Chapter I
The year was 1900 when the sun rose over the mountains on the outskirts of the Seireitei.
Feline eyes shone as the woman politely asked, "do you trust me?"
"Of course, Lady Yoruichi." A young girl who sat in front of her master nodded.
"Kisuke told me to have you by my side at all times wherever I went. He said you're important to him-"
"W-What? That creep! Don't tell me he-" she blushed at the request.
"Is not like that. Come. I'll explain on the way."
"We need to save him. Don't we?"
"You don't want to?"
"I hate him. But I'll do it for you, Lady Yoruichi."
"Thank you, Soi Fon."
She concealed away her blushed face from her master as she followed, both ninjas had covered their faces with rags and advanced through the forest. In the short run, the women arrived at Central 46. Yoruichi opened the door after they had knocked out the guards.
"Who is that?"
"Who gave you permission to enter this chamber? Leave immediately!"
The Central 46 members continued to yell out warnings and threats but they didn't listen. Yoruichi grabbed hold of Urahara, and Soi Fon had Tessai. Within seconds they all disappeared and reappeared on a secret hidden location. After planning their next move Soi Fon went on ahead to secure a Senkaimon for there departure for the Human World.
"Why did Soi Fon have to come with us, Kisuke?" Yoruichi asked.
"I change my mind about using Miss Kuchiki. Soi Fon looks like a better candidate and she is very devoted to you."
"Is that all?"
"Besides, I don't want to end on her blacklist."
96 Years Later
That rainy day in 1996 a young Ichigo walked hand to hand with his mother on his way home; from his karate practice classes when he saw a little girl about to fall into the river through which they passed.
A thought had come to his mind. He should try to grab the girl before she falls into the river.
Ichigo forgot about his mother for a second, he forgot about everything, and he ran along the riverside.
"Wait, Ichigo!" His mother cried out urgently trying to stop his son.
The mother saw the danger as clear as day.
A Hollow's bait.
Before the child could arrive at the river's edge, the girl had disappeared. The boy looked sideways but the girl seemed to have been swallowed by the earth. Ichigo stopped his tracks and stepped back. He saw a blur passed before him.
Masaki, on the other hand, could see the beastly hamster-looking Hollow with the white mask on its face, and a tentacular lure coming out of the top of its head. He had birds like features and green fur covering his body. It was Grand Fisher.
"Your soul smells very tasty for a human," the Hollow glared at the mother which put herself between them, she moved so fast, her son couldn't deduce when she arrived. "You seem to have a bigger source of spiritual energy. I think I'll leave the kid for dessert-" the Hollow howled thirstily. "If you leave now, I won't kill you," Masaki said with a warning tone in her voice holding a cross in front of her.
"I'm going to rip your souls out!" the Hollow replied launching himself forward.
Masaki raised her arm and pulled an energy bow shooting an arrow in the Hollow's shoulder, and Grand Fisher collapsed backward in pain.
"You son of a-"
Masaki lifted her arm again to summon the reishi-bow to finish the Hollow once and for all when something stopped her from using from her powers. Something started to drain her strength away. Standing behind the mother the young kid saw a beam of light.
"What's this!?" Masaki said out loud to herself as the Hollow neared her. Masaki looked at her son and at the Hollow and in that moment frozen in time, then, she decided instantly. Masaki ran toward her child and put herself between her son and an incoming attack from the Hollow. "Ichigo!" Masaki yelled taking the blow. "I can smell a soul reaper nearby, guess you're in luck today, kid. One day your soul will be mine." Grand Fisher escaped at speeds near that of sound, trying to be unnoticed by the incoming Soul Reaper.
"Mom!" he shouted. "Mom wake up…Don't leave me. Mom…there's nothing I can do …I'm too weak to protect us!" The boy couldn't move and he began to feel a bit sleepy. Ichigo's eyes continued to slowly close before he fell backward and lost consciousness.
6 Years Later
It was 2002 when a howl made itself known on the skies of Karakura Town to an orange-haired teenager. Sounds he had heard before the day his mother died. The teen made his way and followed the strange sound. A sudden crash in the ground made the roads tremble and when the smoke cleared the creature before him brought the feel of fear back into him.
Ichigo tightened his fist.
"Bastard!" The crowd around him started running away yelling something about a bomb and terrorists.
The creature was more than ten feet tall, with a fish-like mask and a dorsal fin on his back. Its shoulders and arms were plated with what appears to be a part of his mask and his body was covered with dark gray stripes, resembling the scales of a fish. Fear rushed through Ichigo's body as his eyes met the yellow glowing ones, and at that moment Ichigo smiled.
The Hollow roared once more and strolled towards the human.
"Is been six years now. I've waited long enough to take my revenge on scum like you!" Ichigo's eyes widened in panic before he noticed, for the first time, how a creature like this looked like. A question needed to be answered. What was he gonna do now? How could he fight a demon?
"Hey ugly, there's no way I'll let you leave here alive! But I want to ask you something before I kill you!" the orange-headed yelled tightening his mother's cross in the palm of his hand. The Hollow roared at him and charged at the orange-haired teen while opening its mouth as if to bite his soul out. Ichigo remembered the sensation from a few days back, his arm shook, knowing he was going to do battle and risk his life once more. In the end, that sensation made him feel pride that he was able to kill this demonic creature and save the lives of so many. He was gonna protect them all.
Black energy outlined in red surrounded the orange-haired arm where he was holding his mother's cross.
"Impossible," murmured the Hollow.
Ichigo looked confused. He witnessed the Hollow been split in half before he could transform the energy into a black energy sword. Ichigo extended his right hand forward at the body of the creature that disappeared. A person holding a katana and wearing full black tight clothes walked-in from behind the Hollow. Ichigo brought his hand together to get a better grasp at the handle and aimed towards the mysterious figure. He instinctively took a guard position waiting for an incoming attack.
"Who are you?" Ichigo asked when the figure came out of the shadows and into the light. Ichigo noticed that a headpiece of clothing covered the bottom part of the figure's face. "You're a ninja?"
The young woman pointed her sword at him which made him grasp his own even tighter.
"Why is Hollow reiatsu leaking out of you?"
Ichigo stood confused in silence at what she meant by those words.
"Answer me!"
"Hold on. Take it easy. I'm just a high school student from Karakura High!"
"You look human enough. But why you're able to make a reiryoku-blade? You're definitely not a Quincy-"
"Can't we talk this out without having to point our weapons at each other?"
Ichigo withdrew his energy blade and hid his mother's cross before she could see it.
"What are you?" Soi Fon narrowed her eyes and asked cautiously.