Title: Libertate
Summary: The war was over, her fight finished, or so she thought. Hazel betrayed by her friends, locked away, but for how long? She left it all behind and moved to a small town in America that wasn't all it seemed. Fem!Harry. Vampire Diaries x Harry Potter.
A/N: I've played around with the timelines. The Vampire Diaries timeline will stay the same, but Harry Potter is six years in the future (Hazel born in 1986 not 1980). Takes place roughly 2010, season 1 or 2 of TVD.
Disclaimer: I don't own The Vampire Diaries or Harry Potter. :,(
Third Person POV (As always. One day I might write a first person, but today is not that day.)
Chapter One
The wind howled, but the figure huddled in dirty rags was numb to the cold, numb to a lot of things actually.
The wind still howled, louder, stronger than ever. Outside the bars two men looked outdoors nervously, it stormed constantly at the fortress, but some storms were much stronger than others.
The cold picked up in its intensity. The dementor guards fled the cell block with a subdued rattle.
The figure in rags looked up at the wall where a shadow was condensing into a solid form, dimly aware of the guards dropping behind her, dead. Green eyes blankly observed the form as it solidified into a grandfatherly looking man wearing a suit and tie.
"Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes." the female rasped, voice dry. She distractedly thought about the last time she had spoken and couldn't really remember.
"I am unable to interfere in mortal affairs. Luckily, for you, you do not exist on the same plane as the mortals. And you died in your sleep this beautiful morning, so here I am, my lovely."
The prisoner rolled her eyes, "You're a flatterer, Death."
"Time to go." The entity known as Death held out a pale hand for the girl to take.
She took his hand feeling the world warp around her.
By the time she had regained her bearings she was alone in the woods. In her hand was a gnarled wand, a cracked stone, and around her shoulders a silvery cloak.
Andromeda Tonks looked on as her grandson played in the garden outside. Little Teddy was turning six soon.
She was just about to call him in for lunch when she saw a bright light in front her. The patronus collected into the form of a large dog, grimlike in appearance.
And then it spoke in a voice she never thought she'd hear again, "'Andromeda, I know I risk a lot sending you this message, but I'm free and I want to see Teddy before I leave for good. Please don't call the aurors, I mean you no harm. If you accept please meet me at Grimmauld at 7:00 tonight, if not I understand.' - Hazel Potter-Black."
Knock knock.
Hazel looked at herself one last time in the hallway mirror and adjusted the glamour.
She took a deep breath as she grasped the doorknob and opened the door, the breath left her chest at the dark haired woman on her porch holding a small boy with teal hair and forest green eyes.
The moment the boy caught sight of her his eyes turned the same emerald as her own and his hair became a tangled mess of inky locks.
Andromeda took in the woman she hadn't seen since the months after the war, when she would come over on weekends to see Teddy. The girl didn't look to have changed at all, same dark hair and bright eyes, but Andy could see the telltale signs of a glamour and a lingering tired look in her eyes.
Unsure of what to say, Hazel stepped aside and gestured the woman and baby in.
"He's grown." she continued desolately, staring at the four year old.
"He has." Andy agreed quietly.
Hazel fidgeted, before she blurted, "Have you eaten? Kreacher prepared dinner."
"No, we have not eaten yet." The older woman replied.
Andromeda set her grandson down and charmed his toys to float around for him, before calling, "Kreacher," the old elf appeared, "will you please watch Teddy?"
"Kreacher will watch the werewolf spawn."
Rolling her eyes at the elf, she pulled Hazel gently from the room. She reached the dining room and faced the Azkaban escapee expectantly, "How are you? I can see the glamour."
Hazel's eyes welled up with tears as she dropped the glamour around her.
Andy was speechless as she registered the younger witch's appearance. Where before there was the illusion of a healthy tan, glossy black curls, and brilliant green eyes; there was now corpse-like gaunt skin, limp and greasy snarls, and sunken eyes that had a haunted look in sickly Avada Kedavra irises. But what she really noticed was the witch didn't look like a 23 year old but still like that 17 year old Andy last saw.
"Oh, Hazel…." she trailed off, pulling the godmother of her grandson into her embrace. "It'll be alright dear."
"I wasn't going to contact you, but I just needed to see you both just once before I left."
"Where were you going?"
"America. The Black's have a home in Virginia I was going to use."
"Alone?" Hazel nodded, "I do know that house and it is one of the bigger properties we have." Andy pulled back to look her in the eyes. "Let us come with you."
"What? Andy, I can't ask you to leave everything behind for me."
"You don't have to ask. I would anyway." Seeing Hazel's look of protest she added, "And Teddy needs his godmother, not just his grandmother."
The escapee turned her head in the direction of the living room where she could hear Teddy playing, indecision flashing in her eyes. "What if someone comes for me? You and Teddy could be hurt or taken away for harboring a fugitive."
"What if they come after you and you are alone trying to defend yourself."
Hazel thought for a moment and was about to answer when Andy continued.
"And this time they won't be trying to just apprehend you. They'll be trying to kill you, especially now that you've proven to them that you're too dangerous even for Azkaban. How did you get out anyway?"
For the first time since imprisonment, Hazel smirked.
The town that Hazel had chosen was a small one, one where everybody knows everybody else. And all of them seemed to be interested in the family who moved into the big empty house just outside the town.
Hazel was once again hidden upstairs as Andy greeted neighbors and guests who came by to meet them. She would have felt bad for leaving her to the vultures, but the one time she had even gotten close to a person, her magic flared up in fear and Andy had to obliviate the poor muggle.
They had been in town for almost two months and Hazel had not once left the property. Though she did look slightly more human than before. Her cheeks had filled out a bit and her hair had regained some of its shine and volume. Her eyes were not so sunken, though the color was still that sickly green she didn't think would ever go away.
She and Andy had a great laugh about Britain's Ministry of Magic running around like headless chickens trying to find her after they discovered she was gone.
Lost in her thoughts, she didn't look up until she heard the door shut on whoever their guests were and Andy took Teddy back into the kitchen to finish dinner.
Hazel slunk back into her spot at the table just as Kreacher brought out dessert.
Andy spoke up, "You know what? This town has too many parties. And I was raised as a pure-blood."
She chuckled, "It can't be that bad, Aunt Andy."
"But it is, the Mayor and his wife were trying to get us to attend the Founders' Day celebrations. And you were sighted you know, by the woman down the street, Jenna, who says she takes care of her teenage niece and nephew too. I think you would like her, she's got spunk."
"Maybe I'll meet her sometime."
Andy smiled sympathetically at her niece, "You will. You'll have control over your magic in no time."
"Thanks Andy."
"You're welcome. Now finish your treacle tart."
"Yes ma'am." she saluted, earning an exasperated, but fond, eye roll.
A/N: This chapter was a lot shorter than the chapters in my other story, but hopefully they'll get longer. Hope you like. Read, favorite, follow, and review. I'd like to know what you think I have a tentative plan, but sometimes I don't like the plan once I get there, so tell me what you think. Suggestions welcome.
I'm thinking for a pairing either: Klaus, Kol, or Elijah. At the moment leaning towards Kol, but I can be persuaded otherwise.