"Damn it!"

Ryuji Suguro kicked the piece of equipment out of frustration.

"Bon! Be careful!" Konekomaru cried, taking a few steps forward to try to console the raging teen.

Kamiki Izumo strolled over to Ryuji, taunting him.

"Hah! Expect a hothead like you to freak out over the littlest things!" Izumo taunted.

They continued until their bickering caught the attention of a certain bluenette passing by.

"Guys! What's going on?" Rin was confused as to why his friends were turning on each other, and what that thing was at the bottom of the stairs.

"About time you showed up, ya idiot!" Bon stomped over to him, poking a finger into his chest. "Whilst you've been slacking off, we've been tryin' to move this thing for an hour!". He pointed over to the large item at the bottom of the stairs for emphasis.

"Jeez, sorry!" Rin obviously didn't like Ryuji shouting at him, letting him know by rolling his eyes at him while 'apologising'.

"Oh, will you two stop slacking off and help us?!" Izumo raged, seething with anger as the rest of the Exwires tried to move it, excluding Takara, who was busy with his puppet.

Run muttered out a quick apology before moving to help. He grasped the base of it, lifted, and told everyone else to do the same at the other end.

They would've, if they could get over their shock. Rin had just lifted something even the five Exwires couldn't lift, even with their combined effort! He didn't even seem to be struggling with the weight!

"Hey! I could use some help here!" The Exwires snapped out of their haze and sprang forward, managing to lift it.

15 minutes, and a lot of stairs later, they stood outside of their demonology classroom, the equipment by the door.

Everyone was tired, and it took a minute for Ryuji to ask, "How did you do that?" Rin looked at Ryuji, confused.

"Do what?"

Ya know, how did you lift up that thing so effortlessly?!" Rin finally caught onto what he was getting at, and smiled sheepishly.

"... Would you believe me if I said I don't know?"

Ryuji was silent for a second, as was everyone else, before shouting,


Run winced at how loud his voice was and rubbed the nape of his neck. "Honestly, I don't know!"

"How can you not know you have the strength of five people?!"

"Hey, Hercules didn't know how HE was so strong, so how should I?!" That was a blatant lie, and Rin knew it.

It's a good thing he was able to lie so easily after years of hiding secret fights from both his brother and his father...

Ryuji sighed. How thick could this guy be?

Konekomaru surprised everyone by quietly stuttering out, "U-um, How-how much CAN you lift, Okumura-kun?"

Huh. Rin had never actually thought about that before.

"... I don't actually know?"

Shiemi stepped forward before announcing, in a small, yet surprisingly determined, voice,

"Then why don't we see how much?"

*15 min later*

Yukio did not expect to see Rin carrying Ryuji and Renzou on his shoulders when he arrived at class that day.

He took one look at the scenario, mumbled

"Not today, Satan." And walked off. He was not dealing with this today. No way.

Vrepit sa, my kings and queens! And so I finish my first fabric on this account! So, uh, sorry if you cringed terribly. Heh, anyways, keep your eyes peeled for new book releases on this profile! Anyways, see ya laterz, pokemonlova133 is out!