Part 1

It was no secret that Cyrus, leader of Team Galactic, preferred the company of machines over people. Machines performed better, had less malfunctions and didn't possess confusing and inconvenient emotions. Therefore, after a hard and stressful day of running Sinnoh's premiers villainous team (complete with unpredictable emotions), Cyrus calculated that he was more than justified to spend an hour in an evening, indulging in his hobbies.

Now after a couple of months, the fruits of Cyrus's' labour were complete and he was ready to introduce his new creation to his Commanders. Mars and Jupiter had unfortunately been struck down by a bad bout of emotions and had gone to the movies to watch the sort of romantic film that Cyrus knew would be the first thing to be deleted in his new universe. However, Commander Saturn was available and so he was privileged to be the first to see exactly what Cyrus had been working on these past few weeks.

"I hope that you will be impressed, Commander," said Cyrus, indicating towards a curtain.

"Yes, of course Boss," Saturn said, while privately thinking Please don't let it be a machine that delivers lectures while Cyrus is asleep.

Anybody else might have said "Behold!" in a dramatic voice while pulling back the curtain. As this was Cyrus, he simply replied with a monotone "Yes" and then revealed his new invention.

"Wow, cool!" Saturn exclaimed. Standing in the alcove was a very attractive female robot.

"Yes," Cyrus agreed.

"Boss, that's really awesome!" said Saturn. "I never imagined you'd make anything like her".

"Thank you, Commander," Cyrus said. "It was a delicate and difficult challenge but I believe I have been successful in my endeavour".

"I agree," said Saturn, admiring the robot. "What's her name?"

"She doesn't have a name. She's a machine".

"Oh but you have to give her a name!" Saturn exclaimed, shocked. "I mean, she's not just *any* old machine. She's well…a girl!"

"Commander, you're displaying emotions," Cyrus berated.

"OK, OK!" Saturn held his hands up. "I'm sorry Boss; you don't have to name her".

"Yes, I know," said Cyrus. "Now I will activate her and see if she runs as programmed".

"Boss? Can *I* name her?" Saturn asked.

Cyrus sighed.

"I shall indulge you, just for some peace". Saturn grinned and Cyrus wen behind the robot. He opened a panel in her back and pressed a large green button. The robot moved slightly, raising her eyelids to reveal a pair of glowing, amber eyes. Her head titled and her mouth began to move.

"Initialising," she said in a surprisingly feminine voice. (Saturn had half expected her to have Cyrus's voice). "Accessing data. Activating memory chips. Activating storage devices. Adjusting visual and auditory data".

"So far, so good," said Cyrus.

"Boss, what do you think of Samantha?" Saturn asked.

"Who is Samantha?"

"As a name for your robot?"

"Shush, Commander. You're going to distract her and cause her to malfunction".

"Initialisation complete," the robot announced. "Data initialised. Memory chips, functioning correctly. Storage devices, functioning correctly. Visual and auditory data, functioning correctly".

She looked at Cyrus and Saturn and spoke to them brightly.

"Good evening. It is 19:35 on the 7th June. Welcome to the Team Galactic Base. Hello, Master Cyrus. Hello Commander Jupiter".

Saturn gasped. Cyrus nodded in satisfaction.

"Yes. She is operating correctly".