Hey all! These story has been given to me by an amazing person who goes by Bean! As a result I dedicate this story to Bean. I hope you all enjoy this new story I have. It's definitely more heartbreaking than my other stories. A lot more angst. Rated T just in case. There will be some bad language.

This is NOT a sequal/prequel to my Demigod Trials story, not officially anyway. This is just something separate that I concocted.


Part 1-1

Dear Diary,

Daddy left today. Mommy is angry. She is yelling right now. Makayla is hiding in my room because mommy blames Makayla. Makayla is helping me spell this. That's way I'm saying this and not dis. I want to go home with Daddy but Makayla says Daddy is not coming home. I want him to come home. It makes Mommy happy. Mommy is yelling for me right now.


Will's sister, Makayla, had her brown hair in a stiff bun. Her brown eyes had fear infused into it. She whispered, "Don't answer." She was cowering in the corner behind the door and her knees were tucked in. It was too late. Will already called out to his mom. He held his brown leather diary and pushed it underneath his bed. Then he immediately held his stuff animal tightly in fear as footsteps thudded towards his room.

The door swung open and a woman that looked like Makayla with blonde hair asked in a deathly voice, "Where. Is. Your. Sister?"

Will shivered in fear but Makayla revealed herself before her brother could squirm. She hung her head down and she clutched her hands. Will ran off behind the closet and watched the fight with his fist around his snake. The woman raised her hand and released the dam of emotion. There was a loud smack and Makayla held her face towards the red mark. The woman screamed, "It's YOUR fault he left! He didn't want such a DUMB and IDIOTIC CHILD!" Makayla screamed as the woman pounced on top of her and shook her against the wall. "YOUR WITCHERY MADE HIM LEAVE! YOU'RE A FREAK!"

Makayla eyes hardened and she yelled with the same fire and animosity, "So are you! You are what made me such a freak!" The girl was dropped and Will cowered behind his closet door, watching the fight in fear. The woman heaved and shoved suitcases into Will's room. She sighed, "We're leaving. Pack everything. Let's go."

Makayala yelled, "What! I can't leave my friends! And where are we even going?!"
"England. It's better and away from this hell hole." Will immediately covered his ears and pretended to not hear the forbidden h word. Makayla screamed, "Your son is here! You don't have to care for me but at least care for Will!"

"I am! Now Pack!" The door shut with a slam. Will's sister came over and hugged her half-brother, soothing him as he cried. She helped him pack his clothes and favorite stuff animals before returning to her own room. Will immediately crouched onto the floor and reached for anything under the bed. He grabbed his diary and gingerly put it into his Mickey Mouse backpack. He jumped on his bed and felt bits of glistening water fall down his face. He shook as tears took over him. He knew his dad left but he still felt that his dad was watching over him. He let himself cry to sleep as he welcomed the darkness above.

Dear Diary,

We arrived into the aero airpert airport. And then we went to grandmama's house. Makayla became happy and she had a letter from a place called Hogwarts. Grandmama is proud. Mommy is always working. I like it that way. I have to go to Makayla's party for getting the letter. I hope I get a party when people send me letters.


Will came down the rickety wooden stairs and hugged his Grandma, a old woman who had a strange affinity for pointy hats and potions. His mom was not present at this little feast. Probably at work at a diner or other. Makayla was clapping her hands along her Grandma's singing. Will was dancing like on the television box. There on the table was a feast of meat pies, sweet rice, baked beans, and a turkey.

There was no one else as Will's grandpa died before his birth. Grandma loved Will and Makayla more than she loved their mother. The old lady realized the point of life after the shock that was her husband's death. Grandma Solace smiled, "Makayla. Hogwarts is a great school for witch and wizards. You are lucky to be accepted."

She frowned, "I didn't apply."
"Yes. But that's the point. Hogwart is perhaps the best wizarding school. Even better than Ilvermorny. I expect you to take advantage of this opportunity. Now, let's eat!"

Will giggled and his still baby hands grabbed his spoon happily. His sister was smiling at him. She was his first mother. Second would be Grandma. Third would be his real mother. Even though they were four years apart, Makayla acted like an adult of the most calibur. She could cook some, clean some, laugh some, work some. She was the true maternal figure in Will's life.

But Grandma took that role, giving Makayla a break. Will hasn't seen his grandma in three years. His mom was adamant on ensuring that. She was always sure she could be independent from her mother. But that doesn't seem to be the case. No one is truly independent in such a connected social society that is humanity.

The little family was happy for a bit but then reality hit. Will's mother came home and collapsed onto the sofa with her apron still on. Will's grandma came over and left a blanket over the sleeping woman. She pushed the children up to their rooms, giving them a candle in the dark. Its flame flickered in and out from existence. It seemed to want to die then live, then die. Will remained captivated by its soothing dance. It seemed to mimic Will's own state of being

Will climbed onto his dusty brown-plated bed with a matching pillow. He shared a tiny room with his sister with walls that seemed to bend and collapse onto him. In and out they went. Makayla was sleeping soundly, snoring softly. Her body was tucked underneath a wool blanket. Will moaned quietly in pain as he tried to expand his small blanket to encompass his entire body. He shivered as the exposed window next to him was wide open. It's sandy curtains danced along the wind.
A door slammed. Suddenly voices sounded down the stairs. Voices flooded the room, shaking Makayla awake. Her eyes widened in fear and she beckoned for Will to come over. The boy sat on his bed and shuffled across no man's land. He laid down next to his sister, feeling her chest heave up and down.

Their mother yelled, "Why did you do that? Don't condone this freakish girl!"
"You're her mother! And I did this for you when you got the letter!"
"That was when I thought magic was a savior. A power that helped others. But it's not!"
"That's because you saw only the bad side of it. Magic is not just bad. It's good! I could have saved Tom."
"But it didn't! I can't do this anymore, ok? Just leave me alone."

Will shifted and laid on his face, trying to hold his breath. Makayla sighed, "I guess magic couldn't save my dad. But Will, things will become better. Trust me." Will faced Makayla and tucked his head inside her, letting tears fall. He sniffled, "I want Daddy to come back. I want to come home."
"I know. I know. But that's not how the world works. It's unfair."

They stayed there like a family until morning where things weren't much better. Will awoke to Makayla's screams. He rubbed his eye as the blanket dropped to make a pool around him. Makayla was being pinned against the wall by their mother. His grandma was trying to stop the fight, but couldn't do much except dot around. The woman sneered, "Promise me you won't use magic. Promise me you won't go to that stupid school. Promise me. Promise me!"

"I….promise." Makayla was released and she drew back long breaths. Will's eyes widened when he saw two fingers crossing each other behind her back. Will smiled at his sister's stubbornness. Their grandmother sighed, "Dana."
'Dana' left the group to collect themselves while getting her stuff ready for her shift at the local dinner. Long after she left, Makayla and Will ran outside to the park to join the other kids in the neighborhood. It was a nice break from the suffocating house. The girl breathed in the fresh air and whispered to Will, "I'm going to find a way to get to that school."

The girls struggled to take out her letter. She let the sun beam right through it. Will glanced over the letter. "It says to go to King's Cross Station at Platform nine and three-quarters. I'll send you letters. Grandmama told me it's a boarding school. It means I stay there at school. I don't go home."She added when she saw her brother's confused face. Will pouted, "But what about me?"
"I'll come visit you and grandmama. But just you two. Stay close to grandmama after I leave. And stay away from mommy. Got it?"
Will nodded, thinking Makayla was lying about actually running away.

Dear Diary,

Makayla wants to run away to Hogwarts. Should I tell Mommy? I don't think so. Mommy would hurt me. I think I will tell Grandmama. She won't hurt me. I hope Makayla comes back home if she does. But I think she is lying. She can't run away without me. I will be very sad.


The next morning, Will's fears were confirmed. He woke up to an empty bed next to him. He went through the wardrobe and saw Makayla's suitcase was gone along with her clothes and everything else she brought to England. Will hopped down the stairs to his relief to see his mother gone. Grandmama was singing some old tune while rocking along a rocking chair. Will struggled onto her lap as she sang to him. After she finished, she smiled, "Makayla left with an old friend of mine. She will make it safely to Hogwarts. Don't worry Will."
Will nodded and leaned his head against his grandmother's frail chest. And they sang together just like that. All the way until the sun left its happy and warm beams. And all the way until the moon rose high above with its beauty. And all the way until Will's mother came home.

Hope you enjoyed-hope4all