I'm back again, shanks! I'm so happy to be back in this fandom, AND with the Thomesa ship. So let's get into this!
***WCKD Tower***
Thomas and Newt were walking down a hallway full of doctors, trying not to be conspicuous.
And they were doing fine until they came across an intersection when Thomas saw Ava Paige standing down the hallway to his left. Immediately, rage began to build up in him as the two stared at each other.
Newt looked back just in time to see Thomas pull out his gun and aimed it for Ava. He wasn't sure what to do. Stop Thomas or let him pull the trigger. But his decision was made for him when he saw Janson pass down the hallway, but he stopped and pulled out HIS gun.
"Thomas!" He yelled as grabbed his friend and pulled him away just before Janson and the guards with him started firing.
They ran down the opposite direction, passing screaming doctors who were trying to take cover and kept an eye out for any guards.
"Minho!" Thomas called out.
Right after he did, some guards ran around a corner towards them. Thomas shot one of them just as he stepped forward. Newt covered him as he ran the other way before his friend joined him.
They kept on running and dodging guards before Thomas' rifle ran out and he pulled out his gun and fired.
A guard came from behind them, but Newt saw him and shot him. They kept firing before they took cover around a corner.
Thomas checked his clip and was pissed with what he saw. "Sh**, I'm almost out."
Thomas shoved the clip back in the gun before he looked down the other hall and fired back, trying to buy them some more time.
As he did, Newt looked down at the guard he shot and started looking for something to help them. When he looked in the guard's bag, he saw what looked like a grenade. He activated it and yelled, "Get back!" before throwing it down the hall right in the middle of all the guards.
It went off, sending electric shocks everywhere. Including the guards.
"Nice." Thomas said as they resumed trying to find Minho.
"Alright, lets go!" Newt added.
But they were stopped by a guard in a hallway connection.
"You two, FREEZE!" He commanded. "Get down on the ground now!"
Thomas and Newt had nowhere else to go. This was it.
"I said get you a-!" Was all the guard got out before he was bumped aside by an angry Minho.
The two other Gladers were shocked as they watched their friend pin the guard against the wall and let out what seemed like screamed with rage before picking him and throwing him through a glass window into a lab. That guard was out for the count.
Minho took deep breaths before looking up to what looked like his friends. They ran up to him and embraced him with hugs and smiles.
"Is this real?" He asked, thinking WCKD could still be messing with his mind.
But he was reassured when they nodded. The reunion was cut short when they saw guards coming up behind them quick.
"RUN!" Thomas yelled.
They ran down another hallway until some guards came around that bend. Looking around, he saw a room.
"In here!" He said as they ran inside and locked the door.
They heard banging on the other side.
"Newt, come on!" Minho said as he walked over to a metal shelf.
Together, they moved it and flipped it over in front of the door. Backing up, they stood by Thomas. Trapped in a room with one way in and one way out. No! They needed to find another way out.
As they searched, they heard a loud grinding sound. Looking towards the door, they realized it was a saw. Janson and the guards were almost in.
Thomas began thinking again and looked around. His eyes fell upon the big glass window that led to the outside of the building.
"Any ideas?!" Minho asked behind him.
Thomas looked back to them with an unsure face. "Yeah...maybe."
He saw a large tank on the side and motioned for Minho to help him. Once in hand and over their shoulders, the two ran towards the window, bashed the tank through it and watched as it and the rest of the window fell to into a fountain below.
The three Gladers looked down. Nervous, skeptical and tired.
"Ok, it's doable." Thomas said, trying to keep their spirits up. "Just needs uh...a running start."
Newt and Minho watched as he walked over to the door to get a good distance. With no other choice, they followed.
"You sure about this?" Minho asked.
"Eh, not really."
A 'seriously?' look came onto Minho's face. "Nice pep talk."
"Yeah, we're all bloody inspired." Newt added sarcastically."
The door banged open with Janson right there. With no time left to think, the Gladers ran and jumped out the window.
"THOMAS!" Minho yelled as they fell.
"OOOH SHIIII-!" They splashes I to the fountain.
Back in he building, Janson looked out the broken window and saw the three come up. They all looked up and Thomas triumphantly flipped Janson off again.
They swam to the edge and helped each other out. But before they could run, the sound of guns cocking stopped them as they turned to see four guards.
"You three, don't move!" One of them ordered.
"Oh you gotta be kidding me." Thomas said. He knew this was gonna be a suicide mission, but COME ON!
He tried to reach for his gun, but they saw and told him to freeze.
But before any of them could fire, the guard on the far left turned and shot the others. The three were shocked at this and all eyes were on him. When the guard looked back to them, he walked up to them and took off his mask to reveal it was Gally.
"Gally?" Minho said, shocked and confused as heck.
The former Glader nodded to his former friend. "Minho." Looking up, he saw the window that they jumped from, which was extremely high. "You guys are nuts."
And with that, he walked off.
The Asian Glader stood there, still confused as ever. But Thomas just patted his shoulder and said, "I'll explain later," before he and Minho followed Gally.
But Minho was still frozen from confusion. He let out a sigh as he decided to let it go. For now.
Yeah, I know it's been like what...half a year since I updated this story. But I've had new stories come to my mind and I just wanted to go for them. But I never meant to leave this one behind. Especially because it holds one of my favorite ships, Thomesa.
And believe it or not, I'm still working on Maze Runner 4. So please bare with me and I'll do my best to keep uploading as much as I can on these. The next chapter of Fast 9 will be up soon. Idk how soon, but it's like halfway done. So just keep your fingers crossed and it'll be here soon. I hope y'all enjoyed this, it was a long time coming. And more is coming. So until next chapter, NINJABOY OUT!