(A/N) Thank you for your favorites, follows and reviews from the bottom of my heart! As you can tell, English isn't my first language so please bear with me if I sound awkward :(! Also, any tip to help me improve my writing is welcome, I will accept them gladly :D And yes! This is a kagehina genderbend fic, and it will have lots of nervous blushed Kageyama! And if you have ideas for the next chapters, leave them please! It took me a while to write this chapter because I didn't know where to start, but in the end it came along nicely (I hope) :D.


A week has passed since the first time Kageyama and Hinata "trained" together. Now, they did the same on a daily basis, but instead of using the gym during practice hours, they trained outside and after the practice finished. Both of them didn't remember how they started doing it or whose idea it was, but it certainly helped them a lot. To Kageyama, playing along her meant having a spiker who could answer whatever he throw, in that way, he could take his speed to the limit. Also, by interacting with the bubbly girl he could understand better his spikers and have a better relationship with them, he even had even started to return some high-fives from Tanaka. To Hinata, it took some time to get along with Kageyama's personality. Even if on the first day he seemed extremely awkward and nervous, his true colors showed themselves when he entered the court. Since day one, she had been called dumbass at least ten times an hour. He had also yelled at her when he saw how messy were her receives, but even so Hinata kept training with him. One day, both of them decided they would try their "quick toss again", however, it wasn't as easy as they thought, since now they were training seriously, in contrast to the first time. It was already the eleventh toss and none of the balls had crossed the net, Kageyama obviously became frustated and prepared himself to see Hinata leaving their training with a bored face, like a sort of flashback of his teammates from junior high. But big was the surprise when he looked up and instead of seeing a frown in her face, she yelled "One more time!", with a determined look, Kageyama couldn't help but to smile internally.

On the next toss, the ball accidentally hit the girl's face, leaving her in the ground. "Ouch! That hurts, idiot! You better do your best in the next one-" she said while picking herself up and faced Kageyama with a friendly frown, but great was the surprise when she noticed Kageyama had been smiling the whole time, making her cheerful mood go down almost instantly. "Are you laughing at me? You had been calling me dumbass the whole day with an ugly face and the only time you smile is when my face is the one that receives. That's it, I call it a day!", she said while picking her bag, "I'll go change and you better wait for me".

"What an odd girl", he tought, Kageyama himself did know Hinata wasn't seriously angry, it was more like a tantrum. "Anyway, I didn't know I was smiling, has one of the balls hit my brain without me noticing... or maybe I was having...fun?", the black-haired thought with a blank face. After a lot of thinking with no result, he just went to the bathroom to change himself. In the end, Hinata was the one who waited for Kageyama. Their routine had become walking together to the Main Street, where they would part ways in opposite directions. But apparently today was a special day. The street was very crowded and neither of them knew why, so Hinata decided to investigate by asking a passerby who told her that day was like the Black Friday for groceries. Kageyama was unimpressed as he didn't care, maintaining his default frown. On the other hand, Hinata's face was overwhelmed, that is because she is the one who cooks at home, and consequently the one who manages the money for it. She knew that this was a rare chance, almost all the shops she went to were having sales, and what was even rarer was the fact that she was with someone who could help her carry more bags. "Ughh I don't want to ask Kageyama for help, but if I buy food right now I don't have to buy them for the rest of the week... I guess I'll just ask him, the worst that could happen is him leaving right now, I can handle it", Hinata thought.

"Hey", the redhead took a deep breath and continued, "Now that we are here, do you mind helping me do some grocery shopping? I am the one who cooks at home and do the chores, and it would be helpful if I could buy carry more food so I don't come back several times a week. I know! I can cook for you tonight, my mom isn't home so I can prepare something different you like, but if you can't it is okay—" Hinata was so nervous she said it all without breathing, asking Kageyama for a favour was something she didn't like very much, to say the least. "I will go", the black-haired himself was surprised by his answer, he didn't know what made him choose so quickly, even knowing that he would arrive home late and would probably be tired in the morning. Still, he was smiling internally again. "Really? Thanks, Kageyama!", said Hinata cheerfully, "then, what would you like for dinner?".

Kageyama remained silent to the question, not because he was angry or didn't care, but because it was the first time a girl was asking him that. He didn't want to sound disrespectful if he wanted a dish that was very expensive, or something she doesn't like. So he saw no other choice but answer with another question. "I don't really care", he lied, "do you want anything special?". "Well, I eat almost anything... but my little sister's favorite one is pork curry so I guess we are having that!", Hinata replied with a smile and squinty eyes. Kageyama's face lighted up with the thought of having pork curry for dinner, but he obviously didn't show it to her.

Now that he agreed, it was time for Hinata to explain their "mission", as she liked to call it. The plan was: she goes to the main stores and buys all the important stuff while Kageyama just goes to the butcher shop, they would meet on a bench nearby. After Hinata gave him the money and a receipt for a meat she ordered in advance, Kageyama went to the shop and gave the money and the paper to a clerk who saw him with warm eyes. "What a nice boyfriend, helping his girl with the shopping. You got yourself a nice one, Shoyo is always talkative and cheerful, enough to turn a cloudy day into a sunny one" said the elderly woman while handing him a small package. Kageyama just nodded and turned around to get back to Hinata, he didn't care about her misunderstanding enough to waste time explaining they were just friends. "Wait, why don't you take these to your girlfriend?", she said while pointing a basket of eggs, "she comes almost every afternoon to this shop, it's a way of saying 'thank you for your preference', but you can tell her it's a present from you. Nothing captivates a young one more than food! That's for sure!". Kageyama didn't accept free stuff normally, he always thinks that if something is free it must be because is useless or rotten. However, since it was from a gentle grandma-like woman he couldn't refuse. Also, having pork curry was already good, but adding eggs on top would make it perfect. He just thanked the old woman and exited the shop to meet Hinata, who was already waiting for him in the bench.

"Here" said the black-haired as he handed Hinata the basket of eggs and took the heavy bags she was carrying instead. "What? I didn't ask you to buy these, Bakeyama! Or maybe... are you trying to win your way to my heart with food?", she asked with a genuine surprised look. "Of course not, idiot. An old woman asked me to deliver them to you as a reward for your preference". Hinata then let out an "oh" and told him she would go in to say thanks, but was quickly stopped by Kageyama, who didn't want her to know about the misunderstanding. Instead, he just told her it was late and to go back tomorrow, to what she agreed.

They walked to Hinata's house in a comfortable silence. It was a traditional japanese house, with a small garden and tatami floor. "My sister is probably upstairs, she's 9 so don't go swearing around her", she told him with a demanding gesture, "well, make yourself comfortable, I'll go change and then set up the kitchen, you can come later to help a bit". With Hinata gone, Kageyama stood straight almost like a robot, he was pretty nervous, to say the least. It was the first time he had been invited to a homemade dinner, and it was a girl's nonetheless. The blackhaired made his best effort and walked towards a couch, where he finally caught some breath and cleaned the sweat off his brow. Suddenly, he heard tiny steps coming from behind, and when he turned around all he saw was a mini-Hinata. "Are you my sister's boyfriend?", asked the little one. Kageyama was dumbfounded, and returned to his robot-like behaviour, to which the girl responded by tilting her head. "Natsu! I told you to take a bath first!", Hinata said as she came between their stare off, "uh, sorry Kageyama, this is my little sister, I hope she wasn't saying anything innapropiate. Anyway, I'll start cooking, you can come or chat with Natsu if you want". The boy obviously took the first option, and began helping her to wash the vegetables, even if it was the simplest task, it took him a while to get used to. It was the second or third time in all his life he had done that, his mom was always the one who cooked for him, and if he was alone he would rather eat takeout. On the other hand, Hinata was quick and did everything with no big effort. "Can you peel the carrots and slice them?", she asked him without waiting an answer. After ten minutes Hinata asked Kageyama if he had finished, to which he responded "not yet", she turned around to see how he was doing, but instead she found Kageyama still peeling the first carrot with his hand shaking from the stress.

"Kageyama you're so clumsy!", Hinata said while laughing at him, "who would've thought, after seeing you play so precisely", the boy then made a frown ugly enough to almost shut Hinata completely and scare Natsu. In a brief moment, when Hinata stopped chuckling and just smiled while frying the pork, Kageyama saw an unique view. With her hair in a messy bun, and wearing a loose old shirt with shorts, it was a definitely not her best look, but still Kageyama thought she was the prettiest girl he had ever seen. He had received love confessions from girls in the past, but rejected them all because he didn't even know their names. They just confessed because he seemed handsome to them, nothing more. Their expressions were so fake, their smiles and tears too, that Kageyama never bother to answer them. It was different right now, because the girl in front of him was smiling in such a pure way, without hiding anything. Her attire got rid of all the tags she previously had 'classmate', 'teammate', 'manager'... right now she was just Hinata, that's it, and it wouldn't hurt to become her friend. "She looks like..."

"You look like a newly married couple", Natsu said as if she was reading Kageyama's mind. "What? Don't say silly things! I wouldn't have a husband who doesn't know how to fry an egg", her bigger sister answered, and with that the black-haired came back to reality, Hinata wasn't in fact an angelic wife, but it didn't mean it was bad. After 40 minutes, the pork curry with egg on top was ready, mostly thanks to Hinata but she can't deny both Kageyama and Natsu helped a bit, also because they promised to wash the dishes. The latter two were the most excited, it was their favorite after all. The tall boy was the one who finished first, and the repeated, Hinata couldn't blame him, he must be hungry because of all the exercise. She was honestly glad Kageyama liked her food, she usually doesn't invite friends homemade food, so it was good she could have some feedback by people outside her family.

After eating, washing, and resting a bit, it was time for Kageyama to leave, he went to the door and sat down to put on his shoes. It was already kind of dark and it was raining, "crap, I forgot my umbrella", he thought. "It looks like the rain will stop soon, but in the meantime, take this", Hinata said from behind while handing him a flower-patterned umbrella, "sorry if it is too colorful for your like, but it's that or a bunny one, at least is better than catching a cold. You can give it back tomorrow". He thanked her and said goodbye to both her and her sister, with whom he had bonded while washing the dishes.

On the next morning, Kageyama encountered Daichi and Sugawara on his way to school. They walked the rest of the road together, and as expected, the girlish umbrella Kageyama was carrying caught the attention of both of his teammates. "Is that your sister's umbrella, Kageyama?, I didn't know you had one", asked the silver haired. He explained that it was Hinata's and that she had lent it to him yesterday night. Daichi then remembered it had started raining kind of late, and couldn't help but warn Kageyama about staying in the school that late. "Kageyama, I know you like playing voleyball and all, but you shouldn't stay in the gym for so long, the janitor could lock you inside thinking everybody went home", the captain stated, to which Sugawara agreed. "Also, letting a girl lend you her umbrella while she goes home getting wet is not an nice gesture, or... did you went home together like a couple under the same umbrella?", Sugawara said jokingly.

"Oh no, don't worry, we didn't stay there for that long at the gym. She also gave it to me after having dinner, so she didn't walked into the rain or whatsoever. I think this umbrella is her sister's, Hinata wouldn't have given me the only one she had", explained Kageyama calmly, however, it was a totally different case for the other two. "Wait, wait, wait. What do you mean by dinner? And how do you know about her sister?", asked Daichi with a blank expression. Kageyama explained what happened yesterday in the most natural way. "I underestimated you, Kageyama. I thought you were a voleyball freak who saw nothing but nets and balls", thought Sugawara with a concerned look, "so were that your intentions when you asked for permission to use the gym?". Luckily for Kageyama, the bell had just ringed, and with that Sugawara and Daichi rushed to their classrooms, not before giving him a glare.

Hours later, Hinata's favourite time of the day arrived: practice time! Although it wasn't exactly one, after all she couldn't play voleyball as much as she wanted to, neither she belonged to the team like a player. She was brooming the floor when Yachi, the blonde manager, approached with a question. "Hey, Hinata, Daichi is giving a lecture to Kageyama for... well, they say he took advantage of your goodwill", she asked with a tiny blush, so the redhead understood what the others where implying. Hinata laughed at the accusation, "poor Kageyama, he must be in hell right now", she said to herself. "What? He just help me run some errands and I offered him dinner, that's it", she explained with tears in her eyes because of the laughter of seeing Kageyama cornered by Tanaka and Nishinoya. The blond let out a sigh of relief and felt bad for the boy, who was getting punished by everyone from the team, even Tsukishima, who was giving him a you-disgust-me look. "But, don't you find it weird? I mean, a girl and a boy training alone and then going home together... doesn't it sound more like a date?", asked again the blonde. "Of course not! I just train with him because he takes the best of me, also, he probably hates me, haha, he's been calling me dumbass even if do things correctly, what a nerve .Plus, there is no way that guy has place in his brain for other than volleyball", Hinata said.

The training went on normally, but in the end Ukai surprised them with an extremely good new: they were going to Tokyo for three days in order to train with other three teams. That would help them get confidence and train in a similar situation for the nationals. Everyone became excited, cheering and talking about wanting to visit the Tokyo Tower. "I hope you train very hard guys, I'll be cheering you from here! You will definitely beat those city boys!" Hinata said with her usual over-excited manner, although she felt a bit saddened in the insed. Even if she wanted to go, Hinata knew that it would be disrespectful to invite herself, since she only had been in the team for little more than two weeks. "What are you talking about? You are going too, Hinata", the coach said bluntly. "I already talked about it with your coach, also, having you would be...", he put his hand on his chin as a he was thinking, "How to say it, 'healing' for the team". "A soothing angel!" Nishinoya said, followed by "Don't exaggerate" by coach Ukai. Hinata didn't quite undestand it , she didn't know she had been healing the team or whatsoever, but accepted gladly the invitation anyways. On the other hand, Shimizu did know what Ukai was meaning. Since she had been taking parts in the trainings, the fights between the first years had decreased, and the chemestry with the upper-graders is becoming better and better. The most notorious difference is definitely Kageyama, he had stopped tossing at his own pace and started thinking properly about the spikers, and consequently the team was better than ever.

Saturday finally came, and at 6:15am the Karasuno left in a small bus. Hinata sat besides Kageyama, ignoring Tanaka's and Nishinoya's yells as they swore to "protect their women" during the practice trip. Unexpectedly, the read-headed didn't chatter the whole journey as Tobio expected, instead she fell sleep ten minutes after the bus started, and then the boy joined her, while unconsciously putting his head on top of hers. It was a pretty cute sight, so Yachi, who sat ahead of them, couldn't help but to innocently take a photo that would cause a misunderstanding afterwards.

(A/N) So... what do you think? Thank you for reading! :D