Secrets Exposed
Rating: PG-13 (unless I decide other wise.)
Disclaimer: All characters belong to JK Rowling and Jason Katims.
Distribution: Please ask first.
Summary: One year after graduation, the Roswellians escape the government and end up at an unusual school. Harry & co. are in their fifth year.
Pairings: M/L, M/M, and few surprises along the way.
Warning: (for devoted Harry Potter fans) I messed with the timeline a little, but please just give me a chance. **This story takes place in an alternate fifth year. I have not read OotP yet, and don't plan to until after I finish this story. So there are not any spoilers to that book.**
Chapter 1: The Insane Plan
"The airport, are you insane?" Max exclaimed.
"Actually it was Maria's idea." Michael protested and Maria slapped his arm.
"We would never make it past the front door." Liz added.
"With all that's going on with the country today, I figured the government wouldn't care about us anymore."
"Maria, it's insane!" Liz exclaimed.
"Wait. What exactly are we fighting about?" Kyle asked sitting up. He looked around the van. Max and Liz are sitting in the front. Maria and Michael are sitting on the middle bench and him and Isabel are in the back. They are parked on a dark gravel road in Oley, Pa at one in the morning.
"Yeah, I'm confused. What is this "insane" plan?" Isabel asked, using her fingers to quote the word insane.
"You guys use your alien powers to create passports. We ditch the van and fly to England." Maria said simply.
"You know Max…" Isabel started.
"No," he cut her off. "It will never work."
"How do you know?" Michael asked. "I looked at the passport Maria got and duplicating it is easy."
"What passport?" Kyle asked.
"I pick pocketed some guy at the market last month. After Michael looked at it, I caught the guy in the parking lot and gave it back." Maria smiled.
Michael pulled his duplicate out of his pocket. Max took it. It looked real, with holograms and everything. Max looked at Michael with surprise ass Liz took it.
"Insane or not this might actually work." She said as she handed it to Kyle.
"Why England?" Isabel asked.
"Why not?" Maria answered. "We've been all over the country, and Canada is just too predictable. Plus I've always wanted to visit."
"How long will it take to make the rest?" Max asked.
"By the time we get to Reading, I'll be done." Michael promised. "So is that a yes, Maxwell."
"Yes," Max said, "now can I get some sleep?"
"Sure," Maria said as she hugged Michael.
Liz's Journal-Wednesday, August 29th
And we thought it would be that easy. We have been on the road for a year now. After we left Roswell, we emptied our accounts at MAC machines, and pooled our money. Every once in a while we'd stop to get odd jobs to make cash. But do you have enough for plane tickets? And what are we going to do once we get there? Are we going to be able to leave the past behind?
"Sarah Carson." Maria said as Michael waved his hand over the passport. Next to the name Isabel's picture appeared.
"Where are we from?" Michael asked.
"Iron River, Michigan."
"How did you pick that?"
"I just closed my eyes, opened the book, placed my finger somewhere, and ta-da." Maria said with a smile.
"You and Isabel are going to be sisters."
"Pick a name."
Michael waved his hand over Maria passport.
"Sarah?" Kyle asked looking down at the passports on the bench.
"Pick a name for Max." Michael told him.
Kyle grinned evilly. "Richard."
"Why would you pick that?" Maria asked.
"Think nicknames." Kyle said smiling.
"Wha…oh." Maria smiled. "This will be interesting."
"Did you name me yet?" Kyle asked.
"Yeah, Nick Michaels." Maria answered. "Michael and you are brothers, and me and Isabel are sisters. Our cover story is that we are college kids. We go to school around here, and we are going to London for a week before school starts."
"How long have you been up?" Kyle asked.
"An hour." Maria replied. "I'm going to take the drivers seat."
She nudged Max and they switched. She started the engine and pulled the van onto the road. Max lay down on the floor and went back to sleep.
"So what are we going to do with the van?" Kyle asked.
"Jesse left the papers in the glove compartment, so I figured we'd sell it. We'll use the money along with my hidden life's savings for tickets."
"Yeah, I actually had two thousand saved for me and Maria, that I didn't tell Max about." Michael said quietly.
"Who wants coffee?" Maria asked.
Kyle and Michael raised their hands.
Two hours later-Michael is haggling with a used car salesman in Reading. While he is doing that, the girls are freshening up in the bathroom. Kyle and Max went ahead to the airport to pick up tickets.
"I looked up the ticket online last month at a library." Maria said. "About a block from the airport is a train station, it's the fastest way out of London."
"You really looked into this." Isabel commented.
"Yeah, well, it was my back up in case Max said no or we had to split up." Maria said as she pulled out her toothbrush and toothpaste.
"How did you convince Michael?" Liz asked.
"Are you kidding me?" Maria said. "He was reading travel books in school before graduation. He wanted to go to the World Cup. So, I looked up the price of tickets. Then graduation happened and it wasn't until recently that he mentioned it again. So I borrowed the passport and he started trying to make one. We tested his at Niagara Falls. That's how we knew it would work."
Liz and Isabel were speechless as they followed Maria out front to where Michael is waiting.
"So how much?" Maria asked.
"I haggle for ten minutes and the most he'll give me is $3000."
"Sounds good enough," Liz said. "So where's the airport?"
"I called a cab it's about a half hour drive."
They met Kyle and Max at the entrance. Kyle handed everyone a ticket for the very next flight to London. "So we just have to go through the metal detectors and we're home free." Michael whispered to the nervous Max.
"That's the part I'm afraid of." Max whispered back as they got in line. Isabel went first, then Kyle, Liz, Max, Michael, and Maria. After Liz went through two security guards pulled her out to pat her down and search her bag. Max watched trying hard to keep calm. "I told you this was insane." He whispered.
Maria saw a guard glance at him. 'Idiot,' she thought. "Don't be stupid." She said. "Your mom will never find out we exchanged the ticket home for tickets to London."
A guard smiled at her. Maria smiled back as Liz rejoined the group. Once they were further down the terminal, Maria slapped Max's arm.
"Are you stupid?"
"Sorry, I'm just worried."
"So are they rest of us, but you don't see us saying words like "insane." That's one of the most suspicious words right now."
iFlight to London now boarding at terminal 6.i
"That's us." Kyle said.
"Where's the terminal?" Isabel asked.
"There," Maria pointed to the terminal three down from where they were at. She noticed the bathrooms were located next to their terminal. "Hey, I'll meet you there. I gotta use the bathroom."
The group acknowledged her as she spilt away.
As she came out she saw the guard from the metal detectors standing right outside. "Melissa?" He asked looking directly at her.
Maria tried to stay calm. She looked up, "yes?" The guard looked younger close up, maybe 25ish.
"Are you sure that's your name?"
"You're headed to London right?"
Maria started freaking out. "What's going on?"
He glanced around. "My superiors are suspicious of your group. You don't seem so dangerous to me." He looked here up and down as he talked. "But apparently your friend's mention of insanity raised questions."
Maria swallowed her gum.
"They are running background checks based on your faces. If something comes up you'll be arrested by the embassy police the second you land.
"Why are you telling me this?" Maria could barely talk.
"I'm not sure something in my gut is telling me to. Go your plane is boarding." He said looking over her head.
"Thank you." Maria said, as she started to turn away. She turned back kissed his right cheek and then ran to over to where Liz is waiting for her.
"Maria, what was that about?" Liz asked.
Maria handed the flight attendant her ticket. "Where's everyone else?"
Liz handed the flight attendant her ticket. "In their seats all ready." They started down the hall to the plane. "Maria?"
Maria saw the flight attendants on either side of the hall. "Dad, knows so we have to meet him at the train station when we land."
Liz looked at Maria in confusion. "What?"
"We have to meet dad at the train station that's near the airport." Maria got on the plane and found Michael sitting at a window seat. She and Liz walked over.
"You want the window seat?" He asked standing up.
"Sure," she turned to Liz. "Don't tell, Max, yet."
Liz nodded her head and sat in the empty seat between Kyle and Max. Michael took Maria's bag and put it in the overhead storage. Maria buckled up and got comfortable. She turned to Michael as he sat down.
"We're meeting dad at the train station."
He nodded his head understanding the code for: we're in trouble, time to run again.
"Okay, is he mad?"
"He didn't say, he's stilling trying to figure out why we picked London."
"How did he figure it out?"
"He heard Max's outburst the phone."
"Great." Michael said through his teeth.
"I'm going to take a nap." She said laying her head on his shoulder.
"Maria, wake up. We're here."
Maria opened her eyes. "Already?"
"Yeah." Michael unbuckled Maria and stood up and grabbed their bags. Maria took hers from Michael and stood up. As the line moved she followed him out.
"Where's the train station?" He asked over his shoulder.
"It should only be about three blocks away." The line stopped for a minute, Maria saw a flight attendant come out of the bathroom next to her.
"Excuse me?"
The woman smiled. "Yes?"
"Do you know where King's Cross train station is?"
"Sure, go out the main entrance, turn right and it's a mile away."
"Thank you." Maria smiled.