needed to enter each one's atmosphere. She was too enthusiastic about entering the codes to move in and open communication that she forgot she was using earth coordinates. She clenched her fist in anger. These are the mistakes that the orokin used to chastise her. The same ones that had her punished over and over. The same ones that cause her twin sister to sacrifice herself for her. The fact that she was imperfect. That she was flawed to the point where they threw her in some backwater outpost and gave her famously difficult tenno.

She pulled herself out of her self-loathing and remember that she was needed to lead these people into this new world. She took deep breaths and recollected herself. She activated her comms and contacted Aruke to see how was the translation going. "Archimedean, tell me how soon can you get me those translations." Amara ordered.

A gruff and tired voice responded. "I just sorted through three hundred gigabytes worth of information in three hours. I was able to translate all relevant information of we scavenged from there planetary communications device, which wasn't much mind you and I can safely say I've properly translated their language. You may praise me now." Aruke bosted.

I gave a disgruntled grunt towards the Archimedian. "Get it ready for it to be patched through and awaken the tenno. I have a sensation that we are going to meet these people face to face very soon. For that, I'll need my best." Amara said.

"Normally I'll be against using a tenno as a bargaining tool but knowing that these people most likely never seen one, they are more likely to be surprised if they spring a trap." Aruke said concerned.

"You talk far too much Aruke, learn to still your tongue and we might make new friends," Amara said.

"Harsh words, but fair ones. Now off you go, I have to give a big surprise to an awakening demon." Aruke said.

The sound of a disconnecting comm soon alerted me of his departure and I moved to my deck's screen. With a simple mental command, I hailed their ship. I have no idea what these people are like and I most likely made agave error in appearing out of nowhere but I can not seem weak or foolish. It's not in her blood to do so when not talking to her own kind. She may be accident prone, but she is still an orokin and she will stand noble and graceful.

A mental beep reverberated through her mind and the projector lit itself. It showed the splitting image of square-jawed General of an army. "Under the authority of the kingdom of Atlas, I demand that yo-. What hell are you." His eyes widen at the sight of me.

The man most likely never saw an orokin or even heard of one. I would understand his shock at my image. Most would find perfectly smooth grey skin, devoid of any blemishes pleasing. Most did seem to stare at the arm. Some would find it disturbing. It didn't matter, I just have to see if he could understand me. I spoke.

"My name in Amara Luxior, A orokin low born and I wish to extend my greetings."