CHAPTER 15: Nazarick's expansion

A week's time has passed as Jaldabaoth's ship arrives upon the Horn of Africa. The continent is unowned but is closely watched and used by former the E.U. now known as "Albion". It controls all former European powers from its headquarters located in London. Albion has sucked nearly all resources from Africa dry, leaving the "dark continent" to fend for itself. The country of South Africa has become a jungle of concrete and steel from industrialization, and the land has turned red due to the amount of blood from the numerous deaths Albion is responsible for.

A wonderful place for Nazarick to rule.

"Jaldabaoth, sir. We have vehicles ready to take us to our base."

"Excellent. Let us go. Oh. Have the preparations been completed?"

"Yes, sir. The hammer is placed onto the vehicles."

"Then let us depart."

Daniels hands Jaldabaoth a device that he places in his pocket and another to Lucy. They leave the ship while their cargo is being placed onto trucks, while Jaldabaoth is looking around seeing numerous people at the docks begging for food or money. This was not on his mind, but rather something different.

"Daniels, why are these people a different color?"

"Ah. Um... well, sir… people come in different colors." Answered Daniels awkwardly.

"I see. So do these different colors have any special abilities or attributes compared to others?"

"No, sir."

"So color doesn't really matter amongst humans. I see. Well, as long they are willing to serve the Supreme Beings, then I couldn't care less about such insignificant things."

"Yes, sir. Right this way. We have to visit a local warlord if we are going to begin operations."

Jaldabaoth enters a Jeep with Daniels and some other men, and they travel through the docks and enter the city. They then begin to travel through the city and he feels a strange sensation. It felt like it was pulling at him, but as they turn the block the feeling went away. He wanted to pursue it, but they soon arrive at a two-story building with numerous armed guards at the entrance. A member leaves the car and begins talking to the armed guards.

"Why do we have to visit such a weakling called a 'warlord'?" Jaldabaoth asked dryly.

"Sir, I understand that you're powerful, but Lord Ainz has given us specific orders to use local resources for the time being."

Jaldabaoth nods once as he remembers his conversation with Lord Ainz and his trip here.

-A few days ago-

Demiurge in his original form received a [Message] from the Supreme One Lord Ainz, explaining the recent events that have passed.

[Greetings, my lord. How can I be of service to you?]

[I need to personally to tell you of our discovery regarding the Incident.]

[Ooooh~! To think that Lord Ainz would personally contact me. It's such an honor.]

[Yes, yes. No need for such things Demiurge, so just be quiet and listen to me.]

[Ah, yes my lord. My apologies]

[Mare's recent weakness was because his body hadn't experienced this world's lack of mana before. His sudden use of magic too much for his body to handle, and it drained him. This effect is more apparent to those of the living than undead.]

[Ah, I see. Only Lord Ainz could come up with an explanation in such a short time.]

[Your praise is not needed Demiurge. This should also serve as a warning for you too. Now then, you've lasted the longest outside of Nazarick and are of demon race. How do you feel?]

[I feel completely fine my lord. I have not had reason to exert myself as of late.]

[Good. Your exposure to a world lacking in magic may have already affected your body in a positive way in that case. It's my hope that you and others of Nazarick can adapt to this.]

[Of course, Lord Ainz. I shall inform you if I feel any changes. Also my lord, have you solved the issue regarding their tracking of us?]

[Not yet. We can avoid tracking for lvl-80s and below with spells, but its difficult with anyone above that threshold. I may have an idea that might aid us.]

[Yes, Lord Ainz. However, these human tools called "Faraday Cages", that blocks my magic from being tracked. So perhaps we can use this with our tools.]

[As always Demiurge, I thank you for the wise counsel.]

[No need for such humble words, my lord. I live to serve the Supreme Beings.]

[Message] ends.

(Hm… Daniels explained these "satellites" use dozens of specific devices that can track us by our mana readings, but devices exist that can block them with ease. The Supreme Beings and the Floor Guardians are extremely powerful, so it might prove difficult to hide their power against unknown factors. I will need to test these factors once I have secured our operations here…)

Demiurge has a large grin as he sees the vast ocean beyond the beach.

A knock on the window breaks his train of thought.

"Jaldabaoth, sir? They are ready for you."

"Excellent. I cannot wait until I have this individual's head as a desk mount." Replied Jaldabaoth with a mocking grin.

Jaldabaoth enters a worn out building with Daniels and a few of his men while being escorted by 10 other armed locals. Jaldabaoth takes an elevator to the top floor while everyone else waits on the bottom floor.

(I wonder if this man will lick Lord Ainz's feet for forgiveness or offer up his child's life?)

The elevator stops showing a pristine and luxurious room. It was the complete opposite of the cruel conditions outside. Jaldabaoth is taken to closed door and soon a heavy voice is heard from behind it.

"Come in."

The door opens allowing stream to escape the room, and as Jaldabaoth enters he sees a large fat man in a large wonderous pool. Some attractive women hugs and serves the man with a some contented smiles on their faces, though it seemed faked in Jaldabaoth's eyes.

"Hello, and welcome to my palace."

"Oh? A palace, is it? I actually find it to be quite dull."

"Hmph! Since it's your first time here I'm gonna hospitable. The next time you insult my place, your head will be mounted on a ship so the whole world can see it."

Jaldabaoth smiles upon hearing that statement.

"Ah, yes.~ Well, that's enough of your jokes. I came here to conduct business that'll make you extremely wealthy, and make this so-called 'palace' truly shine."

"I'm listening, but a down payment is needed beforehand."

Jaldabaoth reaches into his coat and pulls out a small box. He opens it facing the man, showing what appears to be a vial of blood, a diamond the size of a baby's head, and a stick with some leaves.

"Hahaha! These are your down payment? You must be higher than the moon!"

Jaldabaoth turns to the side, seeing an armed guard behind him. He smiles and swings his arm at a blinding speed, cutting the man's arm off, who screams in pain, making the other guards rush in. They were mere seconds from acting when the warlord stops them with a raise of his hand. He watched on with an odd mix of calm, curiosity, and even amusement. Something that made the demon smirk as he pours the vial of blood on the guard's crimson stump, making the arm regrow.

"Amazing! Hah! Well worth it! What are the other gifts have you brought!?" Asked the fat warlord excitedly.

"If you swear loyalty to me and my master, I'll ensure that you receive more than these 'simple' trinkets." Said Jaldabaoth with a cunning smile.

"Huh. I like your sale's pitch, but first let me finish seeing the rest of my down payment."

Jaldabaoth grabs the large diamond next. It was the purest he had ever seen, and in truth, the item alone is worth a country. Jaldabaoth pulls out a piece of coal from inside his coat, and places it on the diamond. A few moments pass and it transforms before their very eyes into another diamond the size of an eyeball. Needless to say, this shocks everyone in the room. All except for the fat warlord who wore a wide grin.

"This item can make diamonds from coal with ease for a limited number of times a day. This will obviously help your financial position in the region. Ah! And yes, the container comes with an 'instruction manual', as my master called it."

"Hah! Wonderful! I always wanted a diamond-encrusted boots."

"Lastly, I will need a large pot with dirt in it."

The warlord signals to his men with a snap of his fingers to bring one Immediately, and a few minutes later, the guards bring a large vase 3-feet in diameter. Jaldabaoth places the stick with leaves into it, and within seconds the stick begins to grow into a healthy apple tree that was easily 6-feet in height.

"These trees will always grow these apples. However, they are not ordinary apples. They are quite special, and willl recover one's stamina upon consumption." Explained Jaldabaoth with an almost teacherly tone as he pushed up his glasses.

Jalabroth tosses one to the warlord and he eats it without a moment pause. He can feel a rush of energy flow through his body.

"Whoa! I feel like a young man again!"

He grabs one of the females beside him and begins to feel her up like an excited teenager. Jaldabaoth seemed unimpressed as he then spoke up with a business-like tone.

"So then, do we have an agreement?"

"Hah! Are you kidding? Of course we do! With us working together, this Horn of Africa shall be the 'Ivory Horn of the World'."

Jaldabaoth grins shortly after leaving the building. He spots Daniels standing a pile of guns that he and his me took from the armed guards.

"You can return their weapons. Our business here has been a success. Now then, take me to this location on the map."

"Yes, sir!"

Jaldabaoth then is taken an hour away from the city into a desert wasteland, where they come upon and stop at an abandoned steel factory.

"Aaaah~! The next steppingstone to begin the Supreme Beings' conquest! Daniels, you may contact those on the ship, and instruct them to bring everything here!"

"Yes, sir!"

A few hours pass and dozens of trucks begin filling into the factory, quickly setting up several devices and work stations with practiced efficiency that somehow managed to impress even the demon watching with curious interest. Some would call it "creepy", but such was their focus and devotion to the task that they didn't care to notice.

"Sir, the devices are in place. We are now protected from prying eyes."

"Excellent~! Now open the cargo, and watch the perimeter."

"Yes, sir!"

The human soldiers begin opening containers, revealing large pieces of rocks, and some unknown metals with rune-like markings. Jaldabaoth walks up to the them and shouts a single word.


The stones begin moving and connecting to each other, eventually taking on the forms of large golems. There were thirteen large golems that were the size of Death Knights that left the containers, standing before Jaldabaoth. About twenty other smaller golems the size of average humans stood behind them in lines awaiting orders.

"First order: get this factory working before nightfall."

Upon Jaldabaoth's command, the golems move without saying a word. They start taking the factory apart, and then replacing broken down parts with pieces of their own body.

"Garden Squad, reporting for duty!" Said a group of treants and dryads, along with hooded druids of an unknown race, disguised as humans.

"Repair this broken land around us, until it is worthy of the Supreme Beings."

"Yes, sir!"

The final container opens, showing large collections of unknown metals, along with a few hearty looking dwarves. They were mercenary summons that were called upon by their mutual master, Ainz Ooal Gown. They all bow and speak in subservient tones.

"We are ready, Lord Demiurge."

"Excellent. I am pleased to hear that, but here in this land call me, 'Jaldabaoth". Now, I shall require the assistance of you three in completing the teleportation gates. This task will be of utmost importance to the Supreme One's goals. Failure shall not be an option."

"Understood, Lord Jaldabaoth!" Said the dwarves resolutely, with a devilish smile beaming across Demiurge's face.

-One Week Later-

After Nazarick's plans were enacted, a flood of African workers were now tending to bountiful farmland, and building new homes from unknown metals, made through unknown methods. What was once described as a "third-world toilet", rivaled most modern nations. The economy has skyrocketed by 3000%, and all resources produced and mined are teleported to Nazarick.

"An entire continent starved of simple foods, work, and goods, now serves Nazarick. Lord Ainz is quite brilliant. I would have taken the warlord's place, but using these people's own happiness and new sense of purpose to ensure loyalty is quite cunning. I must improve myself to even keep up with Lord Ainz!"



A rather plain looking but clean and well-groomed local entered with a respectful head-bow.

"Yes, hello sir. It's me, Amare."

Amare became the foreman at the factory showing the best competency and leadership. His duteous performance in service to Nazarick was admirable. More than Demiurge would have expected, before seeing the results of his master's efforts.

"What is today's report?" Asked "Jaldabaoth" calmly.

"Yes, sir. Production has increased due to new workers by 50%. The reconstruction of the city has begun, and the raiders camps have been removed."

"Excellent news. Now then Amare, you will be charge for the time being. I have other matters I need to attend too."

"Oh! Yes, sir. Don't worry. I'll keep everything running."

"Good. I know you will." Said the demon with a cunning grin as he pushed up his glasses.

Jaldabaoth leaves his office and then seemingly disappears into thin air. He reappears before the doors of Nazarick's throne room, changing into his original appearance.

"Ah~! So refreshing to return the way I was originally made."

He opens the doors to see his Lord Ainz in his Overlord form sitting upon his throne, with his ever faithful "consort" Albedo beside him. However, it seemed that Lord Peroroncino was nowhere to be seen. Casting thought aside, Demiurge kneels before Ainz, whom merely waved allowing him to stand.

"Demiurge, I have read your reports regarding our foothold in Africa, but I want to hear your personal opinion."

"Yes, my lord! The humans of that land have placed their undying loyalty into me, seeing me as a 'savior' of sorts. I had used a warlord to secure my position without exposing myself ensuring my secrecy. I have also placed agents in the surrounding cities and villages to prepare for when I arrive. I should have this 'Horn of Africa' within my control in three weeks, and government on the third week."

"Hmm... Good work, Demigure." Said Ainz with a slight pause as he stroked his chin.

Demiurge flinches at Ainz having to think before congratulating him.

(An error on my part! That must be what has caused my lord to pause. I must have not met his schedule. I have lowered his expectations of me!)

"T-Thank you Lord Ainz, but I shall try to speed things up to meet your requirements."

"Huh? What? N-No, take your time. I enjoy your determination, but this is our first expansion, and a single mistake could ruin Nazarick's plan to conquer the globe."

(Aaah~! I have placed myself in quite the blunder! How could I not seen Lord Ainz's plan ahead of my own!? If I proceed too quickly, it might bring the attention of those "superpowers", and our expansion could halt!)

"Yes, I understand Lord Ainz. I shall tread carefully to ensure our expansion goes smoothly."

"Excellent. I'm glad you understand. Now, how are the humans doing?"

"SGT Daniels' men are proficient, and the workers are treated kindly."

"Good. I'll be sending our reporter tomorrow to begin the next phase. Do you have any questions?"

"No, my lord. Everything shall be ready before tomorrow!"

"I see… Then I shall attend to other matters."


Ainz disappears into the black-purplish portal, leaving only Albedo and Demiurge remaining in the throne room..

"You heard our glorious Lord Ainz. Return quickly and begin preparations."

"Of course, Albedo."

In a flash of light Demiurge disappears and reappears in the now thriving city. He returns to his human form, but before he begins their next preparations, a strong feeling stings at him turning his attention to it.

(What is this feeling?)

As quickly as he notices it, the feeling vanishes.

(Is it possible my creator is waiting for me?)

You'll have to find out next time!

*Author here: Sorry for the reeeeally long wait, but life takes priority, ya' know? I have other projects in the works too. Like working on my own stories to publish, but I'll keep working on these fics when I can. Just be patient with me please. Support my kickass Beta, Mad-Dan90 while you're at it. He goes above and beyond sometimes. And as always, please leave a review and/or send me a PM.*