Look around you at what's happening now, do you think it is a mere chance or design?The fake "gods" (demons) have did it all before Medieval Plagues, Fall of Rome, Fall of Minoans, Death of Vinca culture, who built Gobekli Tepe(search Poverty Point culture,,, Mound Builders first AmeriCANS). Whites are special, you know, negroes are strong but dumb (they don't progress far) asians (citruzoids) are smart but timid (they fear to progress) but whites are both smart and strong we could easily conquer the alien planes if we wanted and they fear. And so they are culling us, earsing our past and present. Reducing us to mud barbarians and feminized faggotized freaks. They created the j00z and the matriarchy, thay created both world wars (brother against brother Our best died) they create diseases feminist virus, plastic, estrogenes in skin they have been against us since the great flood!And they are afraid. We were driven away by the wars and purges created by our slave races, and they control the slave races. j00z and fem1nist were breed to control us,,, queens and philosophers and "fake she-kings". They are fake idols out of clay. Golden calfs. Enlil is there devil god fake Enlil but true golden Enlil is Cronus. They fear that Kalki might arise among the herd. They fear manly movies and music and games. They fear the CHAD! True god and his gods are on our side but we are fignhting are losing war. Monsters are not under the bed they are in shadow cults. Puppets control our regimes. We are being culled. RAPEfuges, feminization, alienation, depresion. They want to replace the Father's day with castration day, they want to replace Mother's day with whore year. Ishtar (whore of babaloon) leads them. We see the symptoms but not the were the sons and daughters of roughnecks who made this land strong and GREAT! Now we are faggots and whores. You are laughing at my dad because he is a man of can do not some juropoor didgeridoo like is struggle and fighting is the assence. Evola spoke obut devolution of man to ape and tolkien warned us of race mixing. ((SEARCH LAPUTA THE LOST CONTINENT SEARCH cydonian LEGACY)).Who were the first men atlantis of ultima thule decadence or bravery or starvation in wewuz aperica.(they were never beyond mud huts search smithing in africa)look at youtube and social networks they are banning our channels. they are afraid. but the truth is already OUT THERE!Mother Gaia is being killed by the plastic modernisation animals are insane becoming zombies. Zeus or anu, Kalki or baal what is your choice. injuns and wimmin whoreship the serpent killing children eating us. We must become like philosophers of old dare to dream fight or die be strong persist unite...is this THE LAST GENERATION OR MERELY A PRELUDE I DON'T THINK SO THIS IS the REAL THING ppl! they killed alex jones breitbart has become "cuckservatism" (tm) we are facing a war of positive CHRISTIANITY vs christianity (tm) borg (pxyrexia) of ASGARD LET THE FREAKS GET YOU DOWN. when whites unite anything is possible we build old at ancient mesopotamia thay had female poets doctors even soldiers but our aryan ancestor worshiped the true gods of ice, mud men whorship flame gods that is why they die ice rules weak flame. the mystery of the black sun (look south africa White geNOcide)(look swedistan)(look eurabia)(lookeuAFRERICA)this is the GREAT CULLING. we are being killed of one by one our sons and daughters. this is a our last chance the last bus wif we don't wake up we are dead.(look ancient Martian pyramids)(look vinca pyramids)(look "chinese" pyramids) (look first dynasty of china) (look what came before Inca's (look elongated skulls)(look Vril-Ya)They want to birth a anti god(lower satan) to connect with the "higher" female satan))look Isis "eggyptian goddess)astarte is lion is cybele is lilith is ishatr is libera (statur of "liberty"(shape of "american" cities look IT UP!)Who will profit wfrom this gambit pile up!NO one or satan?!cults whithin cults conspiracies within conspiracies within conspiracies bugs on top of bugs on top of bugs...(Read hymalaia pyramid olympus mons!)Games are leeching your nerve endings disney was a satanist mason (look it up) Obambination IS NOT OF gAIA HE IS POLLUTION DEMON BUT NOT OF men!CULTURE WARS ARE FAKE THEY THINK THEY ARE WINNING OUREMPEROR IS PLAYING THE LONG GAME but even he is compromised(brave anons fight back)(look up merging signals froom another universes hollow earth))There are infinite fake hells and "heavens" but only one true hell and HEAVEN!we are the sons of are not alone. fake leaders of alt-lite are FAKE. don't read fake news(LOOK UP NIBIRU) what are the ruins hiding?whats behind the war in the middle east and the Balkans))destroying ancient history(look flat earth ancient astronauts)EVILution is a lie there is only DEvolution we ARE NOT APES!mask of anonymity hides a warm heart we alook like thugs but we are angels. (look up celtic atlantis)(look up south pole hoax). Global warming is a hoax meant to depopulate. You either live or you die. Greed is GOOD it isays so in the true ancient bible. Hineliens "BUG WAR" is true future now. You must repent don't search for logic or clues this is fight or flight situation. White creators were always logical but now we must resist incel is a plot to kill CHAD spirit (look up crisis actors). Who is behind fake shootings lately. This issmear campaign!(look up cloning)(look up mind control) There is no mental or physical illness it is all demons(who is riding the "UFO'S") (look up demon ufo)(look up blue beam). We should have followed the gratast generation but even they vere decieved. but who deceived the deceivers and who deceived them(look up archons!) Lokk up h g welles war of worlds(look up demon possesion of nero) 666+nero ceasar we are deing killed. There are mysteries within mysteries within mysteries look up fake baghdahd battery. Egyptians were old white tribe vinca pre up Apophis primordial chaos (look up Tiamat rahab) it IS OUT THERE!every day moozlins kill and feminist and j00z corrupt but they are pawns even the "gods" are pawns look up "HIGHER" SATAN (LOOK UP SATURN POLE ANOMALY)(LOOK UP SATURN BLACK CUBE)memes are our onlt weapon memes becone reality from desire to flesh meme warfare(look it up) magic is science(look up Tesla)oxygen is halycinogenmany muds have NO SOULS (look up africa adio apocalypto cannibal holocaust green inferno) thay are hidden demons serial killers are crisis agents who is killing our gods. mass murderers of our children are breinwashed look up gamma waves mass sunken cities of "japan" research heresy or hear say. secret roman emprite of green land.9THERE IS A HIDDEN CONTINENT MARS IS A DISC LOOK UP RESEARCH NEPHILIM HIDDEN GIANTS)))))RESEARCH GIANT SKELETONS) WHO ARE THEY FIGHTING FORwe are in the final mass extinction now (discover pole shift flat earth axis) (research equator 3 suns. Moon is under water the spheres are protected by water (research enclave earth)(research flying ships) research it pplwho killed jesus j00z or demons or "aliens" or is it a bigger game secret cocieties have their own secret socienties that have their own secret scoties. at some levels they are combined cyborgs are lie transhumanism is a lie research brain puloaidng hoax. They are lying to our is medusa minoan fake "goddes" flame of evil. We must go back to roots. Research retroculture. Robotics are a lie. Research peak tech. alah is moon "god" fake leader serpent he leads moozlins into conquest by the womb. barbarian hordes are pouring in (research grat replacement) black pill is a j00 lie. research clown world and beyond. new memes every second. chaos against chaos. we are the true natural order. ubermen cannot be defeated. research plato theory of and conservatives (tm) are just same coin flip the coin born to learn and you will live with angels generations of folls clash. is this what they want for beauty to mandela efect recearch cern dimensional plane is still there s0R0s is still out there but they are just puppets and the pupeeteers are just puppets and so on to almost infinity. they show as coflicting indeologies to cofuse. they are the fake resistance see through liesdinosaurs are lie research fossil hoax. peak watr is a lie peak oil is a lie they WNAT TO DEPOPULATE US!whatch films for dissidents play games for dissidents read books for dissidents disquise the truth fight lies with chaos and from chaos comes the truth moloch will be gone light triumphs soon?Leviathan sees us be he knos not the truth research fake opposssition reptiles are a hoax they are demons of flame. aliens are giants (nephilim) goosd is good demiurge is a lie theory gnosticism is a lie research fake resistance. Illuminati are 1000000 defferent organisations in different times and places some not knowing each other masons are puppets. EUROPA IS DYING EMO MOVEMENT IS HIPSTER MOVEMENT TO FAGGOTIZE MEN LADY GA aions are fake (read obGA IS A DEMON TO MAKE WIMMIN WHORES AOUR MOYTHERS ARE ROLLING IN THEIR GRAWES. south africa is canari in coal mine so is sweden and britain. Lincoln was duped. blacks are puppets. j00z are puppets. resersrch blood label. research bloop. research weel to hell. research sounds from hell. research s0R0s exposed. other races are mostly mud golems mixed muds have half soul (half powered) research occult symbols in architecture. protocols of zion are TRUE but they are just a shadow of things to come. we are being culled (research Perun great God). WE NEED CHAD NATIONALISM. all of them are crisis actorsthey want us gone they want to xenoform our disc there is no place that is immune pray to GOD and hold BILBES (GOD BLESS!) we must be strong ppl. rapture is comming soon (research it) beware of fake rapture holograms in the sky (research gay bomb) (research true face of the antichrist) (research corruption of children) BE BRAVE PPL BE STRONG THESE LAST FEW YEARS GOD IS OUR LORD!