Gina later regretted telling Rosa that the scruffy middle-aged man playing pool had taken a photo of her butt, because it then took even longer for them to leave the bar. Rosa had characteristically snapped at the man, weilding a pool cue and threatening to do rather vile things with it if the man didn't delete the picture. So, once the picture was deleted, the two women finally left.

The drive back to Gina's apartment was refreshing for Rosa. She loved driving through Brooklyn at night; everything looked much prettier lit up by the multicoloured city lights and the quietness of the streets only made the drive more pleasing. Gina, on the other hand, usually hated riding on the back of motorcycles. But for some reason, this time seemed different. Her arms were tangled tight around the Latina's toned abdomen and no matter how quickly the bike tore through the streets, she never once feared she would fall off. Rosa was amazingly good at driving the steel death-trap, and the alcohol in her system made Gina feel even more invincible.

There were a few bumpy moments during the drive back, though. At one point, a car carelessly sped across a red light at a crossroad, causing Rosa to swerve and slam on the breaks. She felt Gina's fingers grasp her desperately at that - balling her t-shirt up in her palms and raking her nails over tight skin in the process. Even though they'd just avoided a potentially critical car accident, Rosa felt something strange ignite inside of her at the feeling of Gina's nails scratching over her skin. It confused her for a moment and she couldn't quite work out why she suddenly felt a familiar sensation burn in her loins. Eventually, as she continued down the dark Brooklyn streets, Rosa presumed it was because she had felt Natalie's nails raking all over her skin in a similar manner last night. Surely the sensation just reminded her of that?

Thankfully, the mild arousal had vanished by the time the two women pulled up outside Gina's apartment. The shorter woman hopped off the back of the bike and wasted no time in removing her helmet, holding it beneath her arm. Rosa couldn't help but smile fondly at how out of place the helmet looked beneath Gina's arm as she too unmounted the bike and kicked the stand out.

"That was dope!" Gina exclaimed. When Rosa took her helmet off too, Gina was met with a quizzically raised eyebrow, "The way you swerved out of the way of that car like whooosh and slammed on the breaks like bam! We should do that again!"

Rosa felt like she'd cracked The Da Vinci Code. It seemed that if you put three-drink Gina on the back of a motorcycle and take her for a life-threatening ride, she converts back to one-drink Gina. Fascinating. With an amused chuckle, Rosa placed her hand on the small of Gina's back and guided her towards the entrance to her apartment block. She walked the other woman up the stairs but stopped at the door, which caused Gina to eye her with confusion.

"Whatcha doing, silly? You're coming in with me. You haven't been able to have more than one beer all night and I have a bottle of single barrel Kentucky straight bourbon I know you'd love."

There were two things Rosa was passionate about in life, and those were weapons and whiskey. Santiago could talk for hours about binders, Peralta could go on forever about Die Hard, Boyle could gush about food non-stop and Jeffords could show you videos of his little girls until your eyes came out, but Rosa could talk forever about weapons or whiskey. So, the words single barrel Kentucky straight bourbon worked like pure seduction to her. Wordlessly, Rosa opened the door to the apartment block and stepped inside before Gina, heading up to her where she knew the other woman's apartment was. Gina smirked triumphantly.

Rosa was surprised that she still remembered which apartment belonged to Gina. It had been quite some time since she was last at the other woman's place, but she managed to instinctively lead herself to right outside of Gina's door. She was even a few paces in front of Gina, who chuckled when she caught up.

"Eager, are we?" Gina quipped and Rosa glanced across at her, lips pursed defensively.

"You mentioned whiskey. You know that shit's my kryptonite" Rosa shot back, nodding impatiently to the closed door in front of them.

"Damn Rosa, you a thirsty bitch" Gina remarked before finally unlocking the door, allowing the two women to step inside. Nothing much had changed in the apartment since the last time Rosa had came by. The only new additions were the scattered baby items everywhere - bottles, toys and the crib in the corner of the room. Despite that, the same jasmine fragrance from Gina's favourite incense filled the air and the lighting was as calm and mellow as ever.

As the brunette made her way straight through to the kitchen to retrieve the promised whiskey, Rosa sauntered around the room. She made her way to the bookshelf and allowed her fingers to curiously trace over some of the newer photos framed there. There were obviously dozens of photos of Iggy, right from her first few weeks of life up to her current cheeky one-year-old self. A particular photo of Gina holding Iggy (who was smiling quite dopily) caught Rosa's attention and the Detective picked the frame up, mirroring a proud smile. It hurt her to think that Milton had the nerve to claim Gina was a bad mother when it was so blatantly obvious how much she loved her daughter.

"Come on Diaz, look at this beauty. Try to keep it in your panties when you see this."

Rosa was snapped back to reality by Gina calling her over from the kitchen. She carefully placed the frame back down on the shelf and turned on her heels to make her way over to Gina. Her eyes almost bulged when she saw the bottle the Assistant had placed on the counter. Rosa picked it up in awe and gasped.

"Oh, dude!" she exclaimed, "A twenty year old single malt? How the heck did you get this? This is like, crazy expensive."

There was a mischievous glint in Gina's eyes as she reached into the cupboard for a tumbler glass, holding it out to the taller woman.

"People buy expensive gifts for brides-to-be. So, I may or may not have stole it from Linda's bachelorette party…"

Usually, Rosa would disapprove of Gina's thieving antics. But they weren't at work and she'd stole something that Rosa was dying to taste, so she offhandedly pulled the wooden cork out of the bottle and brought it to her nose, taking a curious sniff of the spicy liqueur. It smelled divine, so the Detective reached out and poured the dark brown liquid into the glass in Gina's hand. Placing the bottle back down, she took the glass and raised it to her lips, allowing herself a sip of the rich liquid. Unlike cheaper whiskeys, this didn't burn. It just had a warm, oaky taste that elicited a low moan of approval from Rosa's throat.

"Oh wow, take it you like it then?" Gina asked, breaking the silence between them.

Rosa had been so caught up in the taste of the aged whiskey that she'd barely noticed the sound that escaped from her, but she soon realised what had happened from the way Gina looked at her. The shorter woman looked at her with an entertained expression, though Rosa was almost certain there was something else behind her bright blue eyes. It almost looked like desire. Gina's pupils were slightly blown out and she'd caught her lip between her teeth. Perhaps her pupils had just changed because of the low lighting, though? Rosa convinced herself that there must be another explanation and cleared her throat awkwardly.

"It's a really good bourbon. Like, really good. I'm glad you stole it" Rosa smirked, topping up her glass and stepping over to the fridge to dispense a single cube of ice into her drink. The same smirk was still on her lips when she turned back to Gina and allowed their gaze to lock again. "Come on Linetti, the drive here sobered you up. You have some catching up to do."

Gina seemed personally offended at the challenge, but ducked down to her liqueur draw regardless and pulled out a bottle of tequila. Rosa was impressed by the bold choice, but simply stood with her arms crossed and her tumbler in hand, swirling the liquid lightly as she watched Gina unscrew the cap and take a swig straight from the bottle like a college kid.

"Wow, you're a real classy drinker" Rosa deadpanned and Gina only giggled, moving across the room and grabbing Rosa by the arm, tugging her towards the lounge. The Latina managed to desperately grab the bottle of bourbon before she was escorted out, and soon found herself sat on Gina's couch with her, surrounded by jazzy pillows and comfortable blankets. It was probably a good idea that Gina was drinking straight from the bottle. Perhaps that way she would avoid two-drink Gina and three-drink Gina entirely, because they weren't exactly the easiest to cope with. Rosa could only hope.

Sadly, Rosa had been wrong. After a few swigs of tequila from the bottle, Gina was once again in her brutally honest mindset. This time, however, Rosa could take a gulp of delicious whiskey whenever Gina said something far too honest for her to handle. And Gina was saying a lot of things that were too much for Rosa to handle, so Rosa was beginning to feel a little tipsy herself.

"So what was it like for you, the first time you slept with a woman? 'Cause I feel like I can never go back to men after that, holy shit!"

Rosa had been swallowing a sip of bourbon when Gina asked that, and she momentarily felt the hot liquid hitch in her throat with surprise. For a second the Latina felt herself nearly choke. She'd always imagined herself coming to her demise in a really memorable way, like sacrificing her life for the Nine-Nine or losing an epic sword fight against a gang of drug smugglers. She definitely didn't expect to die from choking on her friend's sofa at her highly inappropriate questions, which was why she was thankful that she managed to swallow and compose herself. Nothing could ever prepare her for how sudden and explicit Gina's questions could be, especially when the other woman was drinking.

Sober Rosa wouldn't even dream of answering the question. She'd yell at Gina for trying to invade her privacy and for asking totally inappropriate, personal questions. Shockingly, however, tipsy Rosa didn't mind.

"Oh, dude," the Detective started nostalgically, reaching out and placing her hand on Gina's forearm, "I felt the same for a while. It was my first year at the Police Academy. I'd known about being bi for ages, but I'd never got the confidence to come onto a woman. I guess the Catholic school made me feel like I couldn't, but I finally came out of my shell in the Academy. There was this girl in the same year as me and Jake. She was thick. Me and Jake had a bet to see who could get her on a date first. Jake didn't know I was bi, he just thought I was trying to sabotage him. Needless to say, I won the bet. And ended up sleeping with her after I took her to the movies. After her, I don't think I slept with a man for years. Jake doesn't know that I slept with her and he kept trying to hook me up with his guy friends in the Academy for ages, but I always had secret girlfriends. It was quite funny now I look back on it."

Apparently tipsy Rosa also accumulated the skill of talking in paragraphs for once, too.

"Damn, young Rosa was a player!" Gina chortled. The brunette appeared shocked - as though she'd just learned one of the most valuable pieces of information that anyone had ever known about Rosa Diaz. The short explanation of what Rosa was like in the Police Academy had given the Assistant a rather vivid image of the Latina being a complete heartthrob back then. "I bet you were like the female Danny Zuko. Leather jackets and all. Did you ever smoke?"

At this point, Gina wasn't entirely aware that some of her wandering thoughts were escaping her lips. The Grease reference had Rosa chuckling, though, and she shook her head with amusement before taking another swig of whiskey.

"I was far from the female Danny Zuko. Singing and dancing is for nerds"

Of course, the statement was intended to annoy Gina, who believed she was the greatest dancer ever bestowed to the planet. The diva-like woman gasped with shock and shoved at Rosa's shoulders, but the stronger woman barely moved at the impact. The two women just ended up laughing besides one another instead.

When the drunken chuckling died down, Rosa poured herself another glass of whiskey. She was far too comfortable on Gina's sofa to go and get herself some ice, and far too tipsy to maintain her flawless whiskey etiquette. With Gina's comment on her mind, she shrugged to herself absently.

"I actually did smoke back then, though. I think every Ballet Dancer ends up smoking to deal with all the stress. I quit in the second year of the Academy though. My lung capacity was awful. I failed so many physicals."

Gina struggled to imagine Rosa ever being unfit. Ever since she'd known the other woman, she'd been in awe of her body and strength. Truthfully, Gina had felt intimidated by Rosa's attractiveness when they were first introduced. The Assistant was usually extremely confident about her appearance (all men were at least 30% attracted to her), but Rosa had been the only person to make her feel slightly inadequate.

"Didn't we first meet in your second year at the Academy?" Gina enquired, beginning to have slight flashbacks to when they first were introduced. Rosa only smirked knowingly, remembering that particular house party.

One of the things Rosa had learned very quickly at the Police Academy was that cops liked to party hard. When she was younger, the Latina was far more confident and carefree, so she most definitely wasn't opposed to that.

On the night that she first met Gina Linetti, one of the most popular boys in the year was having a house party at his new shared digs. Rosa and Jake had both been invited, and because the house was humungous to a Brooklyn post-teen, they'd been told they could bring along a few of their friends too. So, Jake thought it was finally time to bring Gina along to meet his Academy friends.

Having already dropped out of college at this point, Gina wasn't used to big house parties. When her cab pulled up outside of the address Jake had given her, the brunette had no idea what to expect. As soon as she stepped out of the car, the booming music and bass was all she could feel vibrating through her veins. She straightened out her tight, strapless dress and approached the house, almost hesitantly pushing the door open. The music got louder and youngsters were already everywhere in the hallway. Some people were just talking and drinking, but others were already clearly drunk or making out against the walls. Not seeing Jake anywhere in the hall, Gina instantly moved through to the lounge. It seemed that the lounge was being used as a temporary dance floor, as the majority of people were crowded into the small space dancing to the pounding music. That's when she noticed Jake. And Rosa.

Jake had never been a good dancer. Sure, he'd taken tap classes, but he stuck out like a sore thumb when he tried to blend in with any kind of modern dancing. The young man just jerked around a lot with his dopey grin plastered on his face, which was why Gina managed to find him in the crowd so quickly. What surprised her, though, was the girl Jake was dancing with. As heterosexual as she was, Gina felt her breath hitch when she first laid eyes on the dancing Latina.

Rosa was already pretty drunk when Gina laid eyes on her. She had her cup of whiskey and cola in one hand with her other hand delved into her messy dark hair as her body swayed perfectly in time to the rhythmic bass that shook the very foundations of the house. She was clad in tight black jeans and a completely sleeveless grey t-shirt that sported some type of gothic image. The t-shirt exposed the girl's perfectly toned arms and there was an ever-so-slight sheen of sweat on her skin. As Gina trailed her eyes up to try and memorise the mysterious girl's face, she noticed her eyes were closed and her lips slightly parted - utterly lost in the music as she moved in an intoxicating manner.

That was, until Jake noticed Gina. The goofy boy grabbed Rosa by her arm and snapped her instantly out of her drunken transe, pulling her across to the other side of the room to greet Gina. He enveloped her in a tight embrace, during which Gina couldn't help but notice how much he reeked of alcohol.

"Gina!" he blurted out happily as he pulled back, grinning, "this is my other best friend, Rosa! Rosa, this is Gina. We grew up together!"

Gina almost felt belittled under the piercing gaze of Rosa's dark brown orbs, but she simply grinned at the woman and nodded. Rosa mirrored this with a twisted, almost mischievous grin of her own. With one smooth movement, she extended her red party cup out to Gina for the brunette to take.

"You look like you could use a drink. Bottoms up."

Gina took the drink without thinking twice and downed the liquid desperately, hoping to catch up with how drunk Jake and his friends already seemed. The liquid burned her throat, but she felt obliged to finish Rosa's drink being as the girl had been nice enough to give it to her.

There was only one catch.

She hated whiskey.

"That was a damn good party" Rosa commented. She remembered the night surprisingly well to say how drunk she'd gotten. Her younger self was so much more outgoing compared to how reserved she was nowadays and she still wasn't quite sure what had changed over the years. "I thought you were some kind of shy kid when I first met you. I knew how wrong I'd been to think that as soon as you'd had a few drinks, though. You nearly got into a fight with that first year girl over that gross blonde guy. Chad? Was that his name? He was a douche, either way."

The two laughed fondly as they remembered how stupid their younger selves had been. It was funny for Gina to think that they'd first met as reckless kids who drank way too much at house parties and now they were in their early thirties, sat on her sofa having a calm, drunken night in instead.

In homage to their first meeting, the two women continued drinking until the early hours of the morning. They teased one another about embarrassing things they'd done when they were younger, jokingly pissed one another off and made up by listening to the awful old house music they'd listened to 'back in the day'. Even though they stayed in the comfort of Gina's apartment, the night quickly became a blur and Rosa eventually sank back into the warmth of the brunette's sofa, allowing her eyes to fall shut.

For the second day in a row, Rosa was woken up by a dull headache pounding around her skull. She carefully blinked her eyes open. The light around Gina's apartment was way too bright for her sore eyes and she soon became aware of aching throughout her entire body too. Her limbs were twisted in quite an uncomfortable manner on the sofa and she forced herself to muster up the strength to move and sit up slowly, moving her stiff muscles out of their agonising positions.

The Latina swung her legs off the edge of the sofa and sat there, running her fingers through her knotted hair. She noticed she had only one boot on and the other was missing in action, but she figured she'd try and tackle the mission of finding all of her belongings later. One thing she could see, though, was her phone. She reached forward for the device and unlocked it swiftly, groaning at almost everything she saw.

It was already ten-thirty in the morning. If it wasn't a Saturday, her and Gina would be extremely late for work at this point. Thinking of her colleague, Rosa peered around the lounge to try and find her friend, but figured she had managed to get back into her own bedroom to sleep.

At this point, Rosa was late for her Saturday morning book club. She had a few text messages from the people at the club asking if she was alright, but she simply dismissed all of those messages carelessly. When all of the texts from various club members were cleared, Rosa stumbled upon a notification that made her groan to herself. She had fifteen unread texts from Natalie. Feeling a little guilty for not letting her girlfriend know what had happened last night, Rosa opened the conversation to read through the messages.

9:30PM: Hey babe, are you okay? Have worked asked you to stay late?

9:53PM: Must be one hell of a case you're working. I hope I can make you feel better when you're finally home ;)

10:17PM: I'm a little worried now babe, you've never stayed this late at work

10:29PM: I miss you

10:46PM: Maybe you just went out and forgot to let me know

11:01PM: Just let me know where you are and I'll stop worrying

Just then, Rosa was saved from the agonising task of reading all of Natalie's messages by the sound of quite sudden knocking at Gina's door. She stayed silent for a moment to try and hear whether Gina was awake and shuffling around in her room, but when all she heard was silence, Rosa steadily got to her feet. She kicked her other boot off to save herself from hobbling and tamed her hair out a little as she made her way over to the door, unlocking it and cautiously opening it.

She was met with the sight of a glowing Darlene Linetti. Gina's glamorous mother was bouncing Iggy on her hip as she took her sunglasses off to get a good look at the mysterious person who'd opened the door to her daughter's apartment.

"Oh, Rosa dear!" she gasped when she finally realised who she was faced with, "Gina didn't tell me you were staying here last night! She just asked if I could look after Enigma and being the brilliant grandmother I am, I said yes, but I told her I needed to drop her back off at ten-thirty because I have my pilates class! Is Gina in? I really am going to have to dash…"

The eccentric energy of Gina's mother was too much for Rosa's hungover mind to comprehend. She blinked and tried to process everything before finally constructing a response to Darlene.

"Uh, yeah, Gina is in, she's just sleeping still. I-I can take Enigma if you need to head off…"

Rosa was completely out of her comfort zone. She was awful with children and especially awful with babies, but she'd been put completely on the spot and didn't know what else to do.

Darlene sighed a dramatic sigh of relief and nodded, passing Enigma to a clueless Rosa. Iggy gurgled a little at being passed to Rosa but as the Detective wrapped her arm around the child and held her supportively against her hip, she seemed to adjust well to being held by her. Seeing no discomfort from her granddaughter, Darlene took her chance to leave.

"Tell Gina I said hello! Have a great day, dear!"

With that, the Linetti woman had rushed back off down the hall. Sighing, Rosa stepped back and closed the door quietly behind her, turning back to walk into the lounge. Her hungover state most definitely wasn't the best state to be looking after an infant in, but Iggy oddly seemed to take a liking to Rosa. The small child giggled and reached a small hand out, tangling it in Rosa's messy curls. She seemed fascinated by the fluffy texture and her infectious giggles only got louder. Rosa couldn't suppress the grin that the child's actions caused. When Iggy reached for her hair again, Rosa moved her hand to meet her's, and Iggy wrapped her little fingers around one of Rosa's larger ones. The Latina had never even considered having children, but in that moment, the warmth she felt in her heart made her feel ready to reconsider.

Just then, though, she was interrupted by the loud buzzing of her phone against Gina's coffee table. Rosa carefully made her way over to her phone and picked it up with Iggy still held securely on her hip. Of course, it was Natalie calling. There was a positive dread in the pit of the Detective's stomach as she prepared herself for the conversation, but she knew she had to confront her girlfriend eventually.

Meanwhile, Gina had woke up to the sound of her door knocking. She recognised the knock - her mom always rapped the door in a specific rhythm - but just as she swung her legs out of bed, she heard footsteps making their way over to the door. Curious to see how it played out, Gina quietly reached for her gown and wrapped it around herself, opening her bedroom door and standing in the doorway where she could see out into the lounge. She leaned casually against the doorframe and folded her arms, waiting to see how well her friend managed to look after her daughter.

It was a rather heartwarming sight to witness when Rosa did return. Gina had planned to make her presence known almost instantly if the Latina didn't notice her first, but being hungover, Rosa didn't notice Gina stood in the doorway at all. So, as she giggled at Iggy playing with her hair, the brunette just stood and smiled to herself. Perhaps it wouldn't be so hard to get by with Milton gone? She had friends she knew would help her out whenever she needed anything and now even Rosa was clearly better at babysitting than she'd ever told anyone.

Just as Gina was about to comment on how Rosa Diaz was secretly a big, maternal softie, the other woman's phone began ringing. Once more, Gina's interest had been captured, so she stayed silent. She could see reluctance plastered on Rosa's face and couldn't quite work out who it was that would be calling the Detective early on a Saturday morning, but when she answered the call, it soon became obvious.

"Hey babe, I'm really sorry, I should have messaged you-"

It was Rosa's girlfriend on the phone. Gina chewed on her lip a little as she watched. Rosa seemed somewhat distressed and she could almost hear the stern words of the mysterious girlfriend on the other end of the phone. She had clearly cut Rosa off before she could explain herself, and Gina furrowed her brow to herself. It seemed rather rude.

"I know, I know I'd promised to tell you when I finished work. I went out for a drink with Gina. Yeah, Gina from work. No, I don't actually hate her, we just pretend to hate each other. It's complicated. We're friends. She's been having a rough time lately so I took her out for a drink last night and crashed at hers."

Worryingly, Rosa's tone had become quite harsh and pointed. Rosa always got stern when she was being argued with, and apparently it was no different when she argued with her partners. The hostile conversation didn't go unnoticed by Iggy, though, who began to cry her high-pitched cry. Rosa didn't ignore this and turned to coo the child, bouncing her up and down slightly, only to be met by more snapping on the other end of the phone call.

"Yes, that's obviously a baby. Gina has a daughter. Her mom just dropped her back off here with us. Of course I'm looking after her, I wouldn't just leave her on her own whilst Gina sleeps."

At this point, Gina felt as though she perhaps shouldn't be eavesdropping on this conversation. Rosa's girlfriend seemed to be protesting and asking questions about everything, and her colleague was getting visually frustrated with her. She considered walking out into the lounge to make her presence obvious, but just before she could, Rosa snapped.

"I don't have to tell you everything I'm doing, we've only been dating a few months. I'm sorry I forgot to text you but I'm allowed to crash at my friend's place. We'll talk later. Bye, Natalie."

With that, Rosa tossed her phone down on the couch and turned her full attention to cooing and comforting Iggy.

Gina felt awful. Had she just caused Rosa and her girlfriend to have their first argument? Perhaps she shouldn't be relying on Rosa so much after all...