Disclaimer! This first chapter is going to be fairly dark and a bit disturbing so read at your own risk.
I'm also in the process of reading/re-reading House of Night so I haven't finished the series yet (Im in the middle of Destined as I'm writing this), but I was very inspired to write this. Sorry if something isn't correct that happens in the last few books. I only have three left plus Loved.
"Margaret! Get your ass out here!" my father yelled, scaring me awake. I scrambled out of bed and rushed out to the living room. "Yes Sir?" I say, barely above a whisper, pulling down my shirt to making up for the fact that I only had underwear on. "We're out of milk. I told you to pick some more up yesterday!" he practically growled. "But you didn't tell me. I didn't know we were almost out of milk. I'm sor-," I was cut off by the back of his hand coming across my face, making me stumble backwards. I held my face with tears already going down my face. "I told you countless times, do not talk back to me," he said, coming closer to me while taking off his belt. "Daddy, please don't," I begged, slowly backing away from him. "You are my daughter and I will do what every I fucking want to you," he said before lifting his belt and hitting my with the buckle. I cried out in pain as it made contact with my forehead, right above my right eye, causing me to fall backwards on to the couch.
I tried to back away as he undid his pants. "Up," he yelled at me. I didn't move. "I fucking said get up!" he roared and grabbed me and pulled me back up before bending me over the back of the couch. "No!" I screamed, as he pulled down my underwear. Before I knew what was happening, the belt was around my neck, making me freeze in place. "Please don't," I whispered, before letting out a scream as my father raped me.
"Come straight home from school, I'm not done with you," my father said, after cumming in my ass. He pulled up his pants and put his belt back on before grabbing his keys and walking out the door. I laid there crying and shaking. I put my hand on to my neck and winced at the pain. I slowly stood up and walked to my bathroom and looking at my self in the mirror. My long brown hair was a matted mess, my grey eyes looked lifeless and red. I had a horrible bruise around my neck and a gash above my eye. I had already felt like crap when I had went to bed last night but now I looked like crap.
I doubled over as a wet cough took over. "Don't you dare get me sick, Bitch." My father had said when I first started coughing a few days ago. "Maybe this will kill me," I whispered into my arm once the coughing fit ended. I shook my head and got ready for school.
Luckily it was the middle of winter so I could wear a long sleeve shirt and scarf to cover my bruising. It was already lunch time and I just wanted the day to last as long as possible. I sat int the corner of the cafeteria by myself, listening to the commotion going on around me while pushing around my food. I was completely zoned out and, like everyone else, didn't notice the Clark Kent look-alike with a sapphire tattoo framing his face walk into the cafeteria. "Margaret Williams," he said, making me, and everyone around me, jump and look up at him to see him pointing at me, "Night has chosen thee; thy death will be thy birth. Night calls to thee, hearken to her sweet voice. Your destiny awaits you at the House of Night."
I fainted and fell out of my chair and on to the floor. I woke up moments later to see people standing over me and whispering. I rubbed my forehead and knew there was now an outline of a crescent moon in the middle. I started to sit up and people flinched away from me. I looked around and didn't see Clark Kent anywhere. "He couldn't at least give me a ride?" I muttered under my breath and stood up slowly. Everyone was just staring at my and backing away from me. I sighed and grabbed my back and walked to the closest bathroom.
I looked at my self in the mirror and saw the outline for the sapphire crescent moon in the middle of my forehead. I traced it lightly with my finger, almost expecting it to hurt. "I guess I need to get to the House of Night then," I said and dropped my hand with the realization. "I get to leave. I'm finally going to be free from him," I whispered as my eyes began to tear up. I smiled at my reflection before walking out of the bathroom and into the parking lot to my car. I quickly drove home to gather my things. I was relieved to see that my father wasn't home. I ran inside and started gathering up the few things that I had that I wanted to take with me, like some clothes and my laptop.
Before I packed my laptop, I searched which House of Night was closest to me. "Looks like Tulsa is my new home," I said to my self while looking over the directions.
I started walking back out to my car when my father walked in the door. "Why are you home?" I squeaked. "Why am I home? why are you home, aren't you suppose to be at school?" he questioned, then noticed my tote bag in my hand. "Where the fuck do you think you're going? Are you trying to run away from me? I'll always find you." I took a deep breath and said a silent prayer to Nyx, the Goddess who saved me. Nyx, please give me strength. I felt something swell inside of me and looked my father dead in the eye. "You can't follow me where I'm going, Dad. If you haven't realized, I was Marked. I have to go to the House of Night or I will die."
"Then you'll die, because you are not leaving me."
"You can't keep me here! I'm going!" I said and tried to walk past him. He grabbed my arm and threw me on the ground and began to undo his belt. "No! You will not touch me again," I said, standing up, my voice getting more powerful with each work, "You will not hit me again and you sure as hell not going rape me again." "You are my daughter! I will do what ever I fucking want!" he yelled as he raised he hand to hit me with the belt. My hand flew up and caught the belt before it hit me. I yanked the belt from his hand a threw it across the room. "You fucking bitch!" he screamed and tackled me. I screamed at him, not in pain, but in anger. He stopped, inches from me, wind whirling around him. I ran around him and ran out of the house. The wind around him stopped and he fell on the ground, not moving. I got in my car and drove away and didn't look back.