Yang sighed handing Qrow the lantern. He was saying something to her, but she didn't hear.

She saw her. She was there, just a little bit away. She was here.

Yang bit her lip looking down towards the ground. She wanted to hug her, kiss her. But her anger… she was mad. Why run when she needed her the most at that time.

She felt a hand on her shoulder, Ruby next to her with a smile on her face. "Go…" she gave her one simple word.

Could she? Would she? Was the question. That's when she felt a hand on her back pushing her towards where Blake was. Looking Weiss stood there with a smile on her face as well.

"Go see her."

Did they not understand what she had gone through, the love of her life ran away from her. Ran from her problems after she promised not to go. To stay right by her side.

But… when she looked down to see their hand intertwined. She realized… they did know.

All of them knew… not one not two… all. They all lost something that day.

Friends… love… youth.

Yang looked back where Blake was to see Sun spin the girl back around facing them.




She bit her lip, her legs carrying her before she thought about it.

Before she knew it both stood in the middle of the area, just five feet apart.

"Yang… I…"

Before Blake finished her sentence Yang hugged her.

"Don't Blake. I understand."

Blake gave a sad smile wrapping her arms around Yang. "I'm not leaving."

"Not this time."


Another Oneshot with a cute ship, just been writing what comes to mind now lol.